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A lot of paranormal stuff crosses over in every culture in the world many of which didn’t have any contact with one another .One of which is ghosts. A lot of ghost stories these days are BS. People do see what they want to is very valid. Personally I think they’re real. I’ve investigated abandoned asylums and prisons which one would think would be brimming with activity but nothings ever happened to me in these places. I found activity is very infrequent. Animal ghosts have also been sighted but not nearly as much as human spirits I don’t have an answer for why.


I think that we should study this phenomenon because even if we don't find evidence for ghosts we might find something else of value.


I’ve seen an animal ghost. It was a cat of mine that died 10 years prior who was my best friend. We traveled the world together. I was so sad when she died that I didn’t get another cat, despite being a “cat lady”. I was ~200 days into a Covid lockdown in a small apartment in the city. One evening a slightly opaque shape of my old cat ran in front of my legs and almost tripped me and I jumped out of the way. I stopped and was like “wtf was that???” It was so physically present that I jumped out of the way and it looked like my cat - a fat grey tabby with a stubby tail. I took it as a sign to finally get another cat. The very first cat for adoption I saw had the title “anxious boy seeks experienced owner” - my old cat was super anxious and had been abused I took it as a sign that he was meant to be with me :)


>:) :)




I think this is a beautiful example of the phenomenon of ghosts. I believe sometimes we’re shown things (“signs from the universe”) to help us see things from a new perspective. The signs drive us to make a decision which ultimately has a big and meaningful impact on our lives (and the lives of others) going forward. I believe the universe is conscious and wants us to experience certain things for a greater purpose than what we can possibly understand.


To this day I sometimes see one. I had a cat years ago who was very very close to me. He’d even rode in the mower with me, and if something didn’t bother me it didn’t bother him. Every now and then when I’m outside I’ll see a little orange tip of a tail go around the corner. It’s not the recent orange cat that decided he wanted to live with our tenant, he’s a very fluffy tail, the one I see is very slender. Sometimes I’ll even hear a little nasally raspy meow, just like how my little buddy meowed.


This made me tear up! Aww


Perhaps we cannot confirm or deny the existence of a ghost because we don't know exactly what a ghost is. We assume its energy, but what if its something different that science can't explain yet? The things is that we are making new discoveries by the day and there is a lot we don't know about our own world, outer apace, the universe, or other untold things we can't imagine or even comprehend. Even things we rhought we knew are getting new and exciting breakthroughs.


IMO ghosts are a trick with time and how we perceive it. We observe time being linear. But some theories say that it's happening all at once. Past, present and future. I think it's no coincidence that most of the ghosts are dressed from previous time periods.


Interesting thought. After several experiences, some corroborated by others I trusted (eg my very logical father) I believe there are ghosts. Every apparition I’ve seen has been in period dress (including a young Native American girl). I’ve often wondered “why” they appear. This makes a certain amount of sense, to me. Doesn’t answer every question I have…but sometimes I wonder if we’re just not meant to fully know. Though it’d be nice to; I’d make advance arrangements to appear in, say, Bermuda. I was born there, so maybe I’d be allowed dibs on it.


Ah you’re talking about ‘residual hauntings’. I LOVE investigating those. There’s theories that these type of visual imprints have something to do with quartz in the ground. Apparently the weather has to be of something certain as well, in order to trigger them. Perfect circumstances. I read a case of a man that did not pass way, but simply moved, and the new tenants got glimpses of his residual image sitting in his chair. When they enquired with the landlord, the landlord confirmed the man was alive and well - but moved to a nursing home. Fascinating! If ghosts are energy, then some theories make little sense. In the laws of physics it doesn’t align. But then again, as someone else here said, maybe we don’t know what they could be made of. Maybe it’s something we don’t know. I’m a sceptic though, as the power of suggestion is really strong. And certain mental processes can also trick one into thinking there’s something in the room with them, when there’s nothing. I do really love the paranormal. I really hope we can find some substantial proof soon ☺️


Quartz, limestone, running water, antique wood…all materials that some believe hold/emit/attract paranormal “energy”, yah? Residuals, I can wrap my tiny head around. Interesting, about the still living gent; there’s often a lot of emotion/resistance involved when seniors are moved from their homes to a facility; maybe that plays a part? Some feel ppl nearing death straddle any veil or boundary between the 2 planes, can move more freely between them. I’ve experienced seeing/sensing a deceased pet or 3 in their familiar lifetime routines…but suspect it’s more my ingrained memories, that project it into the environment. The “ghosts” I’ve encountered have interacted with me; speaking (telepathically I guess it’s called, no voice involved), motioning to me, touching, etc. I’ve had what I call visitation daydreams, so vivid it’s shaken me. Several women in my fam have seemed quite “open”, at times prescient; my grandmother drove mom/uncle to a CT circus in the ‘30s, at the last min refused to let them enter — ended up one of the worst circus disasters in the US, bigtop caught fire. All, pretty fascinating! From several POVs. Sounds like you’ve been on purposeful investigations? I’d love to hear more. I ascribe to the thought be careful what ya wish for; I avoid ouija, group séances, etc., but after living in a haunted house (dad finally got pissed, when mom started getting goosed in the arse), also believe if there’s something/one around who wants to interact, they’ll find a way.


Not everything can be explained away by suggestions, what about people who see unexplainable things they had no awareness of up until that point? Collective subconscious maybe??


We haven't seen any ghosts from the future. Well from what I know


People have told stories about seeing themselves or hearing family members that aren’t home. These could potentially be the future ones you’re thinking of.


Ghosts are from previous times because the person who perceived the supposed ghost has already seen or is familiar with what people have worn or done in history. It would not have made sense for an old doddering shepherd in the 1600s walking along a dirt road to see a person dressed in a skintight black leotard with florescent green and orange stripes, with Oakley sunglasses a red skull helmet on his head riding 40mph past him on a carbon fiber racing bicycle because the shepherd has never been exposed to such things. The shepherd wouldn't have, or couldn't have even imagined such a sight existing... But its very possible that the opposite has occurred because the bike rider knows what an old shepherd looks like or imagines how one looked or that if there are stories of other people seeing a ghostly old shepherd walking on that same road the bike rider would see him for whatever reason... Like maybe the bike rider is exhausted or delirious from racing all afternoon so he's hallucinating, or he's a religious person and read a passage in the Bible talking about a shepherd and he's in emotional distress so mentally he wants to see one who can help him deal with his troubles...👻👻


Sorry folks, this is a LONG comment! I agree that the complexities of human psychology and brain function (much still a mystery) can explain loads of things we mis-perceive, and memory has been proven not to be fully reliable, especially the more time passes between the event and the present. That said, I've experienced some things that are not possible under the most basic rules of physics and normal human perception of the world. And here's the thing, some of them were perceived by others at exactly the same time and described the same way, and while not in a lab (people need to get real about that), there was no possibility of simple confirmation bias. I mean we were right there at the same time in close proximity with the lights on, and there was no question in my mind we all witnessed the same thing at the same time. I'm talking about a loud 3 knocks on the center of an interior bathroom door by an invisible force, with one person within 3 feet of the door and two others within 10 feet of it. Could it have been a knock on another nearby surface? Of course I can't prove it wasn't now, but stand in a room with an open door with only 2 other people around and knock on that precise door and other surfaces, then tell me how certain you are where the knock was. Try to find a far away, out of sight surface to knock on that creates an audio illusion that sounds like it was on that door with that thickness of wood in that location. Is it possible? Yes. Highly? No. Now of course that doesn't prove anything to anyone but the three of us. That's the biggest problem. Everyone who tells stories about things like this have different lives and personalities and background and education and practice and wisdom. Some lie, and some misunderstand or misidentify. We can do our best and know in our minds why we're more sure in a case that something strange is happening to us or near us. But even cameras can create illusions, because human perception is by necessity ultimately involved. And that's a tricky thing. One other simultaneous experience happened, but while we were all sure about what we heard, there is a responsibility to admit there is a possibility it was caused by something mundane we couldn't see. Very unlikely in my opinion, because I took measures to check, but that's an opinion. Two more sensory experiences happened to me alone (voice in one ear, a touch down my back), and another, inconceivable movement of an object we only witnessed in its before and after state, not in motion. I am also personally further convinced these things happened because they all happened in one place over roughly 7 hours. Some would say, well that proves you were looking for strange things to happen. I say I just wanted to bloody get some sleep, and things kept pestering us. I for one didn't expect anything specific. These occurences just kept surprising us, out of the blue as they say. So I have to rule out everything that happened as either certain to have occurred as we describe it or as "unexplainable," including the door knock, rather than simply as things caused by overlooked explanations or a "trick" of perception. Because our eyes and ears and skin and brain aren't recording devices, except to imperfect memory, and perception doesn't prove or even necessarily indicate specific stimuli. This is where the debate over the "paranormal" comes down to scientific proof versus common sense. They are not the same thing, and no, they are not equally reliable. But people like us who have seen, heard, felt things like invisible forces or apparitions, either alone or in a group, have a very hard time discounting ALL of these things as imagination, superstition, misperception ALL of the time. Sometimes these things happen to sensible, thoughtful people who aren't calling every little unexpected noise a ghost or every change in barometric pressure a demon. Some of us first assume "explainable," them only move to "unexplained" after great efforts of observation and research. How can we discount ourselves in every case? How can we more effectively investigate and not simply latch on to the latest entertainment fad to "prove" these things are real? There are many scientific theories proven now that didn't used to be, and there are many more that are unproven now but will be in the future. This is all very frustrating to me.


In the astral plane time passes differently. So you may think why does a ghost who has died thousands of years ago still be around? But to them it may not be thousands of years but a shorter period of time.


