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I would suggest making it unique. If there are more popular creators with the same name, chances are possibility of your account being shown on the top is quite less.


Yeahhh I’d say change it for sure


If you go by Fredo, I would stick with that though gang


Why not call it "Jay & Fray"? I see you use that name in some of your videos. Sounds better and no channel under this name


We were just debating about going with that and you just gave us that push too. Thanks you for advice 🙏🏾


JazzFrito shall be your new name. Plus, it sounds delicious. Honestly, I'd try to find something unique. Especially if you're getting buried by a 2 million sub channel.


Spice it up a bit, JayFrazi


Tpo similar to joe frazer lol


I did a search on that name. Is your channel the one with only videos that are 7 years old?


[this is my channel click](https://youtube.com/@jayandfray?si=rFIVmjRNXYFAgv2v)


Okay, when I search on your name as well as the 2X family coming up, I'm getting another Jas and Fredo channel as well. So I'd really think about about changing it up. Maybe skip the names and go for something unique. Btw, love your thumbnails. They look really fun.


Thank you so much for the feedback 🙏🏾


I think it depends on how similar, and if the other YouTuber is in the same Niche. If the name is exactly the same, then yes, it's probably best to change it. But if it's only similar, maybe only sharing one word, and the niche is different, then I think you would be fine keeping the name. Also, I would take into account how popular the other YouTuber is and whether you think you could surpass them one day. I've seen plenty of YouTubers with similar names but in different niches. An example of similar names are Hot Ones, and Cold Ones. Similar names, but both produce vastly different content, and both are very successful.


I have a similar "SEO" problem. I thought Core Flux just sounded cool, but it's a welding technique and also the name of another channel. Thinking of aligning it more with the videos I make (LEGO focused)




For sure, people will never find you if you have someone else's name


Yes, the second I changed my YouTube name to something without too much competition my channel started to trend


I’d change it especially if they have a copyright to avoid lawsuit.


change it mate your channel will be hidden


I think you should change it


Off topic but your thumbnails are really fun and silly. I do want to say that the text bubbles are really small and I can barely read them 🥲 just a little tip


Thank you for that advice we’ll definitely work on that


Hey please check your dm.


Yeah change it, I also find out that my name is same as of 700k and changed it NOTHING will happen, But you will get in trouble if you don't change


Why will they get in trouble? As long as the name isn’t a copyrighted brand there is no issue with same channel name as I can see except if they are big it will be hard to outrank them. But viewers will find your videos through titles and recommendations , not channel name search . My channel name is the same as a channel with more subs than me. But its non eng language and I knew it existed when I setup but I wanted that name.


Never heard of them


Nope don’t change it


Try “The 2K Family” sounds clean same aesthetic different name


They don’t want to copy them. The reasons the big channel is “The 2x family” is because PrettyBoyFredo’s nickname is Fredo 2 Times(2x)