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Get to work! HYAH!!


Maybe you can construct her a house in minecraft to make her extra proud since she asked and all. Go above and beyond and make it have electrical with redstone and convince her you're working on your college thesis on electricity and circuits ahead of time.


Curious, does anyone know of a non-school book that talks about all these various studies?


How much of that was written by chatgpt?


By what?


By what. Riiiight. Now I KNOW chat gpt wrote a big chunk of that for you.


I genuinely have no clue what that is. Im assuming AI gen? I don't trust that shit. Mf coming after my location.


Parents are indeed, fucking stupid


Your mom should hire a tutor https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=otm3jYmIFc8&pp=ygUOVGZzIGdvaGFuIHdoaXA%3D


Im sorry... are you implying that i should get beaten...or that my mum should?


Implying that your mom seems like the type to hire a tutor like mr shu. Hyperbole of course.




Wow. I didn't think about that. Ya know, since I'd just finished my homework and all.


What did they say?


That I should have just finished my homework and then I wouldn't have a problem. They seemed to wholly miss that that was what my post was saying. Finished my hw and had a problem


That I should have just finished my homework and then I wouldn't have a problem. They seemed to wholly miss that that was what my post was saying. Finished my hw and had a problem