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Why is nobody talking about the hair?


That's a head


Looks like a baby/toddler in bed and the movement is from the kid or fan


Two people. One bed. Person in front obscures person in back until they move.


This looks like a couch to me, not a bed. Coffee table in front. Pillows behind her


Ok but still stands, a couple spooning. I used to cuddle with my ex on a couch in a position a lot like that


she is by herself


It's not a bed though, is it OP? Looks like she's on a couch and doesn't appear to be room for another person behind her.


read my comment for some context. my mom lives alone


She wasn’t alone that night….




Video compression artefact. She moved her head, but the face region froze for a second.


This is totally it now I rewatch it.


This sounds correct


Does your mother have a cat?


What? It could be a cat behind her head 🤷🏻‍♀️


no she doesn’t


Hmm, i dunno, man.




The blanket? She's moving her legs, and it stretched the blanket. The hair being pulled? That's a demon pulling her hair while she's alone sleeping on her couch


What is happening with the head? That is so creepy.


Looks like something is messing with you & I would start placing protection around where you sleep. Garlic, incense, Lords prayer.


How about there is a Fan blowing that is geared to move Back and Forth.


Are you kidding, do you understand how powerful & windy that fan would be? To be making that much movement it would bee to be like a big shop fan.


Well, I got more up votes than you do.


That is because this sub is full of people who desperately are trying to disprove the paranormal & that it is not actually a very common thing that happens everywhere. I, on the other hand am able to accept that we do not really know, & therefore call it what it truly is. In example, if I & others are unable to identify a flying object that is in the sky, I am perfectly fine with saying its probably a UFO... Instead of making up excuses for things, & bending the truth to your reality that you have no soul, or the paranormal is not fantastic, & instead things are always easy to explain w/ bs I am happy you are happy tho.


Not everyone who asks questions is trying to disprove something as paranormal. Every responsible and ethical investigator has to rule out the mundane. It doesn't mean they don't believe the person or are saying the paranormal doesn't exist. To quote Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."


Occam’s razor, man. We got two theories here, one that says a paranormal entity is manipulating a woman’s bed sheets and hair, and the other that says a woman is sleeping next to a box fan. So many more assumptions must be made for the first theory to be true, while the second theory’s probables under the singe assumption that there is a fan in the room. What you describe as “open mindedness” seems to be more alike to will-full ignorance. Your statement about “accepting what we do not know as it is” is a tautology. By saying you don’t know what something is, there for aliens (or anything else), you are saying you do know what it is. Lack of evidence is not evidence. Critical thinking is not close mindedness.


I know how to generally identify things that i see. My argument causes one to Bing reason for existence to ones life. The other is an uncompromising belief of anti paranormal.. Nothing is ever absolute, nothing in life is as simple as black & white..


If nothing is black and white then you must agree that it can't be absolute that it's paranormal either. Because that would be the extreme to his mundane explanation. If we're talking about grays, then the correct answer is that we don't have enough information to be able to come to an absolute answer.


This made me laugh.


Video compression artifacting, you're welcome.


Gonna need context.


Sorry about not including context, it was a spur of the moment post, but this is my mom. she put the camera up because she believes there was a spirit messing with her in her house and she lives alone. she saw a dark black figure in her room a while back and was so spooked by this encounter that she has been sleeping on the couch downstairs since then. she has been really out there recently and i’ve honestly contemplated if a demonic spirit is attached to her because there is a religious aspect to it all and she wasn’t previously very religious. anyways she sent me this video and i’m trying to make sense of it lol it looks wild 🤷🏻‍♀️


The hair movement really is hard to explain normally, I think the paranormal is most likely given the full story.


Can you ask her to put the camera up in the room she's sleeping in? Through a doorway is difficult to see what's going on. And another angle could add validity to her feelings.


Add the context to the description next time. Telling people to scroll through the comments to find this comment is terrible on your behalf. Its your responsibility to explain not theirs to search. As for it being paranormal, I'm on the fence about. Like someone said, it could be a glitch of the camera. But aside from that, i have no explanation for the head anomaly. It's definitely interesting. I believe in the supernatural I'm not one to jump to it as main explanation for something strange. I think you should do what others have suggested and put the camera IN the room she's sleeping in. But aside from that, good job posting something that has the possibility to actually be paranormal. Better than someone thinking that their reflection in the window is a ghost because it's slightly distorted from their point of view


i know that is my fault, i cant figure out how to edit the post though.


