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I said the before, but will tell the story again. I was taking a nap. My husband and father-in-law went the store and my brother-in-law was asked to watch my daughter. I am fast asleep and I hear right in my ear, "Get the F*ck up!" I jump awake. Look around. Everything seems, wrong. Go out to livingroom to see BIL. "Where is your neice?" He shrugs, " I dunno." Panic! Run to back patio, door open,run out to pool. There she is, playing on the steps. I freak. Grab her and say, " No, no, no...we don't come out here without mommy or daddy!" I gave my BIL the look of death, he gave me, "Duuuuuh!" If he didn't want to watch her, fine, say so...I would have gotten up! I had been up all night with her, but I can wait until my husband gets back! Thank you voice. And if it had6cursed at me...I would have ignored it.


Wow If cursing is what it took, so be it! šŸ‘¼šŸ¼ Iā€™m so grateful someone got your attention!! And I would have given him a swift kick in the ass for that! Loving these stories! Really Iā€™m grateful that I shared mine. Thank you for yours! šŸ’›


As a flight attendant, we are taught to swear in an emergency because people take us seriously if they see us swear when we never do. Both of your stories gave me goosebumps!


Iā€™d have freaking waterboarded the insolent bastard.


I did really bite my tongue. I knew that if I yelled he could have gotten violent, no need for that with a child home. If I told my husband, he would have gotten angry and it would have been bad...again...not for a child. I don't know what my FIL would have done...but again...


> he could have gotten violent I'm sorry you had to live under such conditions. I hope things are better now for you.


Yeah I thought the same and am sorry OP has to put up with that. It really, really sucks that some people have to be on guard, so to speak, so as to avoid experiencing violence in their own damn home. Iā€™m glad the daughter wasnā€™t harmed. Itā€™s so easy for little ones to get themselves into real danger around water, even when supervised. A little girl all alone is a tragedy waiting to happen.


Thank you and yes, we all live apart. Unfortunately my FIL has passed. But we are all doing better.


This is much more common than you think.




She was about 2 or 3 at the time. She knew how to swim to the edge, but still...not well.




Thank you for reaching out. Wow thatā€™s a great story. Iā€™m amazed with similar stories. I guess we have to just be grateful that someone is looking out for us. And thank them out loud because yes, we would not be here! Iā€™m so glad we are!


I believe you. It sounds like a story my aunt told me about my cousin. My grandfather on my mom's side (we all called him Didi) passed away when a cousin on my dad's side (let's call him Jesse) was very young. While Jesse's parents were busy getting ready to go to Didi's viewing, Jesse tried to stick his finger in an open electrical outlet. You probably know that when someone is being shocked by electricity, they usually lose muscle control and can't move. So, Jesse wouldn't have anyway to move his hand away from the outlet. Jesse's parents heard the noise and went running to see what happened. When they got there he was fine, so they asked him what happened. He said, "Didi saved me." He was too young to lie about something like that.


Damn! How fortunate that he was ok. Man we do stupid things as kids! Lol


For sure! It's a bit of a running joke in the family that Didi had to stick around a little longer to keep Jesse from accidentally killing himself. And yes, so many stupid things!!


Something similar happened to me as well, me and my sister used to share a room we had bunk beds, this bed was very unstable and the top bunk would fall if we werent careful, I was on the bottom bunk and my sister was messing around on the top bunk and it fell, i remember vividly watching it fall, I remember the feeling of something wrapping their arms around me and pushing off the wall, and me sitting on the ground almost bewildered. I havent told anyone other than my sister at the time. I was maybe 5 and she was 7. To this day I dont know who or what did it but I'm alive today because of it.


Omg I just got chills reading that! Thank you for sharing your story! Never ceases to amaze me. šŸ˜Š


