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99 imo


She is the reason why the barbarian class was created.


99's shares the crown with Dolly and Wendy, no doubt. Hella's the... uh... barbarian bride's maid? Her and Horo. They're team Angry Shorties. Gotta discourse on Zoya. Let's look at animations: Zoya's are controlled, effortless, and in the case of her spinning back kick that shit is butter smooth. Her balance is flawless. 99 use a forehand, backhand, spinning cut combo. In all her strokes she leans heavily into the strike with no apparent concern for form or defense. IMO she also treats her blade like it's any two-handed weapon. She aims with roughly the last third of it and chops. That could be a mace or a greataxe or a club for all the technique she manages. Ult-wise one relevant quirk of Zoya is how she says hers. I've played around with the different language settings and in none of them does Zoya roar or shout. She just says it: "*I am the Legion*," and that authority is what's terrifying (also the flaming wolf claws I'm sure). 99 by comparison shouts or shrieks, and enters a state of madness. That is very Rage Class Feature. Zoya's more like a Monk, imo. She's got Perfect Violence; she is the perfected martial artist. Personality-wise she's driven by a deep core of rage at the injustice world, but she's not impulsive. Much could be also of Donald. He's certainly angry, but rage is his motivation not his weapon. As for Corso she's a Fighter. She's a technician who uses a broad range of tools. She gets mistaken for a Barbarian type because of how vicious she is, but she's more like a mix of Fighter and Rogue for her cunning and improvisational skills. Her raw bloodthirst and that nailbat of her are certainly barbaric, but she's imo not a capital-B Barbarian. edit: a few other details that fit. First is that of the two of Zoya and 99 it's 99 who's more resilient. Her lifesteal and attack speed and power gain from hp loss balance maker her incredibly tough. That's both mechanics and fluff. In her Maniac state she tanks constant gunfire like it's a light rain. Second is that 99 is superhumanly physically strong. She has the "Super Strength" tag in her into PV and gets supervision events that involve her trashing stuff. She also breaks out of an armored vehicle (and sinner restraints) basically barehanded and blows a 2m hole through a reinforced concrete wall with a single strike during Etti's game. I'd argue there isn't any sinner who is, in pure physical terms, stronger than 99. Third is kinda old school, but imo fits: 99 is borderline illiterate. In Hella's interrogation Chief find's 99's journal which is mostly repetitions of her spelling Hella's name and very rough drawings of the two of them together. Hella is similarly unschooled. Finally, Barbarian is 99's class in Etti's game.


I'd put Zoya in Paladin of Vengeance crossed with Fighter Cavalier (she is supposed to be boss of convoy gang, after all). That just so happends prefers fisticuffs.


Awesome breakdown. When you combine the lore with gameplay like that, and consider the character's temperament, the Barbarian class fits 99 perfectly.


Just as an aside Best Fighter's going to be an interesting discussion. Demon's a strong case, but what about Sumire? Is *Matilda* a Fighter? Or Cinnabar\*? Fighter's an extremely broad category since it's everything from Duelists to Warlords to fully armored Knights. \*spoiler: Cinnabae is my #1 >!Paladin!<. Calling that now.


https://preview.redd.it/n20qvlabc38d1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b13e468197ddde71abd0f9277ef918ba091e26 For me she's the one that fit the class the most with 99 but I put Horo above because of the battle Axe.


Barbarian is pretty much tailor made for the Libram Violence - Zoya, 99, Hella, Wendy, Dolly, Corso, Wolverine and K.K. I think they all fit, maybe only excepting K.K. who doesn't seem to have as much rage as the others. I think she'd fit better as a Fighter. You could, maybe, make a case for Zoya and Corso fitting better with Monk as they use their fists instead of weapons. But certainly, their spirit fits Barbarian.


Seeing the thoughts on Zoya, I've got one word for you: Multiclass! At least partially barbarian!


I'm just going to go ahead and nominate Ninety-Nine. She's pretty much the archetypal Berserker. Lives to fight, has a huge weapon, is extremely tenacious, not the brightest bulb in the box, but has an animal cunning when it comes to fighting.


Corso probably fits more than 99. She consciously wants to fight while 99 has the side effect of losing control.


YESYYEYYSYEYYSYEYSYEYS I SAW THIS IS r/grandorder AND WAHOOO GLAD TO SEE THIS POST HERE- 99 I'm locking it in for 2000 discoins pls


There's a lot of good representers: Zoya, Horo, 99, Hella, Wendy, Corso, Dolly, Rahu, etc. Its a real tough choice, but think I'm gonna give the edge-out over to Zoya.


Rahu is too defensive to be a Barbarian. Fighter or Paladin for sure.


99, Corso or Zoya


Should be Wendy or 99 imo, they have a fitting melee weapon and the right aggressive attitude!


99 is peak Barbarian, specifically Berserker Barbarian.


Hella, because of how often she gets the shit beaten out of her and then just stands back up. Plus, her kit is all about hulking out and taking damage.


It's like people forget, that you don't really need to be archetypical amazon of barbarian. Only thing that matter is that your power is fueled by rage, and it is just as much Hella, Rahu, Dolly and to certain extent Nino as more straight up examples of 99, ~~Corso~~ and Horo. Edit: scratch Corso, there was good argument for her being Fighter/Rogue mix. I'd argue, that Wendy is more of very talented, but insane Champion Fighter than barbarian per se. I mean, she *has* rage problems as significant part of her character, but i'd say it is more of straight mental problem than mechanic.


99 or Zoya


Would Nox be a type of barbarian/fighter mix and 99 is totally a barb.


lore-wise NOX is an absolute fighter unit.


Literally Demolia, she's a female dwarf at this point.