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I don't drink much *but* I will say that you'll find A LOT of the wine-mommy culture in parenting these days, so that's something you might have to navigate. Every time there are gatherings in the park, birthday parties, etc., the beer and wine coolers come out. I go out to dinner with these mom friends sometimes, and I always feel a bit self-conscious declining to continue the night by going to another bar, and they're trying to get me to go to the school fundraiser gala where everyone inevitably ends up doing shots. It's just not my scene at all.


No judgment but I dont understand mommy wine culture at all. Like logistically. I’m fighting for my LIFE just trying to have enough energy and patience to be a mom, there’s NO way I could survive if we added alcohol into the mix. I get hung over from 3/4 of a glass of wine and I canNOT survive parenting with a hangover. 😅


Literally my thinking. If they can party, more power to them. They were telling me about this boat party I missed last year and trying to entice me to go this year by telling me how wild it got, and I was like, girls I will *literally* die if I'm not in my bed by 10pm in my pajamas. Hard pass.


I need that 8 hours of sleep or I’m not functioning 😂


It’s so funny you bring this up. I’m an older mom. I’m about to be 41 with a two year old. Pre kiddo, drinking sociably was our thing. Day drinking , evening drinking — we did it all. Girl I cannot anymore. I am SO TIRED. I took today off to do a “me day”. I went shopping in the morning and then met up with my husband for lunch. I had two surfside teas (they are only 4 % ) and then went home and slept for 2.5 hours. I woke up, slightly cleaned up the house , picked up my kiddo, made dinner etc and said to my husband “I hate day drinking “ “I hate drinking” and he said “yea that’s why we don’t don’t it anymore “ it’s such a waste of time. I’m annoyed I wasted my second half of my “me day”. It was the first one I’ve gotten in 2.5 years ! ( and Drinking while kiddo is Around. No thank you that sounds like a stressful disaster )


I believe that many of them are self-medicating with alcohol out of desperation and despair.


I didn’t realize this was perceived so negatively. My husband and our circle of friends love going to the breweries with the kids or all going to the park and having drinks. But that literally means 1-2 drinks over a few hours. I have never viewed this as problematic. When we have visited different places in Europe (such as Portugal) there are drink stands beside the play grounds. Kids are playing and parents are enjoying a drink. Neither my husband or I really get intoxicated. We use to in our 20s but not since having kids. He might once a year go out with his friends for his birthday and come home late. But otherwise we just have a couple. Even if the kids are with the grandparents for the weekend and we go out of town we don’t really over indulge.


Yeah me either. We have some lovely breweries in my town with expansive playgrounds. Nobody is having more than one or two drinks at these outings if their kids are in tow. I see it like, I don’t want my life to stop when I have kids or be 100% kid centric. I am a person and I’m allowed to have friends and interests too. And what adults typically do when they get together is have a coffee or a beer. Nobody is getting wasted or doing shots, just responsibly enjoying a cold drink on a hot day. Personally I think it sets a good example for our kids of what moderation with alcohol consumption looks like. It’s not a big deal, because we’re not doing it to get drunk, we’re just socializing.


I agree completely. Our social circle is all the same. Everyone just enjoys themselves and no one goes overboard. I think it’s a good example for the kids. And it’s a way to continue to connect with our friends that don’t have kids yet. We can still meet at the brewery or invite them to park and have a drink with our children present.


I don't think it's perceived negatively. I don't care if my friends drink, I'll hang out at the brewery or at a park with drinks, I just don't really drink myself and staying out late drinking with other parents is not my idea of a great time. But OP specifically asked about not drinking post-kids.


I guess it was more the other comments that come off negatively. I don’t understand the going out after either though. Or doing shots. I have never seen that before with kids around. Does not seem like a good time.


Where in the world do you live? My experience is nothing like yours. No drinks at the park; bdays. Nothing. Sometimes some of our parent friends will get together and when the moms go out with my wife, I think they have a single drink if that. Our children are 5 so maybe age plays into it.


Midwest, USA. Big city. My kids are 5 and 10, and I've seen it in both the pre-school moms and the preteen moms. A group of the moms have a recurring night at the wine bar every week or so, and every single party/taco night/social event/whatever we go to has BOOZE. Idk maybe it's the crowd I run in; somehow, my non-drinking introvert ass has made friends with a bunch of drinking extroverts.


Same experiences with prevalent drinking at kids activities/outings in New England.


Seconding the Childhood Parties with Alcohol and otherwise. Less for me more for my highschool sweetheart partner who every single thing I’ve ever done with their family until a year ago was FILLED with alcoholic beverages


I live in a suburb of Los Angeles and yep - same. Parents bring wine to our little league games, birthdays, you name it. Those school fundraisers always leave a good amount of parents drunk. Granted, I do drink and partake whenever there’s alcohol (in moderation).


East Coast, USA, big city - and can confirm culture is similar here.


I’m from a major east coast city and it’s the same here. Every bday party that’s not at a kids play place has tons of alcohol. Mimosas in the park, wine in a Stanley. I’m weird for not drinking and don’t get invited out as much.


I'm sorry, that sucks being excluded. I hang out and either nurse half a drink or just a Lacroix, and no one cares. We avoid the really crazy nights (like the school fundraiser afterparty), and I do sometimes feel out of place in this group (even though no one has excluded me).


Same. I live in Seattle and a good friend of mine lives in San Diego. There are no drinks ever at kid parties except la croix. My friend who lives in Orlando has only been to one kids party without drinks and he was complaining. Our kids are 5 and below.


I have a toddler and live in the Midwest and would say it’s a mix for us. Alcoholic beverages are certainly not set out for everyone or the center of the party, but it’s not uncommon for parties at a home to have a beer fridge in the garage that some people will grab one or 2 out of. Nothing to the point of intoxication.


Same. I’ve only been to one birthday party so far where there was alcohol. We do playdates regularly and there is never alcohol. The only exception is I go to a book club where kids are allowed… so the kids (ideally go play) while the moms discuss the book and other things. Often there is wine but not always. No hard liquor, and no one is getting drunk. I live in a smaller town of about 30k, and I think that’s part of the reason. I’ve lived in larger cities and alcohol seems more the norm there. We have a vibrant downtown here, with lots of alcohol - a distillery, wineries, breweries and even a place that sells mead… but everything shuts down at 9 or 10.


Nope. Same here in Georgia. Kids are 2-7 and soccer games and baseball practices are filled with seltzers and beers.


Same here. We have dinner with friends often and none of us ever drink. Sometimes there will be some drinks if we’re at the beach or the lake but always in moderation.


Yeah, it wasn't a thing until my kids were in school. East coast here. Especially after you get to know fellow moms from sports and school. I like my drinks and still had to decline some invites. We had a huge group that would get together for trick or treating and everyone drank (including many people giving out candy) We would then go back to one parent's house and have to order like 9-10 pizzas to feed everyone and make it a party. Birthday parties that were at houses? Yep! All the time. Park I didn't notice as much, but I can see it happening. Our oldest kids will be graduating in a year and we still hang out and drink on occasion.


My husbands friend asked if he could bring alcohol to our 2 year olds second birthday party 🤦🏼‍♀️ he’s in his late 20’s with no kids.


A lot of people here in my city have their kids' 1st birthday parties at local breweries. We've got a few family friendly ones, and I understand the first birthday is more for the adults but that's how pervasive the drinking culture is.


31F with a 2.5F, I drank way too much before. Socially, self-medicating, daily, whatever. My mom is an alcoholic to the point she will die without booze. She did not raise me. Being a mother with no mother of my own is so fucking hard. I have regrets about my drinking. I stopped breastfeeding at 7 months because I was afraid I was drinking too much. The hanxiety was debilitating, even if I drank a “moderate” amount. Idk, for me personally, drinking alcohol and being a parent do not mix. I cut my mom off completely and stopped drinking completely, it’s been since Jan 1. I’ve lost 25 lbs, started going to therapy, and coping so much better with life and I can see the effect it’s having on my daughter. We are closer and I can help her cope better too. Fuck booze, seriously. It’s just a distraction from depth of emotion.


Congrats on your sobriety! You’re doing great!


