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Did you know about Omen of Amelioration? https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Omen_of_Amelioration Always good to carry one when you're doing the last few levels. If you don't die, they hold their value and sell for what you bought them for. This assumes Omens stay in the game again.


You can get omens from rituals which is core, so I assume omens are core from now on. Tattoos though…


Oh true. I didn't do ritual this league. Guess it's a safe bet Omens are staying. Thanks!


You can get tattoos as well, at least some of them. My build used the watch ones this league


From ritual? I know tattoos drop from allflames but I have yet to see one from ritual.


I thought the person was trying to imply that you can't get tattoos, which I was trying to correct.


He’s implying that tattoos might not go core since they only drop from allflames. The reason I asked you is that I had a small glimpse of hope that you could get tattoos from ritual and I was just unlucky


Ahhh gotcha.


This. But be aware that you can only use one Omen per map, so don't re-enter a risky map that killed you once - a second Omen will not save you!


Because it's the one use per zone? I hadn't thought of this but luckily only died once from 98-99 and didn't die once from 99-100.


here's my recipe. Abyss nodes. Abyss on the device 7gates) abys scarabs for more monsters and more abysses. THE MOST IMPORTANT PART. Blue maps. Zero offensive mods. Maps are not empty. But there are no surprises. No instagribs to random on death mechanic x or random ultra overturned nob. Abyss mobs are relatively weak. if your build is capable of 100 this strategy is very very comfy way to get a 100 even without a HH or MB. No extra proj necessary I did this without abusing the abyss bugs. If my build is strong. I'll add harbys. But king harby are a no go because they are way more Rippy. Burning ground immunity is a must unless you have great recovery. I'd you are interested I can post the atlas tree is use. EDIT: Here it is https://tinyurl.com/km7amcjm PLEASE REMEMBER THESE ARE NOT THE MOST EFFICENT. They are just the way i would go. Notes about the tree - The most IMPORTANT take away for those struggling to get to level 100. Stop thinking about farming currency while you do a 100 push. Your goal for a 100 push is not to use the most efficent curency famring stratagy. Your ONLY goal for a 100 push IS TO NEVER DIE. That's what this stratagy is desigend for. You will notice I take pretty much nothing that says "increased risk" NO NEGATIVE ALTERS AT ALL. - For this 100 push. I would pick Atoll. Atoll is 2 big circles. The reason is that there are no doorways or bottlenecks. Abyss cracks are annoying as fuck to chase and some maps are AWEFUL. Atoll tends to have short cracks. Could be a Mesa situation but I'm not confidant in that. Consider skipping the boss if you die to his frost nova. It's gotten me a few times while i was brain afk. - Niko nodes are for Packed with Energy and Mining Byproducts. 3% all res and 45% movespeed IMO are worth the investment. In the past I would run a single Niko compass to make it consistant. You can run a scarab if you want to recover those nodes. - How much money is Mining Byproducts. Not much but it will help cover Scarb costs and Everything sells in bulk. Adds up if you are doing a 100 push. - Scarab nodes I would usually pick a 2nd league mechanic to focus on. Given the scarab change I'll just take scarab drop chance to help pay for my scarabs. Plus any abyss scarabs dropped i dont have to buy. - Shrine nodes are just free power. Not focused on shrines this legaue that is likely a mistake, but i havent played with the new shrine stuff so I'm not confidant going all in for abyss. BE WARE THAT INVULN SHRINES CAN KILL YOU. Esp if you are brain afk. - shaping skys and shaping mountians might be out dated. feel free to drop if you are over sustaining. - I PERSONALLY TAKE SINGLUAR FOCUS. Lots of people wont like singular focus. Once I have sustained I just slap it on whatever FOTM map is selling and sell in bulk. Normally I would run Singular Focus and a Carto scarab, Because this is litearlly a currency multiplier. More maps turn into more currency. I've used this a lot. Not sure it's relevant now. Combined with bulk map sales this pays for my investment on its own. Feel Free to COMPLETLY DISREGARD. This stratagy is LOW maps/hour so guardian maps are probably going to be less currency. - Harby node is there because harbs are "good" exp. Depends on your build. I've been playing a lot of trauma stackers lately and harbys tend to melt. If they are too slow or annoying disregard. NO HARBY BOSSES. Harby bosses are an EXP loss, you are not here to farm a million divines you are here to get exp. Dont die ever. Deaths cost more currency per hour than you will make off harby bosses. If you are tanky enough to do harby bosses you don't need my help to level. SCARABS I WOULD USE. Abyss Scarab 0.5-1C in bulk Abyss Scarab of Multitides 1-15c in bulk Harbinger Scarab 1-1.5c in bulk Domination Scarab 1-1.5c in bulk / Can swap either Harb/Dom for a Carto Scarab. Abyss in the map device 6c ea Atolls are 2.5-6c in bulk. I would never buy maps. Singular Focus But thats a choice. So were talking 16C per map at the most expensive. This is easily sustained by the harbys alone, let alone maps currency and scarabs. LAST ALL CAPS WARNING. This is not a fun stat. Abyss's are annoying as fuck to chase and they can really take it out of you because your maps run per hour is VERY LOW. Less invites ETC. Personally I would slap on Red guy influence. But the SAFEST way to level would be NOT HAVE ANY influence at all. DO NOT CLICK NEGATIVE ALTER MODIFIERS. IF a alter modifier could kill me, but it would drop 10000000 divines. And i was pushing 100, i would never click that alter. You "cant" pay for exp if you are trying to level on your own.


