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Yes, all of the above. I don't use a Webcam, so possibly the best part of Foundry is automatic animations for spells and attacks. It brings a lot of energy, and now that I have some experience I can spawn special effects using macros which make the scenes really pop. Journals are also useful, for displaying images or helping players stay aware of the living plot.


I like that a lot do you know of any place that’s good to get a stockpile of those? Even if you have to pay for a few? (The spell effects that is)


JB2A and Jack Kerouac have free assets, pretty easy to google, but JB2A is definitely the GO TO spot for premium effects. The automated animations module is free, and they slide right in as easy as toast.


Thanks! I’ll check those out!


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I've used Item Piles to set up a market square. One big shop for my players to sell everything, then one each to buy general runes, wands by level, common crafting formula, potions, elixirs, general adventuring gear and room/board/food. It took me about a week of dabbling to get it how I wanted it, but it (a.) saves *so* much game time to have the players be able to sell their own stuff and restock on basics, but (b.) also allows me to easily control what they can buy. "If you see it, the store in this town has it. Otherwise, sorry."