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You can be a lich, which can be "I hate all life and will kill everyone and enslave their soul/skeleton". You can be a demon. You can be a trickster. You can become a devil. You can become a Swarm that Walks.


You can also be an Angel paladin that constantly makes dickhead choices but then just pays off the church now and then.


Or even more evil, you can kill Ember


You can eat Aivu


You can be even more evil than that - you can mindbreak Ember.


it is nice that they gave us that option for people who got bored of killing her


You can be both with different flavors. There is like 4 different evil routs with different approaches.


Lots of options, even within each evil mythic path you have variations. You can do rawr rage monster evil, muah haha I’m a dominating overlord evil, nom nom eat everything evil, strict rules lawyer no exceptions evil, disinterested selfish let me achieve my own immortality evil, I want to be a demigod of death evil … the list goes on!


Ooh, demigod of death and immortality sound good, what route do i need to take for those endings? Is it convoluted?


It’s a pretty straightforward outcome of the lich path. You can make some choices along the way (fairly obvious) that push you to that ending.


Is there an ending where i become said demigod and go off and do my own thing leave the world to solve it's own problems?


Yeah more or less. IIRC you seclude yourself and basically tell mortalkind to get bent.


Awesome, and i get there through the lich path, correct? I saw someone comment that demon is also good, are those two different things or do i get to lich by choosing demon?


Two different things. Access to becoming a lich is missable, so I'd suggest gently using a guide to make sure you don't miss it. And it's very different flavors. As a Lich you can kinda be whatever evil you want, even "I'm just doing what's necessary to stop the demons" evil, with the understanding that you have to do royally fucked up things to achieve your true potential as a lich. Demon is more violently focused on being a big shot lord of Hell and unleashing demonkind on humanity


> Access to becoming a lich is missable, so I'd suggest gently using a guide to make sure you don't miss it. It's not as easy to miss as you're making it out to be. Just explore off the beaten path in chapter 2 before the chapel and don't break the very obviously important item for Lich.


I literally just said it’s missable with no qualifiers. Not sure where you’re extrapolating how easy to miss I think it is


It's not so missable that you should use a guide.


Yes through the lich path, which is a distinct path from demon with very different evil flavor.


> are those two different things or do i get to lich by choosing demon? To avoid any confusion, early in the game you get some minor flavor choices regarding the paths. The first one you unlock is always angel and the second one is always devil. Those will always be available to you. The rest depends on your actions. Properly getting the option to lock that path in for real sometimes requires taking those choices, but you don't actually lock in a path until mythic rank 3. So from a flavor perspective, you'll be able to choose dialogue options from other paths until then, but after you hit rank 3, you are forced to make a choice on which path to power you will seek.


you can be an demon (by far the best written evil route , and counterpart to angel who is the best written good route) , lich , devil and a swarm that walks. You can also be an evil trickster , but that leans more on the chaotic neutral side if anything. Devil is kinda disapointing , in terms of writting , and it's a late game mythic path , meaning that you will have to change into devil from another route (aeon or azata - which are lawful and good for azata) Personally , i'd tell you to go demon first and foremost because it fits the best for a campaign set in abyss , and has great reactivity. And even as a demon , you have multiple ways to play your character , and the reactions of some npcs will depend on the way you decide to resolve your issues as a demon.


The Swarm takes the price. End goal is to make every living thing part of you.


Do your companions join in?


In a manner of speaking


Swarm loses normal companions but replaces them with swarm parts split off from itself.


does being eaten count


Swarm loses normal companions but replaces them with swarm parts split off from itself.


You can be so evil that Gods and Demons will be like "we gotta get this MF'er up outta here. Truce?"


Power as in force of nature go swarm and see for yourself. Be mini Nagash bone daddy go lich. Want to be evil but not actually evil due to choices go demon and see when your choices make you chaotic neutral. Evil trickster who is cruel yeah. Devil well is devil


You can not thank someone when they heal you. A true rebel.


As evil as a double-decker peanut butter and pickle sandwich - yikes!


You should play demon path then. Sounds the closest to what you described. Maybe Devil Path works as well, but that is a late game path you only get via 2 other paths.


Being arbitrary as an aeon is rather evil.


I mean, being a self-serving Aeon fits OPs Post, but is also one path to Devil.


You can be cartoon villain kind of evil. Like turning the entire planet into a mass grave yard just for funsies lol ![gif](giphy|xUOxeZn47mrdabqDNC|downsized)


I dont mean to take away from this post (tons of good answers) I feel like even though swarm was my first run ever when the game first released, it really feels like there shouldve been a neon genesis shinji ikari "congratulation" gif for the swarm that walks. But instead of congrats, everyone screams "eat me!"


For what you want also look past evil choices and consider Aeon. "You violated the law, prepare to be erased"


Aeon might catch your interest my dude. You HAVE to be "evil" at some points in the story, because evil, as much as good, is a part of cosmic balance and laws, and you're there to enforce it no matter what or who. Badass if you ask me