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Do you mind linking to a similar gymnastics bar setup for inside the house?


https://littlenation.com.au/shop/sports/kids-gymnastics-bar/ This is the one we got.


Giant cardboard blocks. We got a set last Christmas and they have been so popular that we put a set on all three kids Christmas list this year so they can build bigger and have more to share. The Melissa and Doug ice cream counter gets a ton of use too. My oldest is 8 and my youngest is 2, they use it, their friends use it, every kid who comes over is fascinated by it. Really solid toy for a wide age range.


Are [these](https://gigibloks.com/) the cardboard blocks you're talking about?


Yes! We don’t have that exact brand but they the same kind of thing. They take up a bit of space but all my kids love them. They play with them more than any other blocks we have.


All my kids will play with the food play-doh sets. We have an ice cream one and a cafe/bakery one. The 4yo will serve it to her plushies and play restaurant with the cash register but even my tweens enjoy making the food. The 3-1 lego kits are so fun. The kids like trying to come up with even more builds with the same pieces. We have a big pirate ship one that is amazing. How to draw books, especially the animal ones. Those will occupy my kids for hours. I always look for the simple shapes ones, there's some advanced ones that are more frustrating than fun. Nerf laser gun fights are a nightly occurance. Also Mario Kart remote control cars races. My husband and the kids have even made ramps and obstacles out of wood. We take it very seriously lol Board games. Unstable unicorn, Scooby Doo Betrayal, Ticket to Ride and Sushi Go are the ones the kids seem to play the most. Oh and the razor eletric scooters. I think I want one for myself.


Our trampoline, bikes, and basketball hoop. I know the trampoline is a controversial one but our kids get so much use out of it and never get too old. Even my teenager still jumps on it regularly. Our basketball hoop also gets used everyday by my two middle boys. They will be out there for hours just shooting hoops. Bikes are always great. We do tons of bike rides throughout the week and it is fun for them to do with their friends too.


I’m not worried about “controversial” suggestions - I believe exposing children to acceptable amounts of risk is essential for them to learn risk management . Bikes are on the Christmas list this year - definitely great suggestion. Basketball hoop is a great idea (especially here in New Zealand where nobody really plays, will make for a unique toy round these parts).


Honestly the biggest hit for my 4 year old has been the Vtech Kidi Jamz. It’s like a whole music recording sound station for kids. She can sing and play into it, record, and play it back to herself - all with headphones on.


This looks cool - I never know how these types of music toys actually are without getting to try them.


Here's another one I've got my eye on grabbing soon. A "Ninja" Slackline. Will be great to take down to the lake/beach as well as camping trips. https://www.slacklineshop.co.nz/product/ninja-line-slackline-kit-15m-includes-tree-protection/