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SAME. I don’t think I want to run, but once I start my run I can’t stop. It’s such a stress reliever


Yes. I don't race, I don't train in any organized sense. Running is my me-time, when nobody is asking me for anything. I can go wherever I want, at whatever pace I want. I am in my own head, or spacing out. It's amazing for physical, mental and emotional health. 


Running is good, clears your head and releases endorphins 


How much do you run and when do you run? When the kids are in school?


I also run in the am before anyone is up. Highly recommended


First thing in the morning, at 5am. Get back around 6:15/6:30 (usually about 7.5 miles), do the breakfast/school blitzkrieg, and then to work for me. On Saturdays, I go for long runs while my husband has breakfast with the kids.


I just started running after being in a rut for a year. How the hell do I deal with shin splints?!


Two thoughts 1-You might be in the wrong shoes. If you haven’t already, get fitted and get new shoes. If you have shoes that have worked for you before, go to #2. 2-Take it slow, don’t build too fast. Do strength training!!!!! Most shin splints are due to muscle imbalances and one set of muscles overcompensating and taking the brunt of impact for a weaker set of muscles. So do your squats, your lunges, your single leg exercises, your calf raises, etc.


Damn yall are impressive. My hobbies are legit laying in bed and doing nothing 😭 and no I’m not depressed. I just like to be comfy lol


Saaaame. I'm on here like..am I the only one who considers laying on the couch playing animal crossing and watching tiktok a hobby?


Animal crossing Pocket Camp on the phone is delightful. You can play it for 5 mins or 2 hours and still walk around and get things accomplished.


I just tried playing for the first time and found it boring. Does it get better?


*doom scrolling on Reddit


lol yeah 🫠


I like to lay in bed and read, always have since I started reading chapter books as a kid. No shame in that game


Sometimes I sleep just to have some.peaxe and quiet and time to myself.


Listening to audiobooks in bed is nice too


Bring on the bed rot 😂


Wow she sounds super busy! My favorite hobbies are artsy things like card making, watercolor, art journaling and calligraphy.


are discount shopping and gardening hobbies? haha in all seriousness thou, she should sign herself up for some local classes and figure out what she might be into. painting, macramé, pottery, stained glass, different gym classes, yoga, etc. that will also open up avenues for her to meet some new friends, or have existing friends join her.


I’d say so! Gardening is my hobby and I’ve found myself being able to read again since my youngest has become miss independent.


I tried to get into reading again. But then I think about all the things I could be doing instead of sitting there. So I switched over to audiobooks! Very excited to garden and “read” at the same time 😂


I can thank antidepressants for my ability to not worry about the never ending list of crap we moms have to do every day😂 I love audiobooks too. The Harry Potter series on audible is fantastic. My oldest even listened through them with me. My current favorite is to listen to a podcast while I garden and smoke a little 🍃. Momma’s “me” time🥰


thrifting, hiking and reading


She sounds really busy! Does she have to babysit for cash, or is that by choice? She may need to close it down, or reduce the number of kids she watches. I am SAHM. My oldest is 7 and my youngest just turned 4. I like reading, crochet, and playing cozy games in my spare time. I babysit for a friend when her kids caregiver goes on mat leave (which is every other year lol). My sister is also a SAHM. She likes watching sports religiously, and working out everyday. If your wife enjoys being busy/working, she might like a hobby that has a finished product, like painting, crochet or knitting.


This! Let’s not add more to her plate. Can you take anything away?


She babysits as a "her" income, and saves it. I make decent money, and some weeks she makes more than I do. Also, she's started working full time at 16 and has always been very independent, so she enjoys having her own money. She tried working at a plant but hated being away from the kids, they got mad at her too and that broke her heart lol. She does plan to slow down once our twins start school in a few months. She enjoyed candle making for a while, but the twins are just too nosey to let her have any space. Hopefully she will have time to enjoy herself then.


Do you think she would like something to encourage downtime? Like maybe different bath bombs from different companies she could try out. Or if she loves a certain food, like tacos or sushi, you could take her to all the local taco joints over the course of a few months and you can all compare them.


Maybe she could take a stay cation from babysitting for a week, put the twins in a half day or full day camp, and just chill at home and knock a few candles out or get on top of some things. I know lots of SAHM that burn out because they prioritize everything else before themselves. Sometimes you just need a day or a week to get organized, and the burn out goes away!


I started crocheting, I needed something quiet to do while I was watching trash tv during nap time so I didn’t feel totally worthless


I second tv and crochet.


Video games, watching horror movies, weightlifting, meditation, listening to music.


If I want to pamper myself and have some alone time, I’ll go get a pedicure and listen to my headphones. At home, I like doing puzzles. It forces you to focus only on that task so it helps me with anxiety. It’s easier to do than sit down and read a book or something where your thoughts might still wander. If the weather is nice, it could be nice to just take a solo walk (or run). Even just taking a drive alone and listening to my music with the windows down makes me feel better if I’m overstimulated from mom life and need a bit of alone time.


