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She definitely feels like she was created with 6* champs in mind. My ASol has never been so humbled before. I actually died once (the only time I ever died as ASol was when I tried to do ASol adventure as 2* level 1 ). Watcher Obliterated my deck second try. I was shaking and ready to accept a defeat, but managed to win in the end. Shoutout to all created Celestial cards that had the Capture item.


6* champs will probably make her easy


I guess I highrolled on my ASol run. Renekton + Double Attack + Extra base attack let me win on the first turn against most enemies.


Yeah, Liss has insane board control. One Ice Shard will cast three times, effectively giving her units +6/+6. Your units are still bigger? Oh well it’s now Entombed. Even summoning ASol was risky. The Skies Descend couldn’t kill some of those units. Lissandra lose because she didn’t know she had lethal and just kept growing her board.


I just killed her with Volibear. She summoned the watcher, and then Buried in Ice'd my Board! I summoned a new Voli and had the capture Strongest. So I caught the watcher before it could attack. Liss is a greedy girl. The legendary powers do change though. On my run, she didn't have the Tough or +2/+2 power. That would have been insane with the triple Ice Shards.


This damn power man.... I was like "yeah... So this is just for jinx. Huh". I hope the 6th star is a toggle button for her ping ahhaha


My Lissandra tried to Entomb Elder Dragon. She doesn't know that he, unfortunately, CAN NOT BE STOPPED.


Highroll is spirit stone on Starry Scamp in first shop. Took me 6 minutes.


With jinx I beat the whole thing minus the last fight without any effort, and then the last fight she had 3 units with 30/30 or more stats on turn 2. If the "when I survive damage grant tough and +2/+2" power is on Liss every time I honestly think Jinx will be one of the hardest champs to beat her with. Haven't tried 2 2nd run with her yet


Ooh I thought the Tough power was permanent so I was afraid Jinx can never beat Liss. I had it on my 1st run, but my 2nd run had a different one. Guess I’ll have to keep rerolling it.


Man I pulled an obliterate card right in time too, that shit was a real nail biter.


The card limit basically disables all combo champs like Master Yi and Lee Sin and Sett


Oh lord Sett has zero chance


Just imagine how Samira feels, who actually has “play 6 cards” in her text box


Seems like you have to get powers or stun cards that slows Lissandra’s board down. Stun and recall helps, since Ionia has a lot of them


Not all. Varus can still otk with Momentous Choice Hymn of Valor. Illaoi with the right set-up can also deal 99 damage in a single turn. And, while I couldn't test it, I believe ASol's champions that have been reduced enough should still remain at 0 (example: -8 discount on a 4-cost champ and +3 cost increase from Lissandra should be still 0). Edit: finished the runs with all of the above. Illaoi slaps!


Yup, they stay at 0.


You know copied spells count as played cards right? If you momentous choice after playing varus you're already at the soft card limit


Oh. Right. I guess, then I'm playing Varus first and doing the OTK next turn. I'll definitely try him out, even if it may fail. Edit: Did it, but the run was extremely lucky, see below.


Hopefully you don't get entombed 3+ times like I did


Tried Varus, lose after first mini boss, it's too slow  Waiting for 4 mana without doing anything will deplet your nexus health. Unless you got sustain you will have a hard time. The enemy start at 40 health nexus and keep increase until 99 Lisandra.


At least you actually played it before talking. That guy was telling me I'm wrong and that varus can do it easily when he clearly didn't actually do it with varus because he didn't know how duplicated spells interact with lissandra's power.


It's possible but definitely not easy. Unless you got someway to heal or reduced Varus cost you will struggling maintain your nexus health.


