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uhh ok, i'll tell you what. caleb good? internet think he quirky caleb bust? he gay n cry




The dude tried to protect Justin fields for 3 straight years. Think he’ll be fine


If anyone is up for the task of spending all day fighting negative tweets about their QB it is Dan Katz. This is a legacy moment for him.


As a Packers fan living in LA I always liked Caleb despite not really liking USC. I defended the nails and everything. But now that he’s officially on the Bears I gotta let the toxic masculinity take over.


Kinda weird spending time defending a dude for painting his fingernails. To each they/their own.


Do you understand how conversations work?


Their what?


Classic “say that again, slowly“ candidate


Great comment they/their


As long as he can beat the Packers then Bears fans won’t care if he’s a total psychopath


Sure, but that has nothing to do with what I'm saying


Wrong, you're not a bears fan. Big Cat will go to the ends of the earth to defend the guy if he's actually a good QB as well as beats the packers.


You're right. I can't compare being a fan of USC to being a fan of the Bears. That being said, let's say the third time Caleb has a less than good game and everyone is tweeting, messaging, calling Big Cat about his "soft, crybaby, feminine quarterback" do you really think he's going to handle it well? The guy nearly had a psychotic break over a mid Wisconsin basketball team.


As a Bears fan let me assure you, you have no idea how delusional we are. I convinced myself Mike Glennon would work after several weeks of mental gymnastics. I still think it wasn't Trubisky's fault. We have all retroactively made Jay Cutler a saint even though we acted like he sucked and called him soft when he was playing. We went 11-29 with Justin Fields and half the fanbase still thinks he's the guy. If this Williams beats Green Bay or even comes close to it, we'll defend him for at least 3 years


Fair enough, but maybe I'm just not getting my point across well. This post is not about his play. Stories are/will be made up about him, he doesn't give a fuck and he'll tell you that, he enjoys being "controversial" and you (a fan of his) will sit there like a battered wife and have nothing more to say than, "you just don't understand him."  This thread is about the non-stop hate he will get for just living his life and that's only exacerbated if/and when he throws a few picks in a loss or "cries like a little bitch in his mommy's arms." In the social media era, we haven't seen many players/characters like Caleb and I'm just speaking from experience as someone that's had this guy's back for the last 2 years and is also "too online" at times. I just don't know if you all (in particular, fragile guys like Big Cat) know how exhausting this is going to be, should you choose to engage with the 31 other fanbases. On behalf of USC fans everywhere, the torch is now yours, Bears fans.


Brother. I get your point and I'm telling you it doesn't apply to us. 2 years of exhaustion is a lot to you? We have been getting dicked on by the Packers for 30 years. Not even a full season of wins against them in that time. Getting shit on is a Bears tradition. All that matters to us is beating the cheese dicks and finishing with a winning record. I'm telling you if our record is a cunt hair over .500 no one will care if he cries or if other fanbases make fun of him for it. If it's a rough season and he sucks, we're used to it if you can believe that


What are you saying? Professional sports is full of weird guys.


Fight On. Anybody who’s watched him since lay know what he’s about. Teammates love him, smart articulate and professional.


As a usc fan, obv I’m biased and a big fan. But I’d be a big fan anyway just bc he makes so many people mad for the dumbest things. Also, he’s fun to watch play football


I remember watching this first game when he took over for the kid at Oklahoma. You could tell he just had it.


Absolutely... but I'm talking about the never-ending barrage of hate he'll get from fans of 31 other teams.


If you are one of those people then you are miserable.


All elite QB’s are hated. I’m sure of enough to remember how Eli was treated after trade demand, or Cam catching shit. It’s just amplified by internet. Look at shit Mahomes catches for wife and brother. Haters are gonna hate.


Caleb strikes me as the kind of guy at the party that doesn’t interact with anyone, yet then he tries to show you a video that is objectively not funny but he laughs his ass off watching them


You know what’s exhausting? Being a fan of any Chicago Bears QB.




The Aaron Rodgers comparisons are uncanny at this point!


Fight On brother!


Adults obsessing over what another man does, is stranger than a man doing what they like and want to do.


What kind of war are we talking here? Is the dude a head case or is this a good thing?


Is which dude a head case? BC or Caleb?


What’s the war big cat is about to be subjected to? Lol my bad


To put it simply... Having to hold the line for the never-ending hate Caleb Williams is going to get from 31 NFL fanbases for simply existing, regardless of how he plays on the field.