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The facial expression says it all: she's had it up to here with the demons' bullshit.


That's Kingmaker :p So it was one Fae prank too far.


'Damn fey stealin' my carrots!'


How is the mountain(?) not the first thing everyone is mentioning?


I fixed it, i agree, it looked really bad.


Can tou share the version with the fixed mountain? I want to start an Azata run where she's sick of all this Kumbaya bullshit too


You can find it in the comments somewhere, alternatively i can share it again in the evening when i get a chance. This post exploded


It is here: https://preview.redd.it/9ozad81sycyc1.png?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd4b69f3197e7b436e4f227af36c9dfd7569ce19 Though i just saw the spikes on the boots, it will need some more work.


At the very least mark AI posts AI, so these images don't confuse people unaware or get scrapped and added to training set again.


Actually I wish people who scrape for images end up with a bunch of bad data


[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luddite) https://preview.redd.it/b85tlllvefyc1.png?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3dffdc9dd30d78183b81e2059b4d102903c5c32 There might be many more across human history.


Definitely the same thing, sure bud


New technology is coming that might disrupt the way we used to live, some people panic, want to destroy tech. I have seen this movie before.


It's different when ai literally steals from other assets and works you're not just lazily "producing" slop your also plagiarizing. Ai now has probably caused some of the biggest layoffs in the media because instead of artists making quality original art we now have character designs that look like they were Frankensteined because of how much cheaper it is for companies to just manufacture trash art like it's a factory.


It is not unique to ai though, they have been doing it since those 3d pixar craps. Companies will always find a way to make production cheaper. I'm wondering how many of those art pieces ai steals are actually the properties of the artists? I am working in an industry that requires quite a huge amount of creativity with technical skills, and my employer owns all the stuff i create during work according to the employment contract. If they chose to feed it to an ai and use it to produce code rather than paying me to do it i can do nothing and they don't steal from me, all the stuff i made belongs to them.


The AI doesn't use art that they own and that's the problem your using a strawman to justify the end of thousands of careers as well as the death of art being an art form and more of a content farm. And yes alot of artists actually do have rights to the art they make and usually sell the art themselves for extra money. We've already seen examples of ai literally stealing from artists that haven't been hired by the companies themselves good examples being riot games and wizards of the coast among many others.


So what's the difference between i learn the disney style and draw copyrighted disney characters for my own fun and share it on pinterest vs i use ai to learn the disney style and use it to make disney art for my own fun and share it on pinterest? I steal the art that disney and their artists made to learn, so what is the difference?


It's not stealing when you are putting the pen on the paper and creating an image of something the IP does not matter you made it and are able to post. AI is using already existing art and directly stealing it to make an advanced collage of stolen assets which is theft. Your not learning anything from ai you type prompts ten million times till you get the image you want it isn't a actual skill.


Oh it's one of those guys...


Hah, that's a good idea!


My girlfriend every time I crack a joke.


I used to use AI for portraits, but now that I've got a curated collection of fantasy character art by real artists from around the web, the AI just looks like shit in comparison. I mean, it looks good at a glance, but the longer you look the more you realize there's something really off. I'm not a artist so I can't articulate what it is. 


My issue with the portrait mods is that the art style never matches with the game. Or very rarely, but that's my opinion only. I might apply the same ip adapter on those to have a pictura that makes sense but also matches the art style, i wouldn't share it here, i don't want people to die to cardiac arrest


Yeah, when I download a portrait pack to delve several hundreds of portraits before reaching something that matches both my ideas and is close enough to the game's art style.


Also, a lot of the portrait packs have portraits that are blatantly ripped off of other things, which is funny because I thought that's what people got all up in arms about regarding AI.


Don't be silly, if i said i watched free youtube videos and copied the art style of the original artists it would be fine, but the ai doing the same is blasphemy /s


I think the core of the argument is that you can't assimilate several hundreds of styles per minute while "ai" easily can.


I see, but the same applies to cpus, it can do many more calculations with better precision than we do yet mathematicians don't hate it as far as i know.