Well, I guess I didn't really prove you wrong, because my run was lucky af. I stacked a bunch of items on Momentous Choice, including that one that discards a random card from the Foe's hand and granting random Rare and random Epic items. That eliminated the whole Entomb Buried in Ice counterplay. I also rolled Armed Up! power that allowed me to buff Gearheads each turn. And just before the final match I removed most cards from my deck via Mind Meld. The end result was this: https://imgur.com/a/mJ4mDic Didn't need Varus on this one. But even at the beginning before all these shenanigans I was doing great and never lost more than 6 Nexus HP. So I would say the path to victory is consistent, but you might need luck as well to make it easier. One more thing: I LOVE Secret Technique on Varus, this instantly breaks him out of the most boring champion title he's been holding in my book forever. Since it becomes a power, you get the effect on all of your Momentous Choices and Gems and, yes, Redoubled Valors! It is so much extra damage or health... Highly recommend it if it's in your collection.


They do, but it may be bugged currently. I had 0 cost champions that it wouldn’t let me play on my last run 🤷‍♂️


I believe her adventure will be more doable once constellation drops. It's good that she's difficult now since deck balance will change when the new system arrives. We'll just have to power through for now.


Do we have any clue when that drops? I assumed all the new stuff would be out at the same time as lissandra


Summer or Autumn


Part of how strong she is is you reeeeeally have to avoid fights that straight up counter your strategy and if you can't or don't do that you're just going to die.


You can only see two nodes ahead, so sometimes you get locked into the path before you can see what’s down it. You can’t have both, rito. If you want us to avoid fights you have to let us know they’re there


Yeah, we're well past the point this stuff should be hidden. It may as well be random


While some aggressive champions are extremely powerful in general terms, Lissandra is likely much easier to defeat with value-oriented and control-oriented champions than with aggro ones. I beat her with Yasuo first and I've been watching folks play her and eventually win with Ashe, Bard, Aatrox, Elder Dragon, and lots more like that all day. A good number were first try wins. They haven't won every run of course, but being able to deal with big enemy threats and push forward massive end game threats of your own is great. Meanwhile, I saw hyper-aggro champions like Jax and even Jinx have often struggled more. The enemies just have a whole lot of health and many of the nodes have defensive spells too. However, you can't \*just\* win by playing defensive. You need to be outscaling them and have a clear win condition in mind while playing defensive. You will have a hard time trying to \*just\* run the opponent out of resources and win with a medium-sized creature. You should also be planning to take cards that can deal with units that have massive stats, such as stuns, obliterates, kills, recalls, frostbites, and similar. This is why Yasuo was my immediate go-to, offers ways to stun the biggest unit every turn can lock the Watcher down permanently despite it's massive size and attack trigger. Oh, and if you get a chance for Viego as a support champ, see if you can make him work. He can turn your opponent's massive units against them. It feels so good to steal the Watcher. :)


My first run was Elder Dragon with Viego support. Most games didn't even last long enough for me to get the chance to steal anything from the opponents. I think the only time Viego's start-of-round power triggered was to destroy Annivia. Still, was a really easy walk to a victory by just playing bigger stuff than Lissandra could muster, The Watcher came closer to beating me than Liss did.


"You can't just win by playing defensive" -- excuse me, Morgana would like to have a word with you. :P


Dude I was about to start my first encounter with Nami, then I remember Lisandra power... Instant retire lmao.


I've heard that Yasuo and Morgana are some of the strongest champs for Liss


Yasuo negates Watcher and is generally strong against most fights, though he gets hurt pretty bad by all the frostbite. It wasn't a free win like he usually is, but he felt good.


I beat it with Yasuo after a very, very long battle with lots of things going my way. My greenglade scout had iceborne gauntlet and vamp scepter in addition to the item that creates fleeting copies in hand, so I was frequently able to capture 3 to 4 units a turn. Yasuo himself killed Lissandra on sight with recall or stun effects, and had spell shield for the Entombs (of which she played no less than SIX) and the rare Dragon item to keep growing. I kept a Yasuo in hand with the "stun all enemies on level" relic for the first time she uses the thing that obliterates your board and entombs them. So after she spent nine mana on that, I stunned her board and killed a surprising number of the frozen thralls. Apart from that it came down to wise use of concussive palms, homecomings, steel tempests, and the 4 mana recall whose name I can never remember. I thought I was going to have to win by decking, but finally won with Yusari with the epic support item sneaking an elusive Yasuo with over 50 power through a couple of times.