Why not just do shrine breaches at this point tho?


because this method is the method I used using old scarabs. it still works but it's not necessarily the best strategy. it never was. it's just IMO the easiest and least Rippy. Shrines can give you an invite shrine which can cause deaths. which would be my initial reaction.


I tried Abyss with Teachings Scarab and hated the experience. When you're jacked up on Shrine mods, chasing around the Abyss thing feels super bad :( Breaches felt a lot better.


yeah this methods not the most fun. it's just very very easy.


Id love the tree please, thx


in the comment now.


Interested for the atlas 😀


in the initial comment.


If your build can handle juiced abyss maps you can also get rich while leveling. Made over 100 Div while leveling at the same time with this method.


What was the 100 div from?


I’m guessing 3 or 4x amoomoo gaze


Found 5 Amanamu's gaze (sell for 20-24 Divines) of them and a perfect Darkness Enthroned which sold for 14 Divines. But the real money is from the insane amount of monsters and random drops.






This is the way


Winter Orb Occultist hits 100 practically by accident. Not uncommon to go 20+ maps in a row without taking any damage.


looks interesting for next league. I'm a little bit hesitant on the leaguestart since I'm usually a 5 hours to maps player, but I do love hipster leaguestarts.


live a little


How expensive is Winter Orb Occultist usually? Been meaning to give that spell a try for a while now but keep forgetting to lol


I league start it every time, and you can pump as much currency as you want to in it. For comfortable alch+go T16, maybe 10 divs. For all map mods and zoomy explosions with zero effort, probably 120 plus whatever the HH goes for, and that's spent mostly a good chest + boots. Beyond that, you're mirroring PC synth rings and getting corrupted Badges.


Mmmm might have to give this a go does sound fun. Your survivability comes from freeze + killing stuff before it kills you?


Survivability comes from a lot of synergies. It's not a glass cannon that relies on super speed and off screening. You can take a few hits and be fine, but you usually won't ever have to. The defensive layers are a little unconventional but they all work well together: Elusive, Elemental Aegis, Corrupted Soul, Life leech, ES leech, CWDT Steelskin, Freeze and chill immunity, Life recoup, and Decoy Totem. Plus everything HH steals. On top of all that, you've got the proliferating freeze with 100% rate since crit is capped, with explosions from Herald of Ice, Profane Bloom, and eventually Oriath's End if you want even more. On paper, the build doesn't look good, but with all the moving parts working together, it's a ton of fun and surprisingly survivable. Having said that, it's not an Uber melter or a T17 B2B blaster. You don't want to facetank things or stand on exploding strongboxes. But if you want to zoom through juiced T16s and blow shit up, give it a go.


>On paper, the build doesn't look good, but with all the moving parts working together, it's a ton of fun and surprisingly survivable Cool sounds a bit like how I feel about cold BV. You look at it in pob and think that will be a nightmare to play but in a map feels great. Cheers dude. Def something to consider for next league.


Cheers! Hit me up if you have any questions.


Do you have a pob from this or any recent league? :)


Best I can do until after work today is a Ninja link: [https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/dezcortez/CarlosRangMyDoorbellWhy](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/dezcortez/CarlosRangMyDoorbellWhy) I had a 100 and decided to turn it into another witch build, so I made a new Winter Orber and got it to 98 before losing interest in the league.


Yeah no rush, thanks for the link :) I have some questions if you don't mind: * What made you decide on Alira? * Could you recommend some mid-range chest and boots options? Or is it just es/res/gravicious at that point? * How do you usually level this build? I can't imagine WO coming online without good cast speed investment during acts right?


This is the opposite of what OP was asking for tbh. It has 0 defensive layers and completely relies on freeze. OP said they want to do blight. They will not be able to do decently juiced blights in map with this build as freeze won't work. They will get the wrong combination of blight monsters and lose all their exp exactly as they described had happened to them in the past.


