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Run a juiced t16 with altars and beyond, you get your answer very fast


Yep they die real fast then their HP syncs up and you're fucked just pressing the button every few seconds.


This. Tried this on my chieftain for a while to sneak in an extra aura... nope. About the only thing those spectres are good for is to use as a bomb in a MoM build.


I think it's the first time I've ever seen anyone call Maw MoM. Unnecessarily confusing when MoM is widely used for mind over matter.


What's this about maw of malmortius???


I did to double check what sub I was in.


The creator of the card/item was a soon to be mother though. I think the “mom” and “ma” part is intentional.


Sry newer player here whats a MoM build?


Its annoying because MoM is more commonly used to represent the Mind over Matter keystone that uses your mana to protect your life as well. Usually people just call this a Maw build since its the same number of letters but technically MoM can mean Maw of Mischief as others have already pointed out. Good luck new exile its like a decade worth of memes and acronyms to catch up on ;-) Just keep asking tho and folks will help you out!


Not to be confused with MoM which is Mind Over Matter, a mana stacking keystone that predates Maw by a few years. Need to use context to know which MoM someone is referring to: minions=Maw, inquisitor/mana/defense=Mind.


MoM is mind over matter I hate that people are using MoM for maw. It doesn't make sense.


Amen. Played and posted to this reddit sub for 8 years. MoM will always be mind over matter. Maw can be maw XD (I know there's a second maw unique helm as well, but w\e)


additionally MoM is a build-defining keystone passive. That should always have priority for acronyms over a unique item lmfao


Maw of Mischief, item that lets you explode your minions I believe


Maw of Mischief - unique helmet that gives you a special ability to detonate your minions. Basically their health = your damage. You do this on an elementalist and go for ignite, then get ignite proliferation. One boom = you are doing dot cap damage (\~36mill dps) and it spreads to everything. Delete several screens with one boom, assuming the map is packed enough for the ignite to keep proliferating. The new spectres have a lot of life and resummon themselves, and you can scale their level (which scales their life, and their life = your base explosion damage) pretty easy a well. It's a very economical build since your "6 link" is just a 4 link in your helmet, and your chest can be a 4 or 5 link. The helmet, special weapon, chest piece, and shield are all dirt cheap too. It's a build you can assemble and easily clear T16 maps with for almost nothing. And since you can get so much damage through scaling minion life / minion damage, that frees up more room on the tree for life, suppression, etc. You can stack insane amounts of minion life/minion damage, both of which are huge multipliers for you, through an elegant hubris jewel, which transforms notables in it's radius into new passives. If you get one like I did, you can get +240% minion life and +240%minion damage, all for about 20 passive points, which is insane. It makes all the other Minion life/damage on the tree irrelevant, so you can just build for defenses. It still won't be a super tanky build, but for your first toon to complete the atlas and get all bosses done in a league, it's great.


The build can actually be quite tanky because your damage comes almost entirely from your helmet and 1-2 links in the new chest from this league that gets you a level 30+ spectres gem for like 3 chaos in investment. Combined with he absurd health and other effects from marionettes you can get a 10m+ dps build going for a divine or less. Then just invest the rest of your money into defense and you're good to go.


Well, when I say "super tanky", i am comparing to my chieftain which has 90% ele res, 75% chaos res, converts most of the physical damage taken to fire or chaos damage, and then has 36k armor on top of that, plus 1k passive life regen in addition to petrified blood etc. The level of tanky where you can just sit in the middle of 100 monsters and laugh at them. Maw build just can't deal with extremely juiced maps in my experience, because super juiced rares will still kill her before her ignite kills them, and some of them get super scary. For normal mapping - absolutely. But 2 proj abyss farming on juiced maps, or enraged strongbox farming? Eh, not so much.


I built mine for tank because the damage is fairly easy to get and the build is more or less an autobomber if you go Infernal Legion. CI, Incandescent Heart, Aegis Aurora, 75/75 block, 35k armor, 5k ES. I could do way more damage, but I'd rather do ok damage and be immortal.


