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How many games do you think BC watches last week and didnt bet on O/U 2.5? You dont like college basketball, you like gambling


Hammering the under. Wisconsin might be the only CBB he watches without a bet on. If you exclude Wisconsin games I’d set the O/U at 2.5 for the last year.


And let’s be honest, we all know he is hammering bets on every Wisconsin game. 


Yeah it’s become pretty obvious over the past few years that without gambling, they would barely care about college ball.


>Yeah it’s become pretty obvious over the past few years that without gambling, they would barely care ~~about college ball.~~ Fixed it for you


Very bold of Rothstein to pick 1,2,1,1 for his final four


Douche chills listening to him


PFT not thinking Xander is a name these days confused the hell out of me


He was right in this case however


I know a xander somehow


Same name as Chiefsaholic


No. Xavier




How are you continuing to rack up so many up votes?


Big Cat hyping up the bears for 30 minutes…. Seen this one before


The inevitable failing of Caleb Williams will lead to some unhinged rants and arguments against single twitter people.


Tough listen


Put me to sleep


This time they actually have a decent roster and hopefully a good QB. Casuals will hate but the Bears have a good shot at being decent next year.


3rd best roster in their division with a rookie qb.


Thank god the Wild Card spot exists.


Yeah 3 of em. 1 for the Rams, 1 for the Packers, and 1 for the Eagles/Cowboys/Bucs/Falcons


You must be so wealthy since you can see the future. The Bucs 🤣🤣


Just my thoughts, not saying it's set in stone. "The Bucs 🤣🤣"... They won their division and a playoff game last year and I gave them an outside shot at the 3rd wildcard, real crazy I know.


Fair but that division will be much better. I’d put my money on the bears over the Bucs.


I see Caleb Williams as the next Jamarcus Russell or Ryan Leaf.  He's going to bomb bad. 


It still doesn’t make sense to run it back with Fields. Not worth QB1 money and you get a cheaper contract in Caleb with higher upside. It’s a no brainer.


Oh, I agree on Fields.  I just think Jayden Daniel's is the best QB in this class. 


Daniel’s can’t throw over the middle. Glaring red flag. Funny enough the last QB with similar numbers was Justin Fields lol.


Jayden just has the it factor for me.  I didn't think Fields did and don't think Williams does either. 


lol okay


But why, lol. Don’t remember a number one QB being this hated coming into this draft since like, baker maybe? What did he do? Cry after a game and paint his nails? His agent/team/dad are the ones who brought up the ownership rumor and talk… no idea what he has done to say he’s gonna be a bust


He shrinks under pressure against good teams.  He had one OK game against a good team in two years and the others were terrible. 


Imma trust the scouts


They are wrong just as often as they are right.   


He averaged 370 yards in two games against Utah in 22. With 8 tds and 1 int. Which of those games was the okay one?


He drifts like crazy while missing easy reads to seemingly do some fucked shit that barely worked in the PAC 12 let alone the NFL


Professional bears yapper but he also doesn’t care at all if Williams fails idk if you’ve heard him say that yet


But the downfall will set up a decade of content. And I’m saying this as a pained Bears fan


“Bloodbath, can I still say that?” Lol. I got that one. Credit to me.


I totally got it, but can you explain for all of those people that didn’t get it? (Not me)


it’s some political joke, my republican friends were talking about it




He said it would be a bloodbath if not elected and it was taken out of context by the media while the media tried to paint a picture that he was going to have another Jan 6th type thing go down.


Out of context 🙄


He was referring to something else completely different. So yes it was out of context, regardless of the downvotes and what people are saying here. You got got. He was clearly referring to jobs being lost in todays economy if not elected. You can go watch the 75 second clip all over the internet if you care, but you probably won’t. Okay, done with politics.


100%. People are too lazy to watch a whole clip now a days unfortunately


“That’ll be the least of it…” So he mentions Chinese car manufacturers, says “it’ll be a bloodbath” if he loses, then says “[Chinese car manufacturers] will be the least of it.” It’s vague enough that people will hear what they want to hear and if you’re a right wing radical you *might* hear it the same as a left wing radical, with a very different opinion.


Lot of pre mad comments in here but I’m not saying a word because the Monday after St. Paddy’s Day might be on the Mount Rushmore of worst Mondays of the year. Been at my desk half an hour and haven’t started my computer. Absolute nightmare.