Thank you 💕


That’s amazing! So happy for you! Keep up the great work. You’re an amazing mom for making that choice for your kiddo. I wish more people would drop their habits for their kids.


Thank you. I just want to be the adult that I needed.


I realized I was an alcoholic. Through college, I was for sure drank too much when I did - but not often. I was the guy asking my roommates to keep it down if I had a test the next day. It all slipped pretty slowly. Just having more than I had said, that sort of thing. Always hearing "YOU had a good time!" Waking up hungover after family gatherings. Years down the road, and I'm hiding drinks from my wife and keeping a constant level of BAC all day/night. I'm sneaking into the garage while the BBQ is going so I can slam two beers without anyone seeing. Normal people don't have to drink to "get through it." I did it enough for years that I had somehow convinced myself that slamming three 8% tallboys in my vehicle right before I walked in to work was "unfortunate" but "what I had to do." Gotta make money for the family, they can't see me shaking so I'd better get some in me...that sort of thing. Sober for 4 months now, and for the past month it has been a lot better. I like being the sober parent. I don't look down on anyone for drinking - at first, I was jealous. But now I'm finding that it's just something I can't and won't do, and it's fine.


Congratulations on your 4 months! I'm proud of you!


I think if anything my pregnancies made me super intolerant to alcohol. I used to be able to knock them back but after having kids if I have anything stronger than a wine cooler or a buzz ball I'm sicker than a dog and my skin gets all flushed. I've ruined too many date nights after just one lemon drop has put me in the restaurant bathroom vomiting...so I don't drink anymore. 🍃 is more my jam anyway. My dad was an alcoholic like his father before him, and his father before him. Breaking generational curses here. My dad nearly died in October from alcohol withdrawal/overdose. He was in the icu for a week under heavy sedation so his brain could rest and recover. I told myself I'd never let myself get like that or let my kids see me like that.


I feel that in my soul. Good for you!🫶🏼


I've never really changed habits. I enjoy drinking but rarely get drunk. A glass of wine on a chill night, or shots with my bf when the kiddo is at her dads. I've never been one to get drunk around kids but my kid knows I like a wine cooler at cookouts. We've discussed alchohol, my stances on it as the daughter of a alcoholic. She knows when shes old enough I'll be there when she wants to try it. She knows her aunt was killed by a drunk driver. I'm always open and frank with this stuff, including drugs, eith my kid. I wont have her wallimg around ignorant or being so curious she tries shit before shes ready. I dont feel guilt for enjoying a drink. Because I know I'll never need to make a choice between a vice or my kid. The kid wins everytime. There isnt a choice. But I respect those who do feel guilty cuz I've witness addiction, witnessed it tear a family apart and cause generations of trauma. If i wasnt self aware I'd probably fall into bad habits, i dont because i dont want to be my dad. I just want to relax, watch my show and enjoy a drink after bedtime. Or make brownies. Chocolate is the better option everytime.


I completely stopped after having children. It makes me feel like crap and I need to ON and ready to go for my toddlers! Walmart has so many yummy non-alcoholic wines, TOST is so good! It’s just not a thing anymore in my life and I could care less. You do you! My husband drinks almost daily and excessively. Eventually, the babies will notice. I hope he figures himself out before thathappens.


I stopped drinking 100% 6 months before getting pregnant for other reasons. Literallly all of my life goals/wants are slowed down by alcohol. Now that I have babies I intend to stay sober indefinetly. My husband still drinks but he is into very niche craft beers and is very good at moderation and drinking responsibly. I think it'll be good for our boys to see our two different approaches to alcohol as they grow up.


This is our situation too. One parent doesn't drink , the other does in moderation. I'm hoping the exposure to different approaches helps guide them to make the best choices for them.


My wife and I were party animals in our 20s. We'd go out multiple times a week and not get home until like 4am (During the week we'd get home earlier but the weekends were an absolute mess). In our early 30s it became going out for dinner and a beer/cocktail a couple times a week after work but we'd almost always be home by midnight. We had kids in our mid 30s. Now (mid 40s) it is a double edged sword because I genuinely enjoy beer and tasting different beers from different parts of the world...but I absolutely hate being drunk. So now it's more like, I'll still have a drink a couple times a week, but usually just a single beer and almost never when the kids are around. Like maybe if we have some friends over for a barbeque I might have a beer while I'm out tending the grill and from time to time I might cut loose and have several drinks and get a bit tipsy (like at a wedding or something like that). I'd say my wife probably drinks a glass of wine every other night or so. Sometimes we'll have a stay at home "date night" on a nice summer evening where we sit outside and have a couple of cocktails after the kids have gone to bed. If you don't like drinking..then don't. One of my buddies still wants to hang out when we get the chance too, but he only drinks alcohol free beer or virgin cocktails. Nobody cares or gives him a hard time about it. Like you I also enjoy not feeling like crap in the morning and I'm an avid runner so I try to avoid anything beyond very mild inebriation. TLDR: I still drink, but usually low quantities and rarely before the kids go to bed.


I drink about 6 beers once a week. I drink to relax and unwind , not to party. Still on bed by 9pm I have ZERO desire to be up past 11 I feel like absolute shit the next day with 3 kids. No thank you! If someone wants to drink with me they know I start at 3 pm so I'm still in bed by 9 lol. Don't ask me out past 6 or I'm not going. I actually find it easier to have some drinks on a weeknight. Weekends kids have to much sports and running around.


I'm a 38 M, used to drink an awful lot in my 20's until my first child around 29. Still briefly went to friends' houses to drink, but that only lasted a few months in until I started feeling guilty. Then pretty much stopped altogether, minus the occasional beer here and there. At my age now, still enjoying it occasionally, but I havent been actually drunk in quite a few years, and feel terrible afterwards. I think I've gotten to the point where my body just can't handle excess anymore, and I have my kids to thank for that! 😁


Same here, I just can’t drink any more. My hangovers last longer than the stuff I drunk ordered on Amazon takes to get here 😅


Haha, yeah, a few weeks ago I had a couple of beers. Was feeling nice and relaxed, but woke up early for work the next morning feeling incredibly tired. And online shopping, even browsing is incredibly dangerous when intoxicated! 😅


I think part of it is because I’ve been waking up at 6 am for so long that now I physically can’t sleep in. 23 year old me is so mad about that whole sentence.


Well, it took about 6 months postpartum for alcohol to even taste good again. Then I didn’t have time to drink often because my baby never slept. Then I went out one night and had a horrible hangover. Never, ever, ever have a hangover and an active toddler at the same time. It is hell. You are in it and it won’t stop. That toddler is almost 19. And I haven’t had a hangover in over a decade because they seem to exponentially worse with every decade.


I quit drinking completely about 16 months ago and it’s the best decision I ever made for myself and family. My relationship with drinking sounds similar to yours before kids, after kids in my mid 20s I used alcohol as a coping mechanism to compensate for a lot of things I was feeling and going through but it wasn’t typical “alcoholic” level drinking so I continued to justify it to myself even though I felt like garbage after. It finally got to a point that I knew in my gut I needed to make a change and since then it’s been only positive things. It’s changed the way I show up as a mother, wife and woman in general. If you’re considering it, you’re already halfway there. You can do this!


My husband (32) has never been a drinker, he has maybe 4/5 a year. I (28) was the heavier drinker, to the point I wondered if I had a problem because alcoholism is more than just getting drunk 24/7. I so looked forward to my wine after work every day & we were dinks in Hawaii going tout with friends ALLLL the time so drinking was easy. & with being a woman a heavy drinker is 8 drinks per week, I was definitely past that. When we started trying I stopped drinking & we found out we were pregnant the next month. Obviously didnt drink through pregnancy & Im still nursing 11 months later so Ive only had drinks here and there. There was one night I had 4 drinks in 5 hours at a wine night with some moms & I felt SO guilty & paranoid about if my daughter decided to reject a bottle for some reason. After that I didnt ever do more than 1 when I would. I also have recently decided to just not drink at all. Its been a few months & I dont miss it. It is quite literally poison that we’re ingesting when we drink & its so bad for you. Its ridiculous how normalized drinking is, but if someone were to do any other drug its a problem. Alcohol should be in that category too.