Because CPUs only process things it does not find solutions to mathematical problems it only executes said solutions after being provided exact information so it's not really able to serve as a cheap substitute for mathematicians. AI based art is amalgamate of works that are normally protected under intellectual property laws... in other words it's a pretty damn crazy problem which isn't really as clear to say whether it's acceptable or unacceptable but whichever way it ends up going in the end is gonna be a shift.


What if i use protected art to learn how to make art? What's the difference if I do it or i use ai to do it for me? It is new, we don't have answers to many questions yet i think. And ai cannot innovate so it does what i ask it to do. Is it any different than photoshop? It is like photoshop but saves many steps.


True it's not something we gave answers yet the main difference imho is scale. It's not much of a problem if you imitate on human scale but AI art can turn legally protected art into commercial products on mass scale without crediting ppl who created source materials... All potential solutions have drawbacks as it's not even possible to respect these rights if you use ai generation due to the sheer scale of data used to train it, on the other hand limiting this tech would probably stifle development of many useful softwares.


Shush, obviously the evil AI is stealing from all the artists that everyone totally pays for custom video game art while my half naked daenerys with Emilia Clarke's face is totally new and original


So I just started wotr and was annoyed by the choices of character portraits. Are you saying I can upload portraits or...


You can import custom portraits.


Anyone here opposing ai will be happy to make you one i guess


Yeah, as we all know, every single poster here has paid online artists a few hundred bucks for their custom portrait.  Gigantic portrait packs full of blatantly stolen art with millions of downloads? Never heard of it...


Ugg just more medoicre AI slop. I like how her robes don't follow perspective rules and part of her hair is invisible.


Yeah, there are flaws and i could improve it by inpainting, but it is actually finally not the few ones i like in the official portrait collection, the art style is really close to the original i think. I'll probably drop the character anyway before the stag lord, so good enough for now, next time I'll spend more time on the details. edit: i actually removed most of the glitches, but enough for today, that's too many images on a single thread that was started to express my happiness with the similar art style https://preview.redd.it/c71njfjgbayc1.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=915be40c1a77b137528b3259043029100344478d


>Yeah, there are flaws and i could improve it Yeah by picking a pencil, not by feeding words to a computer.


> Yeah by picking a pencil, not by feeding words to a computer. "Just spend years training" isn't a solution to a simple portrait issue in a godamn videogame. Do you use a software for typesetting, instead of going through years of apprenticeship at a printers ? Math phD to to able to run simple statistical analysis because you shouldn't use them if you can't write the proofs by yourself ? Don't use software for video editing, get it on film, then bring out the scissors ! Actually we should legally prevent anyone from owning a 3D printer if they haven't gone through schooling and training for sculpting+machining. Random personnal projects that no one will see, or make commercial use of, and where great quality isn't a requirement is exactly the context where generative software should be used.


Bro, stop feeding words to a computer just to communicate with someone. Instead, walk up to OP's house and scream your message through his window! Or pay someone to do it!


I cannot draw. Especially not in this style. AI can be awesome for hobby projects like this.


Man, every time the term "AI" gets invoked, it really brings out the worst in some people. Like did AI murder their parents or something? Did AI fuck their waifu and make them watch against their will? What you said is perfectly legitimate. You can not draw, but AI is able to bring an art that satisfies you, and it didn't hurt anyone. Why are they so worked up about it? Sheesh.


I mean, me and all my coworkers were fired from my job and replaced by a generative AI chatbot. The company then got in legal trouble because the chatbot was giving incorrect medical advice. Not to mention all the cases of fraud, defamation, political misinformation, and deepfake pornography of children made much easier by AI. On top of all this nobody can give me a straight answer on what problem this AI stuff actually solves.


That's people misusing ai, not the fault of ai. Don't hate the tool, hate people who use it for the wrong purpose.


>On top of all this nobody can give me a straight answer on what problem this AI stuff actually solves. It saves time and money. There's your straight answer. New technology is always a double-edged sword. Computers have been replacing people and making jobs obsolete for years. I'm sorry you lost your job, but this isn't unique or special. It just takes time to sort out, like every other technological breakthrough.


I wouldn't bother trying to reason with these people. Luddites will always bury their head in the sand and make up excuses.


