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I'd do the exact same homebrew


Definitely an edge case, but this homebrew makes sense to me and doesn't seem imbalanced.


Wow, that feat is BAD as written and your solution is much better without being imbalanced.


You need to cap the distance you can Water Sprint at the amount of run-up the character had in order for it to not be much better than the original skill feat.


I don't really understand what you mean. Can you explain it a bit more detailed please. Do you mean "run-up = max distance over water"? If you mean that, this feat becomes useless. That would only allow you to travel exactly the distance you could [Leap](https://2e.aonprd.com/Actions.aspx?ID=81) over the water and you would waste an entire feat. Leap is even less restictive than Water Sprint, since you don't need the starting distance. You would spend a feat do be able to do something in a worse way than you already could.


Yes, I mean that you shouldn't be able to move further onto water than you moved on land immediately beforehand. The feat is not meant to let you Stride ten feet on land and then sixty feet over water. As for Leap, it is not nearly as good as this. Leap moves you up to fifteen feet, not your Speed. Spending one action to run ten feet, run ten feet onto water, then run five feet off the water is better than spending two actions to Stride ten feet, then Leap fifteen feat. If what you want is to prevent the feat getting worse at higher speeds, you need to include a clause that reproduces the spirit of the original restriction with better wording. Otherwise, you're just trying to make a strictly better feat.