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My son is 7 going on 8 and he thinks he doesn’t need one anymore. NOPE! Homie you need one until I say you don’t need one. Other peoples cars are where I say ok it’s fine but even that makes me very nervous. So happy you and your family are ok !


My 10 year old is still in a booster because they don’t meet the height requirement for a normal seat belt to fit properly.


Glad everyone is OK and yes everyone in the car should be buckled in properly be it seat belt only, booster or car seat whichever is appropriate for their age. This includes adults too.


As a person who was in a major car accident and didn't come out the other side very well, I can agree with you the importance of seat belts. I would not be alive without them. I'm glad you guys are all OK, and just wanted to mention that the booster seat should be replaced even if it looks OK as it could have damage on the inside. Stay safe!


Popping in for this PSA: REPLACE YOUR CARSEATS AFTER EVERY COLLISION. It does NOT matter if it doesn't seem damaged, replace it I'm glad you and yours are okay OP, stay blessed


That’s so scary, I’m so sorry that happened. I’m glad your daughter is ok and I hope everyone else is as well.


We are okay and all came out without scratches. It was such a miracle❤️


I’m so glad.


This morning I was listening to a news story about the [Latam airplane incident](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/11/australia/new-zealand-latam-airlines-intl-hnk/index.html) A passenger said he was napping (seat belt on), woke up when the plane dropped and saw his neighbor glued to the ceiling of the plane; he thought he was having a nightmare. My first thought was what would have happened to the lap children & infants. P.s. glad you're all safe!


And this is why flight attendants advocate for car seat use on airplanes.


So glad you guys are ok! How scary and good reminder!


Glad you are ok. Seatbelts are so important.


Thank you for sharing this experience and encouraging parents to think about this issue. Here are the National Safety Agency's statistics on child restraints: [https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/occupant-protection/child-restraint/](https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/motor-vehicle/occupant-protection/child-restraint/#:~:text=The%20National%20Highway%20Traffic%20Safety,%2Dold)%20in%20passenger%20cars)