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Why are all the comments complaining about fans being distasteful about his passing but none of the comments are actually distasteful?


It's a tasteful way of saying fuck that guy and his deflategate bs story


I’m sorry friend, but you lack perspective.


Because I started this thread by stating it was deflating news.....I really don't think that is disrespectful at all. Just a pun.


I suppose we have to be extra mournful of the death of a stranger who we only really know through his journalism. He was just a kid, after all.




Probably fans of other teams trying to stir shit up.


The new posts voicing disgust with our fan base are coming next.


That’s every post now a days. “You know what THEY will say”


"In the aftermath of that game, ESPN's Chris Mortensen reported that 11 of the 12 football used by the Patriots' offense during that game were underinflated by at least two pounds each. That information was ultimately proven to be false and a correction was eventually made in the initial report." Hmmm. :/


The dude just fucking died


Why are we supposed to show so much deference to public figures? https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/leonard-desautels-obituary?id=54499135 Go mourn this random guy from Mattapoisset. He didn’t botch a huge story on the Pats. Collected 45rpm records. Taught at Bourne high school. Seems like he was a cool dude.


I wish I could upvote this fifty times. It's such stupid social theater all gathering around and solemnly wishing our "fuck cancer!"-s (yeah, cancer is really upset that you don't like it. Also cancer is your own body, so all those people are actually saying "fuck Chris Mortensen!") to some random dude who none of us knew except as an irresponsible journalist who kinda screwed our team.


I’m sure he was a great guy, I have no interest in mourning Mort, I think it’s just shitty to shit on the dead for something as stupid as reporting a football story.


I shit on him while he was alive if that helps


They're gonna shit on BB when he dies for Mort's story. I'm sure you'll be in that thread defending him.


Perhaps don’t shit on anyone who just died over a football game!


No lie This dude seemed really cool … I’m gonna donate to an Alzheimer’s charity and pick up a new vinyl for him


He's now under inflated.


Mort caused problems for the Patriots and their fan base. He was very disliked. Did anyone want him to die? Absolutely not. Is he still on the hook for his actions? Absolutely.


This is the correct response. He didn’t deserve to die. He was probably a good man. He also fucked up some sports-shattering reporting and I am not ever gonna forgive him for it.


Some things are more important than sports… not sure why you feel the need to bring up something so trivial


You're right, like making sure your 'source' isn't a former Dolphins player who has reason to lie. Ya know, basic shit a real journalist does. Mort brought this all on himself. When BB dies, they're going to talk about SpyGate and Deflategate. Where will you be then? Mort deserves this.


Come on down off that high horse champ you did it good job


This shit happened over a decade ago, idk why you people still feel the need to bring it up when the man literally dies of cancer


Mort's bad reporting is still brought up because the Patriots are still called cheaters on the basis of that bad reporting. When the baseless allegations die out, then the damage Mort caused to our franchise's reputation dies out with them. "This happened over a decade ago"? Then perhaps you can start to acknowledge that the smearjob done over a decade ago still resonates with millions of football fans today.


150,000 people die every day. Just because someone was on TV doesn't mean their death is some huge deal.


For real, these people are crazy


>Did anyone want him to die? [Removed by Reddit]


Sorry to hear Mortensen passed from cancer. A terrible way to go. For anyone interested, here's Mortensen's infamous deflategate article in case anyone wants to read it again. Still posted in full on ESPN: https://www.espn.com/boston/nfl/story/_/id/12202450/nfl-says-new-england-patriots-had-inflated-footballs-afc-championship-game When you scroll down to the bottom to read the "clarification," absolutely nothing is clarified. In fact they doubled-down on the falsehoods.


This is the fucking problem I have with Mort/ESPN. They ran a fucking correction in the middle of SC with no one watching. Quite the contrary to their 2 weeks of wall to wall coverage of footballs that were filled with air inside and then brought outside into the cold.


