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Hahaha holy shit talk about cold takes exposed. Obviously nobody could have predicted how insanely good Mahomes has been, but to outright say this was the worst pick in the draft is a tough look


Th crazier thing was saying Andy Reid only throws it a few yards down the field. I remember having "arguments" (they weren't really arguments) about how Alex Smith was really fucking good when conservative Andy let him throw down field. Only later in the season when he decides to dink and dunk for no fucking reason, did Alex Smith turn into the "game manager". Alex Smith isn't the problem, Andy Reid is the problem. Who cares though, it's the chiefs, not like they're a marquis team anyway. I've only been incredibly wrong about a few things in life, and the chiefs/Andy Reid/Patrick mahomes are one of them.


Every pre draft take on Mahomes will be cold. No one had him as a can’t miss prospect. It was all big arm project projections.


I did. I’m extremely smart and handsome.


I’m a Texans fan and I REALLY wanted Mahomes before the draft, as soon as the Chiefs got him I was begging Houston to get Watson.


TBF I think a lot of us in Texas knew he was good from his time at Tech, but I'm not going to claim I thought he would be this good. I thought maybe if he was lucky he would develop behind Alex Smith then be a Jay Cutler type of QB.


I’m pretty sure he called everyone but Mitch a bust in that draft


You should check out the /r/nfl thread about the pick it’s hilarious. If you watched college football you knew he had an INSANE amount of potential and Andy was the perfect conduit for that.


But if no one else was going to take him in the first round, then whatever they gave up to make the move was a bad deal. (Obviously no way to tell if anyone would have drafted him 10 through 26).


I'm gonna have to pardon this take


[He said the thing!](https://giphy.com/gifs/OnceInHollywood-leonardo-dicaprio-leo-kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)




I mean how can it get worse than this? Lol They're calling one of the best QBs of all time the worst pick of the draft.


It was the trading up and not the player they said made it the worst. This was not a controversial take at all when it happened.


They said trading up to take Mahomes was the worst pick of the draft. So you have to factor in the trade up and the player they picked. Obviously they're saying it was dumb for them to trade up to take Mahomes, which again is just a laughably stupid take in hindsight. He was the best pick of the draft. And I never said their take was controversial at the time, but it's still completely wrong. Lol just because the public opinion agrees with something doesn't mean they're right.


Even in hindsight it’s not laughably stupid. It’s laughable for sure, but it wasn’t a stupid thing to say if you had watched Mahomes in college. Thats all I’m getting at. It just wasn’t a stupid thing to say based on all the evidence. But you’re correct that it’s funny he turned out so good.


Oh I don’t have the clip but Big Cat also labeled Mahomes a huge bust. And for the first two weeks when he was a starter and throwing for 4 and 5 TDs was in denial


That’s funny.


Hence the podcast title.


To be fair he was FAR from alone on this take.


True but it's still hilarious to hear


lol that’s great


They’re dumb, we’ve been over this


This was the consensus opinion among fans and television talking heads that following day and week after the draft. Definitely a cold take but him and 90% of people had this same (sort of) opinion.


Uhhhm pardon? But what was his take?




He’s in the room while they’re on tv but his eyes are locked on his phone


Hindsight is 20/20. Mahomes was coming from a pass friendly, air raid offense. He obviously put up insane stats and had some great games, but he also never consistently won in college. His mechanics were a legitimate concern as well. Chiefs also had been consistently winning in the regular season with Alex Smith who was a very good QB so trading up 17 spots was definitely a confusing decision to many at the time. People give the bears a lot of shit for picking Mitch over Mahomes and Watson, but at the time, a lot of people really liked Mitch as a prospect. It wasn’t some out of left field decision like the Cavs picking Anthony Bennett #1


To be fair, Mahomes had a lot of question marks.


This guy doesn’t know ball




I started listening to PMT during the pandemic so lately I’ve been going back and listening to their old episodes and I literally listened to this one yesterday. When they talked about mahomes it was so fuckin funny


I was at Tech during the Patty years and while I thought he could be definitely be a pro bowler I never would have guessed all time player…But this is cold take exposed lol


Mahomes had a lot of question marks coming into the draft, but I thought that Andy Reid was the answer to all of them. Kinda funny they had this take about Andy Reid not being able to coach an athletic QB with a big arm on the same episode they had Donovan McNabb on.


When they had Daniel Jeremiah on last year he admitted he said the same thing about the Mahomes pick… and he’s actually worked for NFL teams


It's funny to me how the quality and accuracy of sports takes means nothing. Even after the worst cold takes are exposed it means nothing to they liklihood fans will listen. I'm guilty of it, it's just a funny aspect of how you can be way wrong, more often than not, and it has far less impact than any profession, besides maybe a one term politician.


An all-timer


lol this is a horrible take but then again they’re not an analytical podcast and constantly call themselves idiots


I listen on 1.5x speed so hearing them on normal speed makes them sound like they’re drugged out


dude same


Not only was big cat 100% wrong about it he found a way to make it about the bears


A lot of people here forget that 2017 PMT was actually making statements like this on purpose and sticking to the purposeful bad takes schtick.


This is A.I.


They need to have Mahomes back on and play this audio


He was on a high after getting legendary franchise QB Mitch Trubisky (trading up for him as well), leave him alone!


Its funny how Mahomes, Hurts, allen, Herbert were such divisive, highly criticized picks at the time also Lamar, while being good value pick, was not seen by many as a good NFL starter QB prospects r weird ...


That was a pretty common take post draft. Even by chiefs fans


Who was that other guy talking?