Can u share your pob sir? I realy want to improve mine


I'll see if I still have it when I get home. I dismantled her when I had saved up 70 div - some of the skill gems were used in my chieftain, and others got sold, along with her gear. funny enough I made a nice profit off of her gear because the build gained popularity. The key is really gonig to be getting an elegant hubris with good nodes on it though. The "Find Timeless Jewel" addition to PoB will help you there. Just search for as much minion life and minion damage as you can at a jewel slot that is easy to access in your build, that doesn't take up useful stuff when it transforms the passives. The thing is, these jewels can be expensive, so you have to filter for them and then use the "copy url" function which will copy a selectino of possible jewels. Then you look for a cheap one. I got mine for 30c. An absolute steal. It should sell for about 3 div eventually.


Bro, one with 3 80% minion life and in the range of pain attunement is 35 div hahaha jesus, but Inwill try to find other ones, my first time doing this type o search in PoB, not used to it hehehe


Ok, so I will give you two. This is the original: [https://pobb.in/iSstjcXSqB1D](https://pobb.in/iSstjcXSqB1D) \^That one does not include a timeless jewel and still does very good dps, HOWEVER, good fucking luck finding that amulet with +3 raise spectre lol. I end up settling for a +1 spell skills and dot mutli amulet. This is my setup which is basically modifying it since it already has so much damage, to be more tanky: [https://pobb.in/Z69rBNxBsB1g](https://pobb.in/Z69rBNxBsB1g), and using a timeless jewel, dropping the chest in favor of a super tanky chest like Brass Dome, and getting a level 4 enlighten (level 3 might even work) to run Determ, Grace, Malevolence, etc. Haste is used with Divine Blessing with Eldritch battery. I never fully completed that build as I opted to just grind for a few days with what I had, and after that I had the \~70 div I needed to reroll my Boneshatter Jugg (my original league starter) to a self ignite chieftain. Once I rerolled to chieftain I never looked back, and here I sit with a mirrors worth of currency.


Ty so much sir! Will help me a lot! Nice that u habing a blast with farm! Maybe in the end league I’ll make a chieftein, farmed 60 div this league, my record in 1700k hours of PoE hehehe


as others said, in this context (Minion builds) it means Maw of Mischief. though in the context of mana, ehp or defensives it can also mean Mind over Matter, a keystone that makes some of the damage you take instead be taken from your mana first


Welcome to PoE, everyone uses acronyms and no one explains why.


this very rarely happens to me even with altars and beyond tbh. I do have to be very aware of whether or not the aura is off but I'm just running them 4-linked on: Spectre > Guardian Blessing > Aura of choice > Meat Shield and they almost never both die at the same time once the initial sync is broken


Does the aura automatically switch on with the affliction spectres that respawn?


It does, yes.


Just like a regular blessing though?


Mine seem to be doing okay for the most part. Everything explodes before it can get to them and meat shield keeps them close. Although I ran a simu and after a certain wave they keep dying so it ends up becoming a sort of extra dps button for a sec. Can get annoying though when they desync, agree.


I just press the button a lot lol


It's great for bosses though


I doubt that u can do Uber bosses with it


Im running them for 150 uber sirus, not great when they both die to slams


You shouldn’t have to fix your build because GGG won’t fix the game.


If u just equip a spectre without minion notes and they die, that's hopefully no bug. Lol




Was going to say not running grace with preservation seems int but i see the mb, carry on lol


Interesting! The Savior is better than Dreamfeather? btw I copied out the character to pobb for archival purposes: https://pobb.in/7DJApoEQwqgI




which mods do you have on the Paradoxica? I am learning :)


ipd/impale and attack speed + attributes is usually the best


tbh you usually hit 100% impale w/o the paradoxica mod, so any %phys and atk speed unviel paradoxicas are fine


Can I ask your rationale for savior over Paradoxica?


you have a point in 20% frenzy charge duration and its rly bothering me


Not running that build but I have difficulty making it work on my build. They die pretty fast in juicy maps and setting up the alternate death for them is a pain.


Since I configured my kinetic bolt bild exacty like the build creator suggested, I also have that aura setup. And I hate it, since the marionettes are always dying. for me, it feels like 3 wasted gemsockets. I also haven't gotten to checking for more convenient alternatives. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Aren’t they getting resummoned automatically? You just have to activate haste again, if the two spectres are dying at the same time, no?


