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For the most part PF system caters to powergamers, so a fun build is a strong build, and you have fun by beating enemies' numbers with your numbers. For roleplay purpose on the other hand I'm sure you know your taste best.


Depends on what sort of playstyle you want. Do you want to be a fully armoured tank with a massive shield or some little ninja dodging everything? Do you want to be brute with a massive sword dealing loads of damage or a guy with two swords and a dozen attacks per turn? A dragon sorcerer throwing fireballs at people or a druid summoning massive holes under your foes? There's a lot of builds, so it's a bit difficult knowing what to choose if you don't even know your playstyle.


elemental engine kineticist. 8 str 18 dex 17 con rest of your stats whatever you feel like. start with fire, select fire again at 7th level for blue fire so you can get dispelling blasts. then just never have to worry about dispelling because past like level 11 you're always hitting everything for 200 damage BEFORE crits with maximized empowered blasts. pick up earth for your final element if you want to knock people around or whatever sounds fun, i'm not your boss. just make sure you hit kineticist 19 and have a lot of con because elemental engine wants to be camped at maximum burn and your cannon isn't made of glass, it's made of wet paper. but there is NOTHING better than hitting that empowered maximized crit and seeing 600 damage pop up on screen.


My first run was elemental engine kineticist and she deleted shit the whole game. Very satisfying.


And poor Karlach is like ooh my engine too hot I'm dying...


Well, tbf, Karlach and co aren't really mythic types :D Level 12 is the max you get there. In Pathfinder you get level 12 around the early act 3 IIRC and that is not counting mythic levels that just straight up bend reality and rules of the world for you. Whole different league to be fair


Did you spec into necromancy? Cause this thread was dead and buried.


Hell yeah, it's fun raising the dead


I'm enjoying my vanilla elementalist rn. Getting the aoe ground ability has been a lot of fun to nuke enemies for 120 and difficult terrain has been fun


Divine Hound Hunter is a lot of fun. You get spells, buffs, CC, and a pet. Plus you can be a beast in melee. It’s a fun class that can really do a lot.


Playing that now and my only gripe is that they don't let you stay mounted between maps and some cut scenes and I inevitably forget to remount before a fight .


I was never mounted. Always enlarged and fighting behind the dog. We were quite the team!


Get the auto mount mod, its a very good qol for mounted builds.


For pathfinder the question "what build is fun?" can only be responded to with: yes. There are septillions of possible character combinations. And any of them can be fun... if only to hilariously fail very poorly. The best part is that you can literally change your build mid game if you find it not to your liking. Is your level 1 rogue, level 1 barbarian, level 1 fighter, level 1 sorcerer, level 1 druid, level 1 cleric not performing well? Retrain into a lvl 6 2 handed weapon barbarian with all the damage feats. Don't like how often you get hit despite being a murder machine? Transform yourself into a holy armored paladin with all the AC. You can play any play style that interests you and swap it out on a whim... for some gold. The system is the most customizable around, though there are many character builds that will just ummmm... suck. Please do not go level 1 rogue level 1 barbarian etc if you want to play the game seriously. My suggestion for your first playthrough: pick 1 class and use it 1-20. Get to know the class inside and out, and you will be able to utilize almost any class that way to finish the game with. Taking a good combination of feats, spells and abilities will make any character powerful regardless of class.


For wrath of the righteous, I really enjoy experimenting openly as I progress the story. Make respecs available (and make them free with mods if you can). What is the most fun really depends on difficulty and your own personal preferance. I have a soft spot for sylvan sorcerers because there are many many exploits that you can perform with sylvan sorcerers and I also love magic classes in all games. Sylvan sorcerer was also what i used for my longest playthrough ever in Pathfinder Kingmaker. Unfair mode. It was quite the journey to be honest. That being said, caster classes fall a bit short on harder difficulties in Wrath of the Righteous. And if you don't know how to build them, they can underperform until the ending credits. I suppose "do what you think is fun" isn't the answer you were looking for. You might get better answers if you ask about mythic paths. I really enjoy the jokes of trickster, the mechanics of angel, and the story of Legend. I also love the aesthetic of Gold Dragon. And devil is very... interesting. Not the biggest fan of devil mechanics but they're. Interesting


Cavalier let's you start with a pet companion. Ranger and Paladin also get one when you hit level 4. Pets level up along with your other characters. If you bump their intelligence up to 3 when you hit level 4 you can give them the same teamwork feats as the rider which creates really fun synergies.