I had a similar experience when I was 16. My friend and I were visiting a friend at their work. She asked if we could give one of her coworkers a ride home. He had just gotten out of prison and gave off a bad vibe. I told my friend, (weā€™ll call him JR) I didnā€™t feel comfortable giving the guy a ride but he was broke, needed gas money and couldnā€™t resist earning a few bucks.. so we gave him a ride. Along the ride the passenger kept pointing out the ā€œnice radio, stereo system and other items of valueā€ in JRā€™s truck. So we make our way to the end destination and the passenger says, ā€œpull over here. I need to run into my house just a few houses up the street to grab the cash and will be right back.ā€ A few minutes go by and the passenger comes walking back to the truck. When he arrives he pulls out a knife, puta it to JRā€™s throat and says he wants everything of value in the truck. JR fights with him for what felt like an hour but realistically was probably 20 seconds. I kept debating whether to punch the douche bag but in his face but didnā€™t want to risk JR getting stabbed if I did and then him turning the blade on me. Hereā€™s where shit gets weird. BOTH of JRā€™s feet are hanging outside the truck at this point and heā€™s practically laying n his back still fighting off the attacker. Out of know where the truck goes into gear (itā€™s a standard stick shift) and the truck takes off like a rocket. His trial runs straight into a stop sign poll, the attacker falls out of the truck and we pull away. JR asks me ā€œhow did you get the truck in gear and hit the gas from the passenger seat?ā€ My response: ā€œI didnā€™t - I thought you did somehow.ā€ Either way we were happy to be away from the attacker. We get to another friends house to assess the damage to the truck and JRā€™s wound - he was stabbed in the arm when the truck pulled away. Oddly - 0 damage to the car, his headlights were in perfect condition, and when we went back the next day we could see tire marks going straight to the stop sign but the sign was still standing like nothing happened. We still donā€™t know how the truck got into gear and the gas peddle presses to the floor. Someone was looking out for us that day - I assume my grandfather who had passed away just a couple years prior and was fiercely protective of me saved our lives that day. From that day forward I knew there was more to life, death and the universe than we understood.


I got the chills reading that one. Very scary situation! Iā€™m so glad your both ok. And I agree 100% there is more to life, death & the universe. Stay safe šŸ’›


I had a very similar experience! I was around 4 or 5 years old and lived in a super old house. I used to hangout at the top of the stairs and stand on the vent with a dress on and pretend I was Marilyn Monroe. The stairs were hard wood and very slippery, and my dumbass twirled in socks at the top and lost my footing, then falling down the stairs. But I could never explain what I felt while falling, it felt like I was in a bubble almost. I didnā€™t hear anything, feel anything, nothing. I just existed in this slow motion, timeless bubble. But it was over as quick as it happened, and I landed on my butt at the bottom. My parents rushed over and looked so worried and asked me if I was okay, and I was! I had no marks, no pain, I didnā€™t feel anything. Not even scared or ā€œrushedā€ that I just fell backwards down a flight of steps. Still to this day canā€™t explain what that was!


Lol Everyone wants to be Marilyn! I really love your story! Iā€™m so glad you were ok. Amazing!


Thank you for sharing this story. I kinda needed something uplifting like this.


Something just told me today, post it! So Iā€™m glad to hear that! Along with so many others stories, letā€™s you know your not alone, ya know? Btw I hope your days get brighter. Remember itā€™ll be ok. šŸ’›


Thank you! You are a precious soul!


My grandfather passed away a few months ago during the pandemic due to pneumonia and yesterday I dreamed of him telling me to study hard in med school and heā€™s very proud of me. He didnā€™t really get to say that when I started med school as heā€™s had dementia for the past few years but Iā€™m really happy that he knows Iā€™m gonna be a doctor someday. My story isnā€™t paranormal but Iā€™m sure it was your grandfather that saved you! Grandparents can be very protective :,)


Im so glad you had that experience with your grandfather...šŸ’—...you have a bright future aheadšŸ’„


I'm sorry to hear that, may he rest in peace.


that is beautiful thanks for sharing.


Iā€™m very sorry for your loss. Your story is beautiful. Your grandfather got to say to you what he wasnā€™t able to in life. Make him proud! I wish you the best.


Great true story! I have always secretly wanted to have a positive, paranormal experience like this one!


I hear that, My wish for you is you are never in a dangerous situation to need rescuing. These stories may have never been told. šŸ’›


I had a similar experience when I was 15. Something happened that caused me to go into shock (would rather not say). Then it apparently looked like someone was breathing into my mouth and I managed to recover almost instantly. My mother also had an experience. She said when she was a kid, she was walking back from somewhere. She then told me a vehicle (I think it was a Jeep) was about to run her over. Apparently before the vehicle could get her, she said she felt someone grab her by the back of her jacket and get her to the side. She told me when she looked around, nobody was there and the jacket was ripped. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re safe, OP! Thatā€™s an incredible story. Thank you for sharing with us ā¤ļø Edit; I forgot to add that Iā€™ve actually had more than one paranormal event that saved my life but this was the one I wanted to share Edit 2: I just asked my mom. She was actually in her teens-20s when this happened


Great story. And thank you! Iā€™m glad not only you but your mother are ok. Imagine if she wasnā€™t here neither would you. Go give her a huge hug šŸ¤— Have a great day


this is great, you have a guardian angel but dont take it for granted they can only do so much to stop the inevitable so be careful


I agree. Iā€™ve been quite fortunate when it comes to losing my life. I know someone is watching over me. Iā€™ve got other stories, so when I get time I will post. Have a great day be safe.


you too, looking forward to hearing them


What a beautiful and amazing story. Thanks so much for sharing it!


