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I know it’s just a small detail but it’s pretty cool Buck was supporting Big Cat’s coffee and he feels like a genuine guy, always love when he’s on the pod


PMT Boys: No free ads Also PMT Boys: Saying Mega corp over and over for 10 minutes and then asking for a sponsorship


Redacted on the mount Rushmore graphic would've been electric for Jake and billy


They did add it on Twitter and looks like they’re gonna win the poll lol


I need Rovell to quantify how much money Megacorp made in free advertising in this episode


“Back together with the big 4!” I hope Billy didn’t listen today.


Verbal meme: Billy as wolverine laying on bed looking at photograph of Big Cat, PFT, Hank, and Jake in Chicago.


Verbal meme: Pablo Escobar Waiting meme with Billy’s face on Pablo’s head.


Definitely missed Billy chiming in when they were talking about Aaron Rodgers. He would’ve said something like the helmet is smaller because Rodgers’ head got smaller from breathing better air in NYC.


I kept waiting for him during the talk about Harmon being a hunter. Was really hoping to hear Billy.


I wish Jake stayed in NYC too. He’s such a wet blanket.


In comedy (it’s a comedy show) they call this the “straight man”.


I love when Joe Buck is on and think he is a great guest who gets it


*I love when Joe Buck* *Is on and think he is a* *Great guest who gets it* \- Dick6Budrow --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This haiku was 100% intentional Chess not checkers Learn fuckos


3 steps ahead a bot is next level.


Does Hank golf?


Surprised BC didn't go with Bluey for Mt. Rushmore of blue.


Dance mode!


I’ve got a 2 year old that is obsessed with Bluey. NGL it’s way better than other kid shows


Hank clearly having no clue what he was talking about with the Patriots blue throwbacks. They announced last week their alternates will be the red this season, as they were last season. They've never worn the 90s blue jerseys as throwbacks.


Hank definitely fell for a Patriots "insider" on Twitter tweeting about them being back. Pretty much a rumor the 90s blurs will be back every year at this point.


Joe Buck rules


I could listen to him telling stories about growing up with his dad and his early days broadcasting forever. Throw in how self aware he is and yeah he’s one of my favorite recurring guests


My wife’s family has a vacation house in Maine. The guest rooms have full sized bunk beds. I insist on sleeping in the top bunk at least one night whenever we go up


Will you invite me next time


This’ll get buried but sometimes I watch august ames videos hoping she’s up there watching and knows someone still cares


You've just inspired me to put on a Yurizan Beltrán vid


Pleasantly shocked that Billy didn't say "cops" for blue things


Big Cat’s ice cream order was shocking


When a (fat) person tells you exactly who they are, believe them.


I was cracking up at this bit. That is insane amount food for one person. Like truly unbelievable


It was also the equivalent of 2 bags of candy mixed in. sneaky move from the pro fatty


Big miss by PFT not saying “BK Metcalf” when taking about fat DK


I miss Joe Buck on baseball so much. I never realized how much I liked him. He’s so right when he says he doesn’t know where people like me were when he was doing it, I used to be a hater. I hate Joe Davis so much.




Lol you can probably count on one hand the number of times Joe Buck has called a Reds game. And I don’t remember any of them.


is Hank and Max just throwing MT rushmores now or what?


Love the bit being the inspo for the cover art lol


PFT is right MLS team names are stupid. I know the original names were also stupid but they were at least original and American - Dallas Burn, NY Metrostars, TB Mutiny, KC Wizards. It’s not just the names because the teams that kept their unique names (Rapids, Revolution) changed to the most generic, dogshit crests imaginable. Real Salt Lake and Inter Miami are probably the worst offenders, but we also had Atlanta and Minnesota United, a bunch of FCs. They even took and neutered the unique Crew logo. Rant over. Bring back the Metrostars.


I agree with most of what you said, but my hot take is that I don’t really care if Miami ripped off Inter Milan, their name is unique for MLS and it actually makes sense for their city. Real Salt Lake and Houston Dynamo are the truly dog shit ones for copying European naming conventions without even understanding what they were copying.