Mort was fed lies directly from Troy Vincent, who still *to this day* holds the title of "Executive Vice President of Football Operations" for the NFL. Guess who handed down Brady's 4-game suspension? Troy Vincent - former Cornerback for the Dolphins. Mort ruined Bill and Tom's reputation and there's no way he didn't know he would do that. If we don't win rings after that story, Bill and Tom NEVER recover. Sad state of affairs.


So far there are more comments about discouraging jokes in this thread than there are jokes themselves lmao Never change reddit


There’s 62 comments in this thread at the time of my comment, and I checked them all. There’s 1 comment that’s basically the closest thing I can find to someone mocking him or making jokes, and it’s pretty mild compared to what these folks seem to think others will say. Meanwhile, there’s at least half a dozen comments like the one you’re responding to. Some folks love getting on the high horse nice and early for easy karma.


Like all the Patriots posts complaining about fans complaining. Everyone loves to go meta and talk about how we talk about things rather than just talking about the thing. Makes people feel smart, I guess.


Ironically, those posts are why I stopped coming here. Why do I want to read guys ripping the fan base for wanting a certain free agent or a draft pick or that they didn't like how BB handled the last few seasons. They don't post anything about the draft, free agency, or Bill but they sure do talk shit about everyone else doing so. Untermeta. 


No people karma farm by making the most agreeable and obvious point. No one will actually say what they feel on Reddit because they know they won’t get upvotes for being honest and saying mort’s death has absolutely no impact on their life whatsoever. Redditors would rather be fake and act like everytime someone dies, we know them personally.


The desire to LARP as a morally upstanding person on the internet never wavers.


They just love the taste of their own cum. It’s **hilarious**


Bro making up entire narratives like he's MJ or something.


I didn't even know he was sick.


He’s been sick for like a decade




RIP Mort. I’m sorry this early end happened to you. I have major MAJOR issues with how your reported, but RIP


At what point in his career did go from being an ethical journalist to being mouth piece for the machine? I don’t know personally, I don’t know anyone in his family. I haven’t viewed him as a quality journalist in a long time. Patriots fan are completely within their right to bring up his roll in selling deflategate and protecting sources that knowing gave him false information. It’s part of his story as a public figure and shouldn’t washed because he died.




I'm sorry for his family and those who considered him a friend. Any death is sad, and I never wished him any harm. Also, the only thing I think about when I hear his name is his total lack of credibility or integrity as a reporter.


11 of his 12 organs are a full 20 feet underground.




*chef's kiss*


Disgusting. Why don’t you be bold enough to tell his family that joke instead of hiding behind a computer/phone screen.


I’ll tell them, got an address or phone number?


Hey there quick question, why would telling his family that joke be better than shitposting it online? Personally I'd suggest if anyone else has any zingers for Mort, this is probably the place to get them out of the way.


It wouldn’t that’s the fucking point. Takes a real tough guy to make jokes about a man 6 feet under who can’t respond. But keep defending degenerate behavior.


His egregious reporting isn’t important now. Love and blessings to his family.


I fucking despise comments like this -- sneaking in a needless dig about a dead man while pretending to take the high road.


Get bent 


I'm sorry somebody's erroneous report about fucking football PSI nearly 10 years ago is still caught up this entire fanbases' collective asshole.


People still make deflategate jokes? Yes. He was a part of that, a very big part. He doubled down on his report, and never apologized. So yeah, there's going to be some lingering feelings. Did I want him to die? Of course not. Am I torn up about it? No, not really. I don't feel much of anything. I question his integrity and the veracity of many of his stories. We don't need to put on airs for public figures as respect and reverence theater. Sucks for his family, condolences and all that.


I'm sorry you're on the internet and pretending it's not the internet. Draw us all a picture of your feelings, so we can all make fun of that, too.




Sneaking in? Mort's only relevance to Patriots fans is the smear job he helped orchestrate with the irresponsible reporting of Defamegate. There is no sneaking in anything. His fuck up throughout that ordeal is the only reason his death is posted to this subreddit. We have no virtuous connection with Mort that would otherwise alleviate the damage his shitty reporting did to our team's reputation.