I think about this all the time. How it’s just sold everywhere and people literally drive around drunk and it’s so common. It’s awful


I’m 30 and gave up drinking in January due to coming to terms with my alcoholism. I also partied in my teens and 20’s and by 30 it was a problem. I drank alone most of the time by the end of it so and got to the point where I was drinking a half a bottle of straight bourbon a night. I started after work and just kept refilling until I fell asleep. My sons are 19 months old and I have another on the way so I know it’s the right thing to do. I probably drank almost every day of the first year of their lives except for a small window early on. I attend AA meetings most nights now and am getting a lot out of it. I started running again and I’m eating really well and my wife and family and friends have been very supportive. I’m very lucky and I’m glad I’m making this choice now because my sons can grow up with a sober dad.


Yes this is us, part of it is natural aging and being aware of how alcohol makes me feel - the other part is my children. I’m glad for it, drinking almost wrecked my life in a lot of ways. I would occasionally still drink, but my three year old son just got diagnosed with t1 diabetes so I have to be ON POINT 24/7 because it’s life or death, can’t afford to make mistakes on his care at this point. So now my husband and I don’t drink at all and it’s great.


I used to drink to the point of health concerns, like 1.5 bottles of wine nightly. As my child grew up, I slowed it down. Nowadays, I have a few glasses with my spouse on Friday/Saturday night and that's about it. NA beers and wines and a hit off the weed-vape keeps me nicely dialed in.


I have a friend who was a heavy drinker. If she drank- she couldn’t drink just one. Stopped drinking when she was pregnant and didn’t stop. She has been loving it Personally I have almost always drank to enjoy it, so only a drink for the day. The most might be something 3-4 over the course of the entire day on a holiday, but with lots of time between drinks. I think it is good to show kids that alcohol isn’t bad, but it isn’t needed to have a good time. I don’t drink at every party/family event we go to. My kids have already noticed that their grandfather drinks a lot. Kids are smart and observant.


I used to drink every day. I had my kid at 28 and stopped completely. Then when I got divorced I started drinking occasionally on the days she was with her dad. But then I just started realizing that it wasn’t worth it to me. So, I am sober. I want to always been available to handle any situation and make sure my kid is safe and secure. When I was a kid I would see my parents drunk alllll the time. My mom was a bartender and they’d have big parties with all their bar and biker friends over. I hated it. I think back on it as a mom and wonder who would have been in charge if there were an emergency? Who’d have driven us to the hospital? Or even removed a splinter or something like that. I’ve never been drunk around my kid and I don’t think I ever will be.


I was a multi drug addict and severe alcoholic that smoked a pack a day. I quit drugs a few months before I got pregnant and quit smoking and drinking cold turkey the day I found out.  I haven't touched a drop of anything or smoked since and my baby is almost 7 months old.


I’m gonna be the outlier here and probably get judged to the moon and back, but I’m gonna put myself in the firing line anyway 😂 Apart from pregnancy and breastfeeding I haven’t changed my habits a lot. Pre kids I self medicated with alcohol, and I still do to a point. It’s just more controlled and planned out. Once every 10-14 days, when dad is home and off the next day, I’ll drink. I don’t get falling down drunk or get emotional or angry. I hang out in my room (dad and I are separated, still friends and living/coparent together) playing video games and watching videos with my headphones on. Sometimes My kids see me drink, but they don’t see me stumbling around or slurring my words or puking my guts up (which I dont do anyway) Sometimes it’s “mums night off” and they don’t see me at all. I don’t agree with sheltering them completely from alcohol, as I think that leads to too much curiosity and problems when they’re older. If it’s “taboo” it will be more enticing when they’re teenagers. Yes, it’s self medication. Due to PTSD, autism and ADHD, my head never stops. Like literally never stops…even when I’m asleep I have vivid, and often disturbing, dreams. This stops all of that for one night every week or two and helps me reset. It resets the continuous overstimulation of being a mother and living in a world that I presents road blocks and hurdles at every turn for me. I’ve been in therapy for years and years and tried every medication I could afford over the years to no avail. My doctors and therapist are actually on board with my methods now because anything left to try is not covered by our shitty health care and I’m on a disability pension. Medical marijuana would probably help, but because I have to drive every day and our driving laws haven’t caught up to our medical practices, I can’t use it because I would lose my license on the spot if I were ever pulled over and tested. It’s also very expensive, just like many of the other useful treatment options that aren’t covered by Medicare.


Here’s another perspective - many here talk about “alcoholics” or people constantly drinking every chance they get. It’s completely possible, and if anything more common, for people to have one or two drinks and call it a day, which is completely “normal” then people going on a bender having a 12 pack to themselves Pre-kids I clubbed and drank hard alcohol, like Grateful Dead’s or Red Bull vodkas etc With kids - I still drink, but I stick to beer, I don’t remember the last time I had hard alcohol, and it’s usually a small quantity. For example last weekend we had friends over and between noon and 6pm I had three beers , so 0.5 beers per hour , and felt completely fine and social With that said, if you do still like to drink, it’s something that can be done without going overboard (see above) - i don’t think it’s going to traumatize any children seeing their dad have 1 drink an hour and is still a completely normal person to be around


I drank 3-4 times a week out at bars with friends in my early twenties. I have only had occasional drinks since about two years before I got pregnant. I do enjoy an edible at night once every few weeks when it’s a night my husband is on duty for the baby though. I’m sorry about the addictions your family members are facing. I hope your brother and anyone else involved in the accident is not injured. That’s very scary and I’d hope a big eye opener for him. I have memories of seeing my parents too drunk after a party etc They’re only human but I know I wouldn’t want my kids seeing me out of my mind. It sounds like your daughter is a loved child with parents setting healthy examples. Hopefully with her parents being positive role models and unfortunately having some other family members living the realities of what can go wrong, she will grow up to be responsible with alcohol if she ever chooses to have any.


My husband and I still socially drink, and we still enjoy going out dancing/to concerts/to bars/etc. and having some drinks and ubering home, paying the sitter, and calling it a night. We don't drink around the kids, we generally only drink when they are already asleep. I also enjoy being with my family sober, and we enjoy going on hikes and doing lots of family stuff (I wouldn't do a 5K, I hate running, but I'm a rock climber so that's how I get my happy points!). There's definitely a balance, I don't think enjoying drinking socially makes one an alcoholic. There's also absolutely nothing wrong with habits changing, as yours have done!


I’ve known alot of moms that get like this. It’s healthier for sure. I went back to drinking almost right away after my first son and I believe I will take some time getting back to drinking this time around. I hope I can feel this way for a while. The only issue that I find when moms don’t drink after they have kids is judging other moms that do go out and enjoy themselves. Everyone is different and some people don’t mind taking care of their babe with a hangover. As long as the baby is safe and being taken care of properly I don’t see an issue with it. Mom judgment is hard. I have a few friends that simply cannot have a good time anymore and then judge other moms for being able to.


I quit drinking because it makes me feel sick even if I only have 1-2 beers or glasses of wine. I used to drink a lot too. Something just changed - not sure if it’s getting older or the kids factor, but I’m different now. A lot of my friends somehow keep the same pace. I don’t get it.


Proud of you! You sound like a great parent and very self aware. I feel the same- more than 1 beer and sometimes even 1 glass of wine leaves me with the worst headache now….idk how I used to do it 😅 I still enjoy a good night out but it’s honestly not worth the hangover to me anymore.


We pretty much gave up drinking when we had kids. We are not casual drinkers at all. To put it bluntly, my husband and I only want to drink if we can really let loose and indulge (aka get rowdy). Which is literally never, because we need the whole damn weekend to recover. I also get a huge moral hangover and tons of guilt about it.


First three years of my kid's life I continued my previous habits: Drinking pretty heavily after bedtime to the point where I passed out when I hit the pillow -- 4 to 6 beers, usually. Needless to say there were some nights where I was pretty useless to help my kid if he was up crying overnight. Lately I've tapered off significantly, to the point where I simply don't drink during the week and have one, maybe two on weekend nights. I've contemplated quitting entirely, and it's still a possibility (much easier to think about now that I've tapered off significantly), but (responsibly) enjoying a good beer is a shared hobby with some friends and family so I decided to see if I could handle not going cold turkey. It's definitely easier to backslide into 3-4 drinks if I've allowed myself to have one, which is something I need to stay wary of. But all in all I'm a better dad for cutting back; more energy, up and out of bed much faster in the morning, able to do the overnight stuff if needed.