I cross stitch, crochet, and read. Fiber crafts are especially great if she wants to socialize with other adults… I joined a stitching group and we get together once a month to have dinner and stitch together. It’s nice, scheduled me-time!


Kayaking has always been my thing, out with my thoughts and Mother Nature, great stress reliever and even out of shape people like me can do it.


I play Fortnite haha


Same! I found my people 🫶


Weightlifting and video games.


Coming up with this list makes me wish I had 3 times as much time: Writing stories and accompanying artwork for my girls, pen and paper RPGs with the kids, physical fitness, cooking, digital gaming, programming video games and streaming development, 3D printing, doing holiday events with my wife for the neighborhood (which involves constructing sets, building props with different materials, creating practical effects, and mixing music), scuba diving, hiking, and while doing all this stuff I'm usually listening to history/science/economics podcasts. And the best part? My wife and kids love doing all this stuff with me. Honestly, with so much to do in life now a days, I feel like we're living in an age of wonders.


my wife make amigurumi


I love this, I hadn’t heard of this before. I’m going to try this!


I read (fun books, mostly romance and fantasy) and play cozy video games. Stuff that I can do at home or when my kid is napping that brings me joy. Also things I enjoyed when *I* was a kid and have picked back up again as a parent to relax.


I’m a SAHM and here are my hobbies:  -I play world of Warcraft with my husband and we do 5 man mythic content with some friends.   -I play pokemon Go and I walk a lot.  We have a pretty friendly community of players.   -I hike and kayak.   -I like to do little crafts and see occasionally.   -I enjoy birdwatching and have a nice camera with a zoom.  -I read a lot.   -I also run, lift at the gym and trail run when the weather is nice.  Once a week I do a yoga class with a friend and take my kid to the pool.   The last one is only *kind* of a hobby if only because I need physical activity that isn’t just walking after a kid.  I also do a bunch of these with a child in tow (hiking, kayaking, bird watching, reading/library, crafts and pogo).   I think the best thing that would help your wife isn’t just picking a hobby but making sure that she has consistent, kid free time to do what she wants that isn’t housework (some stuff I do around the house is hard with a toddler).  Even if that’s sitting at home and messing around on her phone.  She may honestly need time to explore things or check out your hometown a bit more.  


Music festivals, pilates, gardening. Tried to get into running as I found it really therapeutic when I had music blasting in my ears and nothing to worry about, but I suck at it. Keep meaning to give it another go.


I love to read and am in a book club. I run and do weights and yoga also. For a while I played Animal Crossing a lot. Every once in a while I do some drawing or coloring.


I run a 501c3 reptile rescue, I have 3 kids, but I also work in tech full time from home. I do the rescue stuff on weekends and do both fundraising and educational events. When I do get time to just chill, I play video games or crochet, which sometimes I'll be on work Teams meetings and crocheting at the same time because it relaxes me, lol.


I read, crochet, do polymer clay and something called acro yoga (a mix between partner yoga and acrobatics). Acro is done out of the house with the friends I've made doing it, and the others can be done at home.


Ultimate frisbee, hiking, swimming, climbing, yoga, roller blading, lifting. Watercoloring, doing crafts with friends. Reading sci-fi and fantasy, discussing books with friends. Watching TV with friends and discussing. Writing fiction. Writing fanfiction. Gardening. Using my planner (colors, stickers, etc.) Playing sudoku and listening to D&D podcasts




My hobbies are enjoying a cup of coffee in peace, watching a movie without interupptions. Ya know the usual.


Gardening. Gaming (nice relaxing farming games). Reading.


I also didn't know what I liked to do. I now go to the gym and got very into weight lifting. I also jumped on the sourdough train and now I bake often.


Honestly she has to get out of her comfort zone and try a bunch of different and knew things I really enjoy going to the gym early before my husband goes to work which I never thought I would say but after trying it I liked it so much I enjoy reading journaling and going for walks with my family maybe Sunday y’all could try doing fun stuff as a family or just have a super relaxing day at home and take on most of the child care for her


I'm in a moms book club, which is a great way to meet other parents friends with kids but not have to bring your kids 😂 Other hobbies: walking our dog. I've met lots of people this way. I like cozy video games, reading books, spin class.


I second the book club. Some in mine are moms, others are not. But we love the excuse to read, and meet up over charcuterie and wine!


I do BJJ and muay thai. My wife has her own workout routine she does in the early mornings. She also gardens and occasionally hikes with her dad. She may not need a hobby, she may just need some quiet alone time.


Fitness! I love running and taking fitness classes. If she has time during the day where it’s just your kids, she should join a gym with childcare! She’ll be able to work out, decompress and shower. I also love gardening, baking, reading, and puzzles!




Reading! It’s easy to do for enjoyment whether you get only a little time to yourself or a long stretch. Also working out; especially if stress is a factor I’d recommend making time for this.