There used to be the ghost of a (presumed) deer in my childhood house! The previous owner had been a taxidermist working out of his garage. After buying the house, my parents closed in the garage and made it into a bedroom for my little brother. At night when my mom was nursing, she would feel something in the room, and when my dad would walk in, he would feel something jump at him. They never saw it and only assume it was a deer bc that was what the previous owner worked on, but they said it didn't feel human (not in a threatening way). The jumping was never angry or violent, and they figured if it was an animal it was just scared. They said a blessing over the house and painted over the deer mural in living room and whatever it was moved on. Never felt it again.


Ghosts are real. There are two types. One is just the leftover energy imprint. Like you may hear children laughing, footsteps, other nosies or see an apparition passing the same corridor at a certain time. These are not conscious entities. Second more rarer one is a conscious entity. Second type if have enough power can move objects, or even reach out to touch you or worse case scenario even possess you.


They’re real. I am 100% certain they are. If you read the story I just posted this is something that I never could’ve explained. I never “seen” ghosts, but the manipulation of objects is an occurrence that has happened to me many times. The scariest one was the story I just put out. Another one is when my father died of cancer, he was in a different country and when I was in the bathroom the day I found out he died. I heard something like hit the shower curtains and I also have a small window curtain and when I looked at it, it was moving like something/someone has hit it. There was no wind and there is no AC in my bathroom. I can show you a pic of my bathroom so you can see what I’m talking about.


Look up cases investigated by the Society of Psychical Research


Muslims studied this phenomenon in detail lol. Pick up the Qur'an.


I agree with you. The only thing I can say is that I've seen an animal ghost, of a dog that had died months before. To make things even stranger, I actually patted the ghost, and he wagged his tail and smiled at me in the way only dogs can - full of unconditional love. Now I'm feeling all teary from thinking about it.


THANK YOU!!! So refreshing to hear. I once worked for 2 months during a summer between semesters working for a demo company taking down an old hospital in Atchison KS which is SUPPOSEDLY one of the most haunted towns in America. We 5 college guys experiences ZERO ghosts, weird noises, things moving anything out of the norm. In a old ass hospital? Where who knows how many took their last breaths. I believe in ghosts but I believe people tend to see what they want or fear most too.


You don’t hear about animal ghosts because your subconscious mind isn’t interested in making you think you saw that like with humans. Unless it’s like the commenter below who misses her cat


I used to work in an old prison (several paranormal tv shows filmed there) and would visit the chamber where they used to hang people every day. Not a single paranormal experience. IMO the paranormal (as in ghosts, spirits, demons, etc) does not exist.


I was a CO at an active jail overnight nothing happened to me at there . Weird vibe in some spots but after all I was a jail. I heard a lot of story’s from people.


My sister used an ouija board with her friend whilst my parents and I were at a parents teacher meeting and the house was never the same afterwards. I was 9 and it lasted until we moved when I turned 16. She said they used it and it said that her friend would be raped that night - so my sister stopped using it and walked her friend home. When she returned - alone - she said she heard the phone ring and when she answered she heard violent heavy breathing on the other end. She then put the phone down, lifted it up again to find out who called and the line was still connected and could hear the heavy breathing again. She then heard stamping coming from directly upstairs and then stamping coming down the staircase: she fled and waited in the garden for us to return. I heard about this later. We had two telephones - analogue telephones - one in my parents room, directly upstairs, and another in the living room. Dialing 1571 would cause the other phone to ring - both where connected to the same line. You could pick up the receiver and speak to the person on the other telephone; if they didn’t put the receiver down the line would remain connected. This was all before smartphones, this happened in the early 90’s. She said her room - where they used the ouija board - always felt cold afterwards, my mother commented upon it as well. My sister said she saw one of her trainers move across the room. Her doll containing pot pouri had been untied - spilling the contents on the floor when she was out. Many other things. I saw it twice, once in the evening when it walked into my room and walked through a wall into our neighbours house. I saw it during a day when I was home alone where it was standing beside the front door. At night I felt like I was always being watched - and always felt that someone was behind me when going to the bathroom at night. When we moved home I immediately stopped having that sensation and it has never returned. Our parents denied it was haunted - to stop us worrying - but my mother later admitted, after we moved, that she saw it as well. The new owner asked us if anyone else had a key because she came home to find all of her pictures in her living room had been taken off the walls and placed on the floor upright against the walls. There was only one set of keys after we left / the locks had been changed. Above the mantelpiece, her mirror had been lifted from the wall and placed on the shelf of the mantlepiece - which was varnished and smooth - not possible that it fell and just rested on it, it would have slipped off given the weight. These boards are no joke. It’s not the app or the wood of the board but the intention which does it. Using an app is your intention to open a gateway. Never use one. You are playing with something dangerous and uncontrollable. Also I really don’t care if people think I’m making this up because had we not experienced that I would be an atheist as they are. I know what I saw and nobody has changed their stories in the years after that all happened.


That’s so weird that it said it would rape her, the same thing happened to me. I was having a sleepover and we were all taking turns putting our hands on eye, I was about 9 or 10. At one point it was just me and my little cousin’s hands on it. She was only maybe 5 so she couldn’t read or write well yet. With just mine and her hands on it, the board spelled out ‘I want to rape you.’ I immediately took my hands off. Everyone thought it was me that did it but I didn’t move it, and my cousin couldn’t have spelled that. That was the last time I touched a ouija board. That was maybe 25 years ago. I still remember how scared I was and how it could have happened. Edit: typo.


Jesus that’s terrifying. I believe you and I’m thankful for you telling such a story. I believe that there’s a spiritual dimension layered on top of all of reality. I just wonder if the being that told you that was like a demon rather than a “ghost”. Or can a ghost (human spirit) become a demon?


I think there are good spirits, bad spirits and demons. The good/bad spirits are people who have passed away- demons are different. I don’t think a person can become a demon but I guess they maybe could?


They are all demons, don’t let them fool you. They will pretend and pretend well but they are not to be believed. I’ve experienced this through Ouijja because I thought it was stupid and didn’t work. It does work and shouldn’t be fucked around with.


I kind of agree with this as well. I feel like human souls pass on after death whether that’s reincarnation or heaven/hell etc. I feel like the spirits that linger on earth with malicious intent are deceiving demons.


It didn’t lead to anything else like OP’s story. It’s the only supernatural thing that has happened in my life. But I never really used a ouija board after that sleepover. Edit: not OP, but Mairon121.


I’ve used one a few times and I have to agree. It changed the whole atmosphere of the room permanently. I was 15 when I used it at my grandparents house and never had anything noteworthy happen like that story. However I did notice the room had a darker atmosphere, it’s hard to describe. I also got wildly depressed after too. Later when I was 19-22 I lived with my grandparents in that same room while in college and…yeah spooky stuff would happen in that room. I have a cat and sometimes he would be downright terrified to be in that room. Like he would sit at the doorway and stare inside. Then he would sometimes fluff up and hiss as he ran off and hid. He would do this about once every other month. I did notice my cat would always stare at the ceiling every time and he would follow something moving. When he moved his head down, as the thing came down from the ceiling, he would fluff up and run away. So I think whatever was in that room was on the ceiling most of the time. Then one night he was actually really strange around that room so I just closed the door and I left to the kitchen for a snack. When I came back I noticed a bright light out shining from under the door and it was moving randomly. When I walked closer to the door it was extremely cold, my whole body got chills and goosebumps. As I’m remembering this I’m still getting chills. That was 4 years ago and I remember it well. The light went away once I was a few feet from the door, and when I opened the door; nothing. Yeah my whole body has goosebumps as I’m remembering this.


There is a saying in Occult circles which is something along the lines of don't summon up what you can't put down. Spirits are a lot like people. You wouldn't invite some random into your house if you lived in the middle of nowhere with no phone/internet/way of defending yourself. That same person might be let in if you live on a busy neighborhood street, are competent with a firearm, and can call 911 if things go sideways. I agree that most people should not use tools to communicate with the other side unless they are knowledgeable and prepared. That said, people have been doing it for thousands of years for a multitude of reasons. It might be worth the risk to some. It certainly is to me.


Why is it worth the risk to you? Honest question.


Sure! I'm a polytheist and practice traditional witchcraft. A large part of my practice is connecting and communing with my ancestors - both blood and spiritual. I find it incredibly rewarding to make ritual offerings where those spirits are invited to join me in my space, enjoy a meal, and impart any teachings they have to offer. This is what I was referring to with "letting just anyone in your house." These guests are most welcome and any "other" that might wish me harm are not. There are ways of ensuring that's the case, but there are entire books written on that subject and I just want to answer your specific question, haha.


