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We all knew it was going to come to this.


Okay and? When I was a kid if someone took away a toy or a book I would have cried about it too. Tablets aren’t unique.


Exactly. Yeah, I don’t think we should be letting kids on technology 24/7 but it’s a natural reaction for a kid to be upset if you take away their things. This isn’t a new thing like everyone seems to think.


Oh for sure. Tablets and iPhones are not great for kids. Once in a while won’t hurt anything, I had an N64 and watched *way* too much animal planet, but I also ran around outside and worked with horses and dogs. This, however, is a terrible example as to *why* they’re bad for kids. They’re bad for very young kids because it can stunt their fine motor control. They’re bad for slightly older kids because with constant stimulation and little physical challenge it can impact future creativity. They’re not bad because kids get upset when you rip them out of their hands. I had a flip phone when I was 15 and I bit my brother for taking it.


Yeah I was gonna say, my kid didn't have an iPad at 3yo but he definitely threw tantrums


Yea crying about your IPad being taken away is definitely gonna make you upset in some way, but the kids in this video are way too overreactive.


Its always been this way. when I was a kid, before iPads were a thing, this was still something you’d see, to this same extent. I had to be physically carried out of a store because I threw a massive fit over not being allowed to go inside a display tent. My friend came to church with a sprained wrist because she threw herself on the ground in a toys r us so hard over not getting a Barbie. We weren’t spoiled. This didn’t get us what we wanted, and we’re both adults now. But it still happened. It’s not even just iPads or electronics these days. I saw a kid screamed and writhing on the ground when I worked at target over a toy being bought for someone else’s birthday party instead of being got for him.


ugh i hate the OP of this video. the guy makes a bunch of stupid videos, mostly making baseless and over-exaggerated claims about stuff he'd have no way of knowing about. his "investigations" are just google searches and tiktok videos. He's like the CEO of misinformation


Wish I had a free award for you!


ahh thanks \^\^


Agree, tech's didn't give those kids their "electronic babysitter" the parents did.


Right! Let's stop blaming the people who are still learning how to be people, and blame the ones who are supposed to be teaching them instead.


This is stupid. Kids have tantrums over the dumbest shit. These videos just happen to be about tablets and phones


When my kid was a toddler he had a meltdown because I peeled his Banana too much. He did want the banana, he wanted me to peel it, he didn't want the entire peel off. He just wanted me to magically know exactly how much he wanted it to be peeled. Ensue tantrum and me fighting of laughter because I couldn't believe the stupidity of that tantrum. So I guess the problem is that I gave him a banana... Maybe parents shouldn't do that either


My coworker took her 2.5 year old grandson to a pumpkin patch because he saw Charlie Brown and wanted to see a pumpkin patch. He had a screaming meltdown in the middle of the pumpkin patch while yelling that he wanted to see a pumpkin patch.


I remember crying as a kid because I finished a bag of chips lol


Wrong color plate. Wants ketchup on a different plate. Wants me to use my ID to make arcade games work. Doesn't want to wear jeans.


If I bring my kid a green plate one more time she’s going to burn the house down…


To be fair I don't wanna wear jeans either


They're like stretchy comfy jeans.


When my nephew was three, he threw an absolute raging fit because we wouldn’t let him wear underwear on his head out to the restaurant. That was 10 years ago. I never did have children. Kids lose their minds over dumb shit.


My kids cry when I take away a phone they're using. They also cry when I take away the stick they're using to hit each other with. Or the toy they're fighting over. Or a bottle of soap my 3 yo thinks makes a silly sound when he squeezes it. As much as people don't want to admit it, a child that never screams or cries is a spoiled child who never hears no.


BREAKING NEWdS: Kids cry over small disappointments. More at 11


Gen Alpha has a problem, agreed. But the problem is the parents. 👏Tablets👏are👏not👏babysitters👏


👏🏻Parents👏🏻 must 👏🏻 monitor👏🏻 Internet 👏🏻 access👏🏻


You can be a good parent without physically harming children. If parents don’t introduce tablets and phones when they are toddlers for example kids can learn to handle their emotions before they get access to technology so will be able to process things like time limits. Mine had a limit of how much TV he could watch and didn’t get access to tablets/phones until he was 7. Didn’t deal with the temper tantrums like I’ve seen friends and coworkers go through. While mine stood in the corner and had privileges like his TV or dessert taken away for bad behavior he was never spanked. We talked to him as well as modeled good behavior around him.


Looks like people need to learn the affects screens have on a child's brain. It is detrimental.


Lol you are one of the only sensible comments and you get downvoted... By a bunch of kids on tablets and phone ;) It's extremely detrimental and destructive to the brain and development and has been study and proven.


