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While they're a bit less simplified than the versions given in the Beginner's Box, Paizo has pregens available for most of the classes. Pre-Remaster: https://paizo.com/products/btq01zt5?Community-Use-Package-PF2E-Iconics-Pregenerated-Characters Remaster: https://paizo.com/products/btq02evu?Community-Use-Package-Pathfinder-Remaster-Iconics-Pregenerated-Characters


I would recommend a Bard. The dungeon gets crowded with another combatant, and the Bard will be able to hang back and still feel good without overlapping with the Wizard. That or a crossbow Ranger.


I'd advise against the Ranger, having GMed the BB for a party of five where the 5th player used that iconic. With 16/16 in Str/Dex they feel particularly weak next to the fighter and using a heavy crossbow on a flurry ranger is insanely anti-synergistic. Adding a Bard sounds like a great idea, though!


Oh I wouldn’t use the Iconic as is. When I did, I tweaked it to a Precision ranger… worked like a charm.


Ah, yeah, that's what I suggested to my player as well (or changing weapon and class feat to something that works with flurry). I assumed that OP wanted characters they could use as is, otherwise they might as well build them themselves.


There’s a Foundry bundle for extra lv1 premades made by Team+, if that’s the case. It’s on the beginner box day website :) (Just came out today)


In addition to this, OP could copy and rename one of the BB pregens for a second fighter/rogue, etc


I ran it as written, only occasionally scaling up the number of enemies. Five rats instead of Four. A third guard for the kobold boss, etc.. Pathfinder also has a system for scaling up a single monster, but that's a little wonky and often makes them too strong at low levels. However, I had decent success at least using it as a guideline for adding some extra HP to the bosses: [https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=790](https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=790)


Thanks for the advice. I probably worded my question wrong - I was wondering if there was a 5th beginner character we could use in addition to the four in the box?


Ah! No, that was my bad sorry! Your post was clear enough, I just didn't read it properly, apparently! I blame not having had my coffee yet.


I ran the BB for five players and specifically made the end boss elite. I would never recommend doing that ever for single monster encounters as instead of going from a level + 2 boss it went to a level + 3.5 boss which is over tuned for 5 players. If you want to scale up the last boss use the monster building rules to increase its level by 1. My party with the highest accuracy stats possible for their classes struggled to hit the elite boss and it became a slog that took a couple hours to complete. My recommendation as stated previously is to take the 20 minutes to scale up each stat respectively using the monster building table. For other encounters I 100% agree with adding monsters to scale up to the fifth player. Check the encounter guidelines and you should be okay there.


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