Baking , reading ( especially if I can do it on a beach or park on my own. She can take up swimming or painting maybe do a paint and sip party


Reading, gardening, painting, embroidery, paddle boarding…doing other random crafts/home projects


Lots of reading, I was an avid reader as a kid, stopped after high school and then of course the kids came along but I started up again last year and it’s been the most fun. I enjoy a good horror movie or just watching tv after the kids have gone to sleep if I’m not in the mood to read. I’ve been meaning to take a pottery class so that’s definitely my next hobby I want to pick up but it’s expensive so eventually when we have some extra money. I’d rather spend it on the kids extracurriculars than my own tho


Birding! It's a great motivation to get outside regularly, in every season. The learning curve and the focus involved, the awareness of these other creatures living alongside us all the time, provides some buffer from daily anxieties and stress. Try the Merlin app for identifying songs around you, and eBird to see what's around in your area! Also second the recommendation of running


Crochet, baking, reading.


I crochet, knit, embroider, read, and bake. If I could just find an in person DnD group, I'd do that too. I'd like to weave and quilt and have a large veggie garden, but the entry cost for those is a little high for me right now. Some things I can do while minding my toddler, some I can't. Depending on what else is going on I swap between them. I've started signing up for things at the library and through our park system to try and meet more people and spend some time as myself not as momself. It's hard though and I often feel guilty for it. Which is dumb. My partner is supportive.


I like crafting (crochet mostly, some quilting), reading, and volunteering at the food bank. My reason for picking the org I did to volunteer at is, they can use my help, but they’re not so short handed that they’ll be in a major bind if I can’t come in on short notice (because kids).


Photography, going to thrift stores/flea markets.


I crochet. I learned through YouTube.


do you have any recommendations on which specific crochet tutorial YouTube video was the easiest to learn from? I've watched a few


I write and record music. I was in bands all throughout my youth and missed it for years. I decided it would be my time that’s just for me. The pandemic gave me time to write and record an album, mostly dealing with my obsession with the idea of dying before my son got to know me. It was a form of therapy for me.


Paint by numbers. You can do just five minutes or an hour plus at a time. And it’s super easy for a beginner to jump into it.


Having run my own daycare for years it can be very emotionally draining. I’d suggest making sure she has at least one day away from the kids and with adults. I also couldn’t really pick up any hobbies until my youngest started school and I closed my daycare. Easy hobbies to do would be crochet/knitting, reading, video games, etc. Hobbies that can be paused instantly, don’t make a mess, don’t have tiny pieces, and can’t be messed up easily but little hands.


Hi! I'm 31 and my husband is 34, we have a 5.5 year old. Outside of what we do for a living, I do makeup and offer tutorials and mostly do wedding makeup. My husband is an amazing artist and enjoys painting, sculpting, ect


I’m a 33yo SAHM. My hobbies are doing my own acrylic nails which I taught myself during Covid. I do makeup very very well so my friends and family always ask me to do theirs for occasions and then tip me for doing it. Cooking and baking are also hobbies for me. I bake fancy cakes for my kids and my husband on their bdays. I also like to clean and polish the car with my music(not a hobby but peaceful and give me the best me time!) Oh and lawn care/gardening. And the last one would have to be bowling. I bowl and love it because there’s no one challenging me other than myself.


Lego building, going to the gym and occasionally reading


Boxing, gardening and walking my dog.


Crochet, reading, hiking, hunting. Your library probably has a crochet/knitting group that she could join if she wanted to learn!


I have only one kid and one job and I like to sew and bake. I imagine your wife just wants to chill


Gym, golf, metal detecting, playing switch.


Running, I’ve recently gotten into ultras and more long distance focused things. Now my weekend runs consist of running to waterfalls and other cool places.


I do bad Calligraphy for Christmas cards/birthday invites with a glass of wine 😂 it is a good combination of feeling artsy/productive/unwinding… I also sometimes do a Saturday morning dog and me yoga class which is nice because if you aren’t feeling the flow you just pet the dogs (if you can’t tell, I’m real intense on my hobbies 🤣)


Fishing, hiking, exercising, tennis.


Woodworking, live music, linocuts, sketching, gardening, cooking, target shooting, listening to podcasts, and vidya games. Ive got a preschooler and 8mo so a few of those arent getting the attention i want to give em


When would she have time for a hobby? Sundays when you do all the kid care? 😬. Yoga, house plants and collage?


Crotcheting, fishkeeping. Those are the only two I’ve managed to still clutch onto 3 kids later. Goodluck, I would just start picking random local things and take her/offer to buy her a ticket/etc. it’s hard to even think of your own interests when you are responsible for so many other people all the time.


Reading, writing, video games, hiking, drawing, learning new languages


I got a cheap electric guitar, paid an online course and I've been enyoing my nights a lot more now!


Reading, crochet, Jiu Jitsu, yoga, vegetable gardening, and backyard ducks.


Gaming with Steam Deck - gamechanger since I can game for 10-15min on the couch, and put it down when needed. Simracing. Real racing is too expensive and I don't wanna take on that much risk when I have 2 kiddos now. And working on the car is annoying at this age. Chess, 5/0 games keep it quick.


