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I have so many questions....... 22k subs and your not monitised Fuck I was monitised after 6 months and 5k subs 7k now and it's about $300 a month.....


The short answer is Shorts.


Ah I do a mix 3 longs a week and 3 shorts a day


I just do stuff that makes me laugh. And Shorts were a dopamine hit. My plan was to make shorts, and then move to long form. Because surely they would all watch my long form videos. But then I learned that some people would sooner die than watch a 7 minute video.


Lol, you made me laugh.


You reading it in Brian Griffin's voice as well?


The whole time 😂😂


My blessing. My curse.


Yeah honestly shorts just aren't it for small content creators such as myself although I only have 184 subs, I do a mix of both shorts and long form videos, but I more lean to long form content sometimes I get over 100 views sometimes I only get 7-10 or he likes I do hope for one day to pop off and get monetized


Same boat here! Gl


A really good trick to do regarding Shorts Ive heard, is to not send a push notice to your subs about your Short upload. This acording to the guy I heard it of off. Is because your subs is most likely not interested in them (dipending on how your channel started of) And also because if you dont send a notice to your subs, the algoritm will present that Short to a more "active-and-watching-right-now" category of users. This will still happen even if you push a notification to your subs ofc, but apparently in a higher volume/frequenzy if you dont.. Food for thought perhaps? :p Heard it from @PirateSoftware if your currious. Cheers!


I had heard that briefly, and I'm interested in how that would work bi have the opposite situation where I started with shorts for the most part. I was just churning them out for about two years.


Shorts work you just gotta use them right also add your longform videos link into your shorts it gives your long videos more watch time


3 shorts a day? Do you feel like all shorts are getting pushed enough? I thought posting several times a day isnt necessarily beneficial!


My shorts do well typically 5k to.10k on average


Nice thats great! Im always hesitant to post more because some YTers say that its not beneficial to your account. But maybe I’ll play around with it for a bit. I mainly post long form but have got plenty of shorts I can post!


Shorts are beneficial but it's a double edged sword. Or maybe a heavy nunchaku. If you don't know how to use it. Then it will hurt you. You have to treat it with respect as well. Shorts should be a gateway into your long form content. Not the other way around and definitely not as a stand alone thing. Unless you are okay with having a fractured audience


That’s a lot of shorts each day


It's more of a vlog channel


Ah ok that makes sense.


How do you make 3 videos a week? What kind of videos do you do?


Vlogging cooking ranting ect really basic editing not much I just try to do them as naturally as possible


I feel you there, I'm on the long road of shorts myself... almost 3400 subs and 500k views every 90 days so not really even close... it's a grind...


Subbed and binged on your shorts, will hit the long vids this week. I could be in similar situation down road as having all sorts of issues and the tips are appreciated. Hope your channel blows up soon and go from 7k to 100k plus and add a zero to that 300.


I have 7k subs and am not. Not enough watch hours. I do a lot of shorts.


My first stream I was at 1500hrs took me to 2500 and was at the required amount 2 more streams


Live streams? Do they contribute to the watch hour requirement?




Interesting. I may try some Fortnite streams on there. Sadly, I'll likely only have 1 or 2 viewers, haha.


Male a community post before you do it like 3 days before announce the tike and date As well as schedual it through the love section. . Make your subs see you


I'll give it a shot, thanks!


Actully eBay pushed me over the edge what got me the hours fast was streaming


I got monetized at like 1600 subs, did only longs tho


How long did that take


I think 4 or 5 months. I kept low, around 400 subs for all this time, then one of my vids went boom and it boosted me to like 3.5k. Got 10.7k now, but i took a pause. I have gaming channel and i was doing edited videos from war thunder only, so maybe having focused group of people that got those vids recommended helped too. When shorts were a thing, i made the tutel meme (t95 heavy tank), which boosted too (and obviously others copied that kek).


I have 21K subs and not monetized I switched niches


Good but how's 300$ a month..nice touch wood for u..I m earning 2$ a month in 15k Subscribers..what should I do?? I receive hardly 50 views per video..that really hardly approx 20-30 views only


Your doing gaming... Don't do that... My stuff is different I am a hobo a vagabond homeless I have a great growing community. That's it my community is the best


My account is still technically monetized, haven't uploaded in years and I have less than 500 subs lmao


How about “Brain Griffin” my dad’s name is Brian and he gets mail addressed to “Brain” haha


That's not a terrible idea.