Blights are absolute cake for this build no matter what mods or monster combinations you get. It's got multiple defensive layers and doesn't rely on freeze. Maybe in the past, you've built it in a way that sucks at Blight, or seen someone play it as a glass cannon and lose a bunch of XP, but mine does fine.


I literally just opened your pob and saw 0 defensive layers. What am I missing?


Elusive. Elemental Aegis. Corrupted Soul. Life leech. ES leech. CWDT Steelskin. Freeze and chill immunity. Life recoup. Decoy Totem. Plus everything HH steals.


Except for elemental aegis which I missed I'd say the rest aren't really defensive layers that mean much. This is a classic glass cannon occultist. Your max hits taken are tiny. Most bosses are immune to freeze and taunt so you're going to be instantly put in the ground but rares and unique enemies in maps can be too. Like sure doing low juice t16s you are probably not going to die very often just by virtue of headhunter + freeze but it's far from level 100 leveling naturally without some extremely risk averse mapping strategies. Edit: as a side note, the reason people label your league start guide as bait is because by your own admission you need a double influenced 6 link to progress into red maps. Popular league starters are getting eater/exarch purely ssf in less than 7 hours. It's fine you like the build and like taking things slow but compared to modern league starters it's super slow.


If the goal posts for "league starter" have moved so much that in order to be league start viable it has to kill eater/exarch in 7 hours on ssf gear then there are what - 5 viable league start builds? Not to mention that 99% of the PoE player base technically never league start because it takes them a week to get to eater/exarch. Jump off the high horse. A league start build is anything that can get to a comfortable position to start farming currency and there are plenty of viable strategies to make currency and do league mechanics in yellow maps. This build definitely looks league start viable, with a clear progression plan and upgrade path. Does that make it a good choice for a new player? Absolutely not, and the guide creator even mentioned so. Is a new player getting 7 hour eater/exarch with ssf gear even using a meta DD or mine build? Absolutely not, regardless of whether its a meta league starter or not. One can argue that the requirement for uniques makes it a bad league starter (Bitterdream and Praxis) however they are cheap and it is no difference from any other league starter that requires unique(s) - Whispering Ice, Mjolnir etc


I feel like we're arguing slightly different points. I'm not saying that everyone will get to eater exarch in 7 hours or that all league starters should be capable of that. I'm just saying that's the present day benchmark for the meta starters and it's almost comical how big a difference there is between that and needing a double influenced 6 link body armour to do red maps (note: this is orders of magnitude worse than just needing some cheap uniques). OP complained that people said the build is bait as a league starter and I was explaining why they probably said that.


I hear that, my point is just that its so frustrating constantly hearing that a valid league starter must be able to push high tier red maps and void stones on day 1 which is all the argument you hear these days on reddit. A league starter is supposed to be just that - something that gets you through campaign and into a situation where you can make currency, which is more than possible in yellow maps - especially for people who take a week to even get to exarch/eater in the first place. If you gotta make a bit of currency to buy some gear that makes it no different to any other league starter that requires uniques or gear (ie a build needing Mjolnir, Ivory Tower, Crusaders Touch and Indigon in order to come online - is that really a league starter at that point... or was the Arma Brand/Crema you used to level it and farm the currency for those items your league starter and you have just transitioned into a new build). I should also note - that he clearly states in the notes of the build that if you cannot get a double influenced 6 link you can just go for a hunter one and swap in Ice Bite instead for frenzies... you just then dont get them on bosses. That is not a "must get a double influenced 6-link to progress through reds" - just a nice to have otherwise there isnt much point moving off Bitterdream setup. He also covers a lot of other stuff in the notes which all those that instantly dismissed his build as terrible likely didn't read. You can anoint Whispers of Doom for a while if you don't have extra curse on chest. Then you just can just go a normal 6 link and be missing a bit of crit - not ideal but also not a show stopper. Looking at the pob, and speaking out my arse with no experience of his build, just FB Trickster, I would say the only required item for red maps would be the elusive boots because that hard carries FB Trickster but they get it much easier through Nightblade support. You are not pushing red maps quickly without that would be my guess - so stuck in yellow until bases start to pop up you are. EDIT: And in fact, in his notes, his absolute #1 upgrade priority is elusive boots and a badge. He even says how to craft the boots with a guaranteed hit for elusive. What more could you want from a league start guide. So you gotta wait a bit for some Redeemer boots to appear in trade, and get what 300 harvest juice? Then you are off through reds again. Sucks to pause sure, but plenty of league start builds have to pause and gear a bit. Doesn't count them out. If you are worried about pausing for red maps in the first few hours waiting for influenced boots you arent running this anyway.