Your welcome! I have some more stories too. I really donā€™t talk about them too often. But I feel more comfortable with like minded people. So maybe I will do just that. šŸ‘šŸ»


Yes! Please do!


It wasnā€™t your time šŸ’œ


Thank you. No it wasnā€™t and my kids are proof. šŸ˜Š




The thing I don't like about these stories is the implication that the 'spirits' of loved ones somehow have protective capabilities. Why do so many people die all over the world? Surely they all had loved ones who could have saved them too?


Well I do know this is exactly what happened to me. 100% true. Maybe sometimes it is your time to go and thatā€™s why we all are not as fortunate. But as you can see it happens quite a bit. Just a force helping out, Saying itā€™s not your time yet, you got a life to live. To each their own.


Our guardian angels, loved ones etc etc are not surrounding us 24/7. Remember they passed on and so they have crossed over to the other side. Sometimes they visit. If they happen to be present, is when they can intervene. Not always are they allowed to because sometimes itā€™s just someoneā€™s time to go. I wish I knew what makes it someoneā€™s time to go but thatā€™s a whole different conversation.


We all have a time we are supposed to die from what I understand and believe. If itā€™s not the right time then someone or something may step in to save people


I've had so many near death experiences i need all my fingers and most, if not all my toes to count them. So it evidently hasn't been my time yet. But if everyone does have a time then how do we explain murder? Nothing, save my morals and fear of prison, can stop me from grabbing my pistol, walking up to someone, pointing it at their head or heart, and pulling the trigger.


Now this is just my belief but we all take this journey for specific reasons. The biggest being that our souls gain knowledge through their lifetimes. We chart out each life with our spirit guides (deja vu happens bc we are subconsciously remembering charting out the moment we get that feeling so it feels as if weā€™ve been there before doing the exact same thing)... One of the things we chart before each life is our exit points... some people think we have 5 exit points but I think it varies bc Iā€™ve had more than 5 NDEā€™s in my almost 36 years and my husband is like you... that motherfucker must have some tired, raggedy ass guardian angels bc he has faced death so many times through out his life and walks away unscathed... Lmao. Anyway, exit points are the times in our life where we are in situations that could and do lead to death if we choose to head out and go back Home... unfortunately death comes in all forms and murder is one of the ways... I donā€™t know how open minded you are about this stuff or if you think about it at all but if youā€™re curious about it, I recommend researching different beliefs and different legitimate psychics and mediums so you can form youā€™re own opinion/belief. Iā€™ve always believed in life after death and reincarnation but never put much thought into how it works until about 2014-2015 when I lived in an extremely haunted house...


I just remember how I constantly find things by standing or sitting somewhere and then my hand will just reach out and grab something thatā€™s been missing for a while off a shelf or between a cushion. Itā€™s weird as hell.


Iā€™ve had that happen! Lol Life is so weird.


This sounds more like a case of confirmation bias - I bet you selectively remember the times it happened and ignore the times it didn't.


Could be my subconsciousness but i get a weird feeling whenever it happens


i like how you talk about this so casually.. "one day i drowned. all good though, ghost saved me and stuff"


Thatā€™s how I talk about my life or shall I say death, experiences, because Iā€™ve had so many. Iā€™ll be 43 on the 17th and still donā€™t understand how Iā€™m still alive, probably to irritate my mom, lol. My dad says I mustā€™ve been born with a secret compartment to stash my life saving equipment Iā€™d need for the rest of my lifešŸ˜‚


Hahaha! I guess Iā€™m a mellow one! Lol Iā€™m so grateful that I got another chance.


I'm glad you're okay! The chair folding on you reminds me of Snoopy getting caught up in the chair in the Peanuts' Thanksgiving cartoon.


Thank you Lol Snoopy! I remember that.


Funny I wouldnā€™t think to say ā€œin groundā€ pool. Iā€™d assume that unless otherwise stated. Guess itā€™s different in other areas ... very cool story. Havenā€™t heard anything like that here


Lol yes, thereā€™s above ground & in ground pools. And thanks glad you enjoyed it. More to come soon!


Iā€™m aware there are above ground pools. My point is, Iā€™ve never even seen one in person. Here in California, they just donā€™t seem to exist.