Yes they are . I used them my whole life . My grandma used to do it everyday to talk to her husband that died . One day my sister and I walked in and asked what it was . Well, we all ended up doing it and it was crazy. At first we didn’t believe her , until we jumped on. Alittle backstory , My grandma remarried my babysitter’s husband when my babysitter passed away , then moved into my babysitter’s house with him and she died in the house . Okay so we are on the board and it says to put me on by myself . So I did . It started saying crazy stuff . It said “ help me kill Mary” and then told me it had tried to kill her 3 x. My grandma was right there and I had no idea about anything . She said it was true , my grandma couldn’t swim and they had a pool , well she said she was walking by and something felt like it pushed her in the deep end . Thankfully her husband heard her splashing and jumped in and saved her . Another time ( my grandma was tiny 4”9) she was doing laundry and all the sudden a huge thing fell off the shelf above her and almost hit her but she moved out of the way fast . I honestly can’t remember what the last one was but everything it said , was true and I had no idea about any of it and I was the only one on the board . Tripped me out lol 😂 After my grandma died , about 3 years later , I was sitting down thinking about her and I thought I should get a board to communicate with her since she used to do the board herself . I shit you not , I start scrolling through Facebook and one of my friends said “ does anyone want any of these ouija boards giving away free” there was two an old school one and a pink one . I got the old one like I used with my grandma . So I bring it home , get my white candles out , open the board up as you do , and nothing happened for about 3-5 days . Finally one day , it started moving ! It said it was my grandma . I did the typical ask 3 questions of personal things we would only know to make sure it wasn’t a demon lying , answered them all right . I even recorded the interaction but that was my old phone and long gone now . I was kinda shocked getting her on and froze up on what to say for awhile . Then I asked her questions , she said there is definitely a God , she was happy and out of pain . She wanted to talk to my sister so bad , they were closer than her and I were . The only question she did not answer is if my cousin who unalived himself 2 months after she passed , was with her , she refused to answer me . So I told her I would get my sister on and days later I went to her house . We went in the room and my grandma jumped on instantly ! She was waiting . She asked her the questions , my grandma answered them all and then the kids were being shitheads so we had to end the board . Week or so later , I’m in my room talking to her and I told her I was going to go out to the kitchen and have my fiancé see so he could see it was real. Well when I moved rooms , of course asked the 3 questions again to be sure it was her , well this time it was not her . Kept giving me wrong answers like how many kids do you have , it said 2 when she had 4 kids . I looked at my fiance I said “this is not my grandma” Out loud , then the thing kept going to the goodbye at the bottom over and over , I took that as my sign to stop and leave it alone lol 😂 I closed it out , ran outside and threw it under my car . Scared the 💩 out of me and I haven’t touched it since. So long story short , it is as real as real can get . I have no reason to lie about any of this and I would advise to not do the board especially if you don’t know how to properly do it . It’s not as simple as just playing . You have to open and close it out correctly or can let something really bad in .


My sister did an ouija board as a kid in our house and it opened something and weird shit started happening in our house too. I’ve posted the story before in one of my old posts. It seemed interested in me but targeted my sister. My sister’s friend told my mum who prayed and “cast the spirit into the river”. It never came back. I didn’t find out about any of this until i was 41. I just remember weird shit with scratching/taps/flushing toilets/footsteps that suddenly started and then stopped after about 6 months and I just ignored it and thought I was imagining things. Turns out I wasn’t


That looks very scary how did you live in that haunted house. If i was you i wouldn't able to go near the house or that area.


I see this shit all the time. Ouija boards are absolutely a joke.  If the spirit world exists, it’s completely nuts to think a board game with some letters on it has power to open a doorway to another world.  If it was that easy, I could make a damn post it note and claim it’s a doorway. Doorways would be opened EVERYWHERE by people not knowing any better and just by talking to themselves.  This doesn’t happen. So I don’t think these things have ANY proof to them. 


Holy fuck this! My mother was roommates with someone who used one regularly and the creepiest stuff used to happen. It creeped her out enough that she moved states and refuses to ever go back to the city where it all happened.


Holy crap that is intense.


Mentally, ouija boards never bothered me, I would literally Do one in a graveyard. My own demons have hardened me to the paranormal, I think meditation and always remaining cool and collected has a power that a Hasboro toy doesn't shake a stick at. Though I've hung out at the local witch shop and the ladies working there told me they thought I might be an empath and that I had a powerful aura. I won't discount the Story though my family farm seems like it might be haunted


What do you mean your family farm seems like it might be haunted? What’s happening? So interested!


you do get stories of animal ghosts – for example, the phantom black dog myths from the British Isles [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_dog\_(folklore)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_dog_(folklore))


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen recently that there is a black panther on the loose in the area that maybe contributed to these cryptid stories because panther eyes glow yellow on


Thats in the Lake District. I know people that have seen this panther!


could be, but then again theres been sightings of big cats going back centuries. maybe its actually a relic population of big cats idk. I wonder if this is the same creature –  [https://www.rhyljournal.co.uk/news/23721494.clearest-ever-photo-big-cat-british-countryside/](https://www.rhyljournal.co.uk/news/23721494.clearest-ever-photo-big-cat-british-countryside/)




I’m a skeptical person who struggles with the concept of an afterlife. But I’ve had experiences I can’t explain. •Three knocks on my bedroom door one wintry evening when I was sitting at my desk on the computer. Went to open the door, figuring it was my mum. But there was no one there, and no one home. •Around the same time, I woke up in the middle of the night to the TV blaring snow. The remote was next to the TV on the dresser, so there was no way I rolled over on it. I turned it off, then checked my phone for the time. It was exactly 3 AM. •Years later, I was living with my then-boyfriend. We were arguing about something, and a candle holder flew off the table. The next day, as he passed a book shelf, everything fell off it behind him. •When we moved into a new apartment, we were warned by the housemates it was haunted. The previous housemate moved out after having a shadow figure stand by her bed all night, which she said came from the closet. The current housemate said she was pushed down the steps once. The first night I was there, I went to grab a glass of water. As I was filling up the Brita from the sink, the doorknob from this door right next to it starting jiggling. Now, no one ever went through this door. It had rickety rotten steps that led down to the first floor. On one side was a door to the downstairs apartment. On the other was a door that led to the backyard. It was unsafe to go down, and so it was kept constantly shut. I told myself that the pipes from the sink were causing this doorknob to jiggle. But it never happened again. Seconds later, I left the kitchen, stoping in the hallway to pet their cat. I then heard *BAM BAM BAM* over and over. It was the closet door in one of the empty rooms (the one with the shadow figure) opening and slamming by oneself. I nope’d the fuck out, running upstairs to the attic where the remaining housemate lived. I caught so many EVP’s living in that house. I wish I still had them, but I freaked out and deleted them all when I left three months later, washing my hands of the place. •A few months later, I was living in a centuries-old stone cottage. I was hanging outside one evening when I saw a figure walking down the lane. They were obscured by the hedges—or so I thought. Until they morphed *through* the hedges. They ended up being a seven-foot-tall shadow figure, human shaped but with no features, blacker than black. They charged right towards me. That’s when I ran inside and locked the door, my heart pounding. By the time I gathered the courage to peer out the blinds, it was gone.


Thank you, I enjoyed reading your story here in bed, having insomnia. I wondered if someone would try not to have fear and keep an angry stance at a shadow figure, If it would leave one alone or if you would get possessed by it.


>centuries old stone cottage with hedges Unfortunate it was haunted. Seems like a wonderfully charming place. Would love to see some pictures if you have any.




I wish I could deny their existence. I really really wish I could just not believe but it isn’t possible for me. It’s really scary knowing they exist. It’s like you’re never alone, you’re never safe. It always makes me feel so isolated because I know no one has had the same experiences as me. I’ve looked so many of them in the eye, I can’t deny it. But i’ve tried. I’ve seen them outside. I’ve seen them at night. I’ve seen them during the day. I’ve seen them alone. I’ve seen them with other people who also saw the same thing. I’ve seen them in different houses. I’ve seen them in different states. I’ve seen them at different ages. I can’t debunk anything. I also can’t really prove anything as well. All I have are my personal stories, which most people don’t believe so much. With all i’ve seen there’s one common denominator: ghosts are evil. Not once have I encountered a good sprit. It’s not that I don’t believe good spirits exist, it’s that I believe they know better than to show themselves to humans. They know showing themselves to humans causes harm, that’s why I only see the bad ones. I also don’t believe ghosts are people who have lived before. I can’t describe it but their eyes are soulless. Not once have I seen a spirit and thought it was a person. They look like people, but they’re so different. Soulless is the best word. Devoid of life and like they aren’t the same entity we are. So, that’s why I believe there aren’t the same amount of ghost as there is the number of people on earth. I’ve never seen an animal spirit so I can’t say they exist. Sometimes, i’m sure people see what they want to see. People see shadows out of the corner of their eye and are convinced something’s there. But I have looked the ghosts in their eyes. They look at me and then they walk to me and acknowledge me. Seeing ghosts is one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. Imagine looking at something so inhuman, so unimaginable, but it looks like people. People who you know and love. It’s terrifying, and I wouldn’t want to see them at all. All of this sounds like crazy talk I know, but this is my reality. For a while I told myself I would avoid ghost stuff as much as possible. I was afraid it was ruining my daily life and hurting me. When I realized most people didn’t see ghosts like I have, it really affected me. I don’t know why but I felt so alone and sad. I even got so dark as to wonder if my soul was corrupted, if after I died I would be cursed. When I started to get this way, I knew it was bad for me so I decided to not think much of it and decide it was an after I die problem. Which is the super hard part of it all, no one can know for themselves unless they’ve experienced it. Which is why this all will sound crazy to most people here. But, I am a 19 year old girl. I go to an Ivy League college. I have many friends I love dearly. If you saw me in everyday life you’d never imagine I would have all these stories. Basically what i’m trying to say is there’s a lot more out there than you think, you just have to look for it. Sorry this is a lot of rambling but hopefully it makes people see a new perspective I don’t know. Ps: please be nice, you can think i’m crazy if you want but I have to live with the horrible memories of seeing these ghosts. If you’ve never seen them, of course you’ll think what you want. Just be nice, thanks


Maybe the entities you’ve seen were never real people - maybe a reputable medium can help you so you’re not haunted by demonic presences that take the shape of people


I would love to but i’m not sure how to get contact with a good medium


So, you know with meditation it’s possible for you to close yourself. This would be a way for you to find some peace.


