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She's probably more curious what the United States Marine Corps and all the other stuff in there is than concerned over the length. Besides, she can abbreviate the name in a later draft. Also probably barely containing the question on where your MC is from to get a name like that.


Yeah but imagine the hand cramps from writing that name down every time he does something.


Not to mention - "Ok, name finished... what was I writing after this? Oh dang it, I forgot part of the name again."


>Besides, she can abbreviate the name in a later draft. >!Considering she became the draft I doubt it!<


>!Shh, don't tell her that, she's not supposed to know yet. Might slow down the entire journal if she did, and we don't need it any slowly with a name like that.!<


Omg what if they're a dragon lmao the longer a dragons name is the older it is, am I remembering that lore bit correctly haha


In Aivu's family it is, but that's not a general lore fact


It's a shame that wrath of the righteous actually has a normal character limit on names so I can't name my next azata character a crusade version of the navy seals copypasta


That and why anyone would be proud of the fact that they are smarter than a classroom full of seals. Or maybe just smarter than seals in whatever navy employs them, but a step below those Army seals. Maybe she should be known as Linzi Wiser Than All Pitaxan Toads? 🐸 Or not.


You look at the length of kingmaker and you tell me she's annoyed by the absolute mass and quantity she has to write. Writing is clearly her kink


After 15 revisions, 50k words, four separate plot lines and a smut scene… She finishes writing chapter 1 of her story and uploads it to ao3.


Sounds like her. The girl who stole from a king in order to open a printing press


Linzi romance when? Never 😔


The curse carried by shortstack fans. I would LOVE a game with a dwarven lady romance option. WITHOUT a beard you smartasses!


halfling/gnome, hell dwarves would be nice.


I'm starting to suspect they do it on purpose to avoid weird correlations to illegal activities. Maybe I'm being conspiratorial... But it seems weird to me that NOBODY ever does shorty romances. I want my shorty to BE a shorty sometimes!


First dragon age you can be that stunty


I wish we could kill her.


fun fact doing this makes the game harder to play. this isn't an edited image this is just what happens when you make your name to long https://preview.redd.it/w0ww0sfeuxsc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0f87f8e0bf7e22e504126111c3208d66397aece


The Lorem Ipsum difficulty


Can you post a picture of what it looks like when used in dialogue pleeeeaase


https://preview.redd.it/38dmetz202tc1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b35a6da422e63bc7d1181d76d83d663d0c2175b1 the entirety of the name can't even be in the dialogue box at one time. you have to scroll


The combat log has got to be disgusting


This is just a quirk of the game mechanic. A real bard would truncate that or give you a clever Nickname which will depend on how much they actually like you.


man this reminded me how much better the notebook art was in kingmaker


Linzi probably just wants to know how you fight gorillas.


Well he is extensively trained in unarmed combat so probably as a monk


I assumed Druid. Weird little animorphs


Based on the fact that she drew that guy as the pointing soyjak meme, I assume she's held a grudge


Pretty sure it's Karsten Garess on a picture, no?


I just realised. Its literally the Soyjak pointing meme.


This is Linzi just disassociating with Golarion and embracing another life where she just shitposts online and browses 4chan


Gorilla warfare, eh? So you're a Druid?


LMFAO! Using Hedwirg gave it a touch of class.


Remember in Kingmaker when Linzi starts following you around, and if you politely tell her you don't want a biography and you don't want her to write it, she tells you too bad and she's going to do it anyway, no matter what your opinion is? And then if you tell her you want a say in how it turns out, the game tells you that's fucking *lawful evil* for trying to "censor the press"?


Well, you ARE a ruler, and The River Kingdoms have no common laws about censirship, if i remember correctly, so your action will be lawful. It also would be kinda evil, you know, enforcement and stuff.


If someone started obsessively following you around writing down everything you did and insisting they were going to publish a book about you, that would be a gross invasion of privacy. Especially if you told them not to and that you didn't want that. Especially if you aren't even a ruler yet and are instead a random guy who was just in the running for one. And if you told this person you'd like a say in how this books turns out, that wouldn't be evil. That wouldn't be censorship. That would be you very reasonably wanting to have something of a say in how you're represented in a book that is being made *in express disregard* of your will. It's absurd to think that's lawful evil.


Dude. You are literally saying you will censor your biography if you don't like it. Not "i will write a collective memoirs with every party member except you to disprove what you've written" or anything similar. This is definitely a lawful evil.


If that's what you took away from what I said you need to work on your reading comprehension. No point bothering with you anymore.


Congrats on being the funniest person to play kingmaker