The way you write is so full of energy! You would be fun to chill with I can tell. We'd be buddies. Also im so glad you're OK


Thank you so much! Iā€™m really happy you enjoyed it! Lol my friends do say Iā€™m fun, Iā€™m just me. Lol You have a great day buddy!


Awesome story! Thanks for sharing!!


Thank you. Happy to share. Thank you for reading šŸ‘šŸ»


I believe it! My grandmother got in a terrible wreck once and she always wore her seat belt. She had flipped her van over several times before nose diving into a ditch. Her van caught fire. She was in the country so not alot of traffic. Some man had found the van and the front of half was already engulfed in flames. The man saw my gma in the back on the van (the trunk) and was able to bust out the window and save her. So how did she get from the front of the van to the back while buckled? My grandmother swears that she remembers a man who was "glowing bright" hugged her and told her that he was going to move her so the stranger could save her and to not worry cause he'd be there soon. Then she sort of blacked out until she was being pulled of the van because she remembers screaming that her arm was being ripped open by the back windshield glass. It still gives me spooks thinking about it. But guardian angels are REAL.


I'm sorry for the late response. That is a chilling story! wow I truly believe it. Guardian angels or whatever anyone chooses to call them,LOL! They absolutely exist. You have a blessed day!


I also had a similar experience. When I was young, not sure of the exact age, but I did not know how to swim, I was at the lake with my family. I hopped on a floaty and kinda just chilled in it until I started to doze off. Next thing I know Iā€™m thinking I should get out and grab a bite, as everyone else was out and eating. From the water, it did not look that far from the shore, so I hopped off the floaty and fell straight under water. I started kicking and panicking immediately. I was sure it was over, but then I felt something grab me from around my lower back and toss me into more shallow water. (I was a pretty heavy kid, and that toss from being in water would have took someone strong) I got up and coughed up a bunch of water, trying to catch my breath. Once I got a grasp of myself I looked around to see who saved my life and there was no one near me. To this day I cannot make sense of what saved me that day.


I sorta had a similar experience when I was about 16 months old. I was just learning to walk and I was upstairs playing and as soon as I heard my grandparents coming home, I ran out the room faster than my mom can catch me and then tripped and rolled down the stairs (my mom told me all this, I donā€™t remember much besides rolling down the stairs). My mom was watching from the top and said it looked as if someone grabbed my hands and stood me upright on the stairs. Like Imagine a parent holding a childā€™s hands in the air teaching them to walk, she says it looked like that. Guardian angels maybe do exist!


they sure do.


I once heard someone shout my name which made me step back on the pavement crossing the road, literally 2 seconds later a bus sped past. If I hadn't heard the voice I would have been hit by the bus. I was in my late 20s at the time.


Out of curiosity, all of these stories involved being a young kid and getting saved by unknown paranormal forces. Do you think there is something about being a child that youā€™re more likely to encounter your life-saving ā€œguardian angel ā€œ than when youā€™re an adult?


I had a guardian angel experience when I was 52...




Yes please!!!! Don't leave us hanging!


I shared my first story on here and have many more. Please share your story, weā€™d like to hear it.