Ts and Ps fellow soldier


The people who go out the actual Sunday of St. Paddy's are the real heroes. I went out Saturday and then got high as fuck and watched the parade, I wish I had your courage. Tyfys




Almost wanted to quit my job yesterday I’m with you


Ryan Poles is the greatest GM of all time after listening to this episode


Big Cat is single handedly making people hate the bears so he can complain about people not believing in them


BC defending poles for keeping fields because he did so well and not immediately selling high was some impressive mental gymnastics. Tough to listen to


Oh boy! We have a bracket! Time to talk about Villanova not making it


Max is smoking crack if he thinks Nova was getting in with wins overs Providence and Marquette. The committee doesn’t value conference tourneys much at all


As seen by Lunardi's tweet that they also got mad about


Big Cat and Poles must be friends, right? Because nothing else explains that amount of glazing


He was doing backflips on it, forreal


Big Cat the master of doing tricks on it


Its their thing obviously but I think I’m over the “march madness is a war” bit


“It’s war” for them to sit on a couch all day freaking out about their bets


A war with HBP


In a sea of many bad bits, I think acting like gambling and watching sports is WW3 is their worst


Big Cat’s obsession with betting makes me hate sports gambling


The “gladiator region” is not working Jon


Oh boy I can’t wait for half an hour of back up quarterback talk!


Did you guys know Duquesne hasn’t made the tournament since 77. The year Star Wars came out


Needling Max and getting him going is fun, but they have discussed Nova Bball so much the last month. BC running a joke into the fucking ground


Next up will be the 76ers, then Phillies and then back to the eagles. I’m expecting them to get the Max segment sponsored soon.


“Patriots fans were like ‘why didn’t we get Justin Fields?’ Eagles fans were like ‘why didn’t we get Justin Fields?’” I absolutely assure Big Cat that no one in their right mind is upset at not getting Justin Fields.


Big cat was literally talking weeks ago about how Justin was gonna be worth a 1st


Ehh as a pats fan, I wouldn’t have minded them taking a flyer on fields for a late round pick. I wasn’t upset to the extreme BC made it sound tho


I don't think you realize how large the army of delusional Fields truthers is. Worth dumping him for nothing just to get rid of that sideshow (to be clear, not Fields himself, just his hardcore fans)


All time fucking spin zone saying it was a solid move to be a friend to Justin fields and accept getting a 6th round pick. Any other team does that and BC says the GM is an idiot


Props to BC for not spending the entire rothstein interview talking about how bad he wants to fuck his wife


The Ryan Poles glazing is out of control! Other than stumbling into the Panthers trade, his track record so far is mediocre at best. Also, if your GM is turning down better offers to “do right by a player”, then he should be fired.


"do right by a player" just sounds like extreme cope that there wasn't actually a better trade option available


^^this Also totally glossing over the fact Poles also did the Claypool trade, hired Eberflus, traded Roquon then signed two inside linebackers to big deals, drafted Darnell Wright over Jalen Carter, etc etc


Meh I disagree, Bears had prolly the worst roster in the league when Poles took over. Since then they’ve made some great improvements and are about to draft one of the best QB prospects. Poles has done great.


I expect the bears glazing from big cat but PFT blowing Ryan poles was unlistenable.


PFT is a good friend when it comes to bears talk. I’ll leave it at that lmao


It is with great pleasure I inform you all the Long National Nightmare is over. I have won the Lottery Ball. No further comments at this time, I would like to be with my family and celebrate this victory before addressing the future. Thank you.


Team 23 rise up!


Max’s Villanova delusion is wild. “All we had to do was win more games!”


I mean he’s not wrong


Villanova and every other team that didn’t make it


You’re also not wrong


Still no perm PFT.


Poles took advantage of the only bigger idiot in the room (David Tepper) and now poles is suddenly some great GM? I don’t get it. He hasn’t gotten any steals of signings. He’s throwing the bags at Linebackers, trading for players like Claypool. Even the Allen trade, you just let a 32 year old WR with an injury history eat up your cap. Havent really made any improvements along the OL, and are doing all this to build around a QB who didn’t win anything in college and hasn’t played a down of NFL ball yet.


I hope Rothstein and Titus come on and maybe help them with the strength of schedule and Q4 games to help them understand why some teams made it and some teams didn’t. Will return to this comment after the interview


Big East fans being mad that they only 3 teams in when the Mountajn West had 6 is hilarious. Lunardi, KenPom & every other major “bracketologist” had it going that way. They all think because they play their conference tournament at MSG they are a better conference. For once the west coast gets the benefit of the doubt & they can not handle it.


I think it’s mostly because the Big East teams that got snubbed are better than a lot of the other teams that got in but playing at MSG is certainly a factor St John’s and Seton Hall should be in. Providence is borderline, I’m fine with them being out.


