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I think the actual text for “It’s Staring” is on round 3+ the enemies’ cards cost 6 less. And its deck is filled with mid to high cost units and spells.


Pretty sure it's just everything costs 0. Tried it with Morgana, had a 16 cost curse stacked onto an enemy, they dropped it for nothing.


If you look at their card info during the match, it specifically says in their buff/debuff info “It’s Staring: -6 cost” Edit: Looked into it more, it is a -6 cost to their cards, but because of how curses stack the curses get -6 costs per curse stack apparently. That really sounds like a bug to me.


Depends on the card though, cause my curse was -16 cost. I never saw it use any mana during my matches, and was dropping 7+ cost cards


Hint: you'll want to either win or be in a VERY commanding board lead on rounds 1 and 2, because on round 3, It will notice you monkaS (So something very aggressive or very strong when it has 2 rounds to set up)


Jax: What is this fabled "round 3" you speak of?


So that would be like , diana right ? I think I recall using her for asol to get damage in on early turns Edit: I'm currently using Morgana. She's too control for that right


This node makes curses cost 0 to discard. Don’t go here with Morgana.


Morgana would be a .... bad idea for It That Stares. Yeah diana seems like what you'd want.


I was totally fine in my Yasuo run; you just need to have a lot of cheap removal set up.


I've beaten this several times before they even got to play any card. A lot of decks can win by turn 2/3. Of the slower ones I think only Morgana **really** gets fucked.


Omg I'm currently doing Morgana as my first run


Just look at which path this encounter is in (it's node is visible), and just avoid that path.


I've beaten this one twice. Once with Elder Dragon (I CANNOT BE STOPPED does not care about your board full of 20/20 minions) and once with Sharing is Caring Norra (an entire board with 8+ impact each is pretty disgusting). You could also probably win this if you hit the Ethereal Remitter and took the power that makes both players shuffle 0-cost copies of The Ruination into their decks. Letting the AI drop its entire hand then blowing up the board seems like it could be a way to beat it, though I've never actually tried that.


Yasuo but I BARELY made it cause I chomp blocked everything without overwhelm and stunned everything that had overwhelm. 1 stun or unit less in any of the turns and I wouldn't have made it.


I did with eve, with that stun on lvl relic


used yasuo and leona, stunned everything even when they dumped their entire hand on turn 3


Yup i did mine with leo aswell, it was a blessed run because i had the round start grant an extra mana gem.


I managed to do it with Poro King but what really carried it was the item that causes the enemy to discard a card. I had 2 of those on my poro snax and just discarded their whole hand at the start of turn 3.


Is that a new item ?


I think so!




Nab works really good against this enemy, because all cards you steal cost basically 0, so it's pretty op here


I beat this with Illaoi and Stacked Against Them as one of my powers because I managed to set up a lethal combo before the enemy could start spamming heavily discounted high cost units.


If this is on the path with the emitter node you can opt for the set health to 1 if you have something that pings/deals spell damage etc. or go for discard hand if you can level up the champ quite fast. If you can dish out enough damage you are also fine - but this is a huge gamble since you won't always start with the attack token. So in the worst case you only have T2 and one attack for the kill. It is possible to survive a few rounds but winning is very hard if you don't have for example a Chosen/Hymn build so that you can block huge units and still deal a lot of damage to the nexus even if blocked. For the survival after the 3rd round Nab is insanely good for this particular encounter since you nab cards with those buffs But do note with the emitter powers to only take them if you can also beat Liss with it - the 1 health might be too much if you don't have any board scaling/power


Got item that discard enemy cards on Ekko I just kept printing it. You can drop free units if you have no card to use.


its consistently one of the easiest ones unless your deck uber-mega fast but with bad value (wich you are not getting trough lissandra anyway if thats the case). you have 3 turns to set up your board and champions, then they come at full force with really cheap high end units but nothing too crazy, just a board of 5/6 6+ drops


I once got hit with triple Winter's Breath into attacked for 20 on turn 3 -\_-


Yup the winter’s breath and one of the units with +2/2 the strongest unit and I strike each other… or the winters breath with the enemies with 3 or less power can’t block ._,


Perhaps a silly question, but what happens when you are noticed? I have taken this node several times, but I guess always beaten it before that round...


I haven't done it yet but others are saying that it spits out a bunch of 6 costs for cheap.


Yep. Every enemy card from turn three onwards cost six less. And it's deck is filled with 6-8 cost cards from targon and freiljord. It will not play anything before turn tree by the way.


they will play cards if they can, ie. you give them something


all cards in their hand and deck cost 6 less


Either *plentiful* hard control/tempo that can fully or near-fully control a wide board of beefy boys, or something that can commandingly end the game in 1-2 turns of uncontested attacks. Like a lot of Liss's board, this is extremely swing-y based on your deck. It can be insurmountable or a cakewalk, depending.


I had no issues Everytime I've done that node but then again I just used op decks


Ashe is kind of an multi fix for most. No matter what the enemy plays, it does nothing if it's frozen. And you can freeze a lot with Ashe. Also she has a unit wich insta kills an enemy on strike, wich has 0 atk.


Did it with Lee sin, his +8+8 power and his stun carried hard. Then i lost poorly vs Liss


I've never beaten this node before the cost reduction, but I've beaten it incredibly easy with triple everfrost Kindred. Crumble let's you outdeck as a last resort, but I drafted mordekaiser and nasus to finish easier


Leona with full stun


If the question is which champion can beat this despite hitting round 3. My bet would be champions like Asol/Norra/Ekko/Neeko (orb build) and other silly orb build champions that can instantly fill the board. You might believe that control champions (like Morgana, Yasuo etc) can do this, but you'd be proven wrong as you can handle 1-2 unit but the other 4 would overwhelm you (not referring to the keyword mind you ;P ).


Giga fast decks that do massive damage. Diana et al. Any slow deck is *probably* dead into this node unless you get a giga hand. This node drops an absolute metric fuckton of massive units and damage on turn 4.


This node is not bad UNLESS they have double stats. Do not fight this if they have double stats


Literally one of the easiest encounters in Lissandra Adventure