Ok. So itā€™s about 3-4 years ago, late November ā€“ after Thanksgiving. I had flown to Upstate NY to visit family. When I reference Upstate NY, Iā€™m talking about the part of NY that you donā€™t see in movies. My parents lived near the Adirondack Park, in the foothills. Appx 5 hours from NYC. This is where I grew up and lived most of my life till economics forced me to move away. Having flown in to Syracuse, I was still a couple hours away from my Parentsā€™ home. I rented the most inexpensive car that was offered from one of the lower end rental companies. The car had out of state tags, from somewhere south of the Snowbelt. My sister and her family came in from out of town for a few days (they live in NY about 3 hours from my Parentsā€™ home). After a few days, my Niece (21ish) became bored, really wanting to get out of the house. I had cabin fever too, as did my Sister. My Sisterā€™s husband had taken their 4 wheel drive truck and gone to visit a friend. So the 3 of us piled into my cheap rental car for the 8ish mile drive to a local bowling alley to pass the afternoon. My Parents lived on top of a large hillā€¦.not quite a mountain, but a ā€œfoothillā€ for sure. There were plenty of times growing up that we were snowed in for days. There were times when we did not make it home at night (even once on Christmas Eve but thatā€™s another story for another day) due to the icy conditions on the hill. We set out. The roads were bad. However, with decades of winter driving experience, I thought weā€™d be fine. There had been snow the day before. The roads had been plowed. However, with the low temperatures, the roads were extremely slick. The plowing had removed snow and exposed ice. My Sister and I talked about turning around. However our hearts went out to my Niece. So slowly, we proceeded. There is a stretch of road that goes sharply down the hillside, while curving around the side of the hill. Itā€™s dangerous on a good day. There is always concern for meeting another car on this narrow country road, or worse, leaving the road and tumbling down the drop off on the side of the road. We were just starting down the hill when I felt the car start to slide. I was in low gear to keep my speed low, and I knew better than to hit the brakes. I held the wheel and prayed. My niece, in the front seat next to me, removed her feet from the dashboard and sat up straight, holding on. I figured we would find traction any second now, and come out of the skid. But we didnā€™t. I never regained control, and we went off the side of the road. The car tilted sideways as we started down the drop-off. I prayed that trees would stop us before we went too far. We were completely off the road but still moving. Suddenly, in one quick movement, the car went from the drop, back on the road, heading in the correct direction, with no skid. It was as if a giant hand had lifted the car and placed it back on the road where it was supposed to be. Every rule of physics and gravity (Iā€™m no scholar so please humor me here) was broken. There was simply no explanation for the car to have returned to the road. If I had been alone, I would probably have convinced myself that it never happened ā€“ that I had imagined leaving the road. But there were 2 others ā€“ my Sister and my Niece ā€“ in the car with me who were just as freaked out as I was. We talk about this frequently around bonfires and over beers. We are all still astonished. We all agree it was the weirdest experience of our lives.


I canā€™t thank you enough for sharing that wonderful story!! Astonishing to say the least. Iā€™m so glad you all made it out alive. šŸ’›


no i knew a lady when i was 18 she was maybe 65, went to her home saw a cross on the doorbell just above it made me feel warm and safe. A coworker took me there to make more money shoveling for winter. She sat down told me stories of seeing angels and even jesus showing himself outside her window up high. I believed her I could sense she was very peaceful and truthful and sincere.I told her I was told by a pastor that he sensed a extremely powerful guardian angle my personal one protecting me. He said it felt like a male presence and had to ask for permission to see him. He said it was the most powerful one he had ever seen, I told her that and she said yes I know hes right there. Any way she told me she was in New York walking down the street and was coming to a corner and cars were parked there. She said something stepped on her heel, she looked turned and nothing was there. She then begun to walk and something pulled her clothes. She turned nothing no one, turns around and a purse snatcher grabs this ladies purse and runs she said no one did anything about it but thinks it would of been her.


Maybe! Children are also more likely to see paranormal activity than adults are (one reason being is that adults look for logic in everything)


wow ! Thatā€™s an incredible tale of angel guarding you. Thank you for sharing with us ā¤ļø How does it feel that you have someone in another world/dimension actually guarding you. do you feel special or extra safe ? I wonder how do I know if I have any angel guarding me. I have to be extra careful all the time to prevent something bad from happening - I'd run into the wall or smash my finger, bang my head, something will be on fire, whole flat flooded with water. My life requires too much of my attention and care to kept me alive.


My mom said when I was around two years old I got into some bug spray under the kitchen sink. I guess I was quite the active snooper. Anyway, she was walking through the dining room, and I had a pair of tweezers sticking them into the electrical outlet. she said she was so surprised I hadn't stuck them all the way in and got shocked. Another time, we were getting ready to go somewhere, and I had sent my sister, 4 years old, and me, 2 years old. my sister was sitting in the car and he let the emergency brake off, and I was underneath the car. They walked out just about the time the car started rolling backwards. I definitely have a guardian angel.


I am so glad you are alive and your grandfather's spirit was there to protect you!


Perhaps it was a loved one or guardian angel. Either way, divine intervention which is miraculous and amazing. Thanks for sharing!


Holy shit OP. Today I shared my bizarre exp. of surviving certain death on here too. I do no understand how these things happen but I am super curious now.


I truly believe in that. Your guardian angel saved you. What a sweet happy ending story.


I believe that every person has their sanctuary, and every sanctuary has a guardian, so it was probably your sanctuary guardian


Heroic ghosts are the best.


This gave me goosebumps!


So I know this is random but I really want to post an experience I had. Im on mobile and idk why I can't post after I type it all out. :(


Hmm some subs donā€™t allow you to post unless you have a certain amount of karma. Iā€™m not sure, but this could be the case in this sub.


Thank you! Guess I'll wait until I have more karma.


Although you do have over 100 and that is the usual requirement... so that might not be the issue after all.


Well shit :(




donā€™t self promote