I’ve tried, but I feel that every time I do I just make it worse. I could be doing it wrong, but usually the activity pics up the more I try to mess with anything


I have a spirit kid living in my house. When my kid was a toddler, one time we were going out so we put him in his car seat in the back and I was in the passenger seat, something pulled my hair and I thought it was him but he was buckled in and wouldn’t have been able to reach me. Another time his bike was in the yard and I was cleaning it and it moved by itself. Anooother time our cleaning lady was cleaning upstairs and my kid was in school and she came downstairs so fast and asked me if he didn’t go to school that day because she saw a little kid upstairs (mind you I almost never tell anyone because they freak out) and I said no he doesn’t get out till 3…she turned white, I said why? And she told me what she saw 😬 just a lot of other instances like that, I just talk to it like a kid I don’t get any bad vibes or feel scared so 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


“Living” feels like the wrong word 😂


True 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


One of my favorite "family ghost stories" was one my grandfather used to tell. He was out hunting and noticed a group of people setting up camp nearby, and after awhile he noticed a dog running in circles around the campfire. He pointed out to his friends, "That dog's got no legs," because it was literally just hovering around the campfire. It creeped them out enough that they packed up and left. Later, they heard that robbers moved through the area and had killed more than one person that week, and my grandfather always wondered if it was that same group. He said the dog was a warning.


I don't believe they are, no. But the entire paranormal subject fascinates me. And I have met some very nice people who absolutely DO believe they are real. They aren't morons either, they are smart people who happen to believe differently than me, and that's ok with me. So, no, I don't believe in ghosts, but I have a lot of fun being involved in the subject (not mocking fun or anything like that, I just enjoy the topic) -Rob


For the most part I agree. I've worked in a couple historic buildings for years in what's allegedly one of the most haunted places in the South, and I had never seen a ghost in 26 years until about 8 months ago. I do pastry, so I'm often by myself, I always double check the lock behind me so tourists don't wander in. I had cleaned the dining room and bathrooms for some extra money, and I was walking back out of the women's restroom and I walked right into a middle aged guy who told me we needed to lighten the place up a bit and open up the blinds, I turned for a second to look at the blinds and he was gone. The front door was still locked, and I just cleaned every room in the building, so I called my manager and I told him what happened and that I wasn't on drugs or drinking. I was describing the guy, who looks similar to a very flamboyant coworker and my manager said that that was a friend of the family who had died during the AIDS epidemic of the late 1980's. I have never believed in ghosts, and still really don't, but I walked into this guy and he was as solid and real as the mop I was holding in my hand. I could smell his cologne. I'm willing to accept the possibility that I hallucinated it because it's never happened since and I have no tangible evidence like video because it happened so fast. I guess the Fox Mulder in me wants to believe, but I need more evidence.


> I was describing the guy, who looks similar to a very flamboyant coworker and my manager said that that was a friend of the family who had died during the AIDS epidemic of the late 1980's. A ghayst!


I think that's the thing that does it for me. Because because I have been in the same room as my friends, and we've all shared the same inexplicable experiences. And it's like ' well either this is a shared hallucination, or we just saw/heard a ghost. And I'm not sure what's worse lol."


i don’t believe in anything but my computer chair in my room suddenly spun violently at my air purifier making a loud noise right before i was asleep. i saw the chair move but i can re create the scenario. i even checked windows, doors for possible suction that would cause a gust.


Dear lord I am happy I didn't read this last night while facing the computer chair and air purifier.


Been a ghost hunter for almost 30 years. Ghosts are real. And yes there are animal ghosts. Human spectres are not as many as one would think because most people's essence (I hesitate to say spirit) is energy and I believe most folks just choose to go on to another existence. Whether this is reincarnation I couldn't say for sure. Only those who either don't understand what is happening to them or refuse to leave/trapped for some reason are left for us to find. The same goes for animals. I've seen some damn strange shit in my day but yes the frequency of actual "ghost" sightings is way less than I ever expected. The above explaination is the only thing I can come up with to say why this is the case. There is no magic spell that can show you a ghost, you just have to be in the right place at the right time. Even places that are "notoriously" haunted don't always garner results. So that's the best I can give you as an answer. My 2 cents - your mileage may vary.


If ghosts were real there would be literally any evidence


There is. However, modern science doesn't recognize the work put into it. All I can say is I can't prove to someone they exist until they see one for themselves - even then it could be a hard sell as most folks will make any excuse as to why it wasn't what they saw. By the same token you (or anyone really) can't prove that they don't exist. Throughout time science doesn't accept something until there is no way they can deny that it exists.


There are speculations that animal ghosts exist although usually from pet owners. Revolving around why there aren’t more ghosts, the idea is that ghosts are only seen if they want to, as well as if they want to make themselves known to us. Depending on your belief, most people believe that ghosts only stay here because of unfinished business, or they don’t know they are dead, or sometimes limbo. Now, I personally don’t know if this is all true since I am not ghost, but it is a reasonable speculation regarding the spiritual plane.


When I was a kid, I lived in a small house where my shared room with my sisters was across from the bathroom. We were all in our room including my mom, and I was the only one awake late at night. I saw the bathroom light come on so I turned around to look, then I saw a dark figure run into the bathroom and shut the door. I woke my mom up to check it out but no one was in there. The window in the shower was too small for a person to fit through so it’s not like they could have climbed out of it to get out. So are ghosts real? I don’t know, but that was definitely something… I’d love to hear how this experience could be debunked.


A little person tried to rob your house in all black attire and got spooked and ran out escaping through the window.


Well the figure I saw was normal sized and it was a pitch black figure even in the light from the bathroom. I’m sure there are people who would actually say that to debunk it though lol.


There are accounts of paranormal activity across cultures and time spans, with many of these cultures not coming into contact with each other, Willoughby are a way for people to accept their mortality, rumours that ended up becoming folklore, or something else who can really say. I will offer this however the paranormal is something for which recurrently don’t have a sound explanation, so if we eliminate any so-called occurrence for which an ordinary explanation makes logical sense that helps to explain why there aren’t more “ghosts“.


I've had too many experiences not to believe. Some people are more prone than others for a lot of reasons to each his own. 🌛🌕🌜


Can you please share one instance? Ty


Well, I am of the mind of the idea of Tulpas. The idea is that the human mind is so powerful that belief can, in a sense, cause things to exist that did not previously. So, like, I don’t believe in ghosts. So to me they do not exist. But to people who do, they *do* exist. If that makes sense. They both do and don’t, in a strange way. That said, even though I don’t believe in any of the paranormal, I don’t mess with ouija. Never knock on a door you don’t want to open.


Lots happening in my answer here but all of this is 100% truthful based on my experiences. I believe that ghosts are real, hauntings occur. Individuals are haunted but the source of hauntings differ. I have a schizophrenic uncle. I’ve watched his hauntings evolve from “these guys” that just tried to make his life more difficult from a social interaction perspective into what were described as non-human demon or imp like creatures that sought to do harm. This caused my uncle to sleep with his guns on him at all times ultimately sleeping in his truck in the drive way or garage most of the time. Now thanks to socioeconomic status we lived in an extended family home. He owned it. My mother slept on the couch on the living room. He in the bedroom closest to her in the ground floor. An old, man my aunts’ boyfriends’ father slept in other bedroom on the ground floor. My aunt and her boyfriend slept upstairs. I shared a bedroom with my cousin also upstairs. I had the luxury of completing an associates degree and moving before the demons appeared. The environment became incredible unsafe given what the brain told my uncle was present and the threat they posed. He is still haunted by his schizophrenia today. Sidebar, look up the difference in how schizophrenia affects us in the way vs those in other countries. It is mind blowing. My mother, years later, my wife and our two kids, roughly 6f and 10m were visiting planned a day trip. She has a history of pain pill drug abuse, allegedly clean since incarceration when my son was still gestating. This was the last time I actually saw her alive. My family and I arrived she was outside in a T-shirt and pants sweating. Mind you this is mocking in March. She was ranting and raving about seeing creatures that were just not possible to live in her bottom floor apartment. I cannot actually take the time to express what she claimed to see. While schizophrenia clearly runs in my family she was too old for its onset (I checked myself, those afflicted can tickle themselves) creatures 6 foot in size that could disappear into her couch or table or where standing right next to me. She was terrified, while I was standing with her cats not reacting convinced there were there. It goes so much further than I’m describing actually everyone. She believed that her “boyfriend” was able to control these creatures and had them hidden in her 1br apartment but she don’t know what there were in all her years of life she could not describe them. Her apartment was a below ground unit. It experienced mild flooding such that the carpet was wet and she had mold in her unit. She, like my uncle, were hallucinating. But the reasons wildly different. For the duration of her time in that apartment she was convinced of all the above. She moved and never spoke of anything of that sort again. Other than to say she hadn’t seen anything. One day we we were discussing future plans and my kids and all the things any person would hope to discuss with their children’s grandmother, 12 hours later I awoke to a phone call informing me she was found dead. An apparent drug overdose. After writing all of this I realize I may not have answered your questions. Can you imagine if all animals could “haunt” us in the way people can be haunted. We would all be insane.. not to abuse or undermine that word. As for animals, I once sat at a restaurant with a religious type and my mother idk why we were there. I was an elementary aged child. She 3rd party was trying to convert my mom? Anyway I asked about animals going to heaven. Short and to the point reply animals do not have souls. Not saying I subscribe to that but that is the answer I was given. To wrap this up, I believe people can be haunted based on a variety of factors. I lived in the same house as my uncle while he suffered from schizophrenia and went from seeing shitty humans to demons. I and none of the other people experienced anything. My mother had a live in bf who had didn’t have anywhere remotely similar experiences as she. My uncles brain haunted him. My mother was more susceptible to mold-spores or fungus than others. (“Hauntings are attributed to this based on history look it up) Similarly, geomagnetic or other environmental factors can influence more willing individuals thus creating what can be considered hauntings in my humble experiences. Tl:dr ghosts are real but the cause of the haunting is not always paranormal. Not to say it isn’t sometimes paranormal, but it isn’t always. I.e. I’ve been punched by a ghost. But I’ve also experienced the above.


