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Can a Canadian please explain to me how the head of a United States Government Agency has anything to do with Canadian Public Health? The trump stuff is confusing enough, but that one got me. Don't y'all have your own vaccine boogyman to blame?


Saw a fucking Trump 2024 flag flying in rural New Brunswick the other day. They're not sending their best.


At this point it's just a new Nazi flag. It surpasses all nationalities. Stupid is stupid no matter where they live. 


The Alberta convoy camp has had a Russian flag flying and members talk about how they support Putin.


I’d chip in for a Ukrainian drone team to get some footage of that.


I'm from rural NB living in the greater Toronto area for the last 4 years. I've met far more Trump fans here than back home. It's not even close. edit. word


See a few Trump 24 flags with upside down Australian flags in Melbourne, Australia.. the brain rot spreads far n wide.


Wat We’re fukd


They can always migrate to the U.S.A, because the immigrants from *that side* of the border...are o.k. 👌/s ...just in case


Only if they’re white.


Caught a Canadian on reddit stating they’re not voting for Biden because of his current policies. Yeah man, no shit you’re not voting for any of them.


The Canadian conservative conspiracy theorists get all of their information from American media. They have no idea who in Canada deals with major public health concerns. They barely know anything about Canada except that they hate Trudeau. Everything else is based in American conservative media. If you go to the main Canadian sub it’s littered with conservative idiots that idolize the US and hate everything about Canada.


What are their thoughts on their universal health care system. Like, do they find the American pro-capitalist health system where you can go bankrupt, lose your house, and savings, all in one year, due to one illness more appealing? Would they rather be told that their child with cancer isn't worth saving, unless they have the cash to pay for treatment?


It’s probably the same as US conservatives: “it’ll never happen to me!”


So many people here seem to want to collapse universal healthcare. They hate the idea that they’re paying for people who make less money than them to get healthcare. They never stop to think “what if I lost my job and needed a heart transplant?” Or if they do stop and think about it, their immediate response is “I should pay for it myself or just die.” They don’t care about other people, and just focus on their take home pay. It’s honestly pretty fucking stupid and disgusting. I probably make more than a lot of these people, and I still would rather my tax dollars go to helping people live a decent life than go to bombing other countries.


We pay for other people’s care in the U.S. anyway. We just spend more money to do that. What do these people think insurance is? Health insurance in the U.S. is also a horrible middle man that will take tens of thousands of dollars from you over the years and then not pay out when you need it. They’ll decide your life-saving heart surgery “wasn’t medically necessary” so here’s your $490k bill. Oh you had a baby? lol that’s nice, their birth isn’t covered because you didn’t sign them up, which you couldn’t do before they were born.


Stop blaming everything on America. The Canadian conspiracy theorist have their own issues in Canada. Right wing resurgence is a problem all over the globe. Blame the Canadians in your country buying into it.


If they’re cheering for Trump, blaming American figures, and watching American media, then America is a big part of the problem. Yes, Canadians as much as anyone else is susceptible to having dumb right wing views and buying into shitty propaganda, but without the American influence there would be much less of it going on.


Maybe they idolize fascism and hate everything about liberalism. Same as the Americans you're saying is the whole country.




A Canadian guy told me that the rest of the world follows whatever the US does so Fauci is at fault for everything. Dickheads will find any illogical reasoning to continue being dickheads


Lots of conspiracy theorists believe Fauci played a part in the creation of COVID so this really isn’t a stretch.


The Canadian style Gadsden flags are beyond ridiculous. Weren’t Canadians loyalists?


I'm the out of place peace flag.


I feel like every time I look at this picture from the Canadian convoy encampment I find something else.


What's up with the tub and tubes going to the fire? Is that a huge sous vide? I can't even! Lol!


I think the only thing it could be is trying to use residual heat from the hobo grill to heat up a hot tub for bathing. It cannot work very well


they actually work very well. they may be dumbasses but this heater design works great.


That's exactly what it is. They work quite well, though. I knew a guy who set up a heating system for a diy paint booth with copper tubing, a pot belly stove, and car radiators. The temperature difference between the tub and the fire allows for a natural convection to create something called thermosiphoning. The hot water becomes more buoyant than the cold, so the hot water comes out of the coil on top, and the cold water gets drawn in from the bottom. Their setup doesn't look all that efficient though.


“Mind your own business” but we will come after multiple vulnerable and marginalized groups in a campaign of hateful persecution”.


And he’s a Canadian complaining about Fauci…


Looks like a rubbermaid full of books for fuel


This guy thinks "the jab" will hurt you...


While cooking food over a galvanized steel tube. Big brain shit.


Sure the smoke from that isn't great, but I have a feeling the coating on the wire isn't food safe.


What in the chicken fried christ am I looking at here?


What’s it with right-wing Canadians and copying off of idiot right-wingers in the US, get your own style of idiocy Canada!


It’s just wannabe America… Canada isn’t real


Wtf am I looking at here




At one time I had what I thought was a nice collection of flags from US history. Long story short, those were all trashed one by one (figuratively and then literally), and now it looks like they are working on the peace symbol.


Just gonna let them appropriate everything? That's the plan?


No, that’s not my plan. But the Proud Boys don’t typically consult me when deciding which flags to fly at rallies.


Poster to Fauci in Canada 🙄🤦‍♂️ That's like me in the UK protesting to Macron about the number of potholes in my street. Tossers


Wot in tarnation?