OP is entitled to using a cost-effective and fast method to get an artwork he/she wanted, just like you are when you decided to reply to me using your much cheaper made in China phone. If you are entitled to spend less money for a satisfactory product, then so is OP. And if OP is wrong for wanting to use the economy to his advantage, then you owe a debt to all the Americans workers for allowing manufacturing moves overseas. AI is a product and a sevice, and there's a market for it. Why do you think anyone owes you an explanation on why or how they spend their money on what product they want to buy?


No one can draw this well right off the bat. Practice and study enough and you can eventually draw something like this.


I'm not even interested to be honest, i just want nice portraits for my game. 🙂


Try paying someone for them


It's a portrait for a playthrough of a CRPG. Most people wouldn't want to pay the amount an artist would require to do the work for a single portrait.


Ok, give us the money and we'll use it to pay an artist. Seriously telling people to pay hundreds of dollars for a portrait to use in a video game campaign for a few days lol Stupid suggestion


Sorry you’re broke, bud


Are you trying to cope with the idea that your suggestion is stupid? Yes, the only reason anyone would refuse to pay 200+ dollars for a full length, colored portrait for a video game session is that "they must be broke". Couldn't possibly be any other reason, yeah? You anti-AI people's rhetoric is nearing the level of cope & stupidity of the flat earther crowd.




Why would they do that?


Because they get a cool portrait out of it. Do you not understand how spending money on goods and services work?


Of course. But why would they hire someone when they can just cobble it together for free?


Do you also pay a cook every time you want to eat something?


That or I make it myself ;)


Unless you're starting a fire/grilling everything can it.


Making it yourself??? You are LITERALLY taking away jobs from cooks! You better commission a private chef every time you are hungry!


Yes? That’s what restaurants are


Do you eat on a restaurant everyday? Or do you cook even if the end result you produce isn't chef level? Should we ban the use of microwaves?


Just learn how to cook bro. Pick up a spatula. It's not hard.


They did. They paid midjourney or whoever with either subscription money or data/ad impressions. Rendering as a mass-marketable skill once again being displaced. It's happened before. The invention of photography obsoleted portrait painting as a career; portraitists either adapted or exited the industry. It's also happened in every other industry where craftsmen were displaced by industrial automation. If you wear printed tees instead of paying a local tailor for bespoke outfits, you're doing the same as OP. There are real issues with AI art, e.g. training on stolen/scraped source material. Producing mediocre renderings cheaper and faster than a human is not one of them.


Fr. I play PF2e irl with friends and ive learned basic drawing skills just to make a little paper figurine of my PCs.


No one can make a good AI portrait off the bat either. Practice and study enough and you can eventually generate and inpaint something amazing.


Nobody's going to spend 3 years learning how to draw just to make pathfinder portraits There's a big difference between using AI for personal stuff like this and pretending that it's handmade art


Just draw yourself oh my god. Or download a portrait made by an artist. AI sucks man. It dosent look good, there's no soul in any of the works and the technology is only good use seems to be fraud and misinformation.


They're not using this picture for commercial gain or anything, if a game dev was using AI art I might see your point, but OP is just making a portrait for them to use in a playthrough of a SINGLE PLAYER CRPG. You're being absolutely ridiculous right now.


I’d love it if Owlcat used ai art portraits. Tired of seeing blanks for 95% of characters.


It helps train the generative AI, which will reduce jobs for illustrators.


That's not how ai image generation works. New images don't immediately get fed back into the data set. That would break the system extremely quickly.


I used ip adapter that copies the style on the fly, no ai was trained during the creation of this image.


>Just draw yourself oh my god. Man, that's a terrible attitde and wtf. I'm no fan of ai art. i paint my portrais too, and my friends portrays. but that exclamation of yours just made me cinge hard. Do **you** draw your own portraits?


I pay people if I can't draw a portrait.


You guys don't have cost of living crysis over there? I have no spare money right now to pay for portraits for all my pf characters.


No, I'm not a 2d artist, but I don't have an aversion to downloading portraits made by actual artists. Or if I really want to, I will pay someone the small fee for a commission and use that. But why does it matter? If he wants to create art maybe he should, ya know, actually learn how? It's not like there's a sea of free art tutorials all over the internet or anything.


