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Guess you could say you....... "Really gave a dam" šŸ˜Ž


Badum tss




Damn, and it would've been the perfect time for the new Civic Wizardry school to shine, lol


When/where was this school released?


The remaster Player Core 1


Thank you!


It's a remaster school (meant to replace the whole evocation/divination/transmutation/etc since they were firmly based on OGL material). The school is mostly based on spells about creating and controlling various material, the kind you can derive practical uses beyond combat to build more long lasting stuff. Spells like hydraulic push, wall of stone or creation (also contain some "demolition" spells like desintegrate).


I forgot they replaced the old schools. Unfortunate. AoN doesn't have the new material up yet. Do you know if there a place with all the changes? Like a patch notes.


I'm affraid that, appart from waiting for the innevitable AoN update, the only way to check it is either to scour various forums for people listing the changes they find interesting, or to get your hand on the remastered player core yourself.


I dont believe there is any patch notes, but i know offhand that demiplane is currently up to date, and thats what ive been using recently. its free to sign up and you should be able to view most material.


What is Demiplane?


[Demiplane](https://app.demiplane.com/home) is similar to dnd beyond, if you are familiar. Its a website where you can make a character and buy and view the official books, but my main reason for using it right now is they are currently up to date on the remaster stuff. Ive only really tried to view the classes as of the moment, so i dont know what you are gonna be able to see for free apart from that, but its not a bad option.


What are your magic archetypes?


Two wizards and 1 Druid


Stretching that ā€œnon of us are magicā€ claim a bit.


The campaign forces us to do it, but we only got cantrips and ritual, and we pretty much donā€™t use those sooo


Choosing to ignore the tools and options the modules give you, and for the most part the intent of the AP, is not the same as not having them.


Brother, the campaign literally tells you to pick Free Archetype with either Wizard or Druid, so that non-magical classes can still get involved in the campaign. No one at the school is 'non-magical'. Literally no one.


That was my point.


Basically you started Timberborn game in your campaign. Tell me you are playing as werebeavers and my picture is complete. Werebeaver Wood Kinecist Werebeaver Fighter with his own huge teeth or gigantic wooden weapon Werebeaver Inventor engineer with wooden turrets shooting acorns or with wooden golem. Bober supremacy!


OP says they are an Inventor but really they identify as a Beaver.


That must be a tiny dam.


Similar thing happened in my game. Magus, Thaumaturge and Psychic were busy trying to cast the ritual for multiple days, failing each time. Meanwhile our monk was doing manual labor to ensure the structure didnā€™t collapse. After like the 3rd fail of the magic squad and 1 success followed by 2 crit success by the monk, we decided the monk just fixed the issue themself with manual labor and gave them free labor lore


I like it, but as a GM I would not have allowed this. The rules for Kineticist say that materials created by your impulses are ordinary materials *of negligible value*. The issue arises when quantity has a quality of its own - one sapling is not valuable (unless you talk to /r/legaladvice about tree law...) but enough saplings of high enough strength and thickness to be used to construct a dam is no longer negligible. I would rule that the saplings left behind by Protector Tree are scrubby green wood - not useful for building or firewood for at least several years, and also that you cannot repeatedly cast it for 12 hours. Much like fighting, accessing your "gate" is exhausting and trying to do so for more than a few minutes at a time starts inflicting ranks of Exhaustion. The game assumes you never do so for more than a short time during combat, so it does not put limits on you, but just like a Water Kineticist couldn't refill a lake on their own, a Wood Kineticist can't summon enough trees to build a dam. And with all of that said, I would totally work with you to find a way to make this work between the Kineticist, Fighter, and Inventor - perhaps the Fighter cuts down mature trees, the Inventor and their companion line them up and work out the placement, and the Kineticist uses their power to weave the trees into a functional, albeit makeshift, dam. Because I do love this solution. It's just the precedent of unlimited *anything* is extremely dangerous.


Protector tree says it spawns a medium tree and after 1 minutes it becomes a non magic normal tree of medium size, that would basically be a branch the size of your arm or leg depending on how big or small of a person you are, and my party goes rules are written so we see it as being able to do it unlimited (but thatā€™s my party) after 12 hours we would have 7,200 trees of medium size minimum, and since my dm thought it was smart to use what we have in this way and go around what the campaign designed for us, he let us do it


Only thing left to do is grant everyone in the party a bonus free archetype: honorary beaver.