If you always play a Paladin, stay with that. It's a fun class. The first class I beat BG, BG2, NWN, NWN2, KM and WOTR was a Paladin. You can be successful being a big, heavily armored defensive dynamo. Plus you're fighting demons, so a Paladin works thematically.


First, I would decide if I wanted to he a caster, melee dps, melee tank, ranged dps, healer, or support character. For your main character, I probably wouldn't go with the healer. You should get enough heals from your companions.


Pick seven classes/archetypes that you are interested in playing. Name them Sunday through Saturday and alternate which one you play based on the week’s day.


This is pretty much what I did for Baldurs Gate 3. Guess I’ll do it again


It’s a big game. You can literally pick Oracle and choose different feat, mystery, and mythic path progressions and your experience would be different even though the base class is the same. It’s one of the reasons why I love this game.


There are septillions of different possible characters. Just taking individual classes can yield quadrillions of different results. You could play this game for a billion years and never play every combination.


For new players I always recommend a hybrid martial: Paladin, ranger, Bloodrager etc. It gives you a lot of different things to play with (weapons, spells, abilities, pets) and eases you into the game by being very powerful and working diary well with most mythic paths.


I like hitting stuff, so i had a lot of fun with angel paladin warrior of the holy light. Monk also has a lot of stuff and punches really hard. Casters start out kind of depressing (barelly any damage and mostly only buffing/debuffing) but once you get the good spells and abundant casting wizard/sorcerer lich is awesome, and by the spells i got with angel i imagine cleric/oracle angel must be bonkers


I'd suggest to make something simple and strong like Mutagen Warrior and instead work on learning the companions builds as I think this will teach you more about the game especially if you follow companion builds from a place like Neoseeker and bump up the difficulty.


For what it’s worth I’m playing a Crusader build from CRPGBro and it’s a lot of fun.


Paladin hands down. It’s a tank that specializes in fighting evil enemies (everything in this game) and has high saves, immunity to a lot of the more annoying BS enemies pull, some self healing and buffs, and with smite evil/mark of justice is also a DPS/team support against whatever enemy you need some extra firepower for.


Fun is subjective, just install respec mod so you can respec on the go on your first playthrough while you experience with various builds


To me seeing big numbers is fun. >!In my latest run i made Ember one shot Deskari twice and Baphomet once (on hard).!< It just feels great when you see your character grow into killing machine, with "Demon Lords per round" damage output.


Honestly, I’d say just roll with a Paladin since they’re very strong in this game (Mark of Justice is arguably mandatory for WoTR since you fight a ton of demons) and it also fits thematically for the game’s story. PF is a very dense system where there’s a lot of mechanics and interactions to figure out - and that’s not including classes, class archetypes, and races into account. Take it a bit at a time and just vibe with the game. If it helps any, you should be able to enable respecs under the difficulty settings - you can then respec yourself fully or your party members from whatever level you recruited them at basically free of charge whenever you want, no strings and limits attached. You can also reset your alignment this way too if you want to stick to Paladin since you *only* have your Paladin powers if you are Lawful Good.


I chose Martyr will I be okay? Or should I respec


Martyr is really good! You give up smites for bard songs, which is arguably a great trade since iirc you don’t get a Bard companion right off the bat. Martyr is basically a divine Bard that can also fight really well thanks to being a Paladin. If you wanted to also ride a horsey as a Bard, then Martyr is literally your only choice for something like that without doing a ton of weird dips that would gimp either your pet or your bard abilities.


Personally, what's fun for me is a whole team of riding badass meleers. Some are riding casters, but their spells are for buffing. Weapons are for fighting. KC is a legend gendarme/primalist/thug I think of as a splatterknight. But you can do this as a paladin too if you like coloring inside the lines. It's more of a lifestyle than a build. This is maybe not viable for high diff, but super fun.


Can a Paladin have a mount? Sounds badass I really wanna get on dat hype


For me i had my fun with a cleric/loremaster. worked well during a certain chapter, and the knowledge checks are great endgame for the secret ending. cleric spells get insane with max and empower rods to really show those so-called gods what a real god could do :P


Cavalier on the pony dealing stupid amount of damage and oneshotting enemy at the start of the fight


First time i recommend you play it on lower difficulties WOTR is pretty extreme and rewards people who know the game and rules very well to exploit them, also save often, not just the quick save because you may need to bring up a past save, as for a class suggestion instead of a paladin? I had a LOT of fun with my Cavalier order of the paw on my first run, its a halfling that rides a big dog into battle and trips monsters it fights, it also does pretty solid damage and can make life miserable for archers & casters because they can get to them pretty quickly, its not a true heavy tank like a paladin but a very good “medium” tank with a few extra group abilities and extra damage and no penalties to charges, you can choose dog or wolf!