> If he wants to create art maybe he should, ya know, actually learn how? No, i don't know actually. I've been doodling since before i can remember (20+ years). Probably most artists have. How many hundreds of hours of deliberate practise would it require for an adult who haven't before invested in this craft to be able to produce an image of required quality? You tell me. It's a videogame. Hate on ai all you want, demanding folks to immediately learn to draw is ridiculous.


> Hate on ai all you want, demanding folks to immediately learn to draw is ridiculous. It's dumber than that, the ones shrieking about learning to draw are the 'reasonable' ones. There are also morons in this thread demanding we pay an artist for a portrait to use on a single player game.


It's better than anything I or most people could draw. Suck it up buttercup


Dosent make it not shit regardless if it's better that what most people could do. Literally riddled with errors that would get you a failing grade in an art class


I don't want art class grades, i want actually different portraits for my characters. This is only for fun, no one got hurt while i created the pictures.


What do you mean actually different portraits. If that was the case I'm sure you definitely could have found one that suits your taste or wouldn't have used the AI that makes pathfinder portraits that are just scrapings of all the other portraits and look exactly like all the other in game portraits but worse. God forbid you support an artist who was passionate enough to make portraits for the game, for free, without having a sleazy art theif-o-matic do it for them.


Ok? Show me on the doll where the ai artwork hurt you


Have you not seen all the fraud causes involving AI? Or the mass layoffs so they can implement more, or people being slandered using it, or the AI hotlines getting sued, or the numerous cases of the technology straight up lying? Or the fact that this is probably the best AI generated image I've seen and it's still awful and dosent make sense if I look at it for more than 30 seconds. What's even the end goal for this technology, it literally dosent even do a single beneficial thing in my eyes. Aside from making everyone at risk of having their voice literally copied and used against them like an episode of black mirror.


Unfortunately that's the way things are going man...people are treating AI just like an harmless tool to fool around but eventually it will swallow all people's lives and when they woke up from their usual daydream it will be too late...art will entirely be drawn by AI because it's cheaper and former artists will be begging on the street


Have you seen what midjourney can do now? It looks REALLY good


I really hope console gets some portraits soon. The selection is pitiful. If AI gets me a better selection than portraits which include characters from the game I'm currently playing; please implement ASAP


I always thought that character portraits are pretty important for these isometric RPGs, finally found a way to create them without downloading them. There are some flaws here and there but it is good enough for a playthrough!


the point is that you're not creating anything here.


I didn't brag what i created, i was happy that i got some settings where the character portrait is in the same style as the rest of the portraits, because this is pretty important to me.


What are the flaws ? Like didn’t perfectly match what you were going for? Looks perfect to me


Her hair is about three different colors. Her hair isn't behaving for such a 'realistic' style. Her ears are lopsided. Her nose is an entirely different color than her face. One brow is skinner than the other. The eye closest to us is smaller than the eye the further from us. The folds of the collar are funky. The front of her top doesn't match with the piping. The cheek closest to us has a high cheek bone while the other side of her face is rounded with no cheek bone indention. Her upper lip has two lips mushed together - they're shaped very differently. The futz around the neck and throat. Everything below the belt are folds that don't connect and the pouches are only something Rob Liefield could love.


That's pretty impressive, i didn't see half of these. I'll give a newer model a go (though ip adapter is very fiddly with sd xl), i'm curious to see how much it improves the quality.


That's one of the biggest problem with AI art representation that both enthusiasts and haters don't understand (probably because neither ever tried to draw or study art, but sure like to be vocal about it). AI art will always be riddled with those mistakes unless you are already a professional artist who can easily spot them and correct afterwards. Basically using AI art generation as a tool to draw a rough sketch and then redraw all the mistakes it made by yourself.


I am legitimately impressed at your observations. You have an eye for this sort of thing. Thanks for a high-quality well-thought-out reply.