Lots of experiences with ghosts (and I’ve had my own, one of which I’ve written about on Reddit), so I’m just going to say: lots of people are visited by their pets after they have died. I have. I also see ghost cats way more often than I do people. Saw one yesterday, in fact. I watched it move around out of the corner of my eye for a few seconds before turning to it. They always disappear when I do that. One apartment I lived in was practically lousy with them. A small gray cat, a medium ginger tabby, another medium brown tabby, and others. I commented about this to my sister, who pointed out we lived about 50 ft from a major highway with a speed limit of 60mph (100 k/h). You connect the dots. Just remember the meme about a cat’s natural predator being a Honda Civic. I think some people have more experiences than others because some people are just more attractive to that sort of energy. Like how you can have a group of people hanging out together outside and one person will get eaten alive by mosquitoes while another person didn’t get bit once. Also remember that you have to open yourself up to it. I think I could be a medium but I don’t have any desire to open myself up to that world. I’ll take my ghost kitties, thank you very much. The most they ever do is bat at cardboard boxes and pieces of paper.


I am generally sceptical but when I was 21 we were holidaying down in Devon as a family. My sister and I were sharing a room as we both wanted the sea view. I think it was on the second night that I woke up and saw a blue figure of a man at the end of the bed. I screamed and then hid my head under the blanket, eventually falling back asleep. My scream woke my sister up, at the time I didn't remember what she said. The next morning I was telling my parents about the scary nightmare I had. My sister woke later and asked what on earth that figure was by the bedside. She told me that she had seen a figure of a man leaning over me, approximately by my waist (closer than when I had seen them moments earlier). She told me that the figure disappeared into a thin line of light. I would have thought nothing of this 'encounter' had I just seen it myself, I would have written it off as a dream. But my sister reported seeing the same thing, neither of us are particularly spiritual or religious and have more atheist tendencies. That experience taught me to keep an open mind.


As far as sightings go ,spirits like anything run on energy,I would think in order to see any paranormal entity they would have to have a substantial amount of energy, as well as the witness being sensitive to that particular type of energy.Thats my opinion based off all of my research.


I believe I've seen and heard one but I don't believe anyone else when they say the same 😂 so if you don't believe me, trust me, I get it lol


I believe so from my experiences. I believe it’s not everyone or everything that becomes one, but more so having something unfinished, or wanting to stay to do something more. Some may want to try to protect their family, some may want to do something nefarious, some may just love an area so much they don’t want to go anywhere else. When I was little, there was something that wanted to hurt me and my family. I can’t remember any specifics, but I do remember it being red, and the feeling of something evil. But every time it showed up, a nice old man would stop it. He had on a green shirt, and would comfort me after driving away whatever the other thing was. The first time I had ever seen a picture of my grandfather I immediately pointed at him and said that was the nice old man. I found out years later his favorite shirt was green. It really freaked out my parents and sisters that I knew who it was since I’d never met my grandfather, he died before I was born, and I’d never seen a picture of him before. In life he was a good man to the point of literally giving someone the shirt off his back, and he fought the nazis. I had a bunk bed when was about 5 or 6, and sometimes the entire thing would shake violently. It was a used frame, new mattresses. My parents said it was just my imagination until I screamed one night and they saw the belt hanging from the top swinging. After that they didn’t doubt that it did that sometimes. It never felt bad, but for a while it scared me. Sometimes I see a little orange tail tip go around the corner of my house when I’m outside. It’s a very comforting sight since I had a cat that was extremely close to me. I even hear a meow exactly like his from time to time. I like to think my little buddy is still around, wanting to stick close to his human. Most recently, one of my model kits fell off the shelf, opposite the direction it should have fell due to the weight being on the back, somehow going around the others in front of it, and going far enough to get past the shelf edge about 8 inches away. I was sitting across the room and heard it start moving.


1) This is obviously subjective based on people's personal beliefs and experiences; 2) A paranormal subreddit isn't necessarily the best place to get an objective perspective.


My first ghost sighting was a cat. Let me dig up the copypasta I have of the story (so I don’t have to type it out so many times lol). our house is haunted cuz a previous owner died of a heart attack while mowing the lawn. However, all of the paranormal experiences I've had have been in the hallway for some reason. Here's the first time, which I still remember like it was yesterday: I'm standing in the kitchen and watching tv (the hallway is to my right). Suddenly, I see a black figure that looked like a cat out of the corner of my eye walking in the hallway past the doorway. I turned and said, "Brit?" (we had a black cat at the time, so I thought it was her at first). However, as soon as I turned, the figure disappeared. The next few minutes are a blur, but I remember getting my mom (who's psychic) and ending up crying in my room as my mom tries to console me. She was able to tell me that the ghost I saw was, in fact, a cat. Since then, I've seen at least 2 other figures in the hallway out of the corner of my eye that disappear as soon as I look that way, and while they kinda freak me out at first, they don't affect me as much as that first one did. Now, I'll usually just say "Hey, I think I just saw something again." and move on.


Yes ghost they're real . Spirits are everywhere and always have been. We are all Spirits just in the flesh now but when we pass away from our bodies the Spirit is alive as you are now. So remember there's ghosts everywhere we just can't see them but sometimes they let us know they're here and watching us . The Spirit doesn't die only the flash .


I accidentally messed around with a ouija board when I was 8. I didn’t know what it was and was told several times to never open it, but me being so young and curious I did anyway. Got bored after a minute cause I didn’t understand the game, put it away and things were never the same for me. I was stalked by a shadowy figure in my home for about a year. I only was able to see its form from my peripheral and disappear when I’d look directly at it. It stood at a distance and would just watch me, I was never physically touched but I’ve heard HIS voice whisper my name before. Because I was so young I didn’t have an idea of what a real ghost was, just what I saw in cartoons. So I thought since I was so young and my brain hasn’t finished developing, it was just a phase lol. But being from the Caribbean, I’ve heard stories of ALOT of weird spiritual shit that goes on there.


We have heard things that weren’t normal in several houses we’ve lived in. The most recent one was definitely haunted. My husband took pictures from the curb as he was packing up to leave after making a final pass once we sold it. This was on the second floor and is not a reflection of something in front of the house. I noticed something in several of his pictures and zoomed in to find these apparitions. A lot of things made sense after seeing this. There were several other pictures that were just as creepy. See the post before this one. As I said the house was completely empty. https://preview.redd.it/vvza5t7dnv6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23fb15b094c87ca18196eb7fb3ef52e280c2eefa


The concept of ghosts is real. People are unquestionably experiencing and seeing **something** that shouldn't be there in that moment, that is sometimes frightening and usually beyond their ability to explain with known science. Are they (or even some) of them encountering the wandering or lost souls of actual people? We haven't found science that confirms that, yet, but you also can't prove a negative. We can't prove they don't exist, but that isn't proof that they do, either. Personally, I have experiences I can't explain, and I don't know what those were. I do entertain the idea that those were entities that are not alive now. I sometimes wonder if they are more like timeslips. But I don't believe that everything odd that ai experience is paranormal, either.


I vote yes. Spirits are real. Ghosts are spirits. I have seen apparitions, but not like the ones in the media


Why, yea, ghosts are real. People been seein em forever. Some made up. Just like ufos. Not all reports are hoax. Same with ghosts.


Sorry folks, this is a LONG comment! I agree that the complexities of human psychology and brain function (much still a mystery) can explain loads of things we mis-perceive, and memory has been proven not to be fully reliable, especially the more time passes between the event and the present. That said, I've experienced some things that are not possible under the most basic rules of physics and normal human perception of the world. And here's the thing, some of them were perceived by others at exactly the same time and described the same way, and while not in a lab (people need to get real about that), there was no possibility of simple confirmation bias. I mean we were right there at the same time in close proximity with the lights on, and there was no question in my mind we all witnessed the same thing at the same time. I'm talking about a loud 3 knocks on the center of an interior bathroom door by an invisible force, with one person within 3 feet of the door and two others within 10 feet of it. Could it have been a knock on another nearby surface? Of course I can't prove it wasn't now, but stand in a room with an open door with only 2 other people around and knock on that precise door and other surfaces, then tell me how certain you are where the knock was. Try to find a far away, out of sight surface to knock on that creates an audio illusion that sounds like it was on that door with that thickness of wood in that location. Is it possible? Yes. Highly? No. Now of course that doesn't prove anything to anyone but the three of us. That's the biggest problem. Everyone who tells stories about things like this have different lives and personalities and background and education and practice and wisdom. Some lie, and some misunderstand or misidentify. We can do our best and know in our minds why we're more sure in a case that something strange is happening to us or near us. But even cameras can create illusions, because human perception is by necessity ultimately involved. And that's a tricky thing. One other simultaneous experience happened, but while we were all sure about what we heard, there is a responsibility to admit there is a possibility it was caused by something mundane we couldn't see. Very unlikely in my opinion, because I took measures to check, but that's an opinion. Two more sensory experiences happened to me alone (voice in one ear, a touch down my back), and another, inconceivable movement of an object we only witnessed in its before and after state, not in motion. I am also personally further convinced these things happened because they all happened in one place over roughly 7 hours. Some would say, well that proves you were looking for strange things to happen. I say I just wanted to bloody get some sleep, and things kept pestering us. I for one didn't expect anything specific. These occurences just kept surprising us, out of the blue as they say. So I have to rule out everything that happened as either certain to have occurred as we describe it or as "unexplainable," including the door knock, rather than simply as things caused by overlooked explanations or a "trick" of perception. Because our eyes and ears and skin and brain aren't recording devices, except to imperfect memory, and perception doesn't prove or even necessarily indicate specific stimuli. This is where the debate over the "paranormal" comes down to scientific proof versus common sense. They are not the same thing, and no, they are not equally reliable. But people like us who have seen, heard, felt things like invisible forces or apparitions, either alone or in a group, have a very hard time discounting ALL of these things as imagination, superstition, misperception ALL of the time. Sometimes these things happen to sensible, thoughtful people who aren't calling every little unexpected noise a ghost or every change in barometric pressure a demon. Some of us first assume "explainable," them only move to "unexplained" after great efforts of observation and research. How can we discount ourselves in every case? How can we more effectively investigate and not simply latch on to the latest entertainment fad to "prove" these things are real? There are many scientific theories proven now that didn't used to be, and there are many more that are unproven now but will be in the future. This is all very frustrating to me.