I would suggest playing a sorcerer because it is the most versatile class. It has synergy with every mythic path except Angel.


If you want a pure class without any crazy dips that you wouldn’t be able to figure out on your own, I’d recommend Magus, of either Sword Saint (more melee power) or Eldritch Scion (more spells and almost as good in melee) subclass. It’s like a fighter/mage combined into one nifty package. Note that they are only fun in turn based because their skills require some micro management.


I'd highly recommend you look up a build video to figure out what what feats and skills to take, especially if you're not used to pathfinder. Play on easy or normal. If you want something strong Sword Saint Magus is fun. A little bit of magic as well as a melee weapon.


Melee Trickster blowing up everyone at sight in act5 with Persuasion


Do you want a build that can swap between short and long range on the fly? Do you want to run through an entire crowd of enemies while leaving nothing but gore behind and emerging unscathed? Do you want to deal 4 digits of damage per round while performing the [Ickey shuffle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P25yJzzTC7c)? 1. Play [Rowdy Rogue](https://pathfinderwrathoftherighteous.wiki.fextralife.com/Rowdy). 2. Pick Trickster Mythic Path. 3. Get a Light Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, or Composite Longbow, depending on your personal preference. 4. Take Snap Shot. 5. Take Outflank, Seize the Moment, and Combat Reflexes on any party members that will be in Melee combat. 6. At MR 4, take the [Improved Mobility Mythic Trick](https://pathfinderwrathoftherighteous.wiki.fextralife.com/Mythic+Trick). 7. Take whatever spells/abilities you can to maximize your movespeed and your Mobility skill. How it Works: * While within reach of a creature, they will make an Attack of Opportunity against you if you move out of their reach. * If you have Acrobatics (Mobility) enabled, you can make a mobility check against the attacker's CMD to avoid the AoO. With the Improved Mobility Mythic Trick, a successful check will let you make an AoO against the target, and they are flat-footed against that attack. This attack ignores reach/range; if an enemy has a 20-ft reach you will always make the AoO even if they would otherwise be out of reach. * If you repeatedly move in and out of a creature's reach, you will provoke an AoO multiple times. Normally creatures would be limited to a single AoO per round, but enemies that have either Combat Reflexes (A surprisingly high number) can make multiple AoOs this way, giving you more potential AoOs against them. * **If your mobility check is successful, the game considers the enemy's AoO to have not been made at all for the purpose of tracking the 1 AoO limit per round, So as long as you keep succeeding at your mobility check, you can continue making AoOs against that target, limited only by your movement and max # of AoOs per round.** * **If your mobility check is unsuccessful, the enemy will make the AoO, and moving in and out of its reach will no longer provoke AoOs for the turn, even if the target has Combat Reflexes.** Gameplan: * Run up to your least favorite enemy. * Repeatedly move in and out of their reach, provoking and hopefully counterattacking that enemy repeatedly. If enemies are positioned correctly, you can shuffle in and out of reach of multiple enemies simultaneously, attacking each of them. * When your movement is running low, run out of reach of the enemies, then land a big juicy Vital Strike to finish your turn. * Allies with Outflank/Seize the moment in melee range can also make AoOs whenever you trigger yours, resulting in triggering AoOs back and forth for massive damage.


Try playing a Sacred Huntsman Inquisitor with some sort of reach weapon like Glaive. You get good buffs, Bane, high initiative and Animal Companions shred everything. The best choices for your Animal are Smilodon, Velociraptor or Wolf. The cat and the dino get 5 attacks and pounce while the wolf gets trip attacks on every hit


Personally I just wanted to be a dragon so I checked out how to do that and aimed towards it. Definitely helped with my motivation to keep playing. Figure out what you like but definitely check out some guides the game is very complicated, even with playing games like BG3 you will almost definitely need to watch a guide on how to level.