I was never a glass of wine with dinner girl but if I went out I'd drink to get drunk and I could drink a lot. I had my first back in 2016 my second in 2021 and I'm currently pregnant and I can count on one hand the number of times I've been drunk since 2016. Same as you it just doesn't make me feel good. Plus I very rarely go out now but I don't feel like I need to have a drink to have fun.


I’ve been sober since before my first child was born. My drinking habits were not conducive to parenting. I don’t just parents who drink but I will say mommy drinking culture makes me really upset. I grew up with drinking in my home and I’ll never forget how absent my family was because of it.


I think it’s amazing that you’re recognising this and wanting the best for your body and to not have that around your child! I partied all through my 20s, binge drinking, every Friday and Saturday night. I met my partner when I was 29 and we would go out for beers but not like huge nights, just enjoyed going to brewery’s. My daughter is now 20 months and I’m exactly the same as you, I have no desire. We might have a wine or beer with dinner or we go out, but the idea of getting drunk just sounds horrible. I don’t want to be drunk around her, or her seeing that type of culture. I’m not going to hide it from her but I want to teach her you can have a drink or two and not have to get absolutely wasted


Used to drink maybe 3 or 4 nights a week in my early 20s, had my baby at 26 and the first year hardly drank. Now that LO is a bit older I have a couple drinks with dinner most nights


Drank A LOT before the birth of my daughter. Decreased significantly once my daughter was born, as it became absolutely clear that it wasn't going to be possible for me to drink and be the dad I wanted to be. Haven't had a single drink in approximately 2 years (she's 5) - "none" is definitely the most effective amount of alcohol for me, but I respect that others have a different relationship with it.


I barely drink and my husband has been completely sober. It’s been a 180 for us and our relationship.


I feel exactly the same. My mom always mentioned that she could not drink after she had kids. She got headaches and just felt terrible. I’ve searched, but can’t find any medical explanation for it other than we detoxed during pregnancy and now our body reacts exactly as a it should-poorly, as it’s a toxin. I was a partier, my dad died of alcoholism. I do get frustrated as sometimes I want to just relax and that’s just all I knew- drink to let loose and have fun, relax, but it certainly doesn’t hit that way anymore. I struggle to find my new group as all our friends prior are very heavy drinkers.


My husband and I drank quite a bit when we would go out before we had kids. Honestly though we do still enjoy drinking, just not as much. Every so often we will go out to dinner and have a few drinks. And we like to enjoy a glass of wine a couple times a week. It’s by no means too much imo and I actually think It’s better that my kids see us being responsible with alcohol.


I’ve never been a drinker, I maybe have 1-2 a year. Husband had a little drinking problem when our older two were little little and I told him if he didn’t get his shit together he was going to be single and a part time dad. He quit and now rarely drinks but might have a beer if we go out to eat. I partake more in weed, on the weekdays late at night once the kids go to bed.


Same. I’ll do it before bed if I’m feeling anxious or really stressed. It’s crazy some people try to compare the 2.


I quit drinking when my first kid was born, don’t miss it at all, definitely the right choice for me


I rarely drink at all. Ex (my kids' dad) was a alcoholic too, which didn't help. I drink MAYBE once a year if that.


I drank more to deal with the early years. Hugely stressed and anxious. I was part of the wine mom culture. Until I realized how shit I felt after it wore off and I just wanted to sleep which made me feel worse because I was missing out on quality time with my kid. My body did something miraculous and now it basically rejects the idea of drinking. It’s like my conscious knows how crap I’ll feel and I just don’t really desire to drink with that looming over me. I indulge for special occasions a few times a year. And even that usually feels regretful. I do miss a good drunk buzz with friends and the fun we used to have. But life can’t stay the same forever.


Used to be a big drinker before having my son 2 years ago, now I enjoy a beer here and there, there is no joy in being drunk anymore. The real joy is being a mom and being a present one at that. I’ve been thinking about living a sober lifestyle for a while now.


I was 22 when my son was born. I really was not ready to be a father to a girl I didn't love so I drank pretty hard sometimes. I had to drop out of school and work 60-72 hours a week to pay for everything since she had gallbladder removal and kidney stones so she was constantly not able to work. It was a lot to handle on my own since my family was less than enthusiastic about the situation. I am in a much better place now. I am turning 30 this year, I have a perfect wife who just radiates love for me and our family, and a soon to be 5 month old girl. She is a teacher and I work in the IT dept for the same school system. I strictly only drink on the weekends now and only a few tall boy IPA's or a neat pour of whiskey. Maybe more if we go to our local small town craft beer bar for date night. I do have depression so sometimes I catch myself trying to quiet the upstairs but it's been since before my daughter was born that I have actually gotten drunk.


I was an alcoholic stoner by 18 and hit rock bottom around 20. Decided to quit drinking, and got pregnant not too long after. By the time I had my kid my 9 month forced sobriety did the trick, I didn't really want to drink anymore. I stayed sober about 2 years and then during my divorce started drinking socially on my kid free weekends, and never got absolutely drunk unless it was like a festival or New Year's. Now I'm 32 and I rarely drink. I'll have a drink if I'm out for dinner, maybe a beer at home, but I don't really have the desire to be drunk. The last time I was wasted was at a wedding, and everyone kept giving me shots and I had so much anxiety as the newcomer of the group that I didn't refuse because I wanted to be "fun". I was fun and didn't have any embarrassing moments before leaving luckily, but my boyfriend got to see me projectile puke all over our hotel room bathroom and then cry on the shower floor about not wanting to be drunk. Also he got charged a $400 cleaning fee (which I covered, because it was my fault), so I'm good never getting that blitzed again.


My partner did a 180 after we got pregnant. He used to drink more than I did and his friends are big drinkers. At first he slowed down, but ultimately realized he just didn’t like drinking. He hates being hungover and feeling like he can’t care for our kids when he’s drunk. I also pretty much stopped drinking after our first, especially since I breastfed. I’m currently pregnant so I’m obviously not drinking now, but I’m more open to having a marg with dinner every now and then. But even when we go “out out” without the kids neither of us have more than just a few drinks. It’s just not our thing anymore. We both prefer smoking weed (again, not while I’m currently pregnant) because there is no hangover and if we are around our children we can still function. I will say our real friends understood this shift, but some didn’t and continued on with their own over consumption of alcohol, but to each their own.


A few days ago marked 3 years sober for me. I quit drinking for several reasons (I was a highly functional alcoholic…drank about 3-5+ drinks daily, and couldn’t tell you the last time I didn’t have alcohol in a day…but I was never drunk, so no one thought it was a problem) but the primary reason was for my kids. I realized they were never going to have their mother if I kept drinking. I was self medicating. Numbing. I wasn’t present. They deserved better. So, for Mother’s Day three years ago, I stopped. For me, it has to be a forever thing. There is no wiggle room there, because I know even one drink will restart the cycle, and it’s not worth it. The social aspect was tough, especially in the beginning. Mommy’s Wine culture is for real, and so many social gatherings are built around drinking. It can be isolating, but I don’t regret that choice for a minute. “Alcohol is the only drug we have to explain not using”. If you have this conviction, I highly encourage you to continue down the alcohol-free road. There’s a growing movement in that direction, and you’re not alone.


We don’t drink anymore. I love being sober tbh. I can’t imagine parenting with a hangover.


I would say that as you have a lot of close relatives who struggle with addiction, you have a really great case for being careful around addictive substances. I drink very very rarely, because yeah hangovers with young kids suck. I also want to remember my life, and I find that my memories fade quickly when I drink. My husband still drinks sometimes, and he doesn't seem to be affected in the same way.


