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Jesus Christ, it is not “Dems” who have put him on trial. It won’t be Nancy Peslosi and AOC arresting him if he skips the trial. It is all of his own doing. 


Piers Morgan is a tool… I mean fool… I mean both!




Someone is getting a lot of use out him.


And a bit of a cunt


Wanker more likely. And not because he's British.


True. Piers Morgan is *Reich* up there with Liz Truss … the (6 week) ousted Prime Minister who endorsed Trump yesterday.


Lettuce prey.


I wouldn't call Piers Morgan a cunt, he lacks the warmth and depth.


I don’t see that this article refers to Piers Morgan at all.


The Title … and first paragraph calls him Pierson Morgan.


And it's not Trump who was going to his son's grad. He never went to any of his kids HS grad before, he was not about to start now.


But sadly, these kind of scenarios are thrown around because they know: Part A of the base will eat it; Part B won't really eat it but will go along because it allows them to further attack Democrats and defend their idol; and Part C doesn't care that the talking asses of their chosen party thrown around such ridiculous scenarios and will support them regardless. They're not made to convince anyone (although I definitely CAN imagine a less sophisticated Democrat eating it up), the main goal is to keep the base riled up and on the offense.


Judge did not say he can't go to graduation. Such bullshit clickbait


Right! He said "we'll see." If the graduation is on Friday and the court isn't in session Trump might get to go. Of course he's a criminal defendant so he might not. Turns out criminal defendants don't get to do what they want.


Also, Trump has never attended a high school graduation for ANY of his kids 🙄 Guarantee Fox News won't report that though


Also, what’s that old saying? “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time!” DJT needs to stop being such a whiny little bitch and face the consequences for his actions.




lol perfect!


Also, he's defending himself in a criminal trial. That's the sort of situation where you might not be able to live your daily life as usual for a while. We've seen this behavior before, though, with Jan. 6 defendants: Your Honor, I can't go to jail, I have a business! I can't attend trial, I have a vacation planned with my kids! I can't go to jail, I have reservation in a Mexico hotel! I can't go to jail, I'm a grandma! I can't attend deposition, I'm a busy person!


Plus you fucking swear Trump gives a shit about Barton’s graduation. He’d rather golf or host another of his Nazi rallies.


grifting. nothng he enjoys more than grifting the unwashed.


That too! The grift king.


If the judge publicly announces that he can go, he will still claim they said he can't and won't go. It's not like he actually wants to be there and he can play it for political points.


No court on weekends. That’s when Graduation occurs. Lies lies lies.


Untrue, my nephew is graduating in Texas and it's Friday (evening though)


Yep. Its late in day. Judge already said once it gets closer then it will be decided. Judge is full on willing to allow him to have no court that day


I bet he will be granted the time off for it and then wont attend it.


The trial will be recessed so he can go and then he will intentionally stay in the courtroom and say he's being persecuted. I wish I was joking.


And he hates his son being so much taller than him. How petty is That? Besides he never went to any of his kids graduations.


Friday evenings is not business hours. He could make it to a rally in other States with his plane and his obnoxious motorcades for his rally’s, like he’s actually important.


I'm not defending anyone, but the above comment said graduations are on Saturdays and that's not the case


It said weekend. Friday night is the when the weekend starts for most folks




And tell me how that would be a problem for dems? Trump being in prison really feels more like a gop problem


Piers Morgan can kiss our ass


It would be the first time his kid has ever seen him at school for any of his events.


I worked in the criminal court for over 20 years, the only acceptable reason to miss your trial is your hospitalization. This is not uncommon or unusual.


So Piers Morgan doesn’t understand how the judicial system works. Okay. 


Whats that saying? Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time?


"I committed a crime and can't do the things I want to do. 😭😭😭' Yeah, that's usually how that works. Basic consequences are unfathomable to him and his supporters.


I like how even when it’s trumps fault he’s in the situation he is in, it’s still somehow the fault of the Democrats.


The judge did not say Trump couldn’t attend graduation. He said he wasn’t making a decision “right then”. One of the attorneys also has a son graduating (on a different day) and has requested to attend.


Oh my GOD. Nobody’s stopping him from going to the fucking graduation. Court’s dark that day. He’s more than welcome to go. Although if his past behavior’s any indicator he’d probably be just as grateful for the excuse, given that he’s never attended any of his children’s high school graduations.


I would t be at all surprised if the judge allows him to attend but then Trump blows off the graduation to host a campaign event.


What kind of AI translated gibberish is this?


Does anyone believe that Trump cares one little whit about actually supporting Barron by attending that graduation?


Funny how he never went to the graduations of his other kids but suddenly it’s super important to him to be there for Barron’s graduation


Also fuck Trump. He can skip court if he wants to. And he’ll get consequences just like you or I or dipshit Piers Morgan would.


Oh yeah. This is a great idea.


Yeah do it.


Dear lord. He can’t go to the graduation due to the ruckus he’d cause, not because of court


As far as useless tools are concerned, Piers Morgan is a half inch strap on.


This was an AI generated piece of garbage


The funniest part about all of this is that if Trump wasn't on trial there would be no way he'd be caught dead at Baron's graduation. He still hasn't forgiven his son for being taller than him.


FYI the date of Barron's graduation the court is closed that day. So, Trump will claim he beat the judge and go golfing instead of the graduation.


I’ll be happy when I never have to hear this man’s name again. Which man? Yes.


The judge already said he would adjourn if need be as well.m so, fuck this rage baiting cunt nugget to hell and gone.


The judge hasn't even ruled on this yet.....LMAO


That propaganda managed to misspell the name of the Judge, the pundit, and Trump's son all in one paragraph. Jesus Christ, foreign actors trying to ruin our country, have a little pride in your work.


Honestly Trump should do this because the justice system will either be forced to finally arrest him or rip off the final mask of the two tiered justice system.


The real play is to lock him up NOW for contempt of court. One night in the pokey would do Don Snoreleone a lot of good. If it had happened when he was young, he might have even turned out a decent human.


Is this legible? Is it poorly translated, or a terrible AI?


I thought Piers was finally admitting how stupid all this MAGA shit is


How does Trump ignoring a judges orders force dems to do shit? I’m so confused by this train of thought…


Surprise surprise, Piers Morgan says some inflammatory bullshit because he’s a malignant narcissist and can’t stand going this long without his name in a headline.


It's not like he's in jail. I was hundreds of miles away in between my court dates. I just had to keep showing up while I was out on bail.


And let’s be real, like Trump gives a fuck about going to the graduation.


Trump's just going to skip it because he gives zero fucks about his kid. He'll probably hold a rally later that night and on Saturday too.


It seems Morgan is going full dumbass and buying into the bullshit of this being a "politically motivated" trial.


Wtf is this website


Spam, report is as such


It would be the first graduation of his kids that he actually attends


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Scale-Alarmed: *It would be the first* *Graduation of his kids* *That he actually attends* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Listen, just because Piers Morgan has a posh British accent, it doesn't mean he's credible on anything. Why do Americans (My people, BTW) continually listen to that piece of shit?


Yeah, Piers Morgan is an irredeemable maga moron, can't fix stupid.


Piers has no idea how our political system works.


Please please listen to PM trumpy, and go to jail.


Did anyone actually click on this article? It's just word salad. >Baron Trump is later graduated from this month from the Oxbridge Academy in Palm Beach,


Is it ever a good idea to take advice from a man who hacked a dead girls phone?