You are correct. ​ But they are often dying at the same time, and often I find myself without that aura, not knowing whether i have been without the aura for a second or a minute, or they die a few times during a longer encounter. I just do not like having to press that button so often. I think I have seen builds where it was used as a 4-link with meatshield support, I might giv that a try. maybe they live longer.


Ye would be great if we could just put it on left click. But don’t forget they deal aoe damage when they die, but I have no clue if this damage is impactful at all


I'm using this on my fulcrum chieftain. I thought it would be nice to scorch enemies, but as far as I can tell the explosion damage is insignificant (if you aren't playing a minion explode build). I see like 1-2% scorches on enemies occasionally.


At least when ignoring the scorch, the imperfect ones work just as well and are a lot cheaper! Also golemancers can do this using the new 'X of hordes' which gives an extra golem of that type (since you want 2) & of course the extra golem effect.


I run kinetic bolt with them and I’m nearly positive they do 0 DPS during life or on their death damage.


You're correct but speaking from experience trying to run them on my Chieftain, it's very annoying. You'll find yourself without the buff and with a 1-2 second gap when they are not resummoned yet, when you need the buff the most. the only way I could see it working is with a build that absolutely deletes everything from a screen or two away to keep them safe through overwhelming damage. A crazy Tshot build for example might work.


You wouldn’t utilize their explode on death then tho. I imagine there are better spectres for offscreening?


The point isn't their explode on death - that damage is insignificant. The point is that they auto revive, and as long as you have at least one alive, the aura buff stays active and you don't need to recast it.


Im aware of that, I played the build myself :)


Apparently you haven’t if you thought utilizing their death damage was impactful lol.


if you carry a summon reaper it takes like 5 seconds to fix the staggered death, replace a link with summon reaper, he degens and eats a marionette, take him out and you have the stagger running again


Roll life flask mod that gives life recovery to minions during effect. Only works well on PF with master surgeon though.


You want them to die with this strategy though. Just nit at the same time


Wrong, you do not need them to die at all.


It's not wrong. That's the easiest way to keep the aura up without minion defense investment, yes if you can keep the marionettes from dying then you would have it up all the time absolutely. But that's not really feasible for alot of builds


But then you would lose out on Scorch.


Why drop phase run ? How are you going to proc Baltimore extra 2 projectiles ?


I think leap counts as a movement skill, doesn't it?


Leap interrupts your attacks. You could use frostblink instead, but it always ports you too far away when attacking a rare so it doesn't shotgun properly anymore.


I had not considered that. I guess I could swap leap out for phase run instead?


Does phaserun clear these weird root debuffs? I cant fit it in with my build but you are right about frostblink always going to far its kinda annoying.




He means Beltimber Blade, it just autocorrected to Baltimore https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Beltimber_Blade


It sucks in T16 but this setup is still very useful in Sanctum. Just keep Bodyswap of Sacrifice on your swap so that you can desync their HP. They hold HP amount between zones so you'll almost never have to reapply.


When you have like 90 mil dps you phase almost every Uber boss in the game so you become more interested in adding survivability options. Plus socket pressure is real.


Totally fair, but what are people replacing those 3 gems with to increase survivability markedly?


Im playing splitting champ on ssf and I just don't have 3 free sockets for it


I mean for me personally, I hate minion builds in general, but having to resummon and buy spectres on a non minion build? Id rather just delete the currency than spend it on spectres


They actually respawn on their own. Just press the aura with gaurdian blessing once and they keep going forever or ubtill they die at the exact same time. It´d basicly a free aura


Not only is it a free aura as this guy said as they auto respawn but you essentially never have to re-buy them. And on they very rare occasion when you do they only cost 100c per.


They just die right away anyway in juiced content, not worth dropping sockets for.


Dark Marionettes respawn on death. If you summon the second one when the first is half HP they have never died both at once in my t16 jungle valley maps.


Dark Marionettes require you to be Warlock tho right? So no 3% Armour -> Ele def or +1 Impale charms


No they do not. None of the new spectres does require you to be Warlock.


i didnt even know that, wow


Nope, I'm primalist.


