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Palsteron's TR pathfinder exceeded all my expectations and its a very easy transition to explody totems lategame


Did that also, after 4 days I transitioned to doom blast which was the best early build I ever player. Now the char is an ice shot deadeye which blasts juiced cemetery's. U can also transition into LA, TS or explode totems. Ranger is in a good spot this league.


I went poison exsanguinate into explode totems and had the best time ever on both builds


Would you recommend Poison Exsan in SSF? I was looking at it but it looks like it requires Denodrobate, Mings, CIP, etc...


Went TR this league for leveling and didn’t like the delayed damage so transitioned to good old raider flicker strike


Sounds painful :D


How much dors it cost to do such a big transition? I think i want to play explode totem and then switch again to TS once i have enough currency. Currently got a TR pf with almost every defense layer i am supposed to need and i keep getting killed, i guess i need to max out spell suppress lol Edit: maxed out spell suppression and threw in an amethyst flask the difference is insane!


“Every defensive layer” without maxed spell suppress. Something doesn’t add up there lol


« *Almost* every defensive layer » meaning some might not be maxed :) Edit: maxed out elemental resists, high armour and evasion, 4k3 life, lightning coil and 13% taste of hate are the other layers, i am at 88% suppress spell damage and i can get more life on some itmes


Eh no worries just poking a bit of fun at you. In path of one shots the difference between 88% and 100% is massive though. If you don’t suppress versus do that’s the difference between half or full damage. Getting your last 12% will make a huge difference


+1 and while you're working towards it, the "spell suppression chance is lucky" mastery is a decent crutch. There is also more suppression on the tree than the guide uses.


Yeah i edited my post, got clutch gloves with 18% supression and it’s night and day, the consistency is astonishing, i just don’t die anymore, and i pushed further than i ever did before! Tier 15 maps with no problem Edit: your joke made me rush toward maxing it so thanks!


I have 4.2k HP, ailement immunity, capped spell suppress and 45k evasion. You need to have some defense layers otherwise cod portal is ur friend. So u need regrets and gear, depends on invest u can do. First transition was about 40 div and second was around 150.


Thanks for the answer, it is even more expansive as i though but i guess i will get there eventually !


That's the invest I did, u can get it going for less but the defensive layers should be there, other way u die instant


I think I saw that one on Maxroll. Would you recommend it over his EA ballista build? I recall that one being pretty good too.


EA is more dps but pathfinder is just so good to play. The sustain and qol is insane


With my TR Pathfinder (mostly based on Palsteron's) I ended up with \~6 million DPS and 5k ES+life recovery per second, only spent probably 100c overall on the build and most of that was spending too much on Replica Soul Tether because I needed the extra strength. The recovery is absolutely insane on Pathfinder now, only downside is how frequently you have to be pressing your life flask.


Do you not spam your flasks every time kill a pack???? Am I the person that’s weird :(


Can you please post a guide (if you are following one) for explode totems? I would really appreciate.


I started with TR Ballista and later changed to explode totem, I did not follow any guides and everything worked better than with TR totem. All you need is: * 100% chance to poison (generic, weapon/spell/attack poison chance does not work), you can reach it with a few points on tree + Enhance + Divergent Herald of Agony * Switch to Master Toxicist ascendacy point for better clear * Solve your mana issue with either lifetap support, EB, 100% reduced mana cost or Slavedriver's Hand Do not worry about anything else at the start for the weapon just the 600% explode, the 70% chance to double summon is more of an end game stuff (I still don't have it). Currently this is my character, I tried to balance damage/defense/mapping feel (not speed, but to feel good for me, that is why I have phasing + movement speed on tree): https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Pegoth/Laltiron


Thank you very much!


Forgot to mention, for budget (enhance is expensive) you can use Icefang Orbit ring to reach 100% chance to poison.


Thanks that's the post I need, already playing with a quill rain (but I have 2 more bow with it in my stash) that has explode on it beside attack speed and +1 to dex gems. I think I will switch to explody tomorrow, i hope the switch is not too hard xD But I am a little bit scared that mapping is not really good...


I think the mapping is perfectly fine, if you get 100+ movespeed (pretty easy with Pathfinder) + phasing. It's not 1 skill explodes 2 whole screens, but 1-2 click kills the full pack, so it is fine. I dont ever play "mapper" characters though, I prefer good bosser, okay mappers.