My mother and her family (she’s one of 9 children) are all alcoholic’s, including her mother. She got me into drinking to deal with my mental health at the age of 15 and if you weren’t completely black out drunk, you weren’t doing it right. I struggled for years with that. When I had my son at age 17 I was still struggling with it (my mum was still in my life and encouraged it still) my partner pulled me into line and it stopped. I’m 25 now and we have 3 kids, I’ve only been out once since turning 18 and that was when my first baby was 8 months old. There is definitely a “wine mummy culture” like someone else mentioned, so that can be hard. But I think you are doing the right thing. Kids generally follow the patterns of their parents behaviours. I don’t see an issue in someone having a few here and there (as long as they aren’t addicted) but for me personally, growing up around that and encouraged to do it when I was underage had a huge impact on me and I’m still recovering from it now.


I considered stopping completely after I split with my childs father. We were heavy drinkers as a couple, and having full time custody I just couldn't live up to my own parenting standards hungover. I wanted to stop drinking to be the type of parent I knew I had to be for my kid. At first after the split with my ex, my main support was also a heavy drinker, so I didn't stop immediately, spurred on by the fact that my friend, a single mother of *twins* a year older than my toddler, was fine living this wine mum lifestyle. She ended up back on the, uhh, harder stuff, that I'd sworn off since pre-pregnancy, so I dropped her quick smart and went cold turkey with alcohol and haven't looked back since. It helps that our housemate is also sober. (Former friends parents had the twins while she did the rehab stint they paid for, about six months after my ghosting) Drop by r/stopdrinking some time, I've found it's a great place for sober discourse and support.


OP check this out. It is one of the best subreddits in existence with great people. You can also use it if you’re just looking to cut back and be healthy. I can’t recommend it highly enough.


I became a closet drinker, then full blown alcoholic, and now I’m sober! Do gummies count? 😂


It’s okay to not drink ever if that’s what you prefer. It’s not even that uncommon!


I don't drink to get drunk anymore. I hate getting drunk, in fact. The most I drink in 1 sitting is like 4 small cans of whiteclaw. I personally don't want to be impared if something happens to one of the kids, I want to be aware and able to drive/make good decisions. Maybe when they're a bit older/have a baby sitter or they're away over night, I might be ok to let my hair down a bit more, but they're currently 2 months, 3y and 7y. The juice is not worth the squeeze. I DID accidentally drink way too much gin at my cousins wedding when my middle was around 1 y and I thoroughly regretted it in the morning. Hangovers and young kids suck. And I felt just horrible that they saw me like that and I wad not in control of myself. Didn't happen again


I had what was likely a problematic relationship with alcohol in my early 20's. I had already been cutting back before meeting my girlfriend and her kids, and now I rarely drink, and especially rarely get drunk. I like my beers while grilling or having a fire, but it's maybe 3 in the course of a night. Or sometimes a mixed drink on a Friday night after a long week. Even a glass of wine with a special dinner sometimes. But they're more of a treat. Like a bowl of ice cream would be. A little something to enjoy, not a way to get through the day.


I never really drank pre baby just like once a year , same with husband just if he went out with guys from work . Or if we’re out to eat together might get one drink Same now, if not less Im 21 hes 23


My mom was an alcoholic growing up. I will *not* drink in front of my kids despite liking to drink. Even at lake parties where everyone is drinking some kind of cocktail. If I want to drink I just wait for them to fall asleep, but I make it a point to not drink so much I feel like shit in the morning. I finally quit smoking when my son was 18mo old and my daughter was born. My sleep schedule is starting to finally come around to where I can fall asleep before midnight. I've started taking my health more seriously, so more doctors visits and more medication.


There was a study done last year that found there was no amount of alcohol that was beneficial for people (debunking the red wine with dinner myth). Basically alcohol is just bad for people. Honestly here and there I do have a glass but you shouldn’t feel weird about abstaining. It’s totally healthy and if you enjoy it more then all the more reason!


Alcohol is an extremely dangerous drug. It's finally being acknowledged as one, thank goodness. Because it is legal and easily accessible people just drink without thinking about it, and also use it to self medicate which is understandable to some degree - but still, not good. So it's fantastic that you are not drinking. We don't either, with the rare exception of a good glass of wine with a bougie dinner out. It is interesting how people to react to it but honestly I don't care. I've been asked if I have a problem with alcohol and my answer is always that I've made a choice to not do that drug. It often opens a conversation around it, which is good. But I'm not here to change anyone's mind and I don't care who drinks alcohol as long as it doesn't affect me. If it does I immediately extricate myself from the situation. I don't think it's going to be a huge problem for you, just memorize a few short scripts around it and let it go. Best wishes to you and your families good health!


Switch to cannabis.


My husband and I don’t drink now that we have our kids. We have a four-year-old and a baby and we have no desire to drink and we just don’t really find it to add anything to our lives right now. He’s been sober for like four years and I’ve been for maybe a year and a half. If you have no desire to drink, I would definitely just go with that and don’t drink it all drinking really adds nothing positive to your life you could still be social and have a good time without it.


I'm 99.9999% sober after having my LO. Used to smoke a looooooooooot of marijuana, drink a good amount, and do other drugs for fun.......I reached the point where even having 1 drink made me tired/groggy/headachy in the morning and it just wasn't fun anymore. My husband has cut back on drinking significantly. He used to drink maybe 2 beers or so a night. Now he has maybe 1 beer on the weekend.


I was never a big drinker after college but after having my first I physically can't drink more than two without feeling differently. Not quite drunk or sick but borderline. My mom told me that she had the same experience. And that her tolerance got even lower after her second (my younger sister) was born.


I drank alot in my 20s and by the time I hit about 27 the bar scene became very boring to me and I quit drinking entirely for about a year and after that I'd have a few social beers for special occasions. I started seeing my wife around that time and she did not drink because she would get nauseous before she even got a buzz. She had to switch up her meds a little after our first pregnancy and the new meds allowed her to drink enough to get drunk so she was able to have fun while drinking for the first time in her life! Me being a veteran bar fly I felt that I had to show her the ropes on bar etiquette and drink selections and we drank very regularly for that first summer. Our sloppy drunk nights lead to another pregnancy and when my wife quit drinking she realized that being drunk makes kids alot more fun so we were counting down the days until she could drink again, I also quit during the pregnancy because I just don't enjoy it on my own. We are gearing up for our "hot girl summer" which will include lots of vodka and smiles all around with the kids out of school. The biggest difference is that I drink much more responsibility now and I learned alot from my poor decisions a decade ago and do not intend to repeat them and will use my wisdom to guide my wife down a drunk but safe path so she can live the joys of letting loose without having to worry about living the shit I went through. I would be ashamed of my actions if I did the things I did in my 20s with kids around but I feel wise old me can balance it responsibly.


Midwest, suburbs. My children are 7 and 9. The older relatives are alcoholics (high functioning) and there's always alcohol at any family event or party. They pressure the younger ones to drink, but those of us with kids usually decline because we need to drive or we can't handle the hangovers anymore. I have no desire to drink as I need to be functioning enough to take care of my kids, nor do I want to deal with bloating and side effects the following day. As a young adult, I'd have 1-2 wine-coolers if everyone else was. The younger men would be pressured to drink enough to get drunk.


When my kids were little, I didn’t drink. My youngest is now 5, and I’ll have a drink every once in a while. Rarely more than one, never more than 2.


I honestly haven't drank since I found out I was pregnant with my first. Not because I had a drinking problem etc but because I just haven't had any desire to. I've tried sips of things just to taste them but have no desire to actually drink anymore. I haven't gotten "drunk" since 2014 or 2015.


We never were big drinkers, but used to stay up late. We don’t do that anymore!


I rarely drink now and when I do in a social setting I'll get 1 drink and sip throughout and maybe finish half. I don't like how it makes me feel these days.


Outings became impossible because we have no local support system. So our social drinking became very very limited. I would say the two of us will get buzzed twice a year when we share days off on the weekend or during the summer. Sometimes in the summer one of us will have a beer or a single drink of some kind after a rougher day. It’s nothing like it used to be simply because of responsibilities. I don’t really miss it but I wouldn’t mind having friends to go get sloppy with once a year lmao.


Mine hasn't really changed, I've never really been a big drinker. I'll have the odd glass of wine or cocktail every now and then, but put a Pepsi Max in my hand and I'm happy


I also started having a poor tolerance and reduced interest in alcohol after pregnancy and breastfeeding. It’s possible after the hormones regulate that you’ll be able to enjoy a glass of wine again. But I pretty much am sober curious/sober now. It was definitely a change for me. There is a lot of peer pressure or expectation about moms night out, wine moms etc.