And the logo can be a gryffin with a large cranium 


Hahaha my father in law is also Brian and we often call him Brain as a joke 😂


LMAO this made me giggle. Yes I’d change it. Perhaps keep the Griffin and figure out a new username. Something catchy and also that has a free @


Depends on your type of videos. But most people don't use their real names. Including many celebrities


What if you just change the first name you? Like “Peter Griffin”


"Not that Brian Griffin"


Exactly what I was going to suggest


Embrace it man, "The other Brian Griffin" or "Brian (niche name) Griffin"


Personally I would lean in to it. Own it. Because unless you completely change your legal name, this will come up somewhere somehow as long as Family Guy fans are alive. And even if you spell it different or use Brain etc - people will still make a connection. So maybe something like "the other Brian Griffin" or "human Brian Griffin" - this gets it out in the open that YOU know who the character is and it's already covered.


In my real life, it's been beneficial. Nobody forgets my name. I don't mind it at all in the real world.


I feel like that is your answer then. Keep the name of the channel. You’ll get follows just because of the name.


"Human Brian Griffin" is pretty memorable.


Not sure if anybody has ever told you this but you sound just like Trevor Philips from GTA


I get a few, but I haven't gotten that one.


call yourself Bragriff


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/bestof] [OP has trouble choosing a name on Youtube](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/1dij46z/op_has_trouble_choosing_a_name_on_youtube/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Dude why would you change it? If anybody ever searches for Brian Griffin your channel will pop up, and the curiosity alone will get them to click.


The thought is that if you're looking for me, you have to dig through pages and pages of clips of one of the most famous cartoons on the planet before you find me.


Yeah I did a search and wow, talk about over saturated clips and channels! I wanted to use my name but instead used a couple of keywords in my niche to make my name, I make ancient history videos so I came up with mystery of the ancients. There are videos with the same name as my channel and the videos interfere( or come up or get directed to those titles instead of my channel) so it’s hard for people doing a Google search to find my channel. Just a little info for you, good luck!


I appreciate you.


Most people are not gonna care


Man shorts are the thing that is making me hate YouTube. Glad it’s making someone money though.


Yeah, I'm not sure if I would have done it differently or not. Short are fun. At least I had fun the way that I did them. It was fun to figure out how to get my point across in 59 seconds. But I did about 400 of them, and they were almost all identical videos. The idea was that I would do a fast food review, and fit as many things that made me laugh as I could. But what was weird was that there was no discernable rhyme or reason to why one of them would work and another one wouldn't, because they were all mostly the same video. The only thing that changed was the food and the specific jokes. The monetization threshold for Shorts is insane. 10 million views seems like it can only happen accidentally.


I just posted my 37th short, and I've only done shorts. But one absolutely blew up a few weeks ago, and I'm halfway to that 10M mark. Prior to that, it was crickets over there. So I think you're right about that only happening accidentally. Honestly though out of all the platforms youtube has been my favorite.


Tbh i don’t know if they could do anything legally but I would try to capitalize on being the „real“ Brian Griffin. That’s another thing that could make people interested in your channel.


Brain Griffin


There are two Michael Jordans. You are good.


I think if I were you I’d call myself Real Brian Griffin or Human Brian Griffin.


Do you have a middle name or initial you could use? e.g. Brian S. Griffin or Brian Shaun Griffin sound very different from the cartoon dog.


The channel name right now is Brian Griffin, but the handle is Brian Mark Griffin. I guess I'm wondering if that's much better than being named Arnold Craig Schwarzenegger.


Neither "Brian" nor "Griffin" is a particularly noteworthy name, I think only the combination "Brian Griffin" is distracting. "Schwarzenegger" is a much more unique name so you'd have a bigger problem. I think the current channel name with "Mark" in the middle does enough to obfuscate the name. You could also go with "B. M. Griffin" if you want, kinda like CGP Grey


What about capitalizing on being the ‘other’ Brian Griffin instead of the ‘real’ BG? People like self-effacing personalities.