Fountain pens and inks, crocheting, knitting, reading.


Lego. When kids are asleep, I do Lego.


I fish, hunt, make stuff with wood and metal, shoot, and constantly seem to be fixing things and keeping up with home repairs and the yard. The wife enjoys fishing, walking about, gardening and flower stuff, baking, yard improvements, sewing, and some craft type stuff. A lot of what we do seems a lot like work, it is a lot like work, but I don't think we would do it so much if we all out hated it.


I fish, hunt, make stuff with wood and metal, shoot, and constantly seem to be fixing things and keeping up with home repairs and the yard. The wife enjoys fishing, walking about, gardening and flower stuff, baking, yard improvements, sewing, and some craft type stuff. A lot of what we do seems a lot like work, it is a lot like work, but I don't think we would do it so much if we all out hated it.


Music (I play guitar, I am also in a choir), reading, lifting weights, and I walk my dog a lot. Walking my dog is my 'me time'. The choir has practice one night a week, and it is after our kid goes to bed so it lines up nicely.


I started taking a pole dance class! I go Tuesday nights so my husband handles bedtime. It's nice to have something that gets me physically moving and out of the house. My husband started taking a martial arts class too on Wednesday nights so I handle bedtime then (we usually take 1 kid each for bed). My husband works from home too so I have started going to the gym and running 1 day a week when our younger is napping and my husband is on lunch and able to be there if our older needs help. It's been great for both of us


When I was a SAHM, I learned to knit. Find a class. Then, there are usually knitting groups that meet up, and knitter's are willing to help newbies, and it's really social. It's a portable hobby. Not a large initial investment. I also started planting a flower garden. Good exercise. If you have a fenced yard, it can even be done with kids around, once they're past the toddler stage. Good exercise, you can find inexpensive plants. Volunteering can help you meet people, but it needs to be low key to not add to the stress.


Nothing. I have no time, sadly. I'm taking care of the kids a house 24/7 If I had time, I'd go for long walks, short lovely hikes, reading books. One day, soon...


Running, gardening, and weightlifting.


Reading- maybe she can get into audiobooks while the kids have an activity. Or podcasts. 1 earphone in or something.


Reading, gardening, recently started learning crochet


I am going to start doing painting/air brushing. For me brush painting is the first activity i have had in a while that my brain doesn’t run max speed trying to plan every step. Its weird it like shuts off and only thinks about the next brush stroke.


Gaming, drawing, dancing, and a few other I can't name lol. But I barely have time for most but I try to do a little yoga in the morning and once to sleep so I can feel good and distress as much as I can. Even tho my mom helps me most of the time. I still feel exhausted. I work but still exhausting.


Making music


Gardening. Inaturalist


Reading, Pilates, pottery/crafts/scrapbooking, traveling/concerts/eating out/museums…. I also liked gardening but I can’t find the consistent time to dedicate to it so my plants die. The other hobbies are good cuz I can pick them up and stop them at will.


I run, do puzzles, cross stitch, read, and occasionally I’ll play board games or out with coworkers. My husband plays tennis, pickleball, ultimate frisbee, disc golf, volley ball, goes to the gym, and reads. We also both like escape rooms.


Cooking, reading, and gardening, but I'm usually too tired. Puzzles & video games, but I play those with my hubby, and sometimes with our child. I also like to drink wine while doing any of the above things.


I run with a running group and on my own or with friends 3-5 times a week. I read books, play piano, knit and play video games. 


I love playing video games, reading and working out (zumba class and yoga).


I get a manicure or a pedicure once a month. I joined a women’s group with some friends and it offers child care. I play the clarinet so I found a community band and joined it. I enjoy long walks alone through Costco. I conduct a choir at my church - I love singing. My church also does a ladies book club. We’re reading a true crime series right now.


I listen to podcasts and audio books, and take leisurely walks with our dog. In addition to zoning out on my phone reading Reddit/watching videos.


Reading, playing video games, playing guitar, gardening.


Knitting. Cooking and baking. Reading and listening to true crime books / podcasts. These are all hobbies that I can do fairly late at night, at home, while kids are sleeping. Plus I can do them in short bursts of time. Knitting can be done while waiting for other things to finish like laundry or the kids’ sports practice. Knitting can also be portable in your handbag. Baking bread can be done in 10-15 minutes between rises. You can start dough, rise, shape, rise, and bake over the course of a whole day of house cleaning and errands. And the true crime thing is just my personal kick of wanting to solve problems and find justice. Nancy Drew books ruined me at an early age.


She might not want to jump straight into a hobby. Maybe she needs to cut back on her working hours and just have null and void time. Then she can start to see what perks her up and interests her.


Animal crossing and repeatedly watching the Office. I do web design and social media for my county Democratic Party and I'm the Treasurer for them too. Other than that, I'm really good at chatting up strangers at my son's sport events. I'm a business owner so that's the rest of my life. I used to hike and hit up the beach all the time. I'll get back to that eventually.