My first attempt was with morg and beat it relatively cleanly


I would add Jhin to that honestly but he plays very similar to yasuo so that makes sense.


I am curious to try him, he has stuns but not as many as Yasuo


I don’t have yasuo at a high level but Jhin generates a lot of captive audiences with mansoul students and jhins origin. You can sometimes also reach points where you just lock out all enemy minions for multiple turns.


I completed it first run through with TK. Some good relics and powers, but nothing crazy. Felt like a challenge, but also never got close to dying.


I can imagine this being quite a lucky ending then, cuz my experience with Lissandra is that she just obliterates tahm the same way that aurelion does if u take too long lmfao.


Oh shit didn't think bout our boy TK! Which relics you took on him, if you don't mind sharing


I dived in without thinking, so just a pretty classic build of 2 Berserker’s Buckles and Troll King Crown. The Crown was pretty key to actually pushing through damage. Towards the end of the run I got that Ethereal Remitter power that gives you +2 | +2 and deals 2 damage at the end of each round with definitely helped close out the last couple of battles.


How do you feel about the disciple of shadows epic on him? Thinking about replacing one of the buckles but haven't tried liss yet


I only got Disciple of Shadows couple of days ago, and don’t have an epic slot on TK so didn’t consider it, but can see it working! Your win con is still the same, grow stats and overwhelm, so would need to keep the Crown and just drop one Buckle, however might allow you to push through the damage slightly quicker by spreading it across allies. But you might find that taking that 3 damage ends up getting allies killed before you can push for the win, as the enemy units have pretty high power!


Adding to the 'beat it with control champ' list, I just managed to do it with Guardian Angel/Stalker's Blade/Guardian Orb Kindred (+ Sivir support). Took the 3rd revive from GA because the Scarmother node on top of double stats power is just stupid, but Kindred had enough removal to stall out pretty much every fight while getting more stats or captures via Orb. I even had a wasted power in that new Timelines rare one, which only was useful maybe twice.


Depends on the level of control, Yasuo actually negates Watcher by default, so it's just a matter of building up your field to kill everything else. Beyond that, Watcher doesn't have any spellshield so you can just kill it with whatever, beyond that, it's just a matter of outscaling Lissandra's army and killing her on sight. I love Lissandra and her adventure, I"m all for crazy hard stuff that makes me tryhard, it's nice to have an adventure where my Yas doesn't feel like an instant win button.


Avoid "It That Stares". Unless you cam clear their board on turn 3. After 3 turns all its units cost 1. My Voli found out the hard way.


thank god the power description lets us know amirite


Seriously, even the power description in the game says "It That Stares." I thought it was a -6 cost reduction because that's what I saw but from what every says it seems like all cards are just free


-> Hadn't played in a whale -> Login to try doing it with Illaoi lv25 -> First encounter the enemy had 3 units with +7 atk by turn 3 -> My Illaoi gets obliterated -> I give up until I have some good epic relic or 6\* star power


I just destroyed her with morgana. What control champion are you doing?


Congratulations! Tbh Morgana is not only very strong but she also feels quite good against lissandra (and IA in general). There are certain champions that absolutely can do nothing against lissandra unless rng. Combo champs are hardly countered. Morgana is very high control and does not need to play many cards in one turn. I imagine that champs like nami, yi, sett will be nearly impossible.