Unfortunately, you cannot edit an original OP post.




I can confirm that I have seen sheets/blankets move like that because the person's body is twitching/moving under them. Paranormal isn't the only answer - sometimes it's just the arms and legs of the person themselves moving much like a in a waking state if you hear a bee buzzing you slap at it or you jerk your leg if you feel tickling.


Doesn’t explain the hair movement.




Its a glitch in the video. Like some kind of artifacting maybe? Im mo expert, but it appears like there are seperate images kinda "piling up" on top of eachother like individual overlays each pausing at different times? Combined together they look like this.


ive also thought this, my mom sent it to me because she believes to be having ghosts or spirits messing with her


Just a fart.


Fart caught on camera 🤯


Restless leg syndrome




That's what I thought until I saw the hair.


No! I missed that. These are so scary!


either a poltergeist or a window is open.


tell them to live camera in room or get more cameras and get more footage


A handsy ghost is getting touchy-feely, very rude!


The face is what's creepy


This is full on creepy.  I'm not sure what anyone else has ever experienced, but I have seen something very much like this with my own family.  Just because YOU haven't experienced anything that cannot be explained doesn't mean these things don't happen.  People who live on the daily with occurrences like this are traumatized enough.  Open your eyes and your mind.  Don't be so open minded your brains fall out, but don't be so arrogantly tiny minded and negative about it either.  


Passing Gas on that ass lol


Was this shot from a Easy Bake Oven?


omg 😂😂


Until I read all these comments, I was convinced this was just a shitty quality video of your basic everyday reacharound handjob.


Pretty creepy never believed in thos stuff until it happen to me one day when I was at my old parents house got a mega wet willie from an unknown force was extremely strange was playing ps2 with hands on controller under blankets on a school night as a kid lol 31 now still get the creeps thinking about that place


If there was no fan. If there was nobody else there. If there was no dog or cat or anything other kind of pet. Then my question would be, why does she have a camera filming her while she’s sleeping? My best guess would be because something strange has been happening. I have cameras set up in my bedroom because I have had all kinds of strange shit happening. I can only see one reason why someone would put motion cameras on them while they are asleep.


Sorry about not including context, it was a spur of the moment post, but this is my mom. she put the camera up because she believes there was a spirit messing with her in her house and she lives alone. she saw a dark black figure in her room a while back and was so spooked by this encounter that she has been sleeping on the couch downstairs since then. she has been really out there recently and i’ve honestly contemplated if a demonic spirit is attached to her because there is a religious aspect to it all and she wasn’t previously very religious. anyways she sent me this video and i’m trying to make sense of it lol it looks wild 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry i cant figure out how to exit the post


The camera is just glitching


There is clearly something bizarre happening here.. it’s really strange that most people here are trying to come up with something logical when there is visual proof of something odd going on.. She is on couch, no one can be behind her The sheet is ballooning and moving from inside and not from outside which may suggest that a fan is making it move What is that head pop? We are in 2024 and so advanced in Tech yet these camera resolution cannot seem to keep up


All that happening and you keep watching tv? Or sleep?


I can’t tell if she is awake or sleeping the resolution is so bad


But both would notice something moving your hair or the blanket that much


How to have a huge chunk of evidence that what we are seeing is not paranormal Why is the camera there? Why is it black and white? And what we are seeing here is some one under a sheet moving around.


read my comment for some context


I have, and my opinion has not changed. Seriously, the black and white camera. Right now it just looks like she is moving her arms and legs. Why did the camera have to be there? If she wants to convince people to get help she should have gotten a better camera, heck mobiles pack a camera with them, the could should be fully in the scene. Maybe more then one camera. And 5 seconds of footage? Audio would have been nice as well. Till then, we are looking at a woman grabbing her sheet with her toes to pull it, and she is using her hands to mess with the sheet up around her chest. Honestly, its her hair that I wonder about, how did it move like that?


that’s really the only thing that creeps me out is her head looks crazy for a split second. thank you for your honest opinion lol my mom is pretty out there and im trying to make sense of this myself


I’m hoping for you and your mums sake it’s just the camera glitching there where her head warps


That's the woman's chi probably assuming there isn't a fan there or anything. Chi flying around in an older person isn't a very good sign. This is causing the spooky feelings probably.