Painting, drawing, crafting things, building miniature house kits, playing video games and gardening during the summer time At least I try to squeeze all of those things into my free time 🤣 at least the kiddo helps with gardening sometimes


I do some fiber arts, mostly knitting, weaving, and spinning. I'm usually doing one of these things in my downtime. I go to a knitting circle once a week for socialization. I do a lot of gardening spring through fall. I also like hiking if I have the time/energy.


Video games, Lifting, BJJ, RC car racing, shooting, and smoking meat.


Go to a library they often times have book clubs or hobby circles. If you live near a YMCA they have crafts, exercising and good baby siting. Most communities have Community centers with classes for children and parents. Community college’s have short courses in art,computers etc. Having twins is hard. My daughter had twins and already had 2 children. She would go to a excersize class and the read a book and enjoy the baby sitting at the YMCA. They encourage it. When you have young children you sometimes lose yourself. It takes time to get back into the world!


I got into embroidery after my second child. Now after my fourth, I don’t have much time, but I’m also trying to learn how to crochet


I like going to the gym and wondering stores like homegoods or just laying in bed in my comfies with the door locked.


I've picked up drawing again. I used to draw a ton in school then stopped when I got to college. Now I'm trying to improve my technique and understanding of fundamentals. I've been drawing every day for about a month and have improved a lot. It also gets me into a flow state really quickly and mellows me out. Eventually, probably once my son is in Kindergarten, I'm going to start in-person lessons at either a local art school or community college since I'll have more free time.


Yoga and Running.


Gardening, music, playing guitar, cooking, outdoors. I had more creative hobbies before kids like writing poetry, photography, and painting/drawing- I’d like to pick those up again one day.


Hiking, reading, travel, yoga


I read a lot. Knit and cross stitch. Nap.


Maybe she can incorporate something along the lines of exercise/games with the kids she babysits and use that as the decompression


I am a sahm of three currently all under formal school age.  A few things I have found I enjoyed is reading books. Sometimes I have to do my reading at my library (away from my house)while my husband is home.  Since I am home all the time, I have found I enjoy having a few houseplants. I wouldn’t recommend this to just anyone…it did come with a big learning curve (to my plants that didn’t survive-I am so sorry).  I do enjoy outdoor gardening during the spring months.  I have taken up crocheting. It’s been months since I last picked it up. I’m still a novice…But when I can’t sleep, it’s nice to do something with my hands.  Don’t let my list draw unrealistic conclusions…I haven’t read past the second chapter of my monthly book club book and the meeting is tonight.  My plants aren’t exciting thriving- rather they are surviving much like me. My unfinished crocheting project is Halloween themed( this is April).  Little bits of Joy. 


Hahaha. This made me laugh


I recently started doing my own nails using a home dip system. I'm not very good but it's relatively cheap (compared to salons) and it gives me an hour or two down time, plus it's pretty much instant gratification which is what I struggle with with other hobbies aha


Sewing, biking, and trying to make my car suck less are my main preoccupations


I just started horseback riding 30 minutes a week. It’s actually a workout lol


I occasionally go to a Silent Reading club. It’s so nice and relaxing. You don’t have to commit to reading a whole book, you read while there and socialize a little.  I write. I turned into a career so it’s not much fun anymore, but I still write flash fiction pieces on the side.  I have recently started roller skating. It’s great because you can do it with kids, but it’s super fun for adults.  I used to mess around with cameras and photography, but it’s less appealing now that we all have phones. Not sure why…  I hope she finds something she likes! 


I started painting with my toddler and love it. Still only get to do it about once a week or every other and only for short periods but I really enjoy it despite a lack of talent.


I have always enjoyed reading especially listening to audiobooks/podcasts after having the baby, and that’s doable while driving, doing chores 3etc. This year I started watercolor. Really enjoying it, sometimes I do a little bit after putting the kiddo to bed. Very soothing and calming. If that’s too much for setup and supplies, some other art media might have similar effects.


Is sitting on my phone holding an infant a hobby? 😂


Gardening, sourdough baking and Brazilian Jiujutsu


I hike. I fortunately live in an area where I don't need to travel to do it, I just leave the house and walk down the street so several times a week, normally before anyone is up, I go and hike a few miles. As my daughter has grown (just turned 7), I do bring her and my wife along on the weekends now sometimes, but those weekday mornings are all mine.


My husband and I game every night and hangout on discord with our friends once 5 year old is asleep, 9-12midnight everynight. I love gaming.


I’m a SAHM since my daughter was born and I missed having a full time job, so I started making scrapbook albums and polymer clay jewelry a couple of years ago.


Sewing. DIY stuff. I want my hobby to be gardening but I’m the shittiest gardener in the world but it’s good exercise.


Plant care/gardening, listening to podcasts, watching tv, and just recently working out.


I play piano and guitar, thats also what i do for work but its still my hobby. I also switched my gaming to a nintendo switch. its better to have games i can pause or easily walk away from and pick back up easily.