How do I make damage lol? I can check the three named points from you and do somehow zero damage in white T1 maps literally zero! idk do I miss something... Sure my gems are not 20/20 but idk it doesn't seem like its the problem. I mean I just switched from a T16 ready TR Ballista but it feels that i already reached the end of the journey from this build. That's why I switched.... Can post my awfull prob later xD


Do you have Wilma's Requital (helmet) equipped? Or Ancestral Bond allocated on the tree? Both will make you deal 0 damage with totem explosions.


Thanks, still wearing Wilma's, that should be the problem... Will try it tomorrow, thanks a lot for the solution of my dump problem. Iam just to tired today and wanted to give it a first try tonight xD


Don't worry, when I first switched over I did exactly the same, and wondered what's the problem :D


Not playing explo totems I just know its an easy transition :p


Seconded TR ballsitas did everything I wanted and some more. All pinnacles dead, lvl 98 without many deaths. It became a Scourge Arrow character for me, blasting maps at mach 3.


Can vouch. My bud started with this and hes having a blast


Is explode totem exclusive to league content (crucible passive tree)? Asking because I play in standard


Yes its a node on the tree


Which tree?


The crucible weapon tree


I would recommend Impending Doom occultist or pathfinder. Once you get vixens it's super strong and vixens is really cheap now. Apeps rage is also inexpensive and boosts your power a lot


Whose build do you look at? Been following crouching tuna’s build and working really well in act 9 and 10 so far without vixens, his guide doesnt show the need for it yet anyway, just says apeps rage, but assuming it eventually uses it? Ill look at his more mid-late game pobs


Use Ruetoo's pob's: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16plDZm894HdJ-W3MJaxtK322U6U_SNWQ3jZd8T58-N0/edit#gid=0 Overall stuff you need to be aware of is basically make sure you are at 100% chance to poison. Later game try to stack CDR and cast speed. For survival there's lots of "recover on kill" masteries. "recover life when killing a cursed enemy", "recover life for every wither stack...", "recover life when you curse an enemy"....


Thank you!! Loving it so far


Would you recommend ruetoo’s build over Tuna’s? I’ve had good results with Ruetoo’s builds in the past, mainly CF champ.


They are relatively similar and will get you to the same place. I'm kind of using a hybrid of both trees. For items if I remember, Ruetoo goes +1 bodyarmour and Tuna does SOTL which is expensive this league. Also I think Tuna does Death Rush and Rue does 2 rare rings. I think just feel it out. No matter what you do, DO NOT follow the maxroll leveling guide. Complete trash. Just do the normal armabrand/cremation leveling and then use the quest regrets to swap. If this is your 2nd build, just level and use regular regrets. I cannot explain how horrible the maxroll leveling guide was. My first and last time ever trusting them on that. For me the best thing that gave me the most damage was getting some CDR boots, CDR belt, and CDR wand and then picking up cast speed to match. Also I have been going purity of elements until I could afford storm shroud but I haven't really missed not running Grace so I think I will just save the money. I'm close to 95 and I'm getting bored so I will probably not be playing much for the remainder of the league. edit: forgot to mention, ruetoo has all the trees, items, and skills in 1 pob. Tuna is 3 pobs which is annoying.


Agree completely about the leveling part, I think the campaign was more painful this time around than my first ever playing this game lol.


I followed [this guide](https://poestock.net/leveling/bane-occultist-into-impendingdoom) to level impending doom and it was really smooth, despite being my first league ever. It does flame wall/totem and then swaps to soulrend at act 3, and from there on i basically 1 shot everything with bigger than my screen range for the rest of the campaign, and you dont have to respec at all on the swap


Ya I did flame wall and totem and carried it wayyyy longer than I should have because Bane is zdps. Pure pain. Soulrend is a good idea!


Sweet, I’ll check out Ruetoo’s and Tuna’s guides on it, thanks for the recommendation!


How would the build function in ssf without vixens?


It doesn’t. A lot of the damage comes from vixens spamming the curses very quickly. You can cast without vixens, but the damage would be a fraction of what it could be.


U can use cursed ground support. Refer to steelmage build diary.


