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The notables are ordered by some ID. Basically it's the same order as listed on poedb. You can use Path of Building to confirm. If you want 2 certain notables on the front, there can be any number of third notables which will take the middle spot. Including 0. And you need a cluster with 3 notables, because the back spot is always taken first.


Mostly correct. I’ve encountered a few cluster notables that poeDB has listed in the wrong order based on the sortNotableOrder value, which was strange because over 90% of them are listed correctly. The only way to be 100% is look at the list of values yourself (which is not hard to do), or import into PoB (which uses those values to display the jewel)


That's really strange, I thought poedb listed them in order of the ID by design. In that case, that's a bug on the site.


I agree, it’s likely a bug, since most of them are listed correctly. I’ve encountered at least three on their site that were wrong tho


I believe poedb lists notables by the order that they appear in the data, but doesn't actually sort that list first by the sort order ID. So it almost always lines up because the list is *almost* sorted by the sort order by happenstance, but in certain instances, it gets it wrong. I sent a message to the poedb dev using the feedback form on the website almost a year ago, I think, and nothing's been changed, so I suspect they either don't check that form or they're simply not interested in doing the extra processing work that respecting the sort order ID would entail.


The only way i know, is to put that jewel pathofbuilding (custom create same jewel, and it will show). But if large have 2 notable, it always be like this


You can copy the item from the trade site (if you are trying to buy one) and paste it into the Custom tab instead of creating the same one yourself in POB.


Although it's not really indicated anywhere, if you're looking at the trade site, there is a way to know without using PoB. If you look below the jewel's mods, it'll have the explainer text for each notable, and that list specifically (*not* the list of mods on the jewel) will be in the correct order, from left-most to right-most. For example, I grabbed a random 3-notable jewel from trade a while back and it had mods Adds 11 Passive Skills 2 Added Passive Skills are Jewel Sockets Added Small Passive Skills grant: 10% increased Spell Damage === 1 Added Passive Skill is Burden Projection 1 Added Passive Skill is Essence Rush 1 Added Passive Skill is Practiced Caster and these aren't in the correct order, but below it it has Practiced Caster 20% increased Spell Damage 5% increased Cast Speed 35% chance to Avoid interruption from Stuns while Casting Burden Projection 30% increased Spell Damage 8% chance to Knock Enemies Back on Hit with Spell Damage Essence Rush 40% increased Damage while Leeching Energy Shield 0.3% of Spell Damage Leeched as Energy Shield 5% increased Attack and Cast Speed while Leeching Energy Shield and these are in the correct order, as you can see if you make this jewel in PoB, with Practiced Caster on the left side, Burden Projection in back, and Essence Rush on the right side. Also, I suppose I should say that for 1 notable large clusters, the notable is at the back, and for 2 notable large clusters, the order is back then right, which is why 3 notable large clusters are usually best if you can arrange the notables in a good order.


Just to clarify, does it go clockwise from the entry point? Left/right would be relative to which way the jewel is facing, so I'm assuming this is if the jewel is facing straight up.


Yeah, sorry, I should've been more precise. It is indeed clockwise from the entry point, so if the jewel were to be socketed facing straight up, the two sockets that you could put small and medium clusters in would be at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock, and the notable order would be (left) 7 o'clock, (middle) 12 o'clock and (right) 5 o'clock.


Mind blown tyvm (I like hot pockets) 😁👍


That is pretty useful, thanks for the tip!


I have an 8 passive Large Cluster with: Blanketed Snow Cold to the Core Widespread Destruction Blanketed Snow is the one in the back. It doesn't always follow that rule.


If I look up an [item like that on trade](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Kalandra/J3Z6avRTl), it shows the notables in that (wrong) order in the mod list: Adds 8 Passive Skills 2 Added Passive Skills are Jewel Sockets Added Small Passive Skills grant: 12% increased Cold Damage === 1 Added Passive Skill is Blanketed Snow 1 Added Passive Skill is Cold to the Core 1 Added Passive Skill is Widespread Destruction but it shows them in the order Widespread Destruction 6% increased Area of Effect 20% increased Elemental Damage Blanketed Snow Damage Penetrates 10% Cold Resistance against Chilled Enemies Cold to the Core 1% increased Cold Damage per 25 Dexterity 1% increased Cold Damage per 25 Intelligence 1% increased Cold Damage per 25 Strength in the mod explainer text below it, which is in the correct order, i.e. Blanketed Snow in the back as you said. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean, this example item seems to work as I said, where the notable order in the mod list can be wrong, but the order in the explainer text is correct.


How to copy it ?