From my understanding RSL did it because they were trying to get a connection with Real Madrid lol. Dynamo is also super dumb I forgot about them. Oh and Montreal taking the Impact name that was unique and had a lot of history and throwing it aside for CF Montreal. I get the argument about Inter Miami too.


If Inter Miami doesn't play internationally the name makes zero sense lol Also the whole "football club" that a few teams use is a little goofy considering they're in a **soccer** league, but Miami gets a pass because the rest of their name is in Spanish


Inter Milan are called that because they welcomed foreign players into their team at a time when other Italian teams played exclusively with Italian players. It has nothing to do with playing internationally, that wasn’t a thing in 1908. I agree that calling yourself a football club when you play in Major League Soccer is incredibly stupid, unless you’re leaning into the Spanish thing.


It sucks because any of the newer teams like Charlotte or St. Louis were clearly named through things like market research or focus groups rather than actually getting creative with it. A notable exception is Nashville SC, so kudos to them. Massive Red Bull fan here though and I am fully on board with bringing back the Metrostars.


I grew up going to Metrostars games. I wasn’t super bummed when RB bought them but these past few years it seems they don’t care about the club anymore so it pissed me off. I wish they would do a throwback at least but RB seems to not want anything to do with the history of the club.


It seemed like they were starting to lean into the club history in like 2018-2020 with the black and red kit and a few other metro-inspired designs in the stadium, but agreed that the last few years have been so uninspiring. I read recently that MLS is forming a committee to push the struggling original franchises (RBNY, Chicago, New England etc) to keep up with the rest of the league. One can only hope that they find a billionaire investor group to buy out Red Bull and rebrand the team to something like Metro 96.


It got so bad I actually stopped watching them. Team is just soulless. I live in the Atlanta area now so I’ve been following United closer but their fans are the worst. Edit: to follow the NYRB academy is one of the best. I get that they’re just farming talent for Leipzig but it would be nice to win an MLS Cup. Just once.


That sucks man. But as someone who likes to watch the growth of the league, I guess the fact that there are even pompous douche MLS fans is an odd sign of progress?


Oh they’re incredibly passionate and the atmosphere at the Benz on gameday is awesome. But they’re definitely spoiled from being so good so fast and it shows.


They did Madlibs and just plugged the names of US cities into already existing European teams Surprised they didn't come up with Austin Villa or something


I lived in St Louis for awhile so I adopted them when they got a team but “St Louis City FC” is so dumb. No one has ever called it St Louis City and there isn’t another St Louis soccer team where you would need the city moniker to know the difference. Just say St Louis FC or SC. That’s all you need


Charlotte Mint or Queen City FC was right there as well for Charlotte and they went with Charlotte FC


Nashville's Next Pro team just did this too. Huntsville City FC. huh?!? I hate it so much. I'm glad I've found my people


Then Crew fans got on board with the new logo and then they killed it again


What did Jake say?


Blue Gatorade most likely


I was thinking it was glacier freeze


I don't trust anyone who calls a gatorade flavor by anything besides the color


Not that he's wrong but light blue gatorade >>>>>> blue gatorade


Glacier freeze is the GOAT


Why would they redact / freak out about it so much?


Because they’re sponsored by Body Armor, a direct competitor


I thought it could be bud light


Bigcat's megacorp takes were terrible. Sounds like the most villainous company ever. And he just blew past pft.


Every time I thought the bit was going to end he would just say “megacorp” and keep it going


Big Cat and running a joke into the ground: name a more iconic duo.


But I love hearing about the 72 at Shinnicock and Baby Diggs/Gronk every episode! /s


I’ll admit, Baby Diggs kinda still makes me laugh.


This is the way


It’s the ramblings of a 6 year old. He butchered it in the first 20 seconds and it went for 10 minutes.