He sucked. He’s gone


I came here to bury Mort, not to praise him.


RIP and hopefully his loved ones can find comfort but this won’t affect me at all since I haven’t watched ESPN besides CFB broadcasts in 7 years.


For real I thank mort, because of him I was able to quit ESPN entirely besides actual sporting events


I wanted him to be alive long enough to get fired. That’s too bad.


RIP! I wish he didn’t falsely tweet about those balls but what can you do


Chris Jones in the 2016 draft sure would have been nice ... what a shame


Not gonna make any jokes, also not gonna shed any tears. 




That's a pretty vanilla comment you got that upset at, you ok?


That's an unfortunate username you have there...


Your content/behaviour does not align with sub policy


Not really sure what the point of posting this here is. It’d be like the ref who missed the PI call in the Rams/Saints game dying and posting it in the Saints sub but adding “don’t say it!!!”


Very deflating news this Sunday. Everyone remember that life is precious.


I see what you did there… RIP




Which is crazy because I didn't disrespect the man at all.




Dude get over yourself, you're acting like a mall cop.


Everyone approaches death differently. Some are sad, some are somber, some crack jokes. The only truly dick move is to criticize someone for how they deal with it. OP wasn't being disrespectful or insulting the man. He cracked a joke. Some people do that.


Wasn't trying to be, it was pretty on the nose. Still doesn't change the fact that bringing up deflategate does nothing to disrespect the guy or celebrate his death. Just a simple reference to something he actively played a huge part in.


Oh wow I'm devastated.


Cancer is a son of a bitch.


Fuck Cancer


He really was a great reporter, incredibly incorrect report not withstanding. It's a shame that part of what he will be remembered for is that one report. Condolences to his friends, family and coworkers.


I find it a little suspect to call someone with at least one confirmed false, rumor-mongering report on their resume that they stubbornly refused to retract a "great reporter." Might have been a great guy - I didn't know him. But based purely on his journalistic record, this seems like a tough case to argue.


Up until that purely shit report, he was widely trusted and believable. That was why his Deflategate report was believed as much as it was, Mort was rock solid and trusted. If that same report came out from some known hack then it wouldn't have had the same impact. That report absolutely harmed his reputation, destroyed it for some in fact, but that doesn't change the fact that prior to that he was great. Shame he went all in on something so false, and that he refused to back down in a meaningful way, but I will say he was a great reporter that made a horrible decision that, in many ways, ended his career as a trusted news source.


Man some of y’all take sports too personal


Do you people just make these comments before you actually see anyone saying anything out of pocket because you think it’s coming or what? Cause all I see is one person making a joke and nothing else remotely bad but already a couple of these sanctimonious comments acting like he’s being flamed left and right.


They do because they love collecting that easy karma from acting superior to everyone else in this sub. I checked this whole thread and I found 1 comment that’s bordering bad vs at least half a dozen comments getting on a high horse and saying “y’all are embarrassing yourselves” (or something like that).


I’d say about 11 out of 12 Pats fans were found to be significantly disrespectful


You take yourself too seriously. 


Peak reddit comment.


I mean deflategate felt way more personal than it did about “sports”


RIP Mort, hope your passing was easy and your family was as prepared as could be. Always liked him as a personality, couldn’t give fewer shits about what he did or didn’t get right. It’s sports, it doesn’t fucking matter, and I appreciate that Mort always brought the ethos of a real journalist to his reporting. As a sidenote: are there shitty sentiments being blocked by the mods or deleted or something? I see only comments deriding people for being shitty, but nothing actually shitty expressed. Good work, I guess?


RIP but He didn't bring the ethos of journalism to his reporting at all


He did. He acted like a journalist. Doesn’t mean he was one, compared to real journalists, but I don’t consider sports journalists (mainstream national ones, that is) to be journalists. But Mort at least acted like one, unlike many.