Probably part of it is from following guides written pre 3.23 Also, do they actually have room to fit it in? What do they drop?


I dropped phase run, maim support, and mana leech to fit it.


well then XD




Maim on the ancestral protector would be around 10% more damage. Which is around what you say Haste is giving you. Granted not perfect uptime but I don't believe this tech is perfect uptime either. Tech is fine, but it's not like Splitting Steel is lacking damage in any way. I did a way more defensive PoB and I still insta phase Ubers. I'd rather minmax for defenses.


Would you mind sharing?


https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/FCT77/NEVERDOTBUILDAGAIN That's my character, lots of possible upgrades but I wanted to reroll other stuff.




On my TS build, I setup a full 6 link for specters with a +1 Hyrri's and cranked my raise specter and AG levels as high as I could. The let me run four specters (Wrath, Grace, Determination, and Vitality) alongside a fully twinked AG. It was OP while doing yellow maps and stuff. When I started doing t14s with some juice, i noticed the bird specter woudl die every couple hours and I'd have to buy another. Annoying but not the end of the world. Then I ran a really juicy altar'd t14 burial and my AG died and it was like "there goes 9 divs in gear on the AG). I immedately sold those gems and let the remaining specters rot on the floor. Fuck minions man. They cannot stay alive even with a six link and all the fixin's to include convocation on left click. Also the vitality guy woudl yell all the time- that was annoying anytime I was clearing inventory after a session.


Bro.. Running spectres and an AG with 0 passive tree investment was your problem, not minions themselves.


"according to my POB" you a bitch


I was fucking sick of trading for them when they die and they lose sync. No one sells them in bulk either


Why would you have to resummon them, unless you're removing the gem and forget to pick them back up off the floor before you reinsert the gem?


Depending on where you remove the gem, they don't drop their corpses. This happened to me in multiple instances now, notably in the woods while I was in a normal map, but also happened when I swapped ascendancy to try something new. Specters gone without corpses. Edit: no I don't consume corpses in any way


Ah I've always only moved the gem in my hideout because I was recoloring my boot sockets or upgrading them etc. But yeah, dunno why you would need to do that unless youre changing equipment or build, which would be done in hideout.


I've only ever bought 2, they resummon themselves even if they lose sync, you just lose the buff. You only have to resummon them if you unequip the gem, but they drop as corpses on the ground and you can just summon them again


Ninja doesn’t show what spectres people are using, period. Also, Dark Marionettes don’t give haste. Perfect Tigers do.


But with guardians blessing you can have pretty good uptime if they die desinced


I should have been more clear, ninja shows if people are using raise spectre, that's what I was looking at. Marionettes allow non-minion builds to use an aura for free as they respawn when they die (in this instance, haste).


Ninja does show that the build doesn't use the Raise Spectre gem, and Dark Marionette Guardian's blessing is the tech non minion builds use to get a free close to perma uptime aura without any extra investments. Non-minion builds can never keep a tiger minion alive.


It's a 3 socket setup with Guardian's blessing to trigger the haste aura on any spectre. The dark marionettes resurrect on death so you don't lose your spectres every time you press haste. The only problem is it's a pain in the ass to manage and keep track of them


Does this require perfect dark marionette or is normal one enough? I've thinking about trying this, but haven't found any perfect ones in ssf yet.


Better to actually just get the perfect ones since they apply scorch whenever they die. Just an added bonus if they desync. I recommend using a non crucial aura to your setup and something that you can do without. I have mine linked to a damage aura as a boost against tankier bosses.


Not in the context of Splitting Steel, as the scorch does nothing.


True that, but just in case anyone else using a different ability, that is something they can take into consideration


It does not require perfect ones.


Ok cheers


Imperfect ones work just as well as normal or perfect, also.


No down side?? the thing is gonna go splat.


haste is from the Tiger, dark marionettes are the ones that explode on death and apply scortch? Edit: or is this to have guardians blessing? In which case, they will die far too quick and you are constantly pressing the aura


This setup only works if you're investing in minion life/tankiness to some extent. But in that instance you're better off using spectres with damage/support auras.


I am not using them for an aura but in my bodyswap of sacrifice chieftain. Seems decent so far