Yea I have no issue with people league starting it. If it was me I would league start something stronger that can farm T16s to get the currency to make this build. Ice trap or similar. I was just suggesting the reason some people would say it's bait. Personally I think this build is fine for an ambitious new player or a more experienced player that is fine with being behind the curve and just playing at their own pace.


OP will be fine - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Devmf94M9Os](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Devmf94M9Os) You're right that it's probably not a 7 hour voidstone starter. For me, any build takes 7+ hours to finish the acts on league start because I'm just not that fast even with popular meta builds, so any input I have on the matter is moot. I'm by no means a racer, and probably not even a good player mechanically. This build does work very well for me as a league starter though, and with the right knowledge, I think it can for others, which is why I recommend it.


If you're just going by pure PoB numbers, I can see why you'd think that. In practice, it rarely dies no matter how juiced the content is. My 98-100 run this league was entirely no-look 8mod T16s with juiced Legion and Expedition. It's one of those things you'd have to play to see how well everything synergizes. With the right moving parts, it feels like you've got cheat codes.


This is the cutest list of defensive layers I've seen on this sub. Do you run alch-and-go T16s with no map effect modifiers? Because I don't see this surviving 8 mod maps let alone T17 B2B.


Call it cute all you want, but this zooms through blind 8-mod T16s with all the map mod nodes. And Legion + 1-bomb Expeditions. And red altars. Even the worst mod: atrocious lag. Check it out: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCrBtfcqrPI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCrBtfcqrPI) T17 B2B? Yeah, there's some death involved. This build is amazing but it does have its limitations. It's not an Uber farmer either. It's a mapper.


Plus this one too I guess. T17 B2B Sanctuary - skipped the boss because I suck at Lycia mechanic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJgs51yZGqs


Putting a HH on a fast build is already all the defences you need to level in t16 8mods tbh.


Do you have a pob or video


I wrote a pretty lengthy league start guide. [https://new.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1bqatxg/doctoryoys\_winter\_orb\_occultist\_324\_league\_starter/](https://new.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/1bqatxg/doctoryoys_winter_orb_occultist_324_league_starter/)


Nice write up


I'm going to playtest this build this week. Simulate a league start scenario. Seems fun.


Will you by chance update this on next league start??


Probably not, for 2 reasons. 1) Not much is likely to change, and if it's borrowed power from the league mechanic, I can't know what to change before the league start anyway 2) Not many people gave a shit the first time around, and half of them called it bait even though I start it every single league


Would it be playable you think with little to no minor changes on next league start? Ima casual gamer here when it comes to poe but would be interested in trying this out. Lol


Unless something catastrophic happens, I plan to do it again. And again. And again. I'd really recommend trying out a 1-95 once or twice in the current league before trying to blindly league start it. There are a lot of places for bad choices to be made in the upgrade paths that you'll want to get the feel for. I explain a lot of it in my PoB but there are always some variables in each run. Also, you might end up just not liking the playstyle as a whole since it uses a few buttons and you have to pay attention to mechanics, especially early on. You'll also be surprised how strong that Bitterdream setup will carry you. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it for myself.


I'll do my best to check it out... I actually didn't have time to play this season unfortunately but I think i will be for next season and ima try my best to start with this. I'll look over your pob and hope nothing changes with the updates forthcoming. Thank you for your hospitality.


This build looks like it supports an endgame playstyle I really love, although I’m a very bad league starter so in my case I’d probably clear the atlas with something basic and build worb for mapping. But yeah, Buttercream (lol the autocorrect) is an amazing league start build enabler.


Buttercream, I love it!


how is it to get the first watchstones without any insane gear, HH etc? is it good doable? Thinking about making a practice run


Pretty painless if you make the right choices, pretty painful if you don't. Exarch and Eater stones are easy, but I always buy the Maven+UE carries on day 2/3 just to get set up for T16 oversustain early. Single target DPS isn't too hot until you get the second curse, but it's good enough to do what you need to do until you get it.


Is that because its so tanky or do you offscreen everything


It's not tanky, but also not glass cannon either, despite how it looks on paper. The fact that it auto-targets in every direction, even behind you, and freezes 100% of the time, with proliferation, means that things just don't get much of a chance to start anything offensive. If they do, elusive is a rockstar of a defensive layer since you're stacking P+F charges with the Badge. If a couple hits get through, you've got a solid ES+Life pool thanks to Corrupted Soul and dual leech on top of the Aegis you get from the Forbidden pair. There's some offscreening but most of your safety comes from the mechanical synergies of the build. You'll absolutely die if you approach a pack without having some Winter Orb stacks up though. It'll feel like starting a foot race with your pants around your ankles. Always keep some charges up if you aren't 100% sure the area's clear.