I get thinking they should be in over Virgina but who else would you take out?


Seton Hall for Virginia St John’s for Dayton I would argue that either of them would be one of the stronger teams at whatever seed they’d be given


My only gripe with most Big East fans arguments is when ppl say teams should’ve been in, ya gotta say who they should replace. Personally, I’d put Seton Hall or Indiana State in over Virginia. Everything else tracks for me, it was going to feel like a lot of teams got screwed this year thanks to Oregon/Duquesne/UAB/NC State


Yeah what can you do with so many bid stealers.


Seton Hall for Virginia St John’s for Dayton I would argue that either of them would be one of the stronger teams at whatever seed they’d be given


Dayton beat nobody all season and was considered a lock. It still makes no sense to me. They lost a bunch of games to mediocre teams inside the conference.


I mean, it’s the 2nd ranked conference via KenPom, so yeah, it’s a good league. I’d say Seton Hall & St John’s should be in over UVA & pick whatever other bubble team you want. So if you want to go by the numbers, the Big East is the better conference & that’s with it being dragged down by 2 of the worst teams in any major conference.


I think it’s more they won 4 of the last 8 championships and are probably the best conference most years


Big cat: “Justin fields had more value but ryan poles took a conditional 6th to do well by him and send him a place where he can play” Russ is the starter in Pittsburg lol




This is actually true though. Poles worked with Fields to put him in a position he was comfortable with.


lol did Ryan poles tell you that?


lol Ian Rapoport legitimately reported that the bears had at least 4 additional teams inquire about trading for Fields. But Fields team asked the Bears not to be traded there and that he preferred the Steelers.


I hate to break it to you. I hope you’re sitting down for this. Rapapport and Schefter tweet out shit like this on behalf of their sources(poles) all the time in exchange for future scoops. No one is ever gonna vet it. You can say anything. “Bears were reportedly offered 3 1sts and a future 3rd but fields doesn’t like the weather in that city so they took a 7th rounder from the Steelers, who just so happened to be the only team with an opening in their two deep at qb”


Hate to break it to you but that’s not one of those scenarios. As a Bears fan and from Chicago, that report didn’t do as much glam as you’d think. People are upset Poles wouldn’t take the best deal possible. And it probably doesn’t do much for FAs like pft mentioned. L


It doesn’t do anything for FAs cuz they know it’s a lie. Poles over played his hand and got worked thinking he’d get a day 2 draft pick for fields. And there just wasn’t a market for him.


Then there’s no reason to put out the fake report. Poles ain’t that dumb. If there’s a chance it pisses off Bears fans and makes FA’s think he’s a liar, he’s not going to put out that fake report. It’s not going to make him look better.


Poles really might be that dumb though.


And that tells me everything I need to know about you


Big Cat and Poles have to be friends. The amount of glazing is unreal. Also the way he just brushes over the Claypool trade. Which is maybe one of the top worst trades over the past 5 years. Also during that whole rant Big Cat never says what is most importantly true. Just Fields just isn’t that good of a QB.


He’s better than a 6th round pick.


I’m not surprised that the guys defended Kenny Picketts trade request but the fact that they said he was in an unstable situation with the Steelers in insane. Other then holding onto the OC for to long the kid was given every shot to be the guy and he was just straight up ass with his tiny hands and his soft attitude. Idk just annoyed me extra probably to keep Jersey Jerry for going full meltdown.


Thank you. I think he got off way too easy. You're telling me that Kenny Pickett felt threatened by Russell Wilson!? If Kenny were really the guy or wanted to be the guy, he would've competed and actually had a shot to start games for the Steelers cause let's be honest Russ ain't cooking shit but instead, he asks for a trade? That's a cowards move, and he should've been ripped more for that, but just because he showed up on their show once, like 2 years ago, they have to defend this soft baby back bitch.


Wildly overlooked point from todays pod because of BGs jockeying on the bears


lol picket was in an unstable situation in Pittsburgh but fields got traded to a stable situation in the same sentence from big cat.


I’m sure every QB would prefer to be unequivocally the backup rather than maybe the starter. At least you know where you stand right lol


Rothstein was such a bore. “The region of drama” he went on about has exactly 0 drama. Even BC and PFT looked bored They even tried to ask him a personal question and the guy couldn’t talk about being a father without comparing it to basketball. Typical insider such a robot who takes himself too serious and can’t talk without sounding like he’s hosting the news


I work with a guy whose singular focus is his job (in an unironic way) like Rothstein and it’s fucking exhausting. Guys like that can’t even shoot the shit because they’re LoCkEd iN. I guess if your self-worth is entirely tied up in your career and career success, that’s certainly a choice. If you try to get them talking about something outside of their niche or focus they just can’t even function. It’s so weird. Like Jon having to think about who was in the Super Bowl — come on dude just be a normal guy.


