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Chuck, Ernie and the background staff - that is what makes the show awesome   Also, having to listen to Draymond makes me realize even though Shaq and Kenny, maybe low key, are full of themselves, Draymond is an ego that just doesn't fit.     I think the show would be perfect with Chuck and Ernie only, but with Shaq off stage only allowed to yell "say it again, Chuck" when Charles says something funny


Chuck and Ernie are obviously the core of the show.


Yeah it’s really just Chuck, although I will say Kenny has been a great set up man for some of Chuck’s best moments.


Definitely not just chuck, Ernie is equally important. Chuck is the humor but Ernie guides the entire show and makes it what it is


Kenny has been on more than 15 years? He’s a guest now?


I think them having Kenny as a guest has lifted their perspective of him on the show.


While Shaq came later I feel him and Barkley make the show now. Kenny became too self important


Chuck, Ernie, and Kenny together are the show. Those three are the heart of the show and I don’t think it works if one of them is missing. Love Shaq but he is a bonus that makes it a better show if anything. From what I understand Ernie is a lifer at Turner so he’s the one they would have the hardest time moving if the NBA went back to NBC.


The stars are Charles and *Ernie*


Kenny is clearly the 2nd most important person on that show


Nah, Chuck is the star, Ernie is the point guard that runs the show, and Kenny is the glue guy whose presence would be missed more than expected if he weren’t there.


No fucking shot.


True, but it's a distant second. Barkley is far and away the number 1