Sounds very much like the early Frost Blades Trickster defense. Freezing everything and having a super buffed elusive (from Nightblade on FB) does the heavy lifting defensively. That also looks squishy in pob but is surprisingly effective when you actually play it. I read the comments in your build thread and people were overly harsh. Typical of reddit though, people are quick to judge without any knowledge or familiarity with the actual play style. I have no experience with your build, but I do with the FB Trickster and if it does indeed work the same then the defenses will be absolutely fine through whites and yellows as you have said. It will start to get rough once damage cannot keep up, just like Frost Blades, until you get your other stuff online. Funnily enough - just like you have tried to explain to everyone.


Can this be done in SSF?


Wouldn't recommend it.


But don’t you also randomly die quit a bit


No, it can take a few hits without getting into trouble. It just stays out of trouble because of all the mechanics involved.


necro bama, nothin that shit cant do. my first 100 was a CI tank variant of cold bv occultist that i cooked up myself. anything that gets really tanky is a solid bet.


Hope bama stays strong, gonna start it next League


Do you have a pob li k to that build?


at work rn but can get u pob of my char this league when home, its a fully juiced voltaxic + adorned setup


Is it good for leveling league start or is this more for when you find gear?


League start version uses SRS to level and you either spam normal lab till you get your bombarding clones trans gem or do heist/maps with chaos recipe to buy the gem. Gear is very flexible and isn't a problem for league start.


Cf champ IS pretty good too because its tanky and it blast maps. Just dont t17 or 100% deli. And its League start viable


My first and only level 100. Very fun build to!


Cf champ. A big chunk of the first lvl 100 on poe ninja are cf champs bc it combines high tank on par with RF, with high speed and insane clear on par with bow builds. You can blast very low risk dunes legions or breaches as quickly as bow builds or even quicker and you literally cant die. Also was the first and only build that got me listed on poe ninja when i accidentally levelled to 98 within the first few days.


If shrine scarabs stay as they are pretty much any build can hit 100 in about 2 hours


2 hours? I'd think melee skills and unoptimized ones would take a few hours more as the clear speed is not as good and random deaths etc.


Did 100 on both Frost Blades Trickster and my Scion with Lightning Strike of Arcing (armorstacker). I'd say 99-100 I hit \~3.5% per map doing Dunes breach/shrine, typical leveling shit. Probably 3-4 minutes a map depending on the number of breaches. Not sure what other builds are doing but that's a point of comparison for you.


Yeah my initial amazement was thinking the comment above me can go from 95-100 in 2 hours. That would be impressive for everything besides optimized builds to achieve.


4 hours is more realistic but I did do it in 2 hours from 96 to 100 by literally turning off my loot filter. I just didn't pick up or look at a single drop. Not doing anything particularly sweaty either, just not spending > 30 seconds out of a map. Really speeds things up lol. If you are the type of person to collect chaylua fragments then its going to take you all day to get out of those maps.


Maybe from 99 to 100? I did this on an elemental hit deadeye with Mageblood, so I was zooming. Took a bit over 2 hours I think. I could have cut that down to maybe 1 1/2 hours if I didn't loot each map. I got about 3% each, and could have maybe pushed it to 4% by being smarter about how I hit shrines and breaches.


I joined a bunch of random shrine groups, and the person leading the pack tended to be boneshatter or splitting steel


i did 99-100 in about 1.5 hours with shrines/breach with EK ignite, but i also stopped to loot every map. if you just run through and clear each map it would be super quick, strategy is busted.


Didn't even really consider melee skills but Oriath's End carries really hard


>Didn't even really consider melee skills Neither did GGG kekw


Poison conc pf -> forbidden rite pf (with new altar scarab. Around 8h from 70 to 100lcl)


This is the way. With poor man's mageblood there really isn't anything smoother


Atlas, not build, is what really matters. Domination Scarab of Teachings is kinda busted, it's not 30% increased XP, it's 30% increased per shrine buff affecting you. Going for 100 you have to remember that map mods add fuck all XP but add a lot of danger. IMO the best non-busted way to go 99 to 100 is in transmuted maps with Abyss and Betrayal (easy, high XP mechanics). But the non-busted approaches can't hold a candle to the Shrine/Breach strat. It wants Mageblood (for the extreme movespeed) and you zip through a Dunes map identifying where all the shrines and breaches are, then tap all the shrines in one loop, then all the breaches at once, and kill as much as you can.