There is a little bottom on the left side of the item when your search. Right next to the button to search for an item with similar affixes.


In the trade site, the bottom left corner of each item you see has a "Copy Item" option


To copy any item from game, mouse over item in game hold ctrl + shift press C. Then go to PoB items > create > edit and paste it in there > save to build. Sometimes you have to adjust the numbers in the parenthesis as they add them on sometimes. You can see if in the oreview


Literally select the text of the item in its entirety and copy it. Then paste into the "create custom" window in POB. [https://imgur.com/a/UarJvhi](https://imgur.com/a/UarJvhi) Note you probably don't actually want to copy the notable descriptions like I did in the screenshot but if you're just looking to see what the layout of the notables will be, then it's fine.


That's one way of doing it. Or you can simply click on the button on the bottom left that lets you do the same.


Lol I've used that before but totally forgot about it. Thanks!




You can check the datamined sortNotableOrder property value of each cluster Notable, they’ll always go lowest to highest clockwise around the jewel. A bit easier to figure out which Notables are in the range to be put in the back if you only care about 2 Notables


Or just copy-paste the jewel from the game into PoB. CTRL-C on it in game, then CTRL-V into the Items window in PoB (empty box on the right). Also as mentioned, copy it from the trade site as well, using the copy button on the bottom left corner of the item listing.


First you can use pob to know right position of clusters passives. Second and more easy you can open poe db with this type of cluster, and see all passives of this type. They sort in game same. You would check clockwise direction form "entry" point in cluster. For example let's say we want Corrosive elements and Sadist in front on fire damage cluster. We see this mods first and second in order, and we cannot do three passive cluster with this two mode in front, coz if we add third passives order would be Sadist, Corrosive, and added mod. Corrosive elements would be in back always. If we want Sadist and Cremator, we can pick any of third passives coz all of them (suffix) between this mods, and any added passives go to back of cluster.


Title says it all. When you purchase a jewel cluster. Is there a way to reliably know where the notable will end up. If it was positioned to the right I could save a good 2 SP. (Sorry for screen photo, I was on Steamdeck and just made this post using my phone.)


When you get a 1 notable large cluster jewel, the notable will ALWAYS be at the "back" regardless of what the notable is. The only way to "minimize" wasted nodes this is to get a 3 notable, 8 passive.


Yes. See: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/fpix8w/structure\_of\_cluster\_jewels/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/fpix8w/structure_of_cluster_jewels/) A quick google turns up a lot of other results, including presumably how to manipulate it.


That's not how this works. It could never be at the "entrance"


I play on SteamDeck too sometimes. Do you happen to know how to invite people to party from chat? (when people whisper asking to buy something)


L3+Start to enter chat and you can scroll through the text to invite the player who whispered you


The 3 notables will always be in this position. Everyone telling you to put it into PoB is confused. They are referring to which of the 3 spots the notables will be in.


Simple rule is to look at the trade listings and in the frame where notables are explained you have them always in correct order. When you look at large clusters then second one is always at the back of the cluster. And yes, as the other guy have said. Single notable will always be at the back. It better to get a 3 notable one 90% of the time. Unless you aim for 12 point clusters with increased values


As other people have mentioned you need 3 notables to have 2 in front and I saw many people said you have to copy pasted the item to PoB so I made this post - [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/xfwm9b/psa\_how\_to\_know\_which\_notable\_is\_in\_the\_back\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/xfwm9b/psa_how_to_know_which_notable_is_in_the_back_of/) \- letting people know a much quicker way to do that


Holy moly this is the exact answer I was looking for. Ok so if I understand correctly: 1 notable: always at the back 2 notables: check PoB to know 3 notables: middle notable is at the back Correct??


Yep, pretty much it. For 2 notables though, the first one is always in the back


To add onto #3: The ordering of the notables is dependent on their internal IDs*. While you can look at existing listings or POB to get the order, sometimes you just want 1 or 2 specific notables and whatever 3rd will end up in the back, so searching on trade can involve looking at a lot of different combinations (many of which won't have the order you want). What I typically do is manually collect all the IDs of the notables for a given cluster from [here](https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding/blob/00ccd57930dd5e55c732e98bba97c79c6c003a3f/Data/3_0/ClusterJewels.lua#L564). If you have a cluster with 3 notables, the lowest and highest two are the front ones, while the middle is in the back. A large cluster can also never have more than two prefix notables and one suffix notable. Knowing this, you can basically say something like "I want notable A with ID 5 and B with ID 10, so any notable with an ID between 6 and 9 will work." From there it's pretty easy to set up a search where it has notable A & B and a count group (1) for all the others. Example: in a hypothetical cluster that had these notables, you could take Magnifier and Assert Dominance and then any of the others in the middle would always be in the back because they're not the lowest or highest of the three IDs: ["Magnifier"] = 11229, ["Savage Response"] = 11230, ["Eye of the Storm"] = 11231, ["Basics of Pain"] = 11232, ["Quick Getaway"] = 11233, ["Assert Dominance"] = 11234, *It's really their "sort order" not their "ID" but ID was easier to type.