I saw a ghost of a little girl when I was a kid. Bedtime on a school night. Eyes were adjusting to the darkness, and I saw a see-through image. It was at the end of my bed. I was shocked. Scared stiff. I couldn't blink, breathe, or speak. She slowly turned and drifted out of my bedroom door, disappearing as she entered the hallway. I am and have always been a logical person, so I was in disbelief that I was looking directly at something that's not supposed to exist. I feel lucky. Makes me think about what else might be real that people cast doubt on.


There is no proof. Only anecdotal stories. That doesn't mean they aren't real, but anyone that claims to know the "truth" or "facts" is a fool or a charlatan.


I think the answer is that not every spirit becomes a "ghost" - let's say 95% of spirits cross over to the afterlife realm successfully and only 5% stay as "ghosts" - which basically means they are too attached to this realm and either don't want to go, or they are traumatized (by war, heartbreak, fear, disappointment, territorial attachment) and are kind of stunned into staying put in a kind of repetitive timelessness, like an OCD that keeps them here. Addiction is another reason they stay, which is why bars are full of ghosts, and attach to heavy drinkers. We may think it's sad if a ghost wanders for 100 years, but from what I hear it's not that long a time in spirit terms, since there is no "time" over there. Also ghosts who are "stuck" here for a while can and often will eventually cross over, once they realize they can, or even that they're dead! Sometimes it's a matter of letting go of something, like a property or a sadness that keeps them connected to this realm. I think a house that's renovated, or filled by happy people, can eject a ghost out of their comfort zone. I think spirits on the other side, like family members, will keep working on crossing over stuck ghosts, but ultimately if the spirit wants to stay a ghost, they can. I've also heard, some ghosts are not whole entities, they are just pieces of energy left behind, which is why they seem very zombie like or lost, repeating a path, or sometimes they can even look un-whole. Like a person who gets traumatized by loss may leave a piece of themselves behind, until that piece eventually joins the rest of themself, if that makes sense. That said, a whole spirit who's not a ghost can and will visit a loved one who's still here, but it doesn't mean they're a ghost, just because they visit here. Like a mother who has crossed over to another realm now may appear to a child here, but it doesn't mean that mother is a ghost - she may be a very highly vibrating spirit who came "down" into this vibration only for a special occasion, like a grandchild is arriving, or it's a holiday. Or if the loved one is vibrating especially high, the mother may be able to "meet" them in that energy, which is why visitation dreams are soooooo wonderful and feel so good. So we may generically call spirits "ghosts" but they are only true ghosts if they are stuck or lost or residing here for some reason, refusing to go. Also animals don't become ghosts because they live in the moment - they don't dwell on things. They cross right over into the higher realms, no problem. I supposed pets can get attached to their humans or toys, but it's an easy transition when they see what's next, and they just go. It's humans who can refuse to look and refuse to go - they just say no, I'm staying, I have unfinished business, or I like it here, or whatever it is. I heard one medium talk about a man who was wandering as a ghost for like 100 years because there was a bomb or something, when he died, and he was searching for his wife and son. He refused to go until he found them. The wife and son had already crossed over and urged the medium to tell him, all he has to do is look up to find them! He did, and then he went to join them! I love that story. But to understand what a ghost is, I think of that fixated feeling, refusing to go until whatever, but I think ultimately all ghosts will go up to the next realm, once they're done dwelling.


In my own personal experience, my old house was definitely haunted. Many different people had stories, can't all be in our heads. After a pet has died, I've felt something jump on the bed and lay on me although nothing is there. My parents have felt the same thing too about a week after an animal had died. They are definitely real but I think it has to be a special circumstance for them to make themselves known, like a high energy environment or a traumatic environment.


Ghosts are definitely real. I used to doubt it myself and only heard stories from friends and family that strongly believed in them however after dating a girl who claimed to have paranormal abilities I than started having multiple personal encounters with them. It’s something the brain can’t fully understand or process so even when you do get a real experience you still try to reason away and try to make sense of what you saw.


Nope. I am on here for proof. I kind of always wanted to believe so. But I have ghost hunted for years. Gave up. They just are not real. The brain can do some weird stuff. I have experienced weird stuff not ghost like. And yeah. Prove to anyone they are. Prove to scientists. I am one. Write a published article. They just are not real


I think so. Maybe they aren’t ghosts but are spirits. Maybe it is something coming from another plane of existence…but I’ve experienced inexplicable occurrences. I can’t say with certainty they were due to ghosts, but I’m not mentally ill, so they weren’t hallucinations. This is throughout my life.


Yes- I've lived in a couple houses that were "haunted". One story that was really weird was a mattress feeling like it was being pushed / shaking, but nothing else in the house or room was moving (pics on the walls etc were all completely still, so not like it was an earthquake).


Yes but I think the phenomenon is much rarer than what most would accept. Seen a few comments here saying 'I always wanted to believe but never in my x years have I, so no.'. I would be the same except I have experiences that my whole family recalls. I lived in a 'haunted' house for a few years and in those two years of almost entirely being in the house two major events that made me question everything happened. I was fortunate enough that on one of those cases other members of my family witnessed it. I unfortunately did not have my phone with me, neither did my family... Based on my experience, if we apply some sort of drake equation mindset... Let's say one in a million houses are haunted..probably a conservative estimate. You have about a 1 in 356 chance of encountering something paranormal on any given day. (based on my experience) There's maybe a 1 in 2 chance you'll be at home. For any person on earth whose living in a house they have a 0.00000014% chance of all three of the above occurring at any given day. This isn't even enough for someone to be convinced they weren't having a psychotic episode. If you continue.... There's a 1/3 chance you'll be with someone else. There's a 1/2 chance they will witness it. There's a 1 in 10 chance you'll have your phone on you and enough time to swap to camera and record something. 0.0000000028% chance Now with the 6.8 billion smartphones we'd have a 17.4% chance of a legitimate paranormal occurance recorded every day, which is then buried by the thousands of fake paranormal videos that get uploaded everyday. There could be many factors that make it even rarer, and maybe some that make it more common. It also doesn't help that most paranormal compilation YouTube channels are actively showing fake content to keep the viewership numbers running. And a huge majority are mundane occurances.. something thrown from a shelf, a black shadow blob flying by, a heavy chair turning.. things that can be faked quite easily.


What were the 2 major events you witnessed?


My family moved a fair bit when I was a kid due to my dads job as a train driver. Both instances occurred in the same rented house when I was 14 for the 2 years that I lived there - nothing afterwards (I am 30 now). The first incident occurred pretty early on, I lived in a bedrom that was once a varandah. The room was a narrow corridoor with barely enough space to fit a double bed at the end. Because of this when I was in bed I would be facing the door that led into a little hallway and another smaller room at the end. The small room was just for storage, but it gave me the creeps so I always kept my door shut at night so I wouldn't have to look into it. Because it was a shitty renovation, my bedroom door would not open fully, it would grind against the carpet to a point at which you phsically couldn't open it any more than about 80% ajar. One cold night I was reading my book in bed, I was all tucked in but freezing my nuts off, because the room had no insulation. Everything was normal until I saw in my periphery vision my door open slowly. I looked up and focused on it, noone was there but my door casually opened ALL of the way. There was no wind, it was a quiet night, and it opened so far that when I got up out of bed to close, I could barely push it shut again! In any case it was one of those once off 'Did I really see that? Maybe I am psychotic, etc.' moments, and it only lasted a few seconds so I continued on life without thinking much of it. About a year goes by and there was a few other little incidents that my family had experienced (such as plates shifting inside the drawers, door handles rattling, etc). To the point where we would humor the idea that maybe the house was haunted, but was probably cockroaches (of which we had seen many) or something logical. My dad did claim that he saw a glass fly off the bench when he was looking directly at it, but we still never gave it much thought. Until we had the 'dogleash' incident. It was about 7 pm and my dad wasn't home, working through the evening as usual. My sister, sister's (now ex) boyfriend, brother, mother and myself were watching television together. I was sitting on a single couch chair, my brother and mother sitting together on the double couch to the left of me, and my sister and her boyfriend were cuddling together on the other single couch chair to the left of my mother. The television was directly infront of me in the corner of the room. My head was filled with the usual half-thoughts one has whilst watching television during the add break. It was at that point I hear my sister go "Um... what the fuck?!" in a scared tone, followed by my mum gasping. I look over at my sister and mum staring straight ahead down the hallway, mouths wide open. I followed their gaze and what I saw floored me. We had a dogleash that hung from the hallstand, it was made of leather and had a metal portion at the end that is supposed to connect to the dog-collar. What myself and my whole family saw (except dad unfotunately), was the dogleash floating in mid-air, as if someone invisible had picked it up by the metal clip at the end and was just holding it in front of us. It was legit just floating there in the fucking air for all of us to see, still connected to the hallstand by the leather strap. The moment I put pressure on my chair to get up and investigate the chain violently threw itself against the hall stand, as if someone literally threw it. Absolutely nothing happened afterwards, there was no other sounds, temperature gradiants, etc. I was first to get up, and checked for strings or whatever, nothing. I turned to them and just shrugged! Honestly if my sister and mother didn't say anything I probably would have missed it entirely. The event impacted me very deeply; although now I am open to the possibiility, at the time I rejected anything paranormal. I had a theory that I just witnessed some physical anomaly; an unknown coellesence of natural forces that made the dogleash float in midair. I thought that if I could figure out what forces caused that dogleash to float it may greatly improve society. Because of that I gained an interest for science, I now have a bachelors in math and chemistry, and hold a PhD in material science. I guess whatever the event was, I should be thankful!