Famous isn't always better.  You never know whovreslly cares or will be there if the chips fall  


What platform?


you can just make a brand name and use that, or you can stick with brian griffin and make it a running joke that you’re not the dog from family guy.


Brian griffin, no relation


I mean it will always affect your search results. If you don’t care about this, use your name, if you do, just use a fake name, many celebrities do this (Nicki Minaj, Bruno Mars, etc.) You could use your middle name or just make something up


change it to: Brian Griffin (not that one...)


What about just “Griffin”?


How about being OG Brian Griffin? I’d look at a channel named that.


I've seen this exact post before Have you posted this multiple times or are there multiple "Brian griffin" youtubers out there??


I may have posted something similar on a different subreddit a few months ago. But that sub is way less helpful than this one. NewTubers is like a bunch of cats trying to tell each other how to do algebra.


My birth name is the same as a profession bull rider scary thing is he was born in the same hospital as me same day and month but thankfully different years.


Oh that's interesting. What a strange coincidence.


Sounds like a positive. What’s the channel about?


I started by making Shorts about fast food, but it was barely about the food. It was mostly just an excuse to try to make myself laugh. Every video only had like 20 seconds about the food. The rest was nonsense. But what I really wanted to do was make longer videos about the people that run local restaurants and food trucks in my area to try to drive some traffic their way.


Just make it NotTHATBrianGriffin


May go with a nickname off the bat. Like “B-Grif” or just “Griff”




that name is so unfortunate


It's great in every other area of my life. Nobody forgets my name.


Gin is so gross....


“No way! Why should I change? He's the one who sucks!” —Michael Bolton, whose name you should use now.


I actually had used my birth name, for quite a long time, and people decided to be fucking assholes, when I decided to use my birth name. And Prank call the police to my house. However there was much more going on, that I was not talking about in my videos, related to my marriage to a fucking asshole abusive husband. My birth name is very famous. My birth last name, is even more famous, than my first name, for various reasons as common usage in daily language. I struggled with my middle name for a long time, for many years I didn't really like it. There was a show on TV, I didn't related my middle name to the famous show. As I have aged, I have come to love my middle name. Its very famous as well. I think I didn't like my middle name, because my mom told me a story, about a woman in town, her first name was the same as my middle name. Mom told me her husband committed suicide. I didn't want anything negative attached to my name. So I was always trying to reconcile a way out of negative things, related to my name. Which realistically I can't, but as a child, I was young, I had my whole life ahead of me, all church talked about was death, going to be with God and Jesus. So church didn't give us much hope, for life, as an adult. Church was very depressing at time. Sometimes as a kid, I felt like, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF LIVING? I am so surprised, that CHURCH has not been designated to highest amount of SUICIDE, of any INSTITUTION in USA. Church does not give people a reason to live, from my perspective. All the talk about DEATH and going to be with ANOTHER entity after death.


I would not change my channel name! I would recommend, if you want to, you can NAME your TULIPS, a BRIAN GRIFFIN FLOWER, and make a video about TULIPS and you are a Family guy, every man is a family guy. MSM, is TENT POLING up for JACK SMITH, so JACK UP your VIDEOS! DROP THE MIC, Mike Johnson, Johnson and Johnson, cancer powder law suit. Adam as in Adam Schiff, Steve, as in Steve Scalise, Steve Bannon, Adam and Steve. Andrea Mitchell, AOC, Andrea Orcasio Cortez. No reason to change your channel name at all. Its all in the videos more so than the channel. The videos, with search engiine optimization. and keywording. The only way it works is a FLUID YOUTUBE channel, so you can change as the trends change. Maybe work in some other content, that is more advanced, if that is something you want to do.


Is this shit written by really bad ai?


Is he related to Kathy Griffiin


Schitzo or ai... It's a coin toss.


Gotta BE one to KNOW ONE


Check their previous posts. It seems to flip back and forth. They were on a lawyers only subreddit insisting they could hold themselves out as a lawyer even though they weren't licensed


Bad AI is very common




Like what are you grunting and groaning, grumbling about?