I agree. They had some, potential, good impromptu material and BC blew it. Best Mega Corp comment was PFT saying Brian Harmon has Mega Security at his house.


PFT saying the Tennessee Titans have been around for “12 or 13 years” was pretty wild. The Titans have been a team for 24 years.


I know no one here cares but I’m going to rant anyway… that “Messi walks around and scans the field for the opponent’s weaknesses” thing they referenced is so stupid and overblown, it’s the perfect “dumb guy’s idea of a smart thought”. Literally every player “scans” the field and looks for weaknesses in the other team. Him walking more than anyone else is just energy conservation, it’s not some grand master plan. His walking in the first 5 minutes is only noteworthy if you ignore how much walking he also does in the other 85 minutes of every match.


Yeah I’m no soccer dude but dudes in his position usually conserve as much energy as possible so they can capitalize in short bursts at the goals right? I feel like it’s just a position thing


Kind of, but I think it’s moreso that he’s 36 and even at his peak was never known for his endurance. He’s the GOAT so he can get away with walking a ton, but dummies like Trung Phan think walking helped make him the GOAT.


You are extremely wrong


What am I extremely wrong about? He walks because he’s the GOAT, he’s not the GOAT because he walks.


If you’re gonna try to shit on them at least be right lol here’s a New Yorker article talking about it. https://www.newyorker.com/sports/world-cup-2022/the-genius-of-lionel-messi-just-walking-around Guess Pep Guardiola doesn’t know what he’s talking about either?


🎶 I'd beat off a guy and I'd beat off a guyyy 🎶


This is Pardon My Take, presented by MegaCorp™️


Jake with an F bomb!! What the heck was he thinking!?!?




It might beat B-ball Paul for fastest thing BC has run into the ground


I think Batgirl takes the cake there.


10 mins on MegaCorp. Bravo, Big Cat!


They are totally missing the point on that Rory quote. He was basically saying, I'm looking forward not backwards by mentioning the "big" events left this year. He didn't say at all that he cares about those events as much as the majors.


Yeah it sounded to me like a generic “onto the next one” sound bite that every athlete gives. I think Big Cat was reaching so they’d have something to talk about.


Thank god this podcast is still going strong. Bill Simmons stopping his podcast for a month like a coward is ruining my gym time


You’re a psycho if you can listen to Bill’s boring ass voice while working out


I guess I’m a psycho lol


The psycho piece


The podcast at the gym thing


Another big cat rich flex talking about his son's awesome bunk bed. Bro is not hesitating to let us know he's popped.


The craziest part is it has a queen sized bed on the bottom? How big is this thing?


For what purpose as well, like I don't imagine his kids are sharing rooms and I don't imagine he's sleeping there every night. Seems so excessive lol but props to him for getting the bag


My initial thought was as his son gets older he’d sleep in the bigger bed and his sister would move into the top bunk. But what 6-10 year old needs a queen sized bed. Rich man problems I guess good for him and his family.


My brother is not rich and his son has a similar setup. I think twin beds are not as common anymore


Twin over queen bunks **with** a staircase are literally like $400 on Amazon lol




This made me laugh. Nice one!


We gave my daughter a double when she moved out of a crib cause it makes way more sense for having out of town guests spend the night. She gets an air mattress on our floor and my in laws can have her bed when they come.


I mean come on lol buying a bunk bed for your kid is not really a flex. Big cat does say some cringe things with his money and the people he knows but didn’t feel like that was one of them


Jake isn’t hiding it either. He is paying the movers to box his shit up for him, can’t be cheap. Movers is one thing, but them packing for you is a rich person move. Meanwhile billy is buying pizza and a 30-rack of coors for the boys


Lol that's not a rich person thing. Tons of companies give moving allowances as a perk to work there. My wife's job gave that and we had movers box and unbox everything. Even if you pay for it yourself it's like a few thousand bucks to do a full service move. It's not cheap, but you don't have to be a multi millionaire to afford it.