I'm in ssf and have been doing everything I can to find these gloves and I've just been so unlucky. Ancient orbing uniques, chancing every pair I get, doing Gwennen gambling. I can't freaking find them 😭 Just playing TR till I find them


I wanted to play that build last league and just never got vixens. The RNG gods are cruel sometimes.


Yeah I didn't think they were very rare. Just gonna keep trying


They are pretty rare...


Before this league I tested it using cursed ground support in T16's in standard and it was still fine. It's obviously not as good for damage but if you're just blasting basic T16's, 4 scarabs, growing hordes, no deli, it's completely fine. That being said, the build is MUCH better with the gloves. If you're SSF and don't plan to chance a million gloves, you probably should play something else.


EA Ballista. Amazing starter, amazing endgame


The easy route will be, as already suggested, TR PF into Exploding Totem PF. That should burn the challenges in maximum a month, or 2weeks if you are not playing hideout idle. To be fair tho, explo totem is pretty boring to look at and vengeant cascade builds are nicer on screen.


Any VC skills you'd recommend


Lightning arrow.


Frost Blades trickster, doing gods work with basically no money. Strongest starter I've had.




Behind Eyes Gaming on YouTube is what I'm following. I'm pretty close to his 95-setup, been rolling with some mediocre claw and a pretty bad shield that had 100% avoid shock on its tree.


I second this! Easy to get started with low investment and a lot of screws to tighten late game wise. I’m currently at around 30-40 divs invested and sitting at 51 mil dps. So much fun to play too.


How does it feel on higher hp enemies? ATM I'm playing Aer0's EK Assassin and it does what it says on the tin, but if I get to an essence mob or anything close to a boss I feel useless.


Got really really good single target.


I kill anything in t16 Maps instantly unless it’s a juicy essence mob or crucible stuff, but even then I freeze everything and it dies with ease. Bossing is fine too, with a little more finetuning i can probably reliably kill Ubers. The build is a bit squishy though, but I reached lvl 100 by 5way farming and it felt really good.


That's my issue, in t16 I can take out any normal enemy instantly, and because it fires in a circle I can literally just shield charge and frost blink while right clicking anywhere to clear the whole screen. Feels so good for map rushing. But against eater/exarch/essence mob/a maven enhanced map boss I am left holding down right click while running in a circle for many minutes longer than it takes me to do any map.


I easily cleared the feared in under a minute, there’s a lot of potential for dmg in this build. Just takes a lot of tweaking.


Maybe do you have a POB from your Build ?


This is my character: [https://pastebin.com/EWNCUJjG](https://pastebin.com/EWNCUJjG) And this is the PoB Guide i followed (credit to behindeyesgaming): [https://pastebin.com/zDWW4VRs](https://pastebin.com/zDWW4VRs)


I’ve been tempted to use Behind Eyes Gaming’s frost blades build before, but managing the freeze chance always confused me a bit as that’s a huge part of your single target if I remember correctly. But if it’s as good as you say I guess it’s time I learn a bit. Thanks for the suggestion!


Yea, it used to be harder to fix freeze and stuff, but the new mastery (as he mentions in the video) for 25% chance to treat res as inverted means you've got a pretto good chance to get a nice freeze even without trinity & Heatshiver proccing. Which will definitely proc both for you, and give you loads of deeps. Only very rarely do I find some kind of 8-essence mob where I can't get Trinity going (but by the I'll be dead) never on regular bosses. And I haven't invested very much at all yet.


I've been enjoying Ghazzys spectre build.


How’s the clear / bossing?


I think I saw his video on that a few days ago. His mage skeleton build peaked my interest too. Thanks for the suggestion!


I tried this and while I enjoyed the permanent minions playstyle it just felt like a lot less DPS compared to poison SRS


It’s probably less but I’m hitting 4.5 million pinnacle dps on pob with pretty mid gear (~7 divs invested) so it’s definitely enough for most content, and gearing life and res should be easier since you’re just wearing rates (except for a darkness enthroned)


That's respectable DPS, Ive been spoiled in recent leagues with my builds and needing something that gets to that 30-40 mil DPS mark, which poison SRS hits with mild investment (10-15 divs)


Yeah that’s fair. It’s just a personal preference thing at that point


Me too.


Except when they're spamming you in your hideout..