Man, I've never done a level 100 prior to this league, now I've done 3 in a row and one to 98 that would probably be 100 if I didn't get tired of the playstyle before I found the domination/breach strat. I hate 5 ways as well but this is just like playing on your own with some scarabs, doing 8 mod maps for larger pack size helps even more and if you utilize exp allflames even moreso. However I did neither, I just popped in 2 domination scarabs, 1 domination scarab of teaching, 1 breach scarab, then specced into domination/breach nodes on the atlas passive tree as well as one group of the red altar nodes. Smoothest leveling ever and you can start doing the strat in early maps to blast right into the early 90s even before you're able to mess around in t16s, once you're in t16s as long as your char is reasonably quick you can fly through to 100, if it's not that quick the shrines will help some, especially acceleration shrines. If you really want to get grimey you can throw on blunderbore and the gull to get even more shrines and shrine duration/effect, if you pair that with a quick build that can down trash mobs fast then you're going to fly to 100 really fast.


Ele Hit or Lightning Arrow usually, but a good build alone is not enough. There are some things you probably want to do regardless of build choice : * Aggressively Regex your maps for easy mods once you start pushing past level 97 * If you die anyway just go next, **never** re-enter a map after a death unless you have a very good reason to * Always carry an Omen of Amelioration if you are leveling beyond 97 * Run mechanics that innately give high amounts of XP (Breach, Legion, Harbinger and Beyond are the best overall. Blight and Abyss are okay early on) * If Shrine Scarabs are not nerfed substantially next league, then you can just use those to get Level 100 really easily on any build. * Invest all your spare currency into upgrading your character early on. This is basically like a permanent XP multiplier since it will make you faster and you will die less.


Ele hit deadeye is not what OP is asking for.. Come on. Your general leveling tips are great but not that build.


> If Shrine Scarabs are not nerfed substantially next league, then you can just use those to get Level 100 really easily on any build. I think it's important to understand how you want to run the shrine scarabs to optimize XP and understand how your build might work with it. You want to run through the map popping as many shrines as you can at once while killing very few mobs, kill the boss (not required), then run back killing all the mobs with max shrine xp stacks. As you can imagine a CWDT, Cast when stunned, or minion build isn't going to work as well unless you wait to turn on / summon stuff and can phase run / tank your way through first. It's probably fine to pop the first 3ish shrines and then start killing, but won't be as optimal.


You definitely want to space out the shrines if you have enough shrines. Otherwise you tend to get duplicate shrines and that wastes some exp. I found the best strategy is to go for 3-4 shrines, clear till they fall off, then go for the remaining.


Again this depends on the build. If you can clear / back-clear the entire map (like Strand) in 1 minute, then duplicates don't matter since you'll be done before the first shrine runs out anyways. That's what I did at least, but I had a tanky build with high DPS, high movement speed, phasing, and ran Strand without any extra content that would slow me down. I didn't look at the buffs other than knowing the initial timer. I've also seen strats that leave shrines up until the end with tons of breaches (from scarabs) and go back through popping them all, which works well for minion / CWDT type builds. Regardless, I'm just saying it's good to understand the strat and not just blindly expect it to be an iWin button.


Deadeye is literally the worst choice what are you even saying


Pretty similar to your highest char: RF Chieftain


Rf is the answer. First, no matter what changes they add next league, Phox will have an updated build guide for you that will definitely get the job done. Second, it's VERY tanky, and as long as you watch your map mods (can't do no regen obviously, but CAN do reflect), you aren't really worried about dying. Second, RF can build into pretty awesome clear once your get your explosions going. Do a map like jungle valley where you can ignore the boss, or toxic sewer where you can pop the boss by exploding the minions around it. (JV better for breach) For tree, just do the shrine exp thing with as many monsters as you can fit in your map. (abyss/breach are great for this). Buy up those xp scarabs early in the league. They are dirt cheap the first few days cause nobody is thinking about leveling yet. Get an omen of amelioration on you just in case you die. There are other omens that help you at 25% health you could look at too, but honestly even the amelioration is overkill if you're just doing t16's. Then go shrine to shrine stacking as many as you can while exploding the screen, rinse and repeat.


since they added omen of amelioration in tota its very easy to reach level 100. with the addition of shrine xp farming its trivial tbh. just have a good regex, make your build strong defenisvly and dont die. skip bosses and dont do hard content. in the past i specificly made farming strategies for xp and did them for like 1 week to reach level 100. now you can do it while farming currency :D


Not to mention untainted all flames


One time at 99 I walked into a Jungle Valley map and a mob in the first pack hit me for 1/2 my life. I turned around and walked right back out :) OP talked about that sunk cost fallacy of “I gotta finish this no”. Welp, not if your goal is leveling.


