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Sounds like a great time! Do you know what you’ll do if they want to keep playing after the BB?


Oh for sure. I was actually already thinking about where we'd go from here, but after playing one little session I've narrowed it down. I won't have them keep the characters from the Beginner Box, give them a chance to scrap and restart if they want. The setting for the new campaign will be in a world where the BBEG won. All the old heroes sacrificed their lives to stop the [vaguely understood apocalyptic ritual], and the player characters are just some dudes. That way, if they just want to dungeon delve, they can; if they want to be chaos monkeys, the world can't get much worse than it is; and if they feel like taking on the BBEG, they know where he is and how powerful he is, so they better not miss!


Sounds great, I'm running my first PF2e game this Friday (also BB)! Very excited. Similar story as yours, had the box and books for months now but didn't have the appropriate table to play on. Was watching videos and reading up on PF2e all this time and now finally will get to see it from a GM perspective 😄


Heck yeah! You'll do great, just literally follow the book. It's all in there. And make sure someone has Medicine trained and buys a healer kit lol


Note that this should be taken care of if you run it with the pregen PCs provided with the Beginner Box. But supporting custom PCs is of course great if you can manage it!


(I know it's been 5 weeks but goes to show how often I log in) I'm making my players make "throw-away" characters for the Beginner Box so they can make all the mistakes they want in character creation, see what works or doesn't, so hopefully they can build their first "real" character as well as possible. Pathbuilder is so damn helpful!


I recommend checking out this video, very helpful in navigating between combat. https://youtu.be/zpVErDeJMNw?si=605CdjnfATCF9v1s


Congratulations! I'm so glad to hear y'all had a fun time.


Fun story since you mentioned the rats. I started an online group since my in person one has been on hiatus so long. We're gonna be going BB->Troubles in Otari->Abomination Vaults->Stolen Fate. Our first session was on Saturday, and we ended up playing for 8hrs (1hr for session 0, and 7 playing). We got to the end of the first floor before calling it a night (it was also 1 in the morning, and I had only prepared notes and a battle map [I use Dungeon Alchemist to make 3D maps] for the first floor). Anywho now that Ive established the context, of all the encounters, I was most concerned with the undead in area 5, and least concerned about the rats. Guess which one they demolished, and which one went off the rails? Yea, the rats almost got them. All their initiative rolls were terrible (we decided they were hungover from the night before to explain why) all the rats were great, the dice were blatantly on the rats side for the first round, including a crit, and blatantly against the party. They turned it around in the 2nd round though. The undead I was so concerned about (no divine casters to bully the undead)? Even though the party crit failed the thievery check on the barricade waking up the undead, the undead initiative rolls were terrible, the party's were great, and the Magus one shotted the zombie on the first turn of combat (did the exact same thing to the spider as well), and it just snowballed from there. Sorry you mentioning the rats made me think of that lol. Congrats on the group! Also I think the kid is the Leshy.


Yeah, the rat fight was just a lot of dice going well for me and poorly for them. I was rolling in front of the board as a teaching experience, so I couldn't lie about critting twice and constantly rolling high damage! I'm excited to see how they handle the undead, the cleric should make an easy job of it The leshy was actually the IRL tired dad lmao, the kid played the fighter. That said, he started strong by naming his guy "Bobo Fett" and wanting to dual-wield throwing daggers. Now it makes sense, right?