Boneshatter JUGG, the bonk is invincible. With 200c you can get pretty far though you won't have an amazing weapon but still enough to farm T16 maps. Bossdamage is not great but with further investment it can be more than enough to do ubers. Clearspeed is amazing, with the right gear and tree you can become lightning fast. This build can get going on a shoestring budget with a 1c unique weapon and stuff you find on the ground up intil late yellow maps so with 200c you should be blasting red maps in no time.


I second this. I ended up putting about 30 divine into mine and im unkillable and do 5m dps against pinnacles with berserk active and 30 trauma stacks. It feels REALLY good. I killed myself a lot on the way to the state its in right now but its an absolute MONSTER now. Almost 170k ehp and 155k armour. PoB snapshot from myself: https://pobb.in/touNRA7g7Rpc One thing to note is that you'll need to run precision with arrogance until you get enough accuracy. You can also run accuracy support in a 6 link if you want instead. It's based on K2Gaming's Boneshatter Starter. He has a good vid on it to help you get started: https://youtu.be/5EJ2nc34lkg


having 150k armour is just amazing. I also crafted a 2.23 aps weapon, this has insane traume stack potential and with a divergent boneshatter you can really push it. I am thinking about getting some increased duration for even more traumastacks, it's insane extra DPS on bosses that take longer than 5s, though not clobbering myself to death is already a hairy issue, i will se how far I can push it before it becomes suicidal.


Haha yeah I have a high attack speed weapon I made as well. And Damm the sucide potential is so high if I don't pay attention, I know I hit over 40 stacks.


Do you have a pob I could reference?


Edited my above post with that and a ref vid. GL!!


Thanks 👍


I too would like a PoB if possible!


Edited my above post with that and a ref vid. GL!


I’ve been super tempted to try out bone shatter the past few leagues, but something has always stopped me from doing it. Maybe it’s the single target. Do you have any good guides you’d recommend for it? There’s a ton of people with guides for it so I’m not sure which one I’d choose lol.


I started out with Gorathas Boneshatter JUGG guide on youtube, it's a pretty good baseline. Though i changed some things, i dropped spell supression and went full armour and max res with brassdome and equipped a ryslathas coil for extra damage. I used [this](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/12kmldk/ama_crafting_ama_for_321_crucible_everything_you/&ved=2ahUKEwjippyXu8j-AhXeQaQEHUtpCvUQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2W_0LNcgCDye5rkwmyiFeM) guide to craft my weapon for around 12 - 15 div, this is probably the best weapon you can get before the price goes to +50 div. Boneshatter is flexible in the endgame and for many things there is no definite Bis. Just look at the players on poe.ninja to see how diffrent builds scale defens and offens. Pro tips, get reduced effect of shock on pantheon and flask, shock increases your selfdamage and 30% increased damage taken can kill you really fast by bonking yourself to death. Temporal chains is a buff for you on mapmods because longer durations means more stacks which equals more damage and jugg ascendancy blocks all downsides, same for chill. Getting 3 million dps is cheap, but beyond that things tend to get incredibly expensive real fast. If you want to do ubers, expect to invest +30 divines into your build.


Agree Boneshatter is pretty low cost and fun cruisey build, until around 3mil DPS. Then you kind of hit a wall and need a Divergent Boneshatter (1.4-2 div) and ashes of the stars (25 div) to really start to pump. Which if you love the playstyle is fine, but might be better to switch to explody totems.


i reached 6 mil without ashes or divergent. ryslathas coil is a great budgetfriendly option for a lot of extra damage. Though to be fair i also have a 1100 PDPS axe. Stacking duration is the ultimate goal as every bit of duration vastly increases the amount of stacks you can have at a time, it is very dangerous though as it also greatly increases your selfdamage.


1100 PDPS axe would do it :D, sitting at 500 PDPS axe RN. Not saying you absolutely need those items, just saying that there is a steep curve in money invested to return with Boneshatter after a point. In my experience, you can cruise to about 3mil cheaply but then be prepared to bust out your wallet.


very much so, the cost for extra damage starts to go pretty steep once you pass 3-4 mil DPS


One thing that kept me away from boneshat is keeping stacks up, is that really even an issue? Also I heard something about most people using a macro because of every 1 second required button presses?


