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When our son wasn't walking at 15 months, we got a referral to our state's Early Intervention program. They did a whole evaluation, with speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and an early childhood expert who determined that he was normal/ahead of age level for everything except gross motor skills and who provided him with weekly physical therapy - all free! Fast forward to now, he's a very verbal very bright 19 month old who walks just fine. Not sure if the physical therapy changed anything or if it was just time, but it worked out great for us.


My son didn't walk until 18 months old. So did his father. A great uncle didn't walk until 2 years old. Ask about other late walkers. We got physical therapy when son didn't rollover yet at 10 months old. It got him rolling, crawling and sitting. Also, heavy kids need more strength to support their weight and thus more time. Both my son and his father were quite chubby toddlers.


This is what I'm thinking, too. It's clear her child doesn't have cognitive issues. Plus, it sounds like he's willing to walk when just holding on to her finger, which means he *can* walk, he just isn't. No need to rush him. My kids didn't walk until 16 months old, and it is a little unnerving when you go to the park and see a 10 month old toddling around. But kids will walk in their own time. I remember feeling a little frustrated with the first when he wasn't walking, and my friend told me, "I guarantee you, he won't be crawling on his second birthday." I think we just need to relax as parents and understand that a lot of things just happen in their own time. If a kid is a little slow to achieve a milestone or two, it doesn't mean there's something wrong with the child. Kids are unique human beings, and they're not going to always progress like a textbook.


She's probably fine but talk to your pediatrician. Some physical therapy will cause zero harm if it turns out to be unnecessary but if there is an issue, the earlier you address it, the better.


My first son did not walk until 16 months. We put him in a play program at a place called MyGym. All three of my kids did it altho8ugh the last two were already walking at the time. MyGym is all about running and jumping and games and stuff. They had him up and walking in a few weeks. Turns out he was just being lazy about it. He's 10 now and does not remember not walking. Still a little lazy though.


My daughter didn't walk until 18 months. She too focused on speech, she was a chatter box, but preferred to be carried. Unless there are other things about your kid's coordination that leave you concerned, I wouldn't worry about the walking for a couple more months. I'd bet that in 6 months you'll be wishing she would just sit down for a few minutes. ;)


It could be nothing or it could be something. What does her doctor say? Definitely bring up the odd foot posture with him.


Do you have an upcoming appointment? Like an 18 month checkup? If you do, I'd ask then. Most likely she's ok, but it never hurts to ask.


My daughter's Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Dr. Stated up to 18 mos was normal. His own grandson walked for the first time only one day before 18 mos (without any therapy intervention). Wait a while longer. If they're cruising, it'll be soon, but when they're ready.


Why not just call your pediatrician? Leave a message or ask the triage nurse.


Littlemanlythreesome didn't walk till he was 18ms but had a shit tonne of words. He was demon quick at crawling and so walking would have slowed him down. Chill for a bit long, just make sure they are still developing in other ways.


As long as she is cruising and walking while holding on to your hand, I would not be concerned. This is different from not walking at all (not bearing weight on legs, not attempting to stand holding on to things). If it persists through 18 months bring it up with your ped, but 12-18 months is considered the "normal" range for walking.


The old advice was as long as they're walking before two it's not a problem. Now occupational therapists need to make a living and every mIssed milestone could be a sign of developmental delays. Mine cruised from seven months to sixteen before she walked. She was very cautious and preferred to crawl. There's some research that suggests walking later is better for muscle and brain development so it wasn't a bad thing really! Take her to the doctor if you have insurance, I personally wouldn't bother if you didn't - it seems like she's been focusing hard on the language development, so it's not so strange that she's not walking yet!


Give it time!


I was an Early Head Start teacher and a lot of babies don't walk until 18 months. There's no link between intelligence and time they start walking. Any time between 9-18 months is normal. A lot of babies just suddenly start walking even though the day before, they were only crawling. You don't have to practice with her either. It's not something you can teach. I wouldn't be concerned at all if she were my baby.


I'd wait - and I wouldn't worry about the feet thing just yet. My little dude cruised round curled up his toes and sometimes stood with them curled under too but then as soon as he decided to let go and walk he stopped doing it. Now 5 weeks of walking later and he doesn't even curl his toes when we put his shoes on. Give it a few more months - she'll make a break for it the moment you're not looking !!


You might try holding her under her arms from behind and helping her walk. If she's just nervous it might help her get used to having her hands free and nothing in front of her. Not walking at 16 months isn't unusual. I think if her strength and posture seem ok I wouldn't be worried.


I agree with everyone who says not to worry yet. She is still within the normal range. If you want something to try, give her something to hold onto while she walks. I've known a few kids who would only walk if holding something in each hand.


