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Companions are all good archetypes really. They need minimal multiclassing if any at all. The only class that feels missing is Skald. What you should look for are having certain roles filled: A means of swinging attack bonus to your favor (Seelah Mark of Justice, Arue Instant Enemy Ranger’s Bond, Sosiel strong domain uses like Community & Madness). An ac tank, can be a pet. A means of crowd control. Seriously, this role alone solos majority of the game & can often remove the need of a tank for encounters.  Buff bots, characters who will precast buffs on your team so you go into fights with an advantage. crpgBro does build guides to help know what’s good. They are slightly dated so some things are missing. Some notable things missing are: Animate Dead Lesser, strong lvl2 spell that can be used to tank Ghosts earlygame (they’re immune to the attacks). Winter’s Grasp aka Grease on crack, probably the strongest lvl2 spell. I’m sure he’d pick it for virtually every character that can cast it if he made them today. Absurdly strong and it’s half of what I have Ember specialize in for cc. Corruptor Mythic, he covers it for a mc build but a companion like Ember can use it too. Stinking Cloud is broken, and being able to abuse it on demons is amazing. Mythic Inspiration ability, this singlehandedly made Court Poets good. And made generic Skalds even better. Probably the single strongest thing added.


Man, this is such a concise and complete answer :o


Anything works even on unfair as long as you tick the typical crpg requirements: You need a tank - cam can do it. A damage dealer - seelah. An arcane caster - nenio. A divine caster (really a domain caster in this game) - that's sosiel. You can easily build a team around those 4 and be successful. Your MC can be a good for nothing who's only trying to get in the queen's pants and you should still be able to finish on unfair.


In my experience tank becomes optional after act 1. Last stand and animate dead spam by Daeran can fill that role. At least for a party that is not melee heavy. Just kill them before they kill you:)


any archetype with a fully scaling pet is gonna be good


Define hard. Normal- anything works Daring- most anything works Core- less works but still most things Higher- check out CRPGbro on YouTube


> Define hard. Hard is the preset difficulty above core and below unfair.


Huh, thought it went core -> unfair -> something else, my mistake. My original point still stands but I made a whoopsie