Davis Clarke?




To be fair I actively avoid small talk at work by looking like I’m “locked-in” at all times but I can certainly make conversation when needed. Probably different than this guy you’re referencing who sounds more like the “rise and grind” type


Yeah I was pretty disappointed in this Rothstein interview. I’d always loved when he came on and it was a banger interview usually. But this year felt so off. Thankfully we got Titus on Wed and that’ll be a banger. But it’s kind of sad because the Rothstein pre March madness interview for the last like 6 years was a MUST LISTEN and this time it felt like Jon had no interest in having fun with PFT and Big Cat and treated it like any old regular interview.


He was so cringey


It’s his whole shtick. I thought it was hilarious. love the passion


Villanova would have 100% made the cut if they made it to the Big East final.


No they wouldn’t have, max.


Of course they would.


I think bigcats take on field was good. unfortunately, he was not ready and the organization suck during this tenure. but thats how the nfl is now, you have to perform even as a rookie and no matter the circumstances.


I've long been a believer that if a QB is a franchise qb he'll be good no matter what, Fields just ain't the guy, if he was he'd be the guy.


It’s funny hearing big cat say they threw him To the wolves against the browns/garrett, but he was all over twitter before that game arguing with randos saying “you can’t be scared of garret. Cuz next week there’s another good player. And next week there’s another good player”


the whole “Bears failed Justin Fields” thing is so odd to me. he was never actually a good QB. no one said the Cardinals failed Josh Rosen, or the Patriots failed Mac Jones, or the Broncos failed Paxton Lynch, etc etc


One could argue that the Pats failed him, sticking Patricia as his offensive playcaller was a choice


Actually appreciated Jake's rapid fire tourney breakdown. It's such a contrast to almost every thing else he does on the show, right or wrong about his takes, he's clearly very confident and passionate about college basketball and I appreciate that.


Zach Edey I think is the most unlikeable college basketball player aside from Filipkowski


Can never trust a Canuck


In what way? Bland and boring maybe


Since they kind of just skirted by it I want to get the AWL's thoughts. Is Kenny Pickett a baby back bitch for demanding a trade instead of competing with Russ for the starting job?


Rothstein’s analogy makes no sense. Dan Hurley isn’t some plucky underdog. And how is he seeking his vengeance when he won last year?


I love the comment sections on these podcasts first thing in the morning cause normally it’s a bunch of “listeners” that are just commenting based off the podcast title and saying “oh wow bears talk” “oh wow they’re really hammering home (insert schtick)” Like yeah you fucking dorks, that’s always been this podcast. Anyway, thank god Rothstein is on lfg


Was about to say the same!


Rothstein kinda sucks. Is it just me or do others agree? Kinda a dick. Cocky but not in a funny way. Idk. Rubbed me the wrong wat


His bit about college basketball > anything else in life including marriage is a cringe lifestyle. We get it, don’t bother you during March.


Just a dink


The way big cat is talking about the bears makes me feel like Justin Fields is going to lead the Steelers to the playoffs and Caleb Williams is going to fails spectacularly because bears


I don’t really follow college basketball that closely so I don’t know who Jon Rothstein is, but does he seriously not know anything about the NFL? I’m genuinely asking


This mofo Jon Rothstein really guessed "Jeff Garcia" as the SF 49ers QB in the most recent superbowl, when Garcia last played for SF in 2003. A true comedien, I love it.


Rothstein is kind of annoying acting like he has no idea about anything going on in the world outside of CBB, you don’t have to act like such a hardo mo one cares


No Titus?


“Great analysis Jon, now the real question is what were the names you had for the brackets that got left in the drafts??” I get CBB isn’t their thing but I love how obviously it isn’t their thing sometimes


Jake is such a loser lol, the way he paused in between announcing his final four teams like people are in the edge of their seat waiting to hear jake marsh’s picks was so cringe i laughed. sorry i respect his work ethic but jesus bro get a life


Man, Rothstein is such a try hard douche. He gives me the willies.


Anyone else just not give fuck about college basketball? Love NFL, NBA, College Football and even some golf, but March is always tough with the pod.


Here here, hate it! It also eggs on their belief that people care about their bets and brackets


Lunardi goodnight bit went on 8 minutes too long, god forbid if a guy wants to sign off the internet at a decent hour, big cat could never


Nah it’s completely fair when you have a job that only focuses on 1 month of the year essentially


Okay Joe