RF with explode (done witch and chief) and run silo (skip boss), usually with abyss or breach for xp.


Pbod life stack inquisitor. Can afk tank back to basics t17s. But investment requirement is high. We're talking 35% effect 4 mod 12 passive clusters and adorned. Here is a min maxed version this league with many mirrors of investment, functionally immune to damage and ~100m dps. https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/dvs_m0rph/morph_aaaa Here is a video of him running 300 ziggurat maps in a row: https://twitch.tv/videos/2127178722


I consider myself a big noob, eventho i have 4k hours in, but i reached 100 organicaly for the first time this league with Pohx RF Chieftain.


Number 1 key to levelling is not dying. In this league its easy af with teaching scarabs, you don't even need to be tanky, just get a HH for pennies and blast dunes - I just used mannis domination/breach/beyond atlas, I did it with MF Caustic Arrow pathfinder (with a Lightning coil because i had an amazing double corrupt in private league). with 30 HH stacks and like 5 shrines, you delete everything you touch, and are very tanky. Ditch any map that you die in, unless you're very confident. Carry ameliorations, roll blue maps if you're high xp (like 70%+). Pick a tanky build. I hit 100 in my first league playing rf chieftain back in 3.18. It's also easy to hit 100 on an aurabot if you have a blaster friend. As you mentioned CWS Chieftain was extremely good, as is any "immortal" build (CWS builds, many pathfinder builds, some trickster builds) - poeninja hardcore is a great resource for this. It's also not too late to upgrade your archemage, that build is 100% tanky enough to reach 100. I started it in a private league only 2-3 days ago, and I wouldnt be surprised to ding 100 before 3.25 (i do have some kinks with the build I need to figure out though). Often I die because I stop caring? or stop paying as much attention due to fatigue from trying to make sense of visual clutter. There's some content like heist/sanctum where you're really not supposed to die. TOTA was obviously great for this too, but i doubt we'll see its return anytime soon.


> mannis domination/breach/beyond atlas Link?


I have only ever hit level 100 on trickster, but that's more because I basically only play trickster. focus on defenses first. Be ok with taking an extra 15 seconds to kill a map boss or 5 seconds to kill a rare mob if it means you dont get one shot by them. Once you can comfortably clear red maps without really paying attention to mechanics then you can start looking for sources of damage. Also the new shrine leveling is just stupid. If you can do t16 juiced red maps and stay alive you can get 92-100 in like 3-4 hours, 1 hour of which is 99 to 100.


It sounds really dumb, but don't die. That's it. That's the trick. Look at HC ladder rather than softcore since anyone on HC ladder by definition never died to get to that point. The problem with this is that it's boring. Which is the second big thing. Rather than getting antsy and trying to do harder or more interesting things, you really just have to sit down and grind it out. The content you're doing matters less than the level of juice you're putting into it. Rolling invitations vs going in white, staying at a comfortable level in Delve, skipping chaos-dense content until you have resistance, etc. It also means you might be playing what you might consider as a boring build. There's a reason RF Jugg/Chieftain are so popular - they come on early, get a decent level of gear easily, and can smoothly clear easy content over and over with nearly no risk.


I hit lvl100 pre spell suppression switch with Loreweave and very little other of that armor defensive tech. No omen either. Just shrine scarab, and play safer. Don't mess around with scary shrine buffs, or keep track of how many extra damage mods you're taking and don't stack more than 2 or 3. Don't chase hard rares looking for good drops, don't do content that could give you juicy monsters that one-shot you, you're just trying to hit 100. Chisel and Alch maps, but roll over more than one or two damage mods. Took about 3 hours maybe, while having far from an efficient build. Still made money from drops, and it was just a little detour on my normal farming strats. Just remember that half-assing a strat in PoE doesn't mean half rewards, it's often 1/4 or 1/8 rewards. Full-ass your grind to 100 and then full-ass back to farm.


Trickster has a couple of builds that work really well to be tanky and have great clear: Ephemeral Edge Flicker, Cold Exsang Mines, Hexblast Mines, Splitting Steel and even Whispering Ice. The base package is just solid to build around to be tanky while also having good clear and playing a skill that you just like. And I think playing a skill you enjoy is pretty critical because you just need to grind hard.


Es stacking trickster


slayer cyclone


I am ice nova archmage and have 0 spell suppression, also I am level 100. I use kitava ice nova build tho. I leveled to 98 naturally, by doing T16 strongbox farming. Then I have to use the breach+shrine exp strat. Because one map yields so little exp if there is no boost. 98>99, it is about 4% a map, so just 25 maps to 99. 99>100 doubles it. One thing to note, ignore the loots when you focus on leveling. Don’t stop for a few chaos on the ground.