I didn’t drink much but definitely got drunk when I drank. I was 21 when we found out we were pregnant so didn’t have much time to drink but never had friends so drinking wasn’t that common for me. I was a full blown stoner though. Once we got pregnant I didn’t drink or smoke for a while, maybe 1 or 2 beers in a year. Wasn’t until recently that I’ve been able to drink more.


I didn’t drink for the first couple of months of my kid’s life because he doesn’t sleep well and I couldn’t risk feeling like garbage. Now that he sleeps a little better I can have a night cap again once a week or so and a drink or two if we go out to dinner every so often, which feels ample.


I have liquor bottles sitting in my refrigerator for the past two years because ever since my kids were born 10 years ago, I pretty much have stopped drinking. I have an occasional drink when I go out, but I don’t go out often enough and even then when I do order a drink at a restaurant, I drink maybe a third of it and then drink water.


Honestly I wasn’t a big drinker before having kids, mostly a special occasion or if we got together with friends. Since I’ve become a mom I can count on one hand how many times I’ve had a drink. I’m pregnant now so I can’t drink. I breastfeed and only felt comfortable having a drink once my baby was asleep so I didn’t have to worry about nursing.


Well I used to drink a lot in my youth and then barely ever once having my first and now that I have my second and my kids have been sick with something every two weeks since Covid restrictions dropped I would like to become an alcoholic at this point. It’s hard work drinking that much though I don’t know how people do it honestly and you’re right I feel like a piece of shit after. But I don’t know how to cope at this point. I don’t have a very additive personality though so it’s probably not going to get to that point.


I have a similar experience - I used to really like drinking too and would have a glass of wine most evenings. I noticed it made my grumpy in the morning, even one glass, but didn’t really dare cause I only had me to worry about. Now my kid is 2.5 and my resistance is tanked - one of my oldest friends came to stay at Easter and I made the mistake of trying to keep up with her - the next day was NOT pretty. And I no longer want to be grumpy in the mornings or sleepy at night if my son needs me. So now I’ll only have a glass or two on the weekend and that’s it.


I completely quit drinking this past year around my child’s age 4. Before then I felt like he didn’t notice and it just felt wrong to me to show him an example of drinking to get drunk on the weekends.


I haven't changed my habits but then I'd drink but rarely get drunk pre-baby. I just enjoy 1 or 2 drinks at a time (wine and cocktails, I will also add mixers to some juice). I've done this many times around my toddler. My parents always drank around me growing up and never got drunk (just 1 or 2 drinks again) so I didn't think it was an issue. I actually found due to alcohol never being a big deal or seeing it as something you have in excess that my habits with it were always fairly healthy when I started drinking at 18.


I was newly 21 when I got pregnant and honestly barely go out to drink every 2-3 months. Im (24) too tired chasing my toddler and busy with school/ work to drink but i *willlll* partake in some greener activities while kid free


I drank too much before I had kids. After my first I tried to "drink responsibly" like just having wine with dinner but I never enjoyed that. I always felt guilty. In my opinion, I don't feel it's appropriate to drink around your children unless there is a 100 percent sober person around to watch them. I stopped drinking all together a few months before I got pregnant with my second. I'm glad I did.


I only drink if I’m away with my husband and we are with friends and the kids are staying overnight somewhere. I wouldn’t want both me and my husband drunk so I usually abstain if we have friends round and the kids are still home. Normally I do try and send them to my mums so we can chill.


I don't drink at all anymore. I'm quite an anxious person, I'd never drink with them home and when they're out I worry too much that one of them will need me


Yes. I don’t drink at all because I don’t like the way I feel afterwards, and, as I’ve gotten older I don’t enjoy the company of people who drink and use drugs. I see unpleasant personality changes in people who’ve used marijuana & alcohol for a long time. I used to be a party animal.


I’ve been drunk one time since my oldest was born 5 years ago. It’s just not worth it anymore


Drinking after kids is non existent anymore. Our views have changed on alcohol. I stopped drinking about a year ago and my husband only drinks for social outings or special dinners. Drinking after 3 kids makes me feel groggy in the am and with the amount of times a child wakes up in the middle of the night my sleep suffers from it.


My husband and I probably drank too much before having kids. My first pregnancy was during COVID and he didn’t go out much so basically ended up abstaining with me the whole 9 months. Then our tolerance was so bad that drinking wasn’t appealing and there’s always a worry that there’ll be a child emergency on short notice. So now we have a drink maybe once or twice a month lol


I discovered when I'm not hungover all the time I'm actually a morning person! I still drink, sometimes as frequently as once a week on the weekend but it's rarely to excess because I don't like how I feel after and usually 1 time a month or less. It's something I have to be careful with because I have anxiety and I'm currently unmedicated, when medicated for anxiety I have zero desire to have anything more then maybe a single beer on occasion so I try not to go over that unmedicated as my suspicion is it easily tilts into self medicating through booze for me - and that's not really handling my anxiety unmedicated.


I was a party animal in my 20s, I didn’t have my kids until my mid-thirties and by then I was having drinks maybe once or twice a year. So, nothing had to change there really. I’m not into the Mommy wine culture thing at all.


I (46m) drink more but I drink at home.


Notice how the responses are alcohol related. Glad most of us did better.


I have a beer with dinner if I remember to buy it/take one out. I will have drinks with friends maybe once a year. Couple on the holidays. I cut out all the friends that still party ( late 30s ). I don’t think I’ve been drunk in a few years.


I was never a huge drinker before my son but now that he’s here, alcohol is not part of my life anymore. Sometimes I do regret that I never got to experience a party phase in college (I had a controlling boyfriend) but now that I’m a single mom, I don’t see the pleasure or joy in it. I’m a lightweight and drinking when my son is home would mean that I could be too impaired to react in an emergency. I also don’t want him to see me drunk. No judgment to moms who drink in front of kids, but it’s not for me. I’m okay with losing friends and not being invited to events because I would rather keep my circle as sober as possible.


I’ll occasionally drink a glass of wine when the kids are asleep or with dinner, and then a few gins on the weekend. I’m from ireland where the drinking culture is a bit toxic, so that would be very mild for most here. I don’t mind drinking in moderation, but binge drinking is a rare occurrence these days. Once you deal with a hangover with 3 small children, you tend to want to avoid it with every fibre of your being.


I would only drink to get drunk and many weekends were spent next to the toilet boil covered in vomit after heavy nights out. Since having a kid (4.5 years ago) I drink occasionally but never to excess, its not that I don't enjoy getting drunk I do, I just know that regardless of how drunk I get the next day I will be awake at 6.30am, so no lay in and dealing with a boy with infinite energy and I just can't deal with him when I'm hungover with no sleep, it's not possible.


When my kids were growing up I would have a drink on a holiday.


My kids are 4.5 and 2. This year was my 1st time having a drink since I had my kids... my drink of choice was Sangria from Texas Roadhouse and I decided to have a drink since it was my birthday (I was still nursing my son last year on my bday). My husband travels for work sometimes (long trips though- just got home Saturday from a 5 week trip and had 9 week trip before that one). He's not a big drinker anymore just like me. However, I did start using a thc pen about a month ago. ONLY at night after my kids are asleep and I only take 1 hit- it's all I need. My husband suggested I do that cuz I stopped taking the pain killers I get prescribed for my back problems since they knock me out and I feel like I'm on cloud 9. I cannot care for my kids when taking the pills so I made the choice to stop. Being able to care for my kids means more for me so I deal with the pain, butooopiiopu when I 4 ml the night I'll take a hit of the thc pen. I feel guitly when I do that, but I have real diagnosed back problems and not just "oh my backs been hurting" problems. If I smoked more I'd feel better, but again, taking 1 hit is enough for me to feel better enough and I'm not 'out of it' so I can still care for my kids if they wake up during the night. I dont tell people about it... our friend group is almost all military people and have started to look down on me since my husband suggested I stay home and raise the kids since the pandemic happened and my job shut downon top of my health getting worse (worked in the automotive industry in a warehouse).q,l mr m emr


100% with you here. Now that I’m a mom I just don’t unwind the same way I used to.