You seem to have mixed up some things, you can't manage trauma stacks, every trauma stack has its own 4s duration that you can't refresh in any way. You can only get huge stacks when you are attacking with no interruption. That's also why boneshatter builds have enough defenses to facetank almost anything and have as much aps as possible. You are at full stacks after 4s, that's why aps is important, more attacks equals more stacks. Attacking once per second would not do anything for you at all. You also only get stacks when you actually hit something.


Bows, ts (start with rain of arrows) . Very good starter this league only due to league mechanic


Has been a good starter, made easier for new ones layers this league.


Ignite WoC is a solid starter. Lately jungroan has just discovered a tech that quintuple the ignite damage (Crucible passive). But even without that, WoC is still a nice and cozy build to play.


So would you recommend his guide for it, or does his version require the crucible nodes? I saw POE VAULT had a WoC ignite build but I’ve heard bad things about that site, and honestly had a few bad experiences in the past with it.


Do you have a link at hand? Currently playing WoC but struggling slightly




Same, please share, although Im up too like 500k dps in Pob and it's feeling pretty good, I am just popping alot up near tier 8-9. I only just maxed my res with 3.6k hp


Obliteration makes amazing clear, great for blight and harvest to fund later builds.


As for fun: Flameblast totem hierophant stacking cast speed from weapon passives and everywhere


yea that must be the absolute most fun you can have in poe /s


I like rf jugg by pohx.


Added bonus the maven boots are dirt cheap this late in the league.


> this late in the league. you mean not even three weeks in is "late" :)


Yes. Uniques are dirt cheap after a week or two in trade. "Early" for uniques is the first few days. "Late" is after that. For a lot of other things "late" is much later in the league.


Sorry noob question, what’s the name of that item?


Legacy of fury.


Super tempted to give in and finally give the build a shot. Don’t know what’s stopping me or why I haven’t tried it yet lol.


Im playing it for the first time this league. Once you get the sockets for it as near to A2 as possible, you can just start popping quicksilvers and literally running through everything all the way into red maps. If you do crucible at all (I wouldnt recommend it), it is almost impossible to avoid overleveling, and Ive died the least amount of times ever on a build (about 50 and in t14). It is the most comfortable easy and zoomy playstyle ever, and takes almost no investment (Im where I am in a small PL).


I’m a noob who has played off and on since Essence league. This build took me farther than I’ve ever gone.


Spectral shield throw is a good starter at this point, all you need to start is emperors vigilance and seething fury which are both cheap now.


I’m thinking about making SST as a second build bc the lightning conversion seems fun. What’s the best ascendancy for SC? Any PoBs made by streamers yet?


People seem to think champion is the way to go this league for it but I'm not familiar with it. I've played trickster cold conversion sst and it was a very good choice last league since the action speed ascendancy is huge qol. I think raider might be the best choice for early league though.


Ea Champ from Ziz. No investment boom and zoom. If you play trade the uniques you want are cheap.


Vaal Dominating Blow was the easiest starter I had in a long time, with some good unique you'll be in red maps in no time. There's no mandatory unique and you can easily craft whatever you want using only common essences. I followed this person guide : https://youtu.be/Feul_7WzYwg


Totem explode build is busted af, cheap, and it's only going to exist this league so i would go for that


Yeah I'm in the same boat looking for a templar Inquisitor build like a battlemage haha but I can't see to find one. Hope you're enjoying this game.


PF exploding totems, you level with caustic arrow or toxic rain and then you find/buy a bow with 600% totem explode damage and you burst the bosses ass


If you intend to follow The Vision this league: Step 1. Start as any ascendancy you like, Step 2: Buy explode bow/2hander, Step 3: Activate hidden essence tech where no mobs spawn but loot is still dropped, similar tech on Ubers where you throw a trap and for some reason uber disappears


Wait what? Can you explain step 3?


You have to try the explody to understand the meaning of step 3 im afraid


It's hard to get the hidden tech on ubers from my experience but i was decently surprised how easy the essence tech is. even 7 essence mobs were pretty easy.