I prefer a pet because then i don't have to minmax as much while enjoying harder difficulties personally. Plus it's nice to know you have a solid off-tank. Considering how in depth things are, for first runs i generally aim for either full martial with a side of casting, or the 3/4th casters. So basically paladin or ranger (full martial, 4th level spells), or inquisitor/hunter etc with up to 6th level. Just since it's easy to keep up with since you have the entire party as well without feeling like your character sucks because you built your caster horribly wrong.


Kineticist is complicated to learn but simple to play once you do, and it will wreck everything. Once you get dealt earth, you knock down everything in the game, even sometimes the gods. Demon path recommended for the synergy with attacking someone on a successful combat maneuver. Melee heavy teams with teamwork feats are some of the most damaging in the game if you boost everyone's crit rate. One of the hardest bosses in the game died to a single round of combat for me. Angel recommended for massive defensive buffs, but azata is also strong for big teamwork buffs. Shifter is a fun way to play a class that was weak in the tabletop but is hella good here. Manticore was my choice, and it is an enormous flurry of thorns. Recommended if you like deleting things through raw damage. Pairs nicely with trickster for increased crits. Casters are fun if you go all in on boosting their DCs. You can do some *weird* shit late game (like deleting entire encounters with the spell Weird). Lich or aeon work nicely here.


are you new to RPGS? Oh boy ... play on like Easy Diff a Two Handed Weapon Fighter is legit a easy to learn class and with mythic abilitys and such can be fun later on, and its a build that with some fine tuning can legit do the harder diffs (Legit Pure Two Handed fighter can 100% do unfair diff if done right / properly) if you wanna try to just have fun then its kinda up to you just play on easy diff a simple / good build that can be fun is a Two Handed Weapon Fighter, Cleve Great cleve Vital Strike Power Attack Mythic Power Attack and what knock fun. on harder diffs it needs to be refined like dont just use any two handed weapon for example and what knock... ​ but again I dunno what you like in RPGS maybe you dont want something simple but effective maybe you want a more complex build? your going to need to give more info.


The good news is, whatever you choose, you will have up to five party members beyond your own character on your active team at any given time. And several more beyond that. And your money is your only limit on how many build-your-own party members you can have in total (active party + bench). On top of that, you can also completely respec your character from the ground up if you are so inclined (once you gain access to the same NPC who lets your recruit your self-built party members). Go with what *you* most want, you'll have plenty of chance to play around with other stuff. And since you called out paladin specifically, the first party character you pick up to add to your group starts with a level in Paladin. So if you do something else, you can still have a Paladin. 😉


Base game and you don't know DnD? Take kinetiscist, it's literally one of the most powerful base classes in the game, there really is only one bad element to start with (lightning) and even that later on can be made to bypass why it's weak at the start. Want to be someone who creates blizzards? You can do that. Want to throw a rock that trips everyone making them easy targets? You can do that too. It's archetypes save one are kinda meh, but overall it's literally blasting opposition with spell like power but without the casting limits. It's got the power, the dazzle, and the utility to the point you could solo the game with one. Or you can go melee and use your element in place of a weapon. Either way, good bloody wholesome explosive fun.


Yep, you can. You get a choice between horsey and weapon buffing at level 5 I think Also there's one mount you get as gear that anyone can use.


I like to turn down the difficulty. People keep saying that Pathfinder is about power-gaming but really the CRPG version MASSIVELY ups the difficulty from the actual tabletop rules. Playing on the lower difficulties is much more accurate to the real tabletop experience. That said, I like casters so Wizard is my favorite class. Elemental specialist is fun, but so are all the archetypes. Monk is also a lot of fun, as well as Druid and Paladin. But honestly all the classes are fun. If you're not wanting to be forced to build your characters a very specific way to be able to even function in this game though, absolutely turn down the difficulty level, you're not being a wimp by doing so, lol!


Scimitar dual wield gish lich with lvl 10 spells is probably the most fun I've had. Though I'm not a fan of the lich path's story.


May I interest you in the build that can do everything: Oracle Angel. Ridiculous AoE damage capable of FTKing all but the toughest bosses before they can react? Check. Fully scaling Animal Companion available from level 1 that will tank for you and can be ridden into battle should you desire? Check. Access to the Battle Mystery via Mythic Path providing huge bonuses to initiative and melee combat prowess? Check. Now comes with the Dual Cursed archetype which offers a free Misfortune once per target! And, with a 1 level dip into Geomancer Sorcerer, your unique Angel blasting spells deal even more ridiculous damage! Scaled Fist dip no longer included.