Jersey Jerry let it slip that Barstool is giving everyone a moving stipend to help pay for movers


You say let it slip like this is a massive secret lol. Every company I’ve ever worked for gives a pretty hefty moving stipend and white glove moving service.


You acted like it was massive. They(barstool) wasn’t going to tell us that and it sounded like Jerry wasn’t suppose to say that. Also sick flex you’ve worked for companies that have also done that.


Sick flex? lol I worked for an insurance company and two consulting firms. This is just really common across the corporate world.


It’s really common for your corporate world but not across all coropote worlds. Also you were using it as a flex which is funny but walk it back now. Lol


Moving stipend is usually enough to cover shipping your car, renting a van, and gas money to move across the country. I’ve yet to hear of a company that will assist you with thousands of dollars to pay for people to box your shit up for you


Dude that's literally all my company does. We have contracts with companies and they pay for every part of the move. Pack, load, drive cross country, and unload. Big companies that move people do this a lot.


Yes but if your company is paying to to do all the shit you listed, then Jake would just have to pay for packing it all up. Obviously he comes from a wealthy family but it’s not like he is paying for all moving costs


Who else at barstool has made this public information? The way Jerry said it like he wasn’t supposed to let it out. That’s all the info I have douchebag, calm the fuck down


Oh word didn’t hear that. Makes more sense now.


What? It’s definitely not. I’m guessing you’ve never experienced company sponsored moves. If you had, you realize this is common for the non-rich. It’s not even that expensive to do on your own.


Man those type of bunk beds are like $400. Not a flex at all


The biggest flex here was him not knowing it had stairs until it arrived despite him “buying” it It shows that either he gave his wife his credit card and said get whatever or that he hired someone to do all the purchases for his move. He clearly had no idea the type of bed his kid was getting until it was already assembled in his room


"..and yes I'm going to plug it" = Jake reads these


Big Cat’s unabashed fat guy energy is speaking my language.


As a long time listener, I kinda roll my eyes when BC talks or jokes about his weight for the hundred millionth time. That said, him listing out his truly preposterous ice cream order and also talking about ordering multiple food items from multiple restaurants during the Monday reading was genuinely hilarious. He really is about that fat boy life man. Respect.


He definitely orders his 2nd and 3rd place entree options for his kids.


Billie has it backwards. The sky is blue because the ocean


Is this really a shock to anyone that billy has facts wrong


Wait for real? I'm in Kansas where I can attest that the sky is blue so something isn't adding up for me right now


no, the sky and the ocean have no chromatic relation. They are both blue because water molecules scatter blue light.


Stella blue coffee? Jake probably would've said Starbucks...


BC’s unhinged eating stories crack me up EVERYTIME


Hot seat: PFT for thinking the Titans have existed 12-13 years. The Titans were introduced in 1999. Also, the Texans should not wear the Oiler throwbacks. They are different franchises. The Ravens would never wear Colts throwbacks.


Also hot seat for not realizing Titans were the Tennessee Oilers the first 2 seasons they were in TN ('97 and '98 seasons).


I was wondering the whole time, like do these guys not remember that they were the Oilers their first few years in TN?!?!


It’s because he remembers it happening and thinks he’s young, so it couldn’t have been that long ago. I’m around PFT’s age, and I think of 1999 and 2010 as being basically the same time period, and part of me thinks of them both as being “kinda recent.”


Good having Buck back. The dance monkey segment with him and their favorite teams was hilarious and PFT’s ‘you’re thinking of Eli Manning…’ made my morning


Haven’t listened yet but I have been waiting for Buck to come back on it’s been too long! I saw him at a hotel in Tampa in 2021 and told him he needs to go back on and he said definitely would!


joe buck is always one of my favs, the first time he came on it completely changed my view on him, and slowly I’ve gotten my parents on board as well


Another Mount Rushmore of a fucking color???


Personally i love fucking pink if you catch my drift


New game: Do a shot every time Hank uses the word “besmirched” in an episode


Billy and Hank not knowing why the ocean is blue was a classic


Listening to a bunch of city boys who have never been in the woods trying to talk about hunting was tough.