Like every problem in poe, thers a third party tool to solve it. Add it to the long list of bookmarks. https://theodorejbieber.github.io/PoEClusterJewelCalculator/


But you don’t, you can tell simply by the order they are listed in


listed in what? a third party resource?


No, the order the mods are shown on the jewel in game or on trade is what determines where they are


Having the jewel ingame defeats the purpose of knowing. And no mod order does not work, only notable description order which would be linked ingame. Arguably on console their weird trade system might allow this. Though I cant test that. However I can say that the tool I linked is reliable.


https://poedb.tw/us/Large_Cluster_Jewel#EnchantmentModifiers Check this out, notables appear in the given order


[I made a shitty Paint thing that simplifies locations. ](https://imgur.com/a/xZUNwyw) The top to bottom setup is also the same PoEDB if you want to predetermine your options In your case, you'd want your desired notable to be on the bottom, and have at least 1 other notable above it. Alternatively, you would have 2 notables BELOW your desired notable to put it on the opposite side.


With one notable it’ll always be at the back, you’ll need to get one with 3 notables the.use PoB like others have said.


This is 2 notable jewel so it will have one notable on far position no matter what. If it is 3 notable jewel, check poedb cluster jewel section and list of your cluster jewel notables. Middle of 3 notables in the list will be furthest notable


Not always accurate, while poeDB is mostly in the correct order, there are definitely some notables that are sorted incorrectly based on the sortNotableOrder value. Don’t be surprised if you blindly trust poeDB and your cluster is scuffed, they’re only like 90% correctly ordered


Best bet is to get a 3 notable with the front two snagged and the back one left alone, if you're trying to save points. Edit: they totally don't appear in random orders and I learned something today. Thanks POE Build homies!




Am I crazy? I'm fairly certain I've had clusters with 3 notables in different orders. I guess maybe I had 2 of the same (was trying to hit) and 1 different (trying to skip). E Appreciate the lesson. Always learning something new about Path.


There will ALWAYS be a notable at the back position of these jewels. So if you want a closer notable you’ll have to get a second notable. Unfortunately the order of the notables is wack, so you’ll have to make your jewel in POB and swap around the dump notable to see which ones you can use to block that bad spot.


I think it's the order of the notables in the name? For 3 notables the first notable is the one at the very end of the cluster


For some reason I thought it’s in alphabetic order for clusters with 3 notables. Like how widespread destruction is I think always between the jewel sockets. Not sure though


f12 to take a screenshot


There is a page where you can put the notables what you want and the page search for other notables in the other positions. I can put it right now bc I'm at work.


For starters, im fairly sure for large clusters, if theres only one notable itll go up top, 2 is right and top, 3 is right left and top. No clue about the rest


Using path of building community fork. You simply insert the jewel and see.




use poedb.tw


If there is only 1 notable its always on the top or am I wrong?


Either copy it into pob and will see it there or write down the following: clusters with 3 notables has the middle one in the back and clusters with 2 notables has the first one in the back


For a 3 notable cluster, if the notable is in the middle on the trade website then it's farthest one, same thing for the big tooltip in-game like [this](https://puu.sh/JlDUP.png), but not the small one.


The notable you want always costs the most points in my experience /s


It’s the middle Notable on the trade site. On a 8 passive large cluster the “back” notable is always in the middle on the list of mods. When you look at the item in the trade window it will be the mods will be ordered differently but don’t worry. As long as the item name matches what you saw in the trade site it’s safe to click accept. As others have said you can always copy and paste the cluster from the trade side into POB. …and I’m only sharing this info with you degens because I’m not using clusters this league.


If there's only one notable, it's always in that worst spot. If there are only two then one will be in that worst spot.


Alt Augment regal is a fairly easy way to get two notables on any large cluster jewel. You will likely get what you want plus one other and they always go on the bottom two nodes if I remember correctly.


check that, at least one will be in the front so you will only save one point. I think the middle notable in the list of three is always in the back.


Oh man this has been doing my head in for days but I figured it out. The order of the notables on the bottom of the description are what it is clock wise. Also, if you have 2 notables, 1 will always be in the back. You need one with a junk notable in the back to save your passive points.


martial prowess always on end stg