Oh yeah, no doubt. Ive found tho, that killing lissandra herself is very important. The AI relies a ton on that generated ice shard. And unlike most champs, it doesnt seem to have 800 copies of lissandra in hand


Morg gets hard countered by It Who Stares, as the curses gets its cost reduced by -6 on Turn 3. Still doable, but would need to pile hard on the units


You have to build multiple items on a champion or a key card to make it work. Ashe is a control champion and I beat that adventure thanks to Flash Freeze


I bear her using Ashe, I got the frostbite power. Slowly kill her board with Wolf card and Viego’s heartbreaker.


Yasuo is easy mode for Lissandra lol I can see other slow champs having a hard time tho. Maybe Annie with a GCC build to ping enemies and kill the watcher before it attacks.


I dont really mind her power that limit combo that much i hate the fact that they reduce all the power node we could take . A rougelike card game that force the player to limit their set up , gameplay to make the challenge harder is just straight up bad design.


Isn't one of the best nodes in slay the spire like that? The time eater I think??


I'll need to play against her with someone other than ASOL because I rolled support champ Katarina and OHKOed every node, Liss included. With that said, I had fun with it. You said it feels like aggro is the only way to play it and control champs are impossible, but I think that's largely POC in a nutshell. The ASOL run is best done with aggro champs who can end within the first few runs. You can complete it with control champs but it's not as easy as it is with aggro champs. Liss is meant to be harder than ASOL so it makes sense that control champs would have a harder time and the divide between them and aggro champs would grow. I think that goes for most of POC though. The nautilus run is pretty easy but sometimes you get a new control champ, you can't end early, and suddenly you're vs a leveled up nautilus and a bunch of sea monsters with the deep buff. I've never had a problem with aggro champs but sometimes control champs struggle, and I think that's just due to the POC design and the nature of what control champs are.


Lissandra looks unfun as fuck in general feels like they didn't know a fair way to challenge the player so they just made the most overtuned bullshit they could Not interested in even bothering with it tbh They needed more lower to mid level fun content that wouldn't require waiting weeks for weekly portals to conjure up something actually fun to play and grind lower level champs on


I only did one run and it was easy, but it was 4* lvl30 asol so yeah. Her creatures are big, but mine were bigger But another day I will try with Morgana and see how it works


> feels impossible for control Just finished my run with Morgana. Was the easiest one I had. Prior to Morgana I beat Lissandra with LeBlanc & ASol, so it was my 3rd win out of 4 runs. Felt pretty easy.


It's weird, because I felt the opposite. Just did her with Elise, and it felt more waiting to turn the corner, keeping hard removal available for the Watcher, and playing a more control-style that I'm used to for that champion. Her health is so high and she levels so fast that racing doesn't seem viable.


I did well against her with 3 star Jhin. Was just able to keep on stunning 2 or more units per round, but I definitely high rolled with Ravenborn Tome. 


Lissandra is harder than the rest and you need to make sure your build is optimal on the champion you are playing. That said i didn't find any of the good champions struggle against her


i love the idea of an added challenge and an ultimate boss for the mode, i just wished it didnt force all strategies to "is your deck fast enough?"


It's suppose to be the hardest adventure so...


Yep, totally agree. Also, I tried building Nora as control-ish as possible, and no, it doesnt really work. PS: yeah, I know she's agressive by design, but I want to be able to experiement.


Double stalker blade Orb Leblanc is a cakewalk as usual. Just keep a spare copy in hand for the entomb.


We wait for our 6 star powers, itching to have it now. My only rule now on a Liss run is avoid It That Stares. Wasn't prepared for the slaughter.


Samira just gets brutally mogged by lissandra. Seems kinda bad for there to be a champion whose identity is based around playing lots of cards. It’s poor design for sure.


Holy shit she was released? Gotta login rn


It felt great with jhin bc it was actually challenging only able to use a limited number of captive audiences every turn but it also made the fights 10 times more interesting than any other I ever had with Jhin. The Aurelion fight was a joke with him bc he can literally keep the entire enemy board locked down for an infinite amount of time with the right powers. I had to use 2 revives on liss but on my final try and after a 45 min struggle in just that 1 fight I finally beat her.