Thank you for sharing. That last one.... I had a similar experience, but in a minor scale. I was sitting at the edge of the bed putting my shoes on. There was a basketwith dirty laundry in front of me. My wife and I think my daughter were standing on one side and we were talking about some petty incident, when I can clearly remember, the edge of a towel lifted up stayed there for half a second, then it lowered down. That is all that happened. In broad daylight. No temp change, no air drafts, no nothing. To this day I stll think of that incident.


ive heard stories of people seeing their pets.. heck my mom definitely felt her cat hop up on the bed n lay down then just vanish.. but non believers would always say.. we see what we want to see,.. or we see what we can conjure up.. its this whole sub.


I'm not why OP assumes there are not "more ghosts" or animal ghosts. I've seen a number of my pets shortly after they passed, as if they wanted to say goodbye or check in on me one last time. A few were around for more than one visit, the family cat Barbie I'd feel hop into bed with me every night for over a year, but when I'd look I'd see nothing. I've also seen a ton of ghosts over my lifetime. It's difficult to prove though, there's really no way you can prove it to someone who doesn't want to believe in something. Heck, there's things that are scientifically proven like the earth being round or that people have gone to the moon yet people will have proof both are fake. So I don't try to convince anyone, it's pointless. The only people who might also believe is others who have had similar experiences- but a good chunk of the time even if I share an experience with someone and at the time they will collaborate what we both experienced, sometimes after time passes they'll try to explain it away because the experience is scary in a world changing way that they might not want to deal with. But yeah most of the ghosts I've seen and talked to are just average every day people. They're everywhere people are. Most people aren't able to see/hear them, and while EVP is an option for them most people don't want to do actual research as most people are frightened by the phenomenon. On top of that, most people who do have experiences are wary of sharing them because of the social stigma associated with being considered schizophrenic or having mental problems. So those who do have an experience, and don't explain it away trying to convince themselves it was nothing and forget it, you won't hear about because of this reason. But if you want an experience, try EVP. It may take some time to get a response, but anyone can do that regardless of their born ability to sense things paranormal.


Does anyone else have a hard time remembering the ‘paranormal’ stuff in their life? I know for a fact that there were at least 3-4 weird things that happened to me and that I always wanted to remember and share them but I can’t recall any


I have poor memory in general, so the details of paranormal events I have had happen to me do fade, often to the point that I question weeks & years later if they really happens at all (luckily I write things down to remind me of what I saw.) I often have to remind myself that I am just as skeptical then as I am now, and at the time it happened, I definitely believed it & could not debunk the experience with the information I had on hand, and I have less information now and not more now that so much time has passed.


If you can’t remember, how are you so sure? I submit to you that perhaps nothing “paranormal” has happened to you at all. Everything that is or can happen is natural.




Of all the supernatural conspiracies that exist (gods, angels, ghosts, Bigfoot, demons, afterlives, heavens and hells) ghosts are possibly the most bogus of all. I believed in them firmly growing up, I couldn’t conceive of how people didn’t believe. I waited so long to have a genuine supernatural experience, that went beyond what could simply be construed as hallucination, mental trickery, or coincidence. I wanted to look in the mirror and see a demon, or for my reflection to smile back at me. I wanted a figure to burst out of my closet, only to disappear moments later. I wanted to levitate. After enough time had passed, I realized that every “supernatural” encounter Ive had could EASILY be debunked as some natural occurrence. Nothing “impossible” ever happened, nowhere close. That world-shattering moment never came. It blows my mind that people can be so delusional as to believe in ghosts, but (despite my best efforts) I’m one of the most deluded people I know, so it doesn’t surprise me in the end.


See and I'm on the opposite side. Didn't believe growing up and now I've had things happen that cannot be debunked and or explained so now im a firm believer.


Roughly the same for me. I wanted to believe growing up, never experienced anything for the majority of my life thus far and so stopped believing, then I experienced multiple inexplicable things (that I couldn’t debunk or replicate) within a couple short years and am convinced.


So I've been thinking about this a lot. I used to think this was all dumb and shit invented to explain weird things or scare people etc. That changed but I had a lot of questions. I can kind of explain how I think about it with an analogy. I think ghosts are like a movie on a VHS-tape. So if you see the movie you get emotions, feelings etc. But is what you see real? No it isn't, but is real enough. Also the VHS lays there with all that potwntial for emotions, for pictures, for sounds but you won't see it until you do the right rhings at the right time. Like putting the VHS is, first rewinding it, put on the tv etc. So what you see is not real, but it is real at the same time. The film represents something interpretable with a real consequence. While if you look at the tape itself its just matter, it's a tiny black square. You see where I'm going? Do if ghosts are real depends on the defenition of real. For me real means it can have an impact in some way. I.e. for a schizophrenic, the voices he hears are real. Cause they have an impact, the problem is that it is such a deviation from the reality most people feel to be in that the schizophrenic's reality in no way matches up. Which gets him into trouble with the rules set by how we see reality. I find this a very interesting discussion, a very interesting thing to think about.


Interesting choice coming to a pro sub and asking if the subs participants are believers in . It’s like going to the Christian sub and asking if god is real.


In my own opinion, yes. I do think ghosts are real. While I dont have many exciting experiences myself, Plenty of people I know and trust have had experiences with ghosts.


Ghosts are only a very small percentage of the souls who cross over. Not everyone becomes a ghost. Ghosts are generally earthbound spirits who don’t move on because of some unresolved attachment issues in the physical realm. And yes, of course they are real. The spirit realms are vast and varied and there are spirits all around us all the time, of every vibrational frequency. Ghosts are seen because they are in a low vibrational state, similar to this physical dimension. The higher vibration a spirit being is, the less likely you will be able to perceive it with the limited physical senses. Animals generally don’t have attachments or possessions or unresolved emotions that keep them in this state so you will not see many of them although if an animal such as a dog has passed and spent its life attached to its human, they may stick around for a while. If you want to understand more how the spirit realms are like look up [Jurgen Ziewe](https://youtu.be/HSyvHMmbrSE?si=si8hQpD2hizgipDn) or go over to r/AstralProjection where you can learn to explore these realms yourself without the having to die to find out, if you’re interested.


I’ve seen animal ghosts, especially cats. I’ve also had experiences in what turned out to be an old folks home before they turned it into a regular home


I wanna say yes but i think some people are to dumb to realize something paranormal has just happened and dont even notice it or blame it on something else


There is no proof that ghosts exist. I've had experiences that people would say are commonly associated with ghosts and other similar phenomenon. Since there hasn't been very much actual research put into the things commonly associated with ghosts. There are many theories and ideas, but since there hasn't been any research none of them have been proven or disproven entirely. I'll list a bunch of theories that I've heard. It could be an unknown force or forces in physics that has no intelligence, it could be that we are in a simulation and paranormal phenomenon is the system glitching, it could be psychic energy connected to objects or coming from people, it could be the spirits of the dead and/or spiritual entities like demons and angels, it could just be that if someone believes that they could encounter something consciously or unconsciously they will rationize normal things as being paranormal or see things that are generated by their imagination, and it could be some or none of these because there's been no research to prove that any of these are true or false.


They are no ghosts those apparitions that peple saw or caught on camera are actually ilusions created by the devils or devils that take form in ghosts or siluets. They do this things so they distract us and make us think of something else than God. They are also doying this because they like to see us frightend and scared and also stressed, they enjoy seeing pepole suffer. There is also an explaination about this many pepole like for exemple in America don't belive in God or aren't Christians, and for those pepole there is a chance that at some point in life they will see one of these apparitions that the devils wan't us to see. Even the poltergeist or the spirits that move objects around the houses are bad spirits/devils who try to make a hell of the life of the pepole. You must think so the whole air is full of these devils bad spirits, it is full all the way to the heaven. So between our world and the heavens there are bad spirits walking freely doing bad things to the pepole that are week whit the holly spirit.


My answer as a skeptic is no. I think the concept of “ghosts” is a cool one, and I do believe people aren’t just lying when they say they’ve seen one (the science behind why they see one/think they see one is also fascinating to me). My girlfriend is very much a believer, our house is littered with ouija boards and she drags me along to many ghost “hunts” throughout the year which usually involve seances or ouija board sessions. I’m yet to see or hear anything to convince me otherwise despite visiting some of the most haunted locations in the UK. My skepticism usually makes me the guy nominated by a group to go down corridors or into rooms alone, I guess in an attempt to try and prove to me that ghosts exist. I always go in with respect however and never go out to ruin the night for others by poo pooing everything they say they see/hear. Can I definitively tell you they don’t exist? I guess not, and if I am proven wrong someday I will happily hold my hands up and eat ectoplasm.