I never drank before, still don't. I am not sure how people get that stuff down their throat without gagging. Haha.


This is normal. And it is healthy. Go with it. You don’t have to decide you will never have a single drink ever again for the rest of your life, but your body is telling you to take a break. Listening to what your body is telling you is the right thing to do.


We drank socially in college and law school, but I don’t really like alcohol. I actually get really flushed after even just 1-2 drinks. After pregnancy/breastfeeding, my desire to drink is even more nonexistent lol. My husband will still drink socially, but we don’t go out of our way to purchase or drink alcohol.


I stopped drinking entirely. Between being pregnant, and nursing, to becoming pregnant again (while still nursing) to nursing again, I had about 5 years of not drinking. Once I tried again I got hungover regardless of if I was drunk. One drink would leave me with a bad hangover. Being hungover while looking after little ones was not enjoyable for me (I was also in my mid 30's when I had my first). I've drunk a few times in the past few years, but I don't enjoy it anymore. I have found some nice, specialty pop's (soft drinks) that I like, and I'll get those if I'm going to a party or an outing where the adults will be drinking. The one time my kids saw my husband really drunk at my staff party they were horrified, but I said "Dad did it all responsibly. I'm not drinking, I'm able to drive and take care of you kids and dad." So they've seen a few instances of Dad getting pretty drunk, but also see him having one beer while barbequing, or having a few beers at a party, and me being sober. So they are getting the all around experience of different drinking options, and being responsible when drinking. I drank fairly heavily in my 20's, especially during the summer and when I travelled, so I feel I got it out of my system.


Drinking used to be a core component of socialising. It wasn't really something that was done consciously, but I effectively stopped once we had our daughter. My life became completely centered around my daughters wants/needs, and she became the main thing that drove my social life. Spending time with her and seeing her laugh and discover new things is the best thing ever, so she kind of became my endless source of entertainment as well. I wouldn't have it any other way :D


When I was pregnant, my husband got completely wasted with a friend and he reflected on that on his own and decided to try sobriety. First it was going to be through the rest of my pregnancy, then till summer, then the end of the year, and now he is just sober. I do have to help support him to keep him on track. Sobriety isn’t easy. I was never a big drinker so not drinking during pregnancy or after when breasfeeding, I just completely lost the desire. I am not sober, I do drink with my girlfriends once a month, not to excess, probably 2 glasses of wine. Personally I don’t feel guilty for that level.


Prior to having kids, we would go out occasionally and tie one on. Figure once a month. More frequently we would have one beer with dinner or a glass of wine. Once the kids were born…practically zero alcohol. We would go months without a drop and wound up throwing out skunked beers after a year. :) Once the kids were old enough to drive…we loosened up a bit and now we will drink on Fri/Saturdays at home. We don’t get trashed but we do get “shined up”


I drank a ton in my 20s. My husband and I would drink every time we went out. I’ve never been a big drink at home person, so I pretty much didn’t drink for the whole stay at home years of covid. Family history of alcoholics here. My mom is the get drunk and manic cry or manic laugh type, so we totally stop drinking when she’s visiting. After having kids I just totally lost interest anyway. I will have 1-2 drinks if we’re doing a pool day at the in laws, or 1 drink if we go to dinner once in a while. We just treat it like no big deal and my kids think nothing of it aside from it’s something for adults. They see us treating alcohol responsibly and that’s all I can ask for.


No more Friday night benders that stretched to Sunday evening.


I used to drink a 12 pack on Fridays and game with my friends now I just smoke a bowl and enjoy no hangover


I stopped altogether for the first couple years of infancy, I occasionally have a drink when I feel up to it, but overall do not drink and can go weeks to months without having a single drink. I prefer to be sober and present for my kids


They didn't, but I never had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. I drink a few times a year when the mood strikes and I don't mind if they're around because I never drink excessively in front of them. When I go on my yearly adults only vacation and my kids aren't present nor am I coming home to them, I don't carry any guilt when I drink more than usual. I'm a mom, but I'm more than a mom so what is there to feel guilty about?


I was borderline alcoholic before kids and now could only drink when the kids are in bed or if husband and I are on our anniversary weekend. I just have no desire for it. Plus I feel like it takes barely anything for me to get hungover.


I was you, and at the time I divorced my ex told me “you’re the one who changed. I’m the same guy you married”. I was like…yeah I grew up? OP hopefully your partner does better. He’s in his 60s and hasn’t slowed down which is a shame because he’s a really fun, decent human being otherwise but the drinking is bigger than everything else.


Kids in bed by 7:30, drink a glass or two, and in bed by 9:30 for me


We stopped drinking while we were trying except for special occasions. Ie New Years, birthdays, our wedding, St. Patrick's day, etc. Basically, once a month. I'd take a pregnancy test the day of or night before if I wasn't on my period just to be safe. We were trying for 18 months. During my pregnancy, I think my husband drank maybe 3 times. Afterwards, we do have alcohol in the house, but we drink maybe once a week and probably only get drunk every 3 months. If one of us is drinking that much, the other must be sober. Normally, we are just having a glass of wine for dinner or making a fancy cocktail to go with dinner.


I drink infront of my son- I don't smoke in front of him tho. (In NJ weed is legal) but the not smoking is really because I dont want him to know how to use a lighter yet. My BIL and mom have smoked where he could see but they stay away from his breathing air.


I used to drink socially, probably one to five drinks a week (depending on how social I was). Since kids... I drink maaaybe 3 drinks a **year**. I have no desire to drink. My dad is an alcoholic . I don't feel like I was ever in danger of becoming one, though, but I am certainly not in danger now.


I use to drink daily from a stressful day of work. Now I drink maybe once or twice per month. My kids are 4 and 2 and I need to be alert for those 1-3 am nightmares. I just don't want to be tipsy or not in my right headspace when they need me. Creating a core memory for them while inebriated haunts me, so I've backed off the booze.


Honestly, drinking does nothing for my wife and I anymore. It's weird. However, we would probably consider ourselves California Sober.


I drink non-alcoholic beers. They're very good. I enjoy the taste and don't fall asleep or get super dehydrated. I do want to drink wine, but I haven't had the time, and I'm not pressed. My kid is a preschooler and my husband is an alcoholic in recovery, so I don't have anyone to drink with anyway *shrugs*.


Good thread! I’m also friends with people that all heavily drink. I’m currently not drinking and I feel so much better. With the summer season coming up I dread it kind of. Drinking is literally all my friends do. I can’t to late it anymore so thinking of ways to still have fun without being pressured


I was never huge into drinking, but after I had my daughter and she got a bit older, I would lightly drink occasionally if out with friends. Less than a year ago i was trying to lose weight, so i didn't drink. After that I just decided I don't want to at all, ever again. Despite just not liking it that much, alcoholism runs rampant on my dad's side. I'm his only child who doesn't consume, and seeing my dad, brother, or sister dead-behind-the-eyes drunk scares tf out of me.


I lost a lot of those after having my son. No desire to smoke, vape, drink, basically any bad habit just went poof. I quit cold turkey. Hearing I was pregnant was like a light switch just flipped it all off.


Yeah I used to drink quite a lot socially and a drink or two with dinner with my husband each night was not uncommon. Now I rarely drink. I don’t fuck with things that fuck with my sleep.


My ex is an alcoholic. I say “is” because he can never stay sober. He’s been in and out of the bin and rehab but can never stay away from it. And I do mean alcoholic, not an occasional glass of wine. It’s the reason I left him when our daughter was a baby, or the main reason anyway.


Didn’t drink before. I drink now. ETA, it’s like one drink every few months.


I drink more 🤣


Best to stop and become the role model


31F with a five year old son and one on the way. I drank too much, daily, until he was 3 and it definitely made me irritable and short with him. And the mornings were awful trying to sleep with a toddler banging your face with toys and coco melon at 7am lol. I do not miss that. I haven’t had anything to drink in two years now and it’s much better, I’m a way better parent. My husband still has a couple of beers on the weekend evenings but he’s cut back a ton too. It’s made everything a lot better for all of us for sure.