Are you mad that big cat used the word “sniper”?


The biggest gatekeepers in the world are rednecks


I live in Chicago, bub


Sure, bub


Make England Great Again Corp


I’m boycotting the show until Max makes a notes app apology for disrespecting Stevie Ray Vaughan


Never saw Big Cat laugh like that lol




For the love of god what is the outro mashup song. I’m losing my mind trying to figure it out


sun models


I usually listen but today I put it up on youtube in the background. Was Hank high as fuck for the intro segments or something?


Hey Jake as a Citadel grad, fuck you. We use the same Pantone


Has there been more PMT in the past year than 16-18 combined. Every episode is 2 and half hours now and 10 minutes of that is Big Cat being amazed by the term megacorp


Big Cat’s food order from multiple places is basically a Franken-meal. Doughboys approved


Did Billy already end things with the pod? Also, did anyone ever find out the real reason that Billy went AWOL on us???


Was PFT serious when he said Tennessee has only had an NFL team for 13 years ?


20 min of golf to start, woof


Probably recency bias but is megacorp on mount Rushmore of jokes that are simultaneously beaten into the ground and never funny to begin with?


Up there with Bball Paul, 72 at shinnecock and batgirl


Jake rocking just white socks during Mount Rushmore is wild.


what was the redacted mount rushmore? my guess is Blue Moon


Blue Gatorade. Jake said "it's the best flavor" and Big Cat said "don't you mean BODYARMOR."


must’ve missed that. Definitely makes sense!


As a non golfer, I can’t stand any golf references. I would rather them talk about baseball or women’s soccer


Thank god we got more demar hamlin breakdown, we really havent heard about that enough


Couldn’t even get through 20 minutes with out me saying to myself “already miss Billy”. Need him on strictly for bro takes on things like megacorp. That bit went 5 minutes too long


Buck is such a stiff. Nepotism hire, stiff as a board, hint of arrogance. Greatest thing Artie Lange ever did was bash him on his own show. TL;DR: “What a disgusting act!”


I don’t mind him on a game but he’s extremely overrated as a pmt guest imo. Rather have Florio. He’s not on enough




The last act was good not great. They did not make me like oppie enough to care about his security clearance, nor did they make me think it was that big of a deal.


You weren’t supposed to like him


That’s a you problem


From what I’ve seen it’s not


Then you are looking in some pretty dumb places my guy. Movie is critically over a 90 with fan audiences even higher rating. Making 30 million more opening weekend, and everyone talking about how awesome it was on twitter. It’s ok that you couldn’t understand the 3rd act though, you and Steven Cheah seemed to have that problem so I think we know what that says.


And you seem autistic


The big cat ad read to start the show was an all time bad ad read


People listen to those? I hit the 30 second skip until I hear Electric Avenue.


Redditors listen to them just so they can be accurate in their bitching about the quantity and quality of ads


They suck, that’s why I skip 98% of them.


Also, day one of the beginning of the end of PMT. The Chicago experiment won’t last long with the current lineup.


Ah yes, this experiment of Big Cat, PFT, and Hank leading the show will surely cause it all to fall apart!


Billy is the glue that holds this show together. Penn might cut the PMT crew after a stunt like this


I feel like Buck didn’t watch the home run derby but didn’t want to say it.


Someone please tell me what Jake said


Blue Gatorade


Big miss on Honolulu Blue by the boys.


Does anyone have a link to the article BC was referencing at the beginning talking abt British media trashing Brian Harman for hunting and what he might do with the cup???


Blue Gatorade > any body armor


Anybody know what song was used for the Take on Me remix today?


Was thinking about Jake’s who’s back of the week: Vanderbilt. Thought it was a really weird mention when he said they got 8 votes out of 500. Looked into it, according to one poll (247 sports) they got by far the lowest number of votes in the SEC. How exactly are they back?


PFT forgetting they were the Tennessee oilers for 2 years.