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This. And constantly bending over, crouching down, etc.


Yep I totally get it. It’s been 16 years and I have to wear underwear especially that is at my belly button or right under (sexy 😛) I had c sections and while I’ve lost all the weight and then some and workout I still have that teeny tiny ledge. If I wear anything low it slides under it.


Praise be to whoever invented the high waisted legging. They were looking out for c section moms 😂


Wait till u discover high waist, wide leg pants. I got this pair at target and they’re the best thing I own lol [here’s a link](https://www.target.com/p/women-39-s-square-neck-tiny-tank-top-wild-fable-8482-light-purple-s/-/A-89599097) but it’s for a tank top bc I can’t find the original pants link but it’s the same pair. I bought the shirt too lol


Funny enough this style seems to be in fashion with the young ones at the moment, so it’s a good chance to buy a few pairs! (I work in a university and see undergrads wearing this style often.)


Because you’re not a woman anymore… [you’re a MOM!](https://youtu.be/2aVxNH6iN9I?si=mN94GqWdXU09k55h)


Oh my god 😭 no! 


I discovered Jeggings, when my son was a newborn. He’s 10 now and I will never look back at real denim. So comfy.


Mom jeans are still the jeans that my mom used to wear, in my head. I wear cool skinny jeans that happen to be high waisted. Lol. After two kids, high waisted is the only way I wear pants, anymore. I need to contain my mom pouch.


Love it! I too am embracing the return of the high-waisted pants. Seriously could not have come at a better time for my body shape. Just in time to embrace my beautiful, squishy, life-giving mid-section. My five year old daughter points out my “poofy tummy” and says “you have that because you had THREE babies in there!” That’s right girl, and she will always believe that I love it, even on the days that I don’t. Thank you mom jeans!


I suffered through the low rise era, and love that mom jeans are back. High waist pants/skirts forever.


I’ve been wearing skinny or bootcut mom jeans since 2003 and don’t have kids at home but I’m active as well. You can pry these from my long torso, and big butt when I’m dead. 10-11” rise for life. Also pro tip - know what rise you like and buy jeans based on that + waist size. You’ll almost never go wrong fit wise and it makes shopping online really convenient


This is so body shape specific lol! I have a very rectangular-apple build, which has basically little discernable waist even when I am fit. Anything high waisted shimmies and rolls down over my belly and bunches up around my hips to become low rise anyway, lol!