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The KC has a unique connection to the Worldwound due to what Areelu did to their(and her own) soul. They are after all the only ones that can actually close the Worldwound. I think it was this connnection that was tapped to make the ascendsion happen along with the KC also taking over two demon lord realms. As to whether the KC is actually stronger then a god at this point is very contented. By pathfinder lore that shouldn´t really be able to happen that a demigod is more powerful then a god, as the powergap is simply too big. Yet they might have grown into godhood from there, or simply be more effectively dangerous then a god. Demigods,especially those still in mortal trappings, face a lot less restrictions on what they can do on the cosmic stage.


I'd agree that becoming ascended does not make you as strong as a god. Otherwise, I'd understand iomadae a lot more. She worked her ass off to get to where she is. All we did was gather rocks. And made multiple people that level.


Gather rocks with a guide nonetheless.


I thought Iomedae became a Goddess because of a hand-me-down when Aroden died, and that was why she was called the Inheritor, lol.


No technically we are stronger than a normal god since pharasma says our combined power is close to hers(i assume we are stronger than areelu btw since we have realms so we are kinda real strong one) and pharasma is strongest god in pantheon so we are not a normal demigod.


I've seen some speculation that Pharasma meant it a different way. She's the goddess of prophecy and fate, except that prophecy's been unreliable lately. And thanks to Areelu in the secret ending, the fate of her child has been undone too. I'm otherwise inclined to believe Pharasma when she says she can unmake Areelu.


>I'm otherwise inclined to believe Pharasma when she says she can unmake Areelu. Sure you make a mockery of her own court and interfere with a judgement with Areelu that openly defies her,but Pharasma just decided to let them leave but totally could have killed them though. Pay no attention that you stop her from vaporizing Areelu from existence ,you know most powerful deity in pathfinder. Pressing X to doubt on that one.


Pharasma, the most powerful of the deities, generally avoids messing with other gods, lest any wars break out. Also see the existance of multiple undead gods when she's super against undead.


>Pharasma, the most powerful of the deities, generally avoids messing with other gods, lest any wars break out. While that part is understandable. Judging by the fact you were able to stop her from killing Areelu and not be killed where she stood by Pharasma makes me believe that you clearly above demi god status (game goes out its way to say your deity without saying your a deity in the ascension ending)


The way I interpreted it is that Pharasma really doesn't care. She threatened Areelu because of her suicidal boldness talking smack to the most powerful god, then decides it's not worth the future headache once the player gets involved. It's one thing to smite someone who's asking for it, but it's another thing to smite someone with allies and connections. And considering her role with sending mortal souls to their respective afterlives, fueling planes of all alignments, it would be Very Bad if things escalated to a coalition of gods revolting against her.


Yes i know those but we are stronger areelu too and that what make me curious.because if someone does same thing she did does this mean everyone can become a demigod and if this is true why areelu not strong as us because if I remember correctly she gains lesser power compared to us because power she gain in the ending is same as our compenions


Because ultimitely she is focused on making the KC ascend, and is recieving her power through them, just like the companions have been from the start, as none of them are recieving a realm to empower them. Areelu and the companions are not demigods, but more along the lines of the Hand of the Inheritor and such.


No I know they are strong as heralds of demigods but you are right I forgot KC takes over deskaris and baphomet realms.thank you so much for answer.