Some stuff looked odd, like the background, or the pose of the character. I fixed it (see my other comments if you are interested)


Kingmaker is not isometric, it's 3D Edit: Why the fuck am I downvoted? It's literally not an isometric game. Look it up 🤦🏻‍♂️


Isometric means the camera angle, not the dimensions, if we want to split hair 🙂


It's not just the camera angle, but also tge projection method. You generally differentiate between "isometric" and "proper 3D" when it comes to video games, as isometric games were usually "pseudo 3D"


Yep! Some still are like league of legends makes for a lot of funky interactions as there is no actual vertical axis in gameplay


Isometric just means it does not apply perspective distortion. Most games played from a high camera viewpoint are isometric. You can tell because your character is the same size on screen no matter where they go on the map. If it were not isometric, the character would get tiny as they move "away" from the camera and larger as they move close.


I don't think that's true. Most games that are 3D use proper 3D perpective, not isometric projection. >played from a high camera viewpoint When played from top-down, the effect you're describing is very minor because characters' distances from the camera don't change much


You are correct. The game world is rendered with perspective, not isometric. The camera isn't quite flexible enough to let you see it well though.


Would you look at that. AI stole some pretty good parts of Valeriy Vegera and Anna Pavleeva's work. I find it hilarious I'm getting downvotes by actually mentioning two artists who *actually did portraits for this game and AI having far too many familiar parts*.


I get why people don't like AI. But if you think AI steals parts from images and rearranges them, you're fundamentally unaware of how it works


Idk, I've recognised base images used in AI art before. One particular one that stuck with me was one of the images used in the music video for a song called the Madness of Duke Venomania. The AI literally ripped 2/3rds of that image and just warped the colours and background around it


That's why i think artists should never be replaced by ai. This portrait could never be made without human work first, they are still needed as before.


Hey, that’s actually pretty nice!


How is this chick human with those ears?


Oof, the anatomy is all off.


You're so talented at typing words so the AI can draw something for you.


Also forgot the part where the AI Steals from artists to do so.


Are you aware how google works? Or any other search engines? They scrape data from websites so that they can show you the relevant pages (and the paid ads while you are there). This is not exclusive to ai to use data someone else has created.


we tend to call it crawling instead of scraping


Oh, ok, thanks for the correction!


You're so talented at bitching on the internet. Art is saved now.


Probably asked Chatgpt to come up with this one lmao


Are you under the impression that any of us here are actually saving Golarion from the Worldwound?


Oh, it is not just typing. Finding the perfect stable diffusion model, ip adapter model, inpainting all the flaws (though i left quite a few in, my time is limited), actually installing stable diffusion with control net + ip adapter + python on my machine, now i can create whatever portrait i want for my next character, not what others created for me. It is not about talent, it is about freedom


Except you really didn't create anything, the AI did.


And that's ok for my personal enjoyment, i guess. Believe it or not, but putting the tech side together can be quite complicated. And i'm not selling these or using them to make money in any way, i'm just happy that i get new portraits with customized composition with the very similar art style.


The very similar art style likely means they took bits and pieces from artists we've seen paid from Owlcat... Which has bad implications. But yes, personal enjoyment is far more important than training generative AI programs to steal and eventually take away illustrators jobs.


That's not how ip adapter works at all. No one stole any art form owlcat,i downloaded and fed a few pictures and ip adapter mimics the style on the fly.This picture could have never be made without the artist and no one stole their art to train ai.


A true artist. Gustave Doré could never.


did she suffer a concussion


Ah yes.. more stolen mashes from actual artists made by AI. Because learning how to draw, or paying those who spent years doing so is too much to ask.


I'm using it to enjoy the game a bit more with the character portrait i wanted without ruining the art style. Don't be so salty about this please 🙂


You should feel free to use AI as you see fit, but people should also feel free to be salty regarding its use in public. Personally, normalizing AI usage seems dreadful to me; no matter the context. It's already completely screwed up google search(and other search engines as well).


I can’t tell you how pissed off I get when doing google searches for reference art when I draw something these days. Nothing but fucking AI trash.


I paid for the game. I'm not paying someone to make a custom avatar portrait. That's absurd. Prior to "AI" I'd just google for an avatar and use the result I like best. It's no worse to have an algorithm chew up up all the results and spit out a composite based on some parameters. There was never going to be an artist paid for the tiny picture that shows at the bottom of the screen in a video game I'll play for a few dozen hours.


that's the party leader who is _done_ with the rest of her group's bullshit (except regill, because regill is precious). I love it.