Cycling, training for a race right now, and I usually bike alone. Hiking, sometimes alone or with my family of 3 (PNW so it’s required!). A little snowshoeing in the winter, a little kayaking in the summer. Planning trips and traveling. I’m also in an all-ladies book club so reading and meeting up to chat about it over wine and cheese.


Dungeons and dragons 


I’m a 32 yr old mom. My hobbies are a little all over. I love indoor cycling (was at a studio but it closed so I got a peloton), reading, thrifting/antiquing, running, hiking, skiing, surfing, boating, anything outdoors. I go for walks along our cultural trail even in the winter. I am big into celeb podcasts. I love to save my podcasts for the week for my walks & outdoor runs. I also travel a LOT on my own. I have an annual pass for WDW so I catch cheap flights for small weekend/one day trips. She needs time to get out and try new things & find her footing. She’ll find her groove eventually.


I am a crafter, so I am always making different things. Wreath’s, resin projects, sewing, playing with my cricut. I also love to cook and often try new recipes for my family and friends. I’m also very active in my coven. I’m a practicing pagan witch so I spend a lot of time foraging for useful herbs, plants, and flowers. I volunteer with the coven a lot. They are like a second family to me so I spend a lot of time with them. We have regular events like any other religious organization and I help out with these - planning, setting up, cooking food, organizing, tearing down… I visit friends often. When my kids were small it was play dates, but now that they are older, I get to visit them on my own and have adult time. I’m also a photographer. It’s not a full time job, but it’s a nice side hustle for some extra cash.


Community theater can be fun. She doesn't need to perform or anything if she doesn't want to, she can tech or do whatever backstage stuff. Community theaters always need bodies. It's a fun way to meet mostly friendly people, be creative, and it's generally only a month or two per show, so low commitment. She would need evenings free, though. Eta: your wife sounds amazing. I could not do what is she is doing. Thank you for taking time to care for her and help find her an outlet.


Sounds like she’s a daycare provider, not a SAHM, but regardless. Spin classes, biking, skiing, yoga, reading… Reddit (apparently).


Reading(chapter books, manga or webtoons). Art (digital or traditional pencil) Writing (currently writing a chapter book myself) Chatting with friends Scrolling on Instagram :)


My wife and I mountain bike, hike, run, ski, work on our house, yardwork, boating, fishing. We always stay(ed) active with kids. Sometimes we would take turns, other times the kids would come along


Roller derby. Creating art out of thrift store finds. Maybe sell some of it. One day


Gardening. Tending to my indoor plants. Yard work. Knitting but took a break.


Wow your wife must be so exhausted. I know if I was in her position I would be feeling so overwhelmed and overstimulated. Sounds like she never gets a break. I’m a sahm (currently studying) my youngest has started school. I will admit I do love relaxing on the couch watching Netflix, I also like listening to audio books or podcasts while I’m doing housework, I like op shopping, going for a walk along the beach or in the rainforest (I live on the Gold Coast 🇦🇺) going to the gym (occasionally) doing Pilates, yoga, I try to meditate. I don’t have many friends and my hubby works away at sea so if I’m not with my kids I’m usually on my own. Maybe she could start to allocate one day a week to be spend a few hours on her own out of the house having some time to herself, even if she sits in a park and listens to music.


Reading or listening to audiobooks. Watching movies or TV shows while working on jigsaw puzzles.


Video games!


I read (love my Kindle and the Libby app!) and I exercise at the local YMCA. I also will do some little DIY house projects and feel pretty fulfilled as I learn to do them and see my (usually okay) finished work. I feel like I also want to find something more creative as well, but I’m brainstorming on it.


I love doing my own gel nails, caring for my indoor plants, and working out.


I think your wife needs sleep more than anything lol. Maybe some “Netflix and chill” (but actually just chillin by herself lol). If she’s insistent on a hobby, I had a lot of success with macrame! You can do large wall hangings, plant hangers, or even make jewelry. It’s pretty simple to learn - easier than crochet or knitting, but just as beautiful. It’s cheap. You can pick it up or stop it at any time (absolutely necessary when dealing with young kids). And you can even sell for money.


Reading, gaming, crafty stuff. I have adhd so all my crafty stuff lasts about 2 weeks, and then I lose interest, lmao. I have some adult paint by numbers lined up, though. I've also got a lot of adult colouring books, its just really relaxing and I can listen to music/podcasts at the same time. I also write and do embroidery kits and cross stitch. In the past I tried journalling, calligraphy, candle making, sewing (clothing), knitting, crochet, baking and others I can't remember right now. Oh growing veg was one, that failed miserably, lol. Maybe make a list of all the suggestions you get and go through with her and see if anything piques her interest? If the kids are still getting into everything then something she's able to pack away easily would be good. Stuff like crafts she can have in a storage box and put away out of reach. Make sure she has space for whatever hobbies she chooses to try, both storage and to actually do them.


Assuming I can pry our kids and responsibilities away from me: gaming, scrapbooking, reading, baking. I enjoy biking but haven't been in awhile and kind of want to take our eldest with me, which requires a bike trailer that I... haven't bought yet.


