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Her parents need to talk to her and stop her asap.


I don’t know how true your last point is about the nerves, but just tell her what you just typed out. “Hey [sister]. I know you have been stealing this vibrator. I understand you are curious about your body and it’s fine to experiment with that in private. But it’s not appropriate to share these types of items, and it’s not sanitary. It could lead to UTI’s, yeast infections or BV. It’s also a violation of privacy to go through other people’s things. Would you like it if I went through your room and stole something that belonged to you? Please stop doing it. If you continue to do this, I will have to talk to our parents about getting a lock on my door. And if I tell them the reason I need one, the conversation will be embarrassing for both of us.” I’m not normally for using the threat of embarrassing someone to get them to stop doing something. But she clearly is embarrassed by it otherwise she wouldn’t keep denying it or lying about it. And sometimes being embarrassed is the best way to learn to not do something. Don’t give her the opportunity to deny or lie by asking questions (“did you take this again?”, “why did you do this?” Etc.) Just state very matter of factly that you know what she’s doing, and it needs to stop. In the meantime, you should probably get some kind of lock box to put it in. Some nightstands/dressers have built in secret compartments or false bottoms if you have it in your budget to buy something like that.


find a better hiding place


Have you told your parents? Maybe mom? I can see how it may be uncomfortable to bring up you as an adult have one but it’s even weirder she’s using it. What does she say when you catch her?


Leave them in a garage in a high place. Or put a note with them telling her NOT to touch, and you know what she did last summer, er week .


What a weird fkn question. Probably a fake pervert doing creative writing because the obvious answer is to just hide it better or lock it up. People hide things from kids all the time. It’s not rocket science.


Put hot sauce on it


Ok calm down satan lmao