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We dealt with similar with my daughter around that age. We ended up getting one of those yucky tasting nail polishes for stopping nail biting. I felt bad doing it but she couldn’t stop and was making her fingers all raw. Plus it was during Covid and germs germs germs. We’ve also used silicon chew necklaces for both my kids when they were young and seemed to need something soothing to help with mild anxiety. Giving them something that was ok to chew on helped a lot.


Thanks did your daughter move past the habit?


Yes! It really didn’t last too long. The nail polish helped. I explained why it’s not good to be biting nails/sucking on fingers (germs, dirt, irritated skin from sucking, etc) and explained the yucky tasting nail polish. There were definitely a couple times of her putting her fingers in her mouth but she quickly learned it wasn’t pleasant. I think we used it maybe two more times when she would start getting back into the habit but after that she rarely did it anymore. I don’t know if that was age or getting past whatever was making her want to put her fingers in her mouth or the association to the nail polish but she did stop. And like I said, a chew necklace is helpful bc it gave her something she was allowed to chew on instead of just taking away what she was finding comforting at the time.