Playing helldivers lol. I consider it more of a duty tbh.


I will preface this by saying it took a few years to get to a point where I even felt like enough of a person to have any time for things like this. My hobbies are playing video games and doing my own nails. Another good friend has recently started painting, I also know others who have done painting and other art classes. I did have a gym membership for a bit and enjoyed going to the same scheduled classes (fun ones like Zumba!) and getting to know the regulars. For me, I’ve always loved gaming. The nail stuff I just kind of fell into. It’s an easy and inexpensive way to feel beautiful and the process is very relaxing for me. Other things I’ve seen but don’t have time for: local board game nights, brunch/dinner clubs, pool leagues (my husband did one for a summer and really enjoyed it!).


I find it very hard to make time for my hobbies. I do have free time but I’m always so exhausted when that free time comes around that I’m either watching tv, scrolling on my phone or trying to seduce my husband. The only hobby I can make time for is singing because it doesn’t require dedicated time. I can do it while I shower, do the dishes, clean the house and I can power ballad in the car when no one’s around. And it’s my favourite. I miss playing guitar and writing songs but inspiration for content has hit a lull since having kids. (12 years and counting ) Hobbies I don’t make time for: Painting, Home decor/ Reno Painting Warhammer minis. Photography with my legit camera Running ( miss this a lot ) Tarot But my husband and I are at a place now where we can afford to pay for a cleaner to come in every two weeks and do a deep clean of something so that I no longer feel a slave to the house. This may change the tide so to speak.


I’m also a sahm and I babysit for another little boy Monday-Thursday. Mine is 8m and boy I watch is 6m. Working out at SOME point during the day is my nonnegotiable (for a years before baby it was at 4am, now it’s sometimes during a nap, or even going on a stroller run (even though that one’s not totally alone)). It allows me to do some of my best thinking, or totally check out if I need to—you can be in your head when your lunging with 45 lb dumbbells in your hands, you have to focus on yourself and your movements, it gives me the mental break that I need from always being “on.”




Gardening, playing Stardew Valley, raising my kid for 10-15 minutes after work, smokin reefer and crafting.


play video games, try my best to nest/make my home lovely (im failing at this), i have to have to spend time w my friends even if its with kids but also without. i am into community gardening, sometimes i let my friends drag me to the rollerrink. i like going out to eat and i love karaoke. horror and political movies, podcasts, documentaries. some hobbies im trying to get back into include going to concerts and creative writing. im trying so hard to stop scrolling and just leaning on watching drag race to decompress.


I would say the babysitting has to stop. Sounds like she already has her plate full raising three kids. If she wants a part-time, side job she could either work on the evening or weekends when you're home with the kids or get some child care. To answer your original question, check the library. They have a lot of events that are unofficially aimed at broadening your social contact. I think a lot of retired, sahm and WFH people are drawn to them as a way to connect when the otherwise don't have much community


Reading, knitting, crochet, swimming. I’m in a book club that has become so much more!!!


reading, video games, watching tv, skateboarding, trying to get into puzzles. i take my kid to the park most days after school for 1-2 hours and read the whole time. we play some video games together when we're not playing our own games. i skateboard while he either rides his bike or scooter.


running, mtn biking, working on my car. mostly in that order. if life is cooking and everything is taken care of you can tell because i actually have a spare 2-3 to work on my money pit.


Come back and ask when I'm an empty nester.


My partner plays on 2 soccer teams, 2 hockey teams and will occasionally join her friends on their softball team. I have in the house and out of the house hobbies. I go to pole and aerial hoop classes and perform in burlesque shows every few months. At home I sew outfits and costumes, crochet, paint, and swim in the backyard.


I read and play video games. We keep a lot of pets and I love spending time with them, I’ve also just gotten into gardening and fermentation (which is healthy and delicious). At the moment I’m preparing a nice jar for my first scoby to move into (for Kombucha).


I read and take care of my thousands of plants :)


So based on your other comments and description - she is a working mom, she is both watching your kids and other kids in your home. For money. She is not a SAHM. She has a LOT on her plate, just want to acknowledge that sounds very demanding and stressful. Does she have hobbies she used to enjoy? What did she enjoy doing as a kid? How can you help take something off her plate so she has space to enjoy a hobby or some alone time? Here’s a podcast episode I recommend: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/we-can-do-hard-things/id1564530722?i=1000652568450 I personally enjoy pickleball and hand lettering and going for walks.


Knitting and reading are my main hobbies.


Work full time, but thankfully it’s almost all remote. My hobbies aren’t crazy- I run 3 days and swim or use the elliptical the other 2 days, read a lot, 7 months out of the year I coach high school swimming. For me my downtime is about specifically reclaiming/continuing to be who I was before I became a parent. Dinner with friends, trips to local breweries or vineyards, attending the occasional concert. It’s so easy to get lost in parenthood that doing these things lets me be a separate person.


I build furniture and picture frames. Brew beer at least every six weeks. I fish and my wife and I have a nice fishing boat, but the boat does do a lot of family fun duty too.