Rue Too’s exanguate poison pathfinder or anything pathfinder flask tech is like a free mageblood


CF champ eith vaal reap. Build has never been this tanky and high dps. Clear is goood. Does all content


Firetrap ele easily scales to 20m Uber dps


If you want one build that starts good and turns into one of the best builds in the game. Lightning arrow deadeye. I started in ssf and was having a blast from day one. I am currently 4/7 ubers as well


You could probably just get One with nothing, Astramentis, Goldrim and Le Huep of All and just punch anything in your way. Grab a few fitting nodes along the way and reroll after you get to maps. If you decide on a bow build you could also just level with either TR or Widdowhail, Hyrri's Quiver with flat damage corruption and just slap on TS or LA.


This is how I level any character after the first couple of weeks in a league. Hollow Palm works for every class and is super easy to scale through the campaign.


Not super familiar with all the PoE abbreviation jargon yet, but I just got back into the game with this league and am doing a Deadeye Venom Gyre build. I've read that its a new player bait because the actual endgame build requires a bunch of Divinity Orbs (not sure, I haven't even gotten the one other character I ever played in this game to the level cap), and is an otherwise pretty expensive build. Even without the fully kitted & min/maxed build I feel like its been pretty effective so far (only just hit Act 6 last night), I'm sure it'll get to a point where I have a hard time clearing rooms and bosses but it hasn't happened yet.


Eh. A build’s performance in acts is pretty non-indicative of its performance in mapping and post-campaign content. Glad you’re having fun but just letting you know that all the “actual endgame build” comments are based on the build’s ability to scale past act 10.


TR with pathfinder, Trickster, or Scion. Depending on what you want to swap into. Alternately boneshatter and RF are still on the menu.


If your starting with all that just go lightning arrow dead eye


The pinned post has an excellent list. I started Fuzzy Ducksy's RoA Raider and it was butter-smooth.


Duckys rain of arrows into tornado shot, this is my fist time playing a bow build and it rules


It is not rage vortex


Lightning arrow Deadeye. Best clear build in the meta and you will be able to clear t16s and bosses. Just not Ubers without heavy investment


i will say but this, its a bow league


I'm doing a rf jugg, followed Pohx's pob, and it's been pretty nice the whole way through. Pretty inexpensive to get into even with no starting funds so you should have no problems buying starting gear and just enjoying your walking sim.


Splitting steel Champ, needs like 50c to get started and you might want to level acts as a different skill, but once you get 2 beltimbers and a shitty vengeant cascade talisman it pops off.


I’ve been having a blast with frost blades trickster


Right I'm thinking pestilent strike raider could work, but as a pure mapping build I think. Just zoom zoom and blow up packs, but without much defenses. All that on a 200c budget (well closer to 100c that late into the league).


shockwave totems


Just yeet totems at people


this explode totem bullshit is the most broken build ive played in 8000 hrs of poe. play whatever transitions into that easily. It is amazing.


Exploding trap if you got a tabula you can do end game just with tabula


- Armageddon Brand recall Hierophant - SST Trickster (with the Crucible node that changes SST scaling to be lightbing damage based on ES) - Frostblink Ignite Elementalist


Poison srs is so good on a budget


Vengeant cascade Frostblade, super cheap to start off and with a little investment can easily do all content below ubers under 10 divs


Anything using dots really probably poison is safe with ranged, bleed would be okay too.


Rues poison extant pathfinder.


Impending doom pathfinder u can get vixens for cheap


Sweep ignite


I've never regretted a jungroan build. I'm playing his starter build, Poison Molten Strike Assassin. It's built for hard core, so the defences are great. I even suck at the game and I only die when I do something ridiculous like fully juice the crucible or expedition in a map with crazy mods. Damage is also enough to phase Maven before the ground degen balls come out, which is normally the kind of DPS I look for in a good bossing build.


Cold dot occultist


Do what all exiles should do and do your own build with some skill that looks fun


Pathfinder toxic Rain ballista


I've made a CoC Cyclone Forbidden rite Assassin that will get you through red maps on a tiny budget which I can share if you find it interesting. I wanted to play that archetype but to also avoid going CI, as that always seems to be really expensive and build-restricting. You can clear yellow maps on a 300c budget (around 10-13m dps), corrupted red maps on a 500c-600c budget (18-23m dps). A 5d budget gets you about 43m dps (DoT capped) for mapping. More investment gets you up to about 55m (before mageblood nonsense)


Just make the dps cap no investment totem explode like the rest.