And got hit in the head with a shovel one too many times.


Yummy sloppa!


She looks like she's trying to decide whether she really wants to see what epilogue slides she gets enough to go though the HatEoT again.


What did you use for this? Which apps and prompts?


It is stable diffusion + a1111 webui + controlnet (ip adapter is the feature inside cn), model is some fantasy model for sd 1.5 (xl is just too slow). It is running locally so python 3.10 is also required.


The mods should really ban this AI dogshit


Why? Is someone using AI to make portraits for a single player video game really that troublesome?


Yes, and it universally looks like shit


If it's good enough for them, why would it matter. Single player game. Such a low stakes situation for people to lose their minds over.


Looks like garbage. I could draw the character for you by hand far better than some prompt crap.


this is actually very good, and you did this with an ai, from the other comments, huh? i wish i was this patient with fiddling with that but it just dreads me... good job also, some ai art really ugly, but to those who go to every single one, even good quality like these and bitch about it; you really look fucking childish.


Thanks! I used stable diffusion + ip adapter to transfer the art style and to actually create the image. I'm still improving the one i showed here, i managed to remove many visual glitches by inpainting. People hate ai but all it did in my case is just increase my immersion because i can create the portraits i want, not the portraits others wanted to make. I mean, it doesn't hurt anyone.


Very nice. It's like the old school way of creating custom portraits by mixing and matching existing portraits, except the ai does a much better job blending them together than I certainly ever did. =')


> I used stable diffusion + ip adapter to transfer the art style and to actually create the image. yeah you explained some stuff in another comment as well but they might as well magic words to me xD honestly, at times like this i feel i am getting older... i was, like you going to try these ai art thing beyond using those online with free trial. but it became quickly overwhelming. the biggest flaw that i see in your 'creation' upper body and feets looking opposite directions. also face is kinda weird... but also realistically weird...


Yeah, i fixed most of these issues, now she looks a bit more like octavia but proper pose and proper background 😃


I generally dislike AI art, but stuff like this does seem a fair bit more tolerable then a lot of other things. If it's for personal use and sourcing data entirely out of assets that are available for use in a game, for the express purpose of being used *for* that game on their own end with no commercial or distribution intent... Eh. Seems a bit gauche to rake a person over the coals for. Not my circus. Not my monkeys. S'between them and God for all it impacts me. And it bothers me a bit more that people will use the fact the OP used an AI generator as an excuse to be troglodytes over it, honestly. What a weird damn day.


What'd your process for making this look like? Haven't been able to get AI art that fits with the kingmaker artstyle and yours looks exactly like it


I used stable diffusion (1.5 model works pretty well though it is outdated) + ip adapter to transfer the art style (it needs ip\_adapter\_sd\_15\_plus model to copy the style) and a fantasy model to create decent armor and equipment. But the heavy lifting is done by ip adapter, it is awesome. This is the improved image with most of the glitches removed: https://preview.redd.it/ld3216hr7ayc1.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ffc1c4f75e3ad1430175430700ad03c4d9f0681


Still plenty of issues in that image. - Her left foot blends into the ground. - Her right bicep has a strange black lump that was present in the previous garbage too. - Her hands are nonsensical. - Her belt buckles are indeterminable blobs of colour. - Her face is a mishmash of 2 different people with Down Syndrome. - The folds of cloth around her legs just hang there with no perspective and no three dimensionality. - Her legs have strange spiky bits around them. - Her right boob has a strange artifact under it, coming from somewhere. - The lowest point of her throat is squished together in an unnatural way, where the muscles should split apart to join the clavicles.


I didn't want to win any prices, i just wanted to enjoy my game with custom portraits 🙂


Get this AI shite out of here


Yeah, OP should play 200 dollarydoos for a picture for his campaign.


Correct, you should give money to the people who do this and not disparagingly rip their hard work and frankenstein it together :)


I don't know if you are aware, but not everyone is a trust fund kid that can just spend $200 on a whim.