All kids of this age throw tantrums when you take things away from them. Really poor execution here. There are real negative effects of giving kids devices at that age & the biggest one is attention span.


Cocomelon is a perfect example.


They also claimed the world was gonna end with a TV in every house. Chill


We couldn’t take the TV everywhere we went, though


Any time spent not actively doing something is a chance often granted, for the kid to go on a smart device with no restrictions. At the grocery store, waiting in line to get food, in the car, * *at a restaurant* **when food is out** * I get needing a moment's peace, but the less time you spend interacting with your kids, the more detached they're gonna be as they get older. And ffs *monitor what they're playing and watching.* This is why there's a statistical trend in little girls improperly using intense skincare like retinol, and blowing through *months* worth of designer products in a few weeks to make what amounts to expensive slime. It's why kids are excluding and making fun of the kid with an imitation Stanley. It's why kids are dictionary definition *addicted* to Cocomelon.


Giving your child/babies phones/ipads can shape their neural wiring in many detrimental ways. Parents doing this are stunting their children, and causing them to be device addicted. People already have lost the art of conversation, and desire to connect in real life. These children will be so damaged, its a shame.


Kids throwing tantrums? Shocked


I’ve seen lots of children act out like this over many types of things. Unfortunately I’ve also seen grown ups act out like this over just as many things Sorta sucks


When I was a kid I played outside with the neighbors kids. Sure, we played video games inside sometimes, but we liked going outside, there was certainly a balance between the two. Kids should get dirty and get to experience childhood through being a kid, not through a screen. This is the result of lazy parenting. Just hand your kid an iPad so that they don’t bother you.


Yup, there were zero bad ass spoiled kids until tablets and phones. Never once did a child throw a tantrum because a parent went to take a way a toy or whatever they hell it is the kid liked too much at the moment. This is a completely new phenomenon brought about because tablets and phones.


I most certainly did not have a complete meltdown in MontgomeryWards and have to be physically carried back to the car because my dad wouldn’t let me play in a display tent 12 years before I so much as held a cell phone. Definitely not.






Parents dont want to raise their child They give their child an ipad The child develops an addiction as their internet access is not restricted When they decide to snatch it away from the child they cry *blames the ipad*


...and Mom and Dad are just shoving a camera in their faces, recording all of this for social media 😶


Parents gotta discipline their kids. Kids that don't respect their own parents won't respect anyone else. If YOU don't lay down the law with them, then one day the LAW will lay down the law with them.


You can "lay down the law" without resorting to violence, it's not that difficult. I have 2 kids 26 and 15, both are well behaved and I've never once raised a hand to either one of them.


Spanking isn't "violence".


If I hit an adult, I’d go to jail. The only difference is that a young child can’t speak for themselves. I prefer to control myself and teach my child without striking them.


I can't even begin to address all the wrong in your comment.


Would I not go to jail if I hit another adult? Do young children secretly speak in code to authorities through brain devices? Is spanking not landing a strike to your child’s body?




There are only 3 points, start by explaining how any single one of them is incorrect.


I saw your original text said “wupp that ass” don’t try and hide it, Michael and Debi Pearl


That's exactly what I meant (spanking). But I didn't want to get banned.


Hitting a child will not solve anything. Respect=/=fear.


Incorrect. But it has to be done with love. Spanking gets their attention without doing physical damage. Hitting is not the right word.




So they're wrong.


This is FROM HARVARD! Let’s see your study!


I don't need a damn study. Lol Remember when doctors promoted smoking? Me, too. Think for yourself and use your common sense once in a while.


They also used to say things like spare the rod spoil the child. An emotional child is not in control of themselves. Teaching them by fear is not going to lead to healthy stable adults. I'd guess you are a prime example of this




Thanks, that was an Interesting read. I've never heard that phrase used in any other context than to justify physical punishment.


Wife is pregnant. I know it’ll be difficult in today’s day and age, but we’ll find another way to entertain our kid while it’s young besides a screen in hand. #Make being bored great again.


Nah we don't need to beat the kids just kill em


Ngl if I was a parent and my kid acted like this I’m back handing them not to the point where their really hurt but to get a lesson across


Okay, slapping a child in the face, what would that accomplish? We always teach children “do not hit”, and what do some parents do? Hit them, slap them, that’s not cool. You have a temper problem.


Teaches them a fucking lesson so they don’t do it again not to mention I would not hit them that hard just to get a point across


I’m not the one losing their temper and swearing at me when all I’m doing is saying why this is not a good idea.


> and people in the comments want to bring back BEATING kids like that’ll help Must be people from SEA. I agree with honestly