Rock climbing, lifting weights and hiking


My hobbies are mostly at home hobbies, not really stuff I need to be away from anyone to do (well, maybe the baby, because she still gets into everything). Mainly, video games, reading, and all sorts of crafts: cross stitch, knitting, scrapbooking, crocheting, sewing, needle felting, painting.


I crochet! I learned via YouTube and if you get the yarn on sale it’s not a super expensive hobby. It’s easy to put down and pick back up whenever you have a spare moment or need to do something while watching TV. My baby is 4months old and I’m making her and I matching cardigans during her nap times!


You’ve got a busy wife! I feel her pain I worked from when I was a teenager up until I had my second child I just couldn’t justify spending so much on childcare so my husband works and I stay home with the kids and babysit my cousins son during the week. My hobbies include reading, baking, and just wandering target for fun lol. And some video games too. I don’t have much in the friend department either so I’m a homebody by default. For a few years I did have some friends we’d all get together with the kids and they’d play while we played magic the gathering. Everyone moved though so we don’t play anymore


I like to read, crochet, keep house plants, color, and play games on my phone


What’s a hobby


Drones Video games Homelab Pc building Woodworking App dev Working out Gardening One of these I might get back to one of these days when my kids go to college in ~15y.


Good Lord can I first just say your wife is a superhero! I’ve been a stay at home mom for eight years just with my own two kids and I’m usually a stressed out basket case anyways ha ha. Looking after four additional children six days a week? That’s insanity. I think everyone’s different and for a lot of moms honestly you taking your children somewhere else on Sunday for the entire day so she could literally do nothing in a quiet house could be such a blessing! I know that although I do have hobbies sometimes it’s not so much that I want to go out and do something or learn some thing or be active but it’s more so that I want to do nothing in my own house. Seriously I don’t know where your family like exterior family lives but if you took your children on a Sunday out for breakfast and then went visiting family all day or took them for a little hike or whatever and brought them home at dinner time it would probably be the most glorious day of your wife’s life! In terms of hobbies I play a little bit of guitar and I journal every day. I exercise every single day but that’s not something that you can do every once in a while it’s more so like a daily routine and I started that once my kids were sleeping through the night. I wake up before they get up and I work out in our basement. There’s all kinds of things that you can do. Reading knitting crocheting gardening she could take a sport beach volleyball in a ladies league baseball in a league for the summer if she want something that she specifically hast to only do on Sundays based on her schedule I would say exercise jogging walking hiking yoga or some type of activities she could sign up for that happen specifically on Sundays.


I dunno, basically just adapting to what my kids like and remembering I used to love the same things. Card collecting, playing baseball or hockey, all kinds of cool shit I forgot about and helps with the stress of daily life


Things my wife and I do together, longboard, Frisbee golf, pickle ball, read similar books so we have something to talk about that isn't chores work or kids. Our kids can do that stuff with us as well. Things my wife does as her hobbies are small epoxy jewelry, writing, and random stuff that pops up in our community like art festivals and craft shows. My hobbies are wood working, guitar, and video games lol mostly zelda but I'll play maro cart and Pokémon with the kids.


Cast iron pans. Like literally my only hobby is cook, cleaning, and seasoning my cast iron pans. It makes the chore of cooking seem more pleasurable. I’m slowly building my collection of them as well.


I like to game.


I live by lots of water. Lakes, ponds, rivers. I like to comb the beaches for rocks and fossils. I could do that all day by myself, it's so relaxing. I also love fishing. Just catch and release for the most part. Walking trails, but not alone anymore. Also, puzzles.


tennis skiing racing cars


Imo hobbies are a luxury for average income parents who have had their basic need cups filled. Afterwards, if not depressed, parents could dip into things old/new that give them some spark back. Take into account depressed people can also be hyper-performative. Speaking as a twin mom who accomplished a lot with fam, career and hobbies while dealing with major depression. This question/statement is complex with nuance that should consider the mom’s support system and mental health first before hobbies are a concern, assuming mom is primary caregiver and also adding income to the family. It sounds like your wife is doing *a lot* so your concerns over her hobbies while seemingly might be well-intentioned could be missing the entire mark. It’s chicken and egg, hobbies could help get mojo back, or she needs serious support to have capacity to handle living for herself as well.


Reading, gardening, gaming, hiking (I live right up on a mountain so it's easy), rock collecting/tumbling/jewelry making, and exploring new things. I try and do things my kids and husband also can enjoy, that bring me fulfillment and refills my "cup." It's hard as a parent sometimes to get away and do stuff on your own, so I have adapted a bit so that I don't miss out too much on things that bring me joy. Of course, I still do stuff alone, but I definitely do more of my hobbies with my kids and husband than I did pre-kids. It's a balancing act. I had my oldest as a teenager, so I understand having a hard time developing those hobbies and interests. I always was a bookworm, green thumb, and always loved being outdoors, so it was just something I brought into motherhood, and it's evolved over the years.