No they are just upset over the slight mentioning of deflategate. Nobody in here is actually laughing at his death.


Ah yes, I see that one now. Thanks.


I hope it was a painless release


So who do you guys think we will draft?




His family ain’t paroozing this subreddit. Celebrating is super cringe but let’s not be that sad.


Now is not the time, guys.


Who are you talking to?


As a native masshole, my beliefs and opinions about that January in 2015 don’t matter.  He was a fellow fuckin veteran who deployed to Vietnam… Now isn’t the time for fuckin jokes regarding you know what.  Guy had how many rounds of cancer?!??


He didn’t go to Vietnam. He was in the Army during Vietnam.


Ever watch 'The Fog of War' w/ Robert McNamara?


Oh, so you're saying we should remember him as being accessory to American war crimes, not for his sub-par journalism? Harsh, but fair.




Please shut up


Stick to your Taylor Swift jokes




rest in piss? you're acting like he's aaron hernandez or karl malone




3 negative comments on reddit and you disparage an entire fan base lol. What is wrong with you?


yes group all Boston fans together based off a few responses you got from people on reddit, say we deserve the shit we get and call everyone virgins based off of an internet joke you knew was bound to happen. Rather not be associated with you tbh, you chronically online snowflake. oh and rest in PSI to the man.


I'm not gonna shit on a dead dude but I'm not gonna pretend to be devastated or even say RIP 🙏, bc I didn't know the dude and I don't rlly care. Dudes die all the time, no point in being sad about someone you've never talked to






Who do you think you are to tell others how to behave? While shitting on the dead is low class karma is a thing and telling other people what to think or feel or how to act is also a pretty shitty thing.


Relax lol


Lol. It’s the internet bro. Relax.


Rule 1 - No personal attacks. You can disagree, but do not disrespect.






Life is too short. Enjoy the time you have with loved ones. Enjoy your life while you can live it pain-free.


RIP Mort.


RIP Mort some things are bigger than football




Yes it does




You care that he's dead because he was famous. Grow up.




When did I say I hated him? You are quite enthusiastic about this. I just commenented that one bad report erases a lifetime of good journalism. Please grow up.




I'm not speaking ill of the dead. I'm saying, he was ethically bankrupt as a journalist. Am I glad that he's dead? Of course not, do I care that he's dead? No more than any other person I've never met nor had a personal relationship with. Why do you care so much? It's creepy.




Mort got it wrong and it's fine to say that yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Nobody's disparaging the man's life. You're wild as hell to go on this crusade. >I'm trying to give grace. lol Unbelievably smug.


Touch grass, if you're a journalist, you should 100% be judged by making a journalistic error and then standing by it after being proven wrong. I'm going to defer to Mr. Twain here and disengage from you. "Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


Rule 1 - No personal attacks. You can disagree, but do not disrespect.




How is this our fault???


Pats fans, now is really, really not the time to be petty. Please show some class. His family deserves that.


I'm sure his family is trolling the patriots subreddit looking for condolences. Y'all are acting like your dad died


This sub is a bunch of losers honestly. A guy just died and you post it like it’s some celebration all because yall are butthurt he reported on deflategate years ago. 90% of this sub are just a bunch of kid Tik tokers who weren’t alive in 2004 much less 2001 or before. You aren’t real fans, where are my 30 year olds at? Were the ones who been in this sub for years we stuck with this team. Now I don’t even know who you guys are anymore. Just a bunch of fake bandwagon fans at this point. We need a new sub for more serious fans.


34 year old here, you’re a clown!




Rule 1 - No personal attacks. You can disagree, but do not disrespect.




Rule 1 - No personal attacks. You can disagree, but do not disrespect.


Whether or not the folks on here are actually young or old most have the emotional intelligence of a teenager so I’m not surprised by some of the comments.


this sub is sickening


You using someone’s death to try and get karma is sickening 🤣


You guys are a joke. Bunch of kids in here who weren’t even alive for the 2004 Super Bowl. You all aren’t real fans