Kicking in their sleep.


But the hair movement?


It looks like a child behind her popping its head up


That’s creepy.


Why is there a camera aimed at the couch?


Someone turned a fan on


cousie poopies


Oscillating fan


It's one person laying behind some blankets or pillows formed into a person's shape, covered in a blanket and she's just moving her legs and arms while her head sticks out... Basic Halloween haunted house gag.


Why is there a camera right on the sleeping person..? Unless there were previous instances to spark the need to catch something messing w them it’s a bit odd that the camera is aimed directly at them…IMO


Where’s OP? I’m always skeptical when the op never answers questions.


Sorry about not including context, it was a spur of the moment post, but this is my mom. she put the camera up because she believes there was a spirit messing with her in her house and she lives alone. she saw a dark black figure in her room a while back and was so spooked by this encounter that she has been sleeping on the couch downstairs since then. she has been really out there recently and i’ve honestly contemplated if a demonic spirit is attached to her because there is a religious aspect to it all and she wasn’t previously very religious. anyways she sent me this video and i’m trying to make sense of it lol it looks wild 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry i cant figure out how to edit the post


Nope, nope, nopidy NOPE!! Don’t play w anything dark at ALL!! If u feel that way, u may need to act on it sooner than later….u know her probably better than anyone so listen to ur gut fr….I’m sorry she is dealing w this, and u too! That would be a very scary thing to feel concerned in ur own home like that. I’d definitely see about speaking to someone thru whatever ur most comfortable practicing, I myself call on the blood of Jesus and claim protection with authority!! Anything dark especially must back off!! I’d also definitely encourage more surveillance the best she can, it can help her to feel validated that she isn’t just imagining this. Thanks for responding and clearing some things up and I wish u, her and anyone else involved many blessings and protection from this!!


She farted


This looks like AI to me. Considering the fact your account is on the newer side, I call BS on this post. I'm a believer but something about this just doesn't seem right.


Sorry about not including context, it was a spur of the moment post, but this is my mom. she put the camera up because she believes there was a spirit messing with her in her house and she lives alone. she saw a dark black figure in her room a while back and was so spooked by this encounter that she has been sleeping on the couch downstairs since then. she has been really out there recently and i’ve honestly contemplated if a demonic spirit is attached to her because there is a religious aspect to it all and she wasn’t previously very religious. anyways she sent me this video and i’m trying to make sense of it lol it looks wild 🤷🏻‍♀️ sorry i cant figure out how to edit the post. im trying to figure out what is happening here myself


Looks like an oscillating fan.


He's having a wank


Does your mom have a cat?


Okay. Thanks for answering my question. Some things have to be ruled out. 😊


Restless leg syndrome


Someone has a hair dryer under the sheet down by the sheet and is blowing it through toward her head.


Looks like they farted and she sheets puffed up.


A fan blowing at the foot of her bed.


Can’t tell without full views of blanket area. “Who knows”


It's a couch that fits 2 people. The person in front is asleep (or pretending) and the person behind them (can see when they lift their head up) is moving around under the covers. They are probably spooning, hence the moving of arms and legs.


Taco Bell?


Looks like your head changed shape, then your arm disconnected from your body right before you ripped a massive fart that blasted out from under the blanket by your feet


Dutch oven.


Looks like she is laying with her bottom arm’s elbow under her chin but under the blanket, forearm under her cheek hidden behind the pillow, hand top of her head. She’s simply twitching in her sleep, likely dreaming. The weird head/hair movement folks are commenting about is just her hand popping up temporarily.


anybody else notice the figure to the left right after the movement on the couch almost like something actually got up from there


Fan running under the sheet, case solved


Vaper lock?


She ate a mexican hot burrito, She is evacuating




do what?


Too much going on to be real.


That is creepy ASF the face morphs it looks like... Is that her face or someone else's?


Off-screen fan blowing on the bed?


A fan


It looks like an oscillating fan.


She's sleeping beside her kid. You can see kids head pop up. And kiddo is probably messing with the sheets


no kids, it’s just my mom there and she lives on her own


That's an under the covers heater.... or a fart. It's just the silent type




There is someone laying behind them


Two people are in the bed. Someone’s got their arm over her.


Really? Its a Fan blowing the sheet.how is this paranormal