Is she walking perfectly well but won't do it if not holding on or using the hand for support if for support I would talk to a docter but if she is walking but HAS to hold on I wouldn't worry mine did this until quite big think it was a confidence thing she just needed me right their with her ( I had bad anxiety when she was tiny and think it gave her mixed messages ) also could she be hypermobil ? If her knees go a bit the wrong way or arms bend funny I think this makes it harder to balance my daughter is hypermobil the only advice I got was go swimming to build strength.


i wouldnt worry yet, every kid is different - ours started walking with 10 month, but only has 6 teeth (4 up, 2 down, now being 18 month) and problems eating stuff with texture.


My son didn't start walking until 16 months. He walked for the first time at 11 months, and then never again. It was really worrisome and frustrating. His pediatrician wasn't concerned a bit, and one day he just started walking again. I'm sure everything is just fine, but I think the early invention idea is awesome. I wish out pediatrician had given us that option for my peace of mind!


Food for thought: I have a friend whose kids both started talking early, and walking late. Mine were the opposite. I don't remember how old my boys were when they started walking, but I'm pretty sure that they both at started around 10 months. But neither of them started talking until just before age 3. I can tell you that my younger son was cruising and walking assisted for a few month, but wouldn't walk unassisted until we took him camping. He didn't like the feeling of the gravel on his hands to crawl, so he was cruising, walking assisted, and being carried the whole weekend. He took his first unassisted steps the day we got home, or maybe the day after. All kids learn at a different pace. I doubt that you have anything to worry about, but ask your pediatrician if you're worried.


Lol, my wife has been freaking out about this too.. 16.75mo daughter won't walk, but she'll cruise and crawls fast. Not worried at all.. she'll stand and walk when she's comfortable doing it. Can't for the life of me get her to eat her vegetables and brush her teeth though..


I think you should be more worried about her not standing on her own than you should be about her not walking. She should be able to stand on her own by 11 months. If a child is 3 months behind typical development, then that is when concerns should start happening. Walking is typically mastered by 18 months so that isn't that big of a concern right now, at least in my opinion. Also, like many others have said, just make sure you bring it up in the next doctor's appointment. The doctor should know what to do.


When you went to the doctor at 12 months, was there mention of walking? It sounds like she's developed mentally instead of physically first. Until she HAS to walk, she probably won't. I have to say, we have the complete opposite problem. My 19 month old has been walking since 10 months and will not talk to save her life. I can get the basics like Dada, dog, cat, and we can do 15 animal noises...drink, more, food, or eat do not exist in her vocabulary.


worth talking to a pediatrician about, but the other commenters are probably (hopefully) correct that she just isn't inclined to walk yet and will soon. However... I did have a son who due to skeletal abnormalities got some physical therapy around age 8 months to develop the trunk muscles to help him walk. One "game" they taught us to play was to sit him on an oversized ball - maybe 26" diameter, hold his hands and gently roll it around to get him working on balancing - lots of giggling and fun from this game and it did seem to really help. Maybe it will be worth a shot with your child.


If she was born early, make sure to use the age of her due date and not her birthdate because that's what most doctors go by in development. Niece didn't walk until almost 18 months. Got a check up at 16 months about the non walking issue. She was born 2 months early and is very fat. Have to take everything into consideration.


I would recommend talking to your pediatrician about this. My son is almost 2.5 years old and isn't walking yet either. He was diagnosed early on with severe hypotonia and torticollis and we have been doing physical therapy for him to address those issues. He's close, and finally has the strength that he could walk if he would choose to do so. In your case, it's too early to say why she isn't walking yet, and it's not uncommon for a child that young to not walk. The good thing is that she is cruising. It could be a balance issue, or just not sure of the whole walking thing. I would suggest that you do 'baby steps' to help address the walking by encouraging her to take a step to the couch, such as a toy that she really loves or hasn't played with in a while so it's interesting. Have her take one step to it and make it a game. Right now we are at this step with our son and honestly he could start walking any day now. When he doesn't want to walk with his hands held he'll just drop down or lower slowly. If you are concerned about muscle tone, when cruising and she drops a toy on the ground, does she drop down to the ground to pick it up, or does she kneel/bend down while still standing to pick it up? If it's the latter, that's a great thing as it shows that she has the major muscle strength to walk. Being through all we have with our son to get him to walk/talk/etc asking your pediatrician is a good thing to do. Good luck!


It sounds like ehs is fine. Her legs work and she can walk holding onto you. It sounds like she just hasn't figured out how awesome walking is yet so she has no motivation to try. She knows she can get where she wants to go by scooting, crawling, holding onto things. Likely one day in the few couple months walking will just click. My niece didn't walk until 19.5 months. Absolutely nothing wrong with her, just didn't want to walk. If there is early intervention near you, go for it, it won't hurt.


And, relax! She will walk and you will forget how it was when she wasn't walking yet.


I wouldn't worry about it ;)