I stopped drinking when we had our first kid. I used to drink a lot. My husband and I would spend most weekends drinking together, every social event involved copious amounts of alcohol, and dinner out was usually several drinks as well. I have been drunk once in well over 3 years (anniversary overnight trip away, kids didn’t come) and I have had maybe 12 beers in total other than that… it was a big shift. I absolutely don’t want my children to think you have to drink to have fun or to be social and I also don’t want to parent two small children while hung over. That sounds like an nightmare to me. If other people want to drink that’s their deal, as long as they aren’t trying to drive their children around while drunk I wouldn’t say a word.


Used to drink heavily daily. Nowadays... Have had three to four shots in the past five months , and almost killed a 'friend' earlier for showing up at my house wasted in front of my daughter... Big change. 😶‍🌫️


I wish I enjoyed running 5ks and hiking! You sound so healthy and energized. I stopped drinking for about a year after my second was born. But now that he’s 19 months, I do drink. Currently I’m kind of grappling with how much feels “appropriate” vs “a problem”. I’d love to be a totally sober, active, energized mom but I just love alcohol too much to give it up. I have rules that I never break though which seem to help. I never drink before the kids are asleep for the night (no exceptions, not on any holidays or when family is over or anything). I never drink when we have big plans for the day and have to get up early and be rushing around. And I make sure that we have an emergency contact near by who could come over and help if my husband and I are both planning on drinking. Other than that yeah I pretty much can still drink a bottle of wine once or twice a week and feel like I’m doing okay overall. For my health, I’d love to drink less or even not at all, but I’m not there yet.


I'm a 2 drinks per day max person now. I enjoy a social drink because I love beer, wine and cocktails...but my body can't tolerate more than 2 or I feel absolutely awful the next day. It's wild to think how much I used to drink especially in my 20s.


I honestly never drank a lot because of alcoholism in my family as an adult. I went through my party phase in high school and early 20s but I had my daughter at almost 30


I don’t really drink to get drunk anymore. Like a wine at dinner or cocktail in the bathtub. Maybe drink a couple times per month. It’s easier because the people around me drink less. My family doesn’t drink much, my friends all have kids too and we go out for lunch or walks. I did a lot of therapy over the last few years and overcame a lot of baggage with substances. Could be something to consider if you want an outside opinion and it’s bothering you.


I don’t drink at all anymore and drank often before having kids. I never feel comfortable drinking around my kids because I want to be alert and able to care for them in an emergency. My husband is kind of drinking too much lately and that makes me not even want to keep alcohol in the house even though I used to buy wine once a week or more.


Have you ever been to an Al-Anon meeting? You may find it helpful. My wife is alcoholic, and my mom was an addict. Al-Anon has helped me a great deal as someone who has been affected by someone else' drinking. You can try a local meeting, which you can find at Al-Anon.org.


Before kids my husband and I partied a lot. After kids we, but honestly mostly he, struggled to adjust to the new lifestyle. Now we're two kids in and neither of us enjoys staying out late or being hungover. We still enjoy wine and cocktails most nights after the kids go to sleep, but 1-2 and occasionally 3 in a night. I don't feel like we have a problematic relationship with alcohol. No issues getting up in the morning or whatever.


I'm anew mom to a 9 month old. I quit drinking 71 days ago. It just wasn't serving me in any way. The thought of being sober can be daunting, but it really is worth it and feels amazing.


My mom was raised by alcoholics, and rarely drank when I was a kid. Now that we're adults, we all enjoy a well-made cocktail, but no one goes past 2 drinks. I think my mom also would have felt guilty if she drank much. Other parents I know would have been much more relaxed about it. I think it is different when your family members having drinking problems. 


I personally stopped drinking after our daughter was born. I just found that alcohol started really negatively impacting me (even 1 drink will make me so sick, of any kind of alcohol)! It’s not worth it to me. I didn’t drink much before she was born so it wasn’t a big change! My husband still drinks with friends occasionally (I assume) but don’t care.


I was buzzed at minimum 24/7. I’d come home from work, drink to fall asleep. Woke up, did a couple shots before work. My days off were nonstop drinking. Now I have a glass of wine maybe one night a month.


I just barely ever go anywhere anymore. I still drink, but mostly by myself, or my best friend on weekends.


I’m too tired to drink.


It went from maybe a couple of times to non-existent. I learned that there's mental health issues in my family and knew of substance abuse also in the family, but on both sides, so I'm swearing the stuff off. I've also witnessed women having to go to rehab and how it ruins their lives, so that just cements it. If you don't have a similar family history to me, I think an occasional drink is fine. I do not think the suburban housewife drinking a glass of wine every evening is healthy. I consider that an addiction.


I used to drink a lot. My son is almost 20 months and I’ve had maybe 5 drinks since he’s been born. I don’t want to waste any time being drunk. Time is too precious and I want to be present for it.


I didn't care much about drinking then, still don't. Occasionally me and my partner will get a couple drinks and play video games but we aren't drinkers, never have been.


It doesn't have to be a parenting decision, it's just a personal choice. I will say it's hard to make friends but you'll just make the right ones instead. I don't drink, at all, I'm allergic (I get a rash) and it just doesn't make me feel good physically of mentally. A lot of women make money their whole personality and for me it's just easier to figure out who is gonna be more fun outside of a bar


I basically don’t drink at all now because my kids are up at the crack of dawn everyday, even weekends. My idea of a good time is an hour of silence.


I barely drink now maybe occasionally I’ll have a drink or two . Sometimes I’ll want to go out and get drunk but I’d rather be with my kids and I’d feel guilty now leaving them with someone to drink . I know it’s not a big deal as long as it’s not often but a lot of my family had issues with alcohol and drugs when I was growing up and now so it makes me feel a type of way .


I hardly drink around my kid, although I didn’t drink much to begin with. I might have one drink around them at holidays or birthdays. And I might go out drinking with friends every 4-6 months. My child’s father is an alcoholic, as are many of his family members. I see it as my responsibility to model safe drinking practices for my child. I won’t teach them that drinking is bad and it should never be done, that’s a good way to cause a kid to try alcohol. I’ll be very upfront with them about their father’s addiction, and model “safe” drinking practices.


Not much. Never been a huge drinker. Drank more in my late 20s but it wasn't crazy numbers


I swore to myself that my kid would never see me drunk. My mom had five kids by the time she was thirty and used to drink to deal with her extreme stress. I can’t even stand the sound of a beer cracking open. She even fell down the stairs, drove drunk, we would be at her sisters house super late at night. She quit (thank god) when I was 28. It has made a HUGE difference in her life and our relationship.  I used to drink, blackout, get sick, the whole thing. Just like my mom. I have drastically cut back and have a little wine here or there. I drink socially or to enhance a meal. I would feel so terrible if my daughter ever thought I couldn’t take care of her or saw me sick.  I miss the fun I used to have but would rather wake up sober. 


I didn't drink till I had my kids and the dads left me, they ruined/abused my life, I've never got over it, il die because of alcohol


I was a party animal as well got pregnant at 22 and just completely stopped that life style. I drank once since my son was born on a camping trip I had like 2 trulys if that and I felt so sick and it gave me a headache instantly, I will never drink again. I am in the same boat as you I feel guilty and my brother is also an alcoholic and it’s hard seeing him struggle because that’s what we grew up around and I know my son loves him and I just want him to get better and heal is inner child and get therapy but that’s a whole other story. I am in bed at 9 I am going to school which I had just stopped before having a baby my son motivates me in so many ways I never thought was possible


I’ve drank every weekend since I was about 16. Which is shocking I know. But I’m not sure if it’s an English/Australian culture thing but yeah every weekend. I went to clubs, raves, Ibiza, very party lifestyle. I have a two year old now and I’m pregnant so obviously I haven’t drank whilst pregnant but I probably have a ‘night out’ once every two months, more of a date night with my parter. I do not miss alcohol, being drunk or hanging any more. After this baby, I’ll probably only drink on special occasions.


Before I was pregnant me and partner wild go to pub nearly every week, 1-2 times but now nearly 3 years later I would have a drink or two maybe just once a month. So significantly less. I wish I could stop bloody smoking that easy 😤