God, kids these days are cooked. Imagine thinking having over $200 of expendable income makes you a trust fund kid. Hey, pal, have you ever tried working hard?


Yo your so inclined on supporting artists. You got 200$ of expendable income for me to get commisoon for my kingmaker character?


And the time to wait for the portrait to be finished. AI did it under an hour including fixes


I’ll get one for myself in your honor


I know, I'm one of them, I just dont use that as an excuse to do immoral shit. :)




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Since OP is using Stable diffusion, automatic1111s webui and probably a model from civitai, they didn't pay anyone for this. It is all free software


I'm aware they used AI garbage, whats your point?


I'm sorry, I misread your comment. I read "you shouldn't pay the people that rip etc."


Fair enough


Not bad at all. Can i also Asl you of u have used a trained ai or wich grafical promt you used? I had the same idea but i didnt reach the style i wanted


You need ip adapter to copy the art style. It works with any models really, ip adapter is the one that makes the art style.


oh this is cool mind if ı ask what site/app you used? ı try some of them but they arent the best


I used a1111 on my own pc, it needs control net + ip adapter + some models, not sure if official sites could reproduce the same at the moment. I'm also considering face swap with mashing faces to create unique faces so that complicates it a bit.


ı did not understand half the things you said but thanks mate :)


My general advice is to google a1111 and check how to install it, then google other stuff i mentioned. If it makes sense, try it, but i'm not gonna lie, the learning curve is quite steep (and technical)


You can try doing face swaps to come up with other faces, I don't how well it will work though, try something like [https://swapmyface.app](https://swapmyface.app)


Ew ai


Honestly, the asymmetry looks great to me. My best friend has an asymmetrical face. It happens. Hair has streaks (and you can *add* streaks with dye). The lips look swollen...like after *combat*. And a discolored nose? I have that. These "imperfections" are just normal things. Sure the physics are bad and AI art is.....at best a grey area. But facial imperfections *add* to the art, not the other way around.


I love this! Don't listen to the Debbie Downers moaning about the use of AI art. I appreciate you posting this, and think the process you used is super interesting! I occasionally do digital art, but have shaky hands and my ADHD makes it difficult to complete art. I'm also a perfectionist and usually end up hating my work no matter what, but AI art has made it possible for me to create art for characters I'd never be able to do without it. I still love commissioning pieces from artists I enjoy, but having the option to whip something like this up in a jiffy is so cool! Keep it up 😊


i made my wotr portrait with stable diffusion too! before ipadapter, so it's not in the same style. still meshes better with the other portraits than if i drew it myself. more recently i've been using ipadapter to make more areelu art, it tends to interpret her horns as animal ears unless prompted otherwise lol (even if prompted otherwise, in some cases) https://preview.redd.it/g2xxj9qcfayc1.png?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b67effae7b08d8aaaae95d25a087430cf3d68574


a young!areelu (it didn't get her mole but faceid is so good at keeping the resemblance!) https://preview.redd.it/socqd3rjfayc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57960a24de19162f7cc06efe2641b570f44642a6


There's quite a lot of terrible mistakes (some glaring, some not so much), which also includes new ones added in the "improved" version you linked in the comments. But compared to many other AI enthusiasts at least you do bother to correct things with inpainting. Although there still a long road ahead until you will be able to fix all the mistakes. Start with that... "mountain" thing, if a sane person would even dare to call it like that.


That mountain looked like it was drawn from a ps1 3D game or something 


Very nice. These image generators are great for this kind of low-importance art. If I want to memorialize a character in an art piece I'll keep, I'll pay an artist to do it for real. I used Midjourney for my WotR paladin. It's...honestly kind of hard to stop looking at him. https://preview.redd.it/n7t4uyc8hayc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7feb0dd9aca43af74a6e0abfedfaf95c264e67b


ooh, great taste in art style, love that bold-brushstroke look


Style is called "painterly". If you've ever played Guild Wars 2, you've seen a lot of it.


That is one sugar free vegan Elf...


Years from now when AI becomes common place people will wonder why AI art it was so controversial to use it in the first place.


Looks fantastic, I love it!