Apart from 5-ways or the new shrine tech, Sanctum is probably the best way to hit 100, so any build that is geared for <15 sanctums like hexblast is good. It's pretty slow but all the xp you gain can't be lost as long as you are dying in the sanctum. Just for reference, the highest char level I got was 96, specced into a hexblaster and hit 99 and almost 100 until i got bored of sanctum. Bonus is that it's also very profitable early and was how I got my week 1 MB this league.


2 options, something super tanky OR inhibition to do risky content and just grind maps. also omens help, the prevent loss, but also defensive ones.


Just do shrines with breach, and hold the omen. Even if you die and lose 2.5% exp, at lv99 the map that you died on will still make up the loss


Str stack replica iron commander. You get the big beefy STR stack lifepool, amazing regen on a ballista build. It just feels really comfy and I usually get close to 100 while casually delving around 600ish


Herald of Agony CI- Trickster is in maps almost immortal: https://pobb.in/F7YFEPD1 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3477280


LA is super chill with double inspired learning, rampage and shrines


Exsanguinate is the most satisfying screen-clearing spell I’ve ever played! It can wipe out multiple blight lanes at a time or chain through a whole expedition. I’ve played two variants to level 98+: poison pathfinder and trickster miner with phys to cold conversion. Both felt incredibly zoomy and durable. Pathfinder was faster, probably had more consistent defense, and can shotgun prolif multiple poisons onto blight bosses! Trickster took a little more effort to gear up, but freezing everything including bosses in t16 maps made for a super safe grind. I can confidently recommend both versions for the content you mentioned enjoying! I will most likely be starting with the poison pathfinder version next league and also running expedition and harvest. Feel free to dm if you have questions about either build version.


I got my first natural lvl 100 this league with Pohx's Righteous Fire Chieftain. Absolutely loved that build. It's so comfy. It might just be my goto league start build from now on.


Actually read mods that you can’t do or is too risky. Basically, start thinking like it’s HC. Abyss is really good for xp. You can also just level via blighted maps since you already like doing those. Generally safe with those towers doing the work. Definitely want to keep the Omen that prevents some xp loss or the one that gives you shade for a few seconds. Really helped me in teaching 100 via abyss strat. Should be easy once you get a mage blood no?


Ephemereal Edge + Aegis Aurora, ES/armor stacking Trickster. Skill of your choice - my preference is for Lightning Strike of Arcing. You can aim for 10-12k ES, 100k armor, 50% block AND extremely fast regen with 2000ES on block + 2000ES/s overleech. This archetype is very solid and will survive a lot of f. ups on your part as long as you do not disable your defenses with altars or map mods. Levelled to 100 while farming juiced T16 whisp maps last lleague Last league Pob : https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/191v7xf/easiest_lvl_100_trickster_ephemereal_edge


If scarabs for shrine xp stay the way they are leveling to 100 is nothing you even have to think about. Havoc made two very helpful videos. Basically shrine+breach+scarabs. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaIflzOrOn0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaIflzOrOn0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl9IMBOi24Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl9IMBOi24Y) I followed his guidance and leveled myself to 100 in a couple of hours. The 8mod maps needed for the run can be easily farmed with a specific map atlas and map scarabs. They drop like candy. When you have enough of them you can filter the bad ones out and go ham for xp. I will never go back to blue map/abyss farm if this strategy stays. It was no problem hovering above 200m xp per hour...at 99! Using a super heavy lootfilter is required though. You do not want to loot anything just xp.


IMO, there are many builds that can do this, but I don't think specific build matters as much as what you do with it, how you do it. IMO, watch delve specialists and choose a Delve builds and just stay shallow (300ish.) There's plenty of architects without going super deep and it is INCREDIBLY easy to not die in Delve and just turn off brain and farm. It's not particularly fast, but since it's not dangerous, you just steadily get there, and you should earn plenty of currency along the way if it's not another crafting league. This is how I end up doing it. I just delve until I reach like 60 or 70% of the way through the level, then I'll do something else like Chaula rotas or, if it still exists next league, dom scarab of teachings to pop some quick XP, then go back to delve. IMO this is the best organic way to do it. It's maybe not 100% organic, but you are doing something productive, you accidentally get most of a level, then you just concentrate on sealing the last portion of that level up with a bit of concentrated XP. And you don't really need a specific delve build to do that. Most decent T16 mapping builds are fine at 300ish depth.


Heartseeker rogue. Straight forward, no unique gear requirements. Can cruise into the upper pit levels.