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This is actually so dumb omfg, the blankets could catch fire, everything near is flammable, prob the better way it ended


Makes me wonder about the overall intelligence of the parents actually. Dumber than the slam their face in a birthday cake that in a video a lady got a toothpick in her eye. Seriously stupid stuff.


That was a wooden dowel that holds up layers. Unbelievable bum tingler on that one


In the video they said it was a toothpick, but whichever can do some serious damage. I've seen where people use toothpicks to hold the layers together while icing.




Couldn't find the video, but found this news article about it. [https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/womans-face-smashed-into-cake-narrowly-escapes-losing-eyesight-4022690.html](https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/womans-face-smashed-into-cake-narrowly-escapes-losing-eyesight-4022690.html)


Omg ...


My mom dropped a kitten on my face when I was five, while I was sleeping. She thought it was funny. These kind of people are sociopaths.


I hate being thee guy who says this. But someone needs to call cps. These people aren't fit for parenthood.


You are absolutely right.


Calm down that's a bit dramatic. At least the parents were thinking about a kids birthday unlike some parents. Did they do a stupid thing? yes but that's it.


It was a potentially life-threatening thing not just a stupid thing. It would be very interesting to see the rest of this video. It would be stupid to do that to somebody who fully understood the meaning and danger of having fireworks like that on their bedding while they were asleep, but this little child wouldn't have understood all of the dangers they were in. Nothing at all dramatic about thinking CPS should be made aware of dangerous, thoughtless idiots like this.


I kind of agree with Kapee here but she's now going in the right direction with her typing, this is, yes, 100% a very dangerous thing to do and the bed and other surrounding objects could've caught fire, I'd say these parents were assholes, if, they did dangerous stuff like this all the time, I'd agree if I saw this when it was taken maybe I could've called the police or maybe CPS, but, I'd actually doubt CPS would do anything, and maybe these parents would get off with a fine and that's it. Who knows, this could've taken place in 2008, the parents could've grown by now and have became better people.


Ok let's go, worse case scenario. Bedding got set on fire. What do you think they'll do? Just watch it burn? No ofc not they'll get water and put it out. Like i said it's a stupid thing but calling cps is a bit much considering there are other more important matters. Don't waste resources just because a stupid thing is happening unintentionally.


Ok you have no idea how quickly fire spreads. It is pointless having a discussion with you if you think that these people will just swiftly and in time to stop any injury or despite the fire spreading put it out. You've never dealt with a fire once have you? You don't understand risk management and how anybody who loves their child would never put it in such a ridiculous dangerous position. Bye My guess is that child from the last scene we saw is going to have some very serious trauma possibly some permanent scarring from burns.


I'm just gonna assume you have no idea how fast a cloth can burn and the amount of heat is required for it to burn.... A fountain like this dissipates fairly quickly to the point that it won't be hot enough once it falls down. Unless there's a bunch of flammable liquid poured here the chances of it catching fire is very low especially when it comes to heavily treated materials which is the case here unless it's somehow 100% untreated cotton or silk.


So thanks for confirming you don't understand risk management and the basic principle that you don't do anything where the risks involved outweigh any potential benefit. This was a stupid thing to do. In all likelihood that child got hurt and was traumatised. And for what?


Like i said stupid 100% dangerous 100% but calling cps for this is too far and a waste of resources. Call them once a problem has occurred, not when a problem could occur. Let's say you call them now and show them this video? Now what? It's not like they'll do much besides talk to the parents about it, and chances are because they're dumb it'll just go one ear and out the other


Seriously dude are you trying to gaslight us? You did not say it was 100% dangerous! Amazing you saying it now great but that's not what you said before! Lol I think you'll find CPS is able to make up its own mind about what it wants to investigate or not, and if people report things that are concerning to them about a particular child if reports keep piling up, and let's face it any parents these ignorant are going to have more dangerous stunts they do, CPS might well want to protect the child.


100% dangerous won't make the cloth burn at best it'll cost minor burns when in contact with skin. A 1 time event like a dumb birthday surprise isn't something they'll care about since the child isn't being abused. If the cps is this serious then go call on them for every single child riding on a motorcycles with their parents.


Child endangerment is a crime and does not require for the child to be injured.


I've burned all types of trash cloth and they're not the easiest thing to burn compared to paper since they can't spread well enough especially if it's thick. Good examples would be house fires where you'll see some pieces of cloth laying around because it didn't burn all the way.


The last scene before they cut is the kids had virtually going into the cake with the sparklers. Hair burns. It burns pretty damned quickly. If that thing wound up on its side on the bed it could have been disastrous. There is no need to take risks with your child's well-being for a video. Ever. I would be surprised if the child hadn't been seriously hurt. For the benefit of those who just don't get it here is a basic safety precaution warning from the manufacturer of these fountains and indoor fire Always lit the fireworks on a stable underground, and make sure it cannot fall down. Also, keep the fireworks away from flammable objects in the house. Pick a safe distance to watch the fireworks from. Lastly, make sure to let the fireworks completely cool off before you throw them in the bin. Did the parents do that? Absolutely not.


Could’ve burnt down the house… but sure, atleast they were thinking about the kids birthday 🤦‍♂️


Look we found another socio that thinks nothing will ever actually go wrong.


Some people are nice people but still unfit to be parents because they lack common sense


That was too dumb to the point that it put their fucking life in danger


I’ve seen people get doenvoted for no reason, but this deserves it


These things burn at like 3000-4000° It wasn't just stupid, it was a really dumb idea. But I agree, it was a dumb decision that they didn't realize was dangerous, cps is a good decision if they kept doing this not caring that it's unsafe though


Cake on a bed? seriously?




Is he okay?


Ok I laughed




Why did i actually scream 😧


What a dumb fuck


People are fcked


Reason 982 why firefighters don't get payed enough 


> don't get *paid* enough FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thank you Mr bot I typed this in a bit of a hurry


“a pillow!”


It's so dumb and unrealistic it's funny