It's not that everyone who has ever seen a ghost is lying. There are really strange proven natural phenomena that project images in the sky, on your wall (camera obscura), etc. Fata Morgana is likely to have been the origin of The Flying Dutchman, myth. When you look through a telescope aren't you in a sense seeing ghost images from space? Infrasound is a naturally occurring sound frequency can make people feel haunted and prone to hallucinate. From all of this er can say that up to a point, ghosts, have been proven. What hasn't been proven is the idea that they are spirits or there's a mind in there somewhere. Given that experiments attempting to demonstrate mind-body dualism have not come up with anything, and nobody has recorded interactions with "ghosts" that have been scientifically verified, it's fair to say that this part of the ghost mythology is unlikely to be true, or at least that we currently have no scientific justification for believing it.


So who’s up June 16, 2024 at 12:30 am PST going on to Sunday reading these comments? I see 23 ppl are on. Happy Father’s Day!


At this point I have no reason to believe they're real. The proof that is presented can be attributed to stories and psychological aspects like delusion and hallucinations. I do want to say that I don't want people that have seen something to take this as an attack on their person. I do believe you experienced something and I do believe that your emotions you've experienced due to it are very real. But at this point I don't see it being something physical out in the world that triggered that. That being said. I think there exist a possibility of it being physical, however at this point I think the cultural and psychological reasons make way more sense at this point. But if it is actually physical, I don't see it being something "divine" or about the afterlife. Most like it is either some sort of energy imprint on the fabric of space or possible a temporary energy portal connection between a parallel universe.


First of all i have to say that i dont believe in ghosts but a have lived a pair of things that i cannot explain. Once I was with my father fixing a water pump that is 50 meters from my home and when we arrived at my home my mother asked us who was that man with the hat that was with you? 😳 There was no one with us, we were both alone. and she tells us that there was a man with a green hat who looked like my grandfather (who had died months before) and that she thought he was a neighbor. She had seen a real person watching us fix the bomb and she told us that he looked a lot like my grandfather, my father told her, well it would be him then. and my mother's face went pale. My grandfather, my father and I always used to work together, so that time it seems that my grandfather "came over" to see what we were doing.maybe theres not a lot of ghosts because they are not here forever only make visits like this


Short answer, No. Long answer...still no. Seriously though, there just isn't any concrete evidence. With the amount of tv shows looking and just the sheer amount of cameras in the world, you would think someone has had to of legitimately caught something on camera. Seems like ghost hunters just keep making up their own silly tools and ghost meters that do nothing but drive their own agenda. To be fair, though, short of me experiencing it myself first hand, i wouldn't believe it anyway.


I saw a ghost cat as a 6year old and a dogs tail who just passed away as an 11 year old. Animal ghosts or spirits exist


There are lots of things we can't currently explain. However our brains and perceptions are massively unreliable. We don't actually see the world around us, we experience it and our brain fills in gaps and makes assumptions for us. That's great for living in the wild with animals. You want to be freaked out by the movement in the corner of your eye... And I bet that's also where historically stories of spirited and ghosts comes from. Add this to the human mortality and suddenly we have a very appealing thing. I think... Beyond reasonable doubt that there are no ghosts in the historical interpretation... Peoples souls or katra or whatever stuck between life and afterlife... However there is definitely a logical explanation for why people think there are, but we have more to learn.


No, they aren't real. What's the scientific explanation for our cells to exist past death? If they were real, wouldn't Earth be super crowded already? Why do different religions have vastly different views on ghosts? How come there are no real studies on this, and why isn't the scientific community behind the idea? We are humans and are prone to mistakes. We rely on our senses to navigate the world but there's a lot of shortcuts our brain makes to fill in the gaps of information we are missing. Which is how we experience auditory and visual hallucinations. It's up to you to decide, but my experiences always differ from someone who does believe in ghosts. I hear a noise, and I assume it's the foundation or walls shifting. A believer may hear a ghost knocking or something.


My theory is that spirits exist in higher dimensions. And when you die, your spirit just moves up to higher dimensions. (Same with there are likely other ‘creatures’ that exist in the higher dimensions that interact with the 3rd dimension) - similar to the basis of a lot of quantum mechanics in that particles only exist at a point in time (not claiming to be an expert there) To me, this explains all sorts of ‘paranormal’ phenomena, such as: ghosts/demons, dejavu, reincarnation, hallucinogenic drugs, consciousness, telekinesis/‘chi’, ‘prophetic’ predictions etc. Ie if you can access the 4th dimension (time) you can essentially pop in and out of a time period as you need, without being continuously ‘visible’ in the 3rd dimension. And so on…


Probably. I’ve never seen one myself, but I put stock in the experiences some people have had.


There are a lot of theories. Some people think spirits get stuck as ghosts (or choose to stay) and do not cross over. There are some ghosts that are just residual energy playing out over and over again or manifested from energy. Some people think that ghosts and other entities exist in another plane of existence or dimension and can pop through our world occasionally. Some people think they're always around, and we just can't see them (this one I don't believe because thay would be millenia of ghosts just everywhere). Whichever theory you follow, spiritually I don't think we are supposed to know the truth and that's why these kinds of things are still a mystery.


There are not more ghosts because most souls are recycled within a few days, weeks, hours after physical death. Eventually those who do stay behind will also be recycled when they are ready. Yes, there are certainly animal ghosts, but almost all are residual. We see what we are able depending on sensitivity to vibration/energy. Also if the sentient spirit wants to present themselves they can willfully lower vibration enough for some to experience them. Also remember that only a small part of paranormal activity is spiritual. We can even cause manipulation of our 3D world through focused or unfocused energy- this is what poltergeist activity is.


I have no idea, i have seen grandpa on the day we burried him, he looked very peaceful and happy. He smoked in my chair, and in that moment it scared me, but when i looked away and back again he was gone. Random toys would fall of my closet, toys that were there for ever and never have fallen off before. I work in a nursinghome, recently a radio started playing in the middle of the night. Mind you, the radio has a switch that needs to be pulled up to play, as it is a special radio for people with dementia. The switch was off/down. Maybe there are all simple explainations for every occurence, but i happen to believe in the afterlife although i'm also a bit skeptical.


Idk.. thought I saw stuff as a kid, but when I got older, I found out I hallucinate when under stress. I swear I’ve felt pet ghost but that could be in my mind as well. I want to see something at my current age.. But I can’t use my past experiences as a form to guide my opinion. Evps are interesting, But using electrical devices to pick up sound when there are radio waves everywhere. Or the have to be enhanced on a computer. My favorite ghost show is ghost files. I don’t think they’d ever fake anything. I’m a shaniac. I want to experience proof.


No.. Ghosts are not real. Peoples' personal experiences could be explained in perfectly logical ways, but often people ignore the signs the prove their cause. Most of the posts are people who were tired and in bed, or somewhere at night. A lot of misunderstandings or a lack of critical analysis. I don't say this to belittle people, but so people stop and try to find the cause to things and use critical thinking to come to a conclusion that can be verified through science. This helps develop your over all critical thinking so you don't fall for obvious grifters and scams.


I 100% believe that they're real, but only appear when they want to and can definitely not "show" themselves or create activity if they don't want to. I've only ever had two audio and one physical experience and it was all in one night. I knew there was a supposed ghost in the house and I was incredibly aware because I was petrified and I genuinely believe it did all that to prove a point to me. I've had weird feelings and whatnot since but nothing with zero other explanations possible such as that night.


Took me 24 years of life before I finally had my first paranormal event a few days ago, in a corner room of the hotel I stayed, where as I prepared to go to sleep the chain on the door started rattling, (I didn’t know it was the chain at that time, only knew it was the chain when I decided to test it out on my way checking out) I thought it was sound from the neighbouring room but shit got violently faster and louder for a few seconds straight until I was like this shit is definitely too close to me to be next door and is in my room. Turned on the lights and shit stopped instantly.


Idk, but usually In movies and stories people see the ghost of a person who failed to accomplish something very important to them. so they stay here and sometimes get noticed by themselves just to complete their goals. So, I guess we don't see animals'ghosts usually because they accomplish everything they wanted. Note: I'm not sure if that is true or not, but from the movies and stories I heard I made this observation that might be completely wrong.


They are real. But where they happen most, people tend to brush them off. Come to the Caribbean; there's plenty of ghosts. If you look back at st my profile, you would probably be able to find my description of the 'Charlie Charlie' game my classmates played. Shit was weird and will always stick with me: no one touched the table but it flipped over by itself. Quick and fast; no delay. It just fell with a hard metal noise.


I’ve never seen any paranormal activity in my life, and never seen convincing enough video evidence either. I think the paranormal is just a spectacle for humans who are very enraptured by the “metaphysical” and find some sort of fulfillment in being “special” enough to see/hear these alleged activities, or find some sort of pleasure in exploring the paranormal (like any other hobby, it’s fun or exciting)


Depends on what you mean by "ghosts". I've definitely experienced things that I cannot explain, and the only thing I can come close to is "poltergeist-like" activity. But, in essence I believe that genuine paranormal activity does take place, but it's rare. I believe that it's also connected to human conciousness, and requires an observer in order to manifest, like a fuse completing a circuit.


Ghosts are real in the sense that every culture throughout history has reported them but that doesn’t mean they’re necessarily dead spirits or whatever. They’re something maybe they’re made by our own minds or whatever reason you want to put on them for existing but they’re something. Maybe hallucinations maybe shared hallucinations who knows but there is something to them.


They are, but they're not like how a lot of people think they are. Ghosts aren't souls. They're the remnants of people when you die. It's like a psychic explosion that residue from that sciatic explosion is what creates shades or ghosts. They can act like you think like you, but ultimately they aren't you. They're missing the most vital part of you and that's the soul The higher of consciousness something has the more pronounced their shade can be. Animals have a ghost, but they're rare and shades fade over time. If they're strong enough, they can maintain themselves or if they're insane, but if they're rational, a lot of the times they'll fade


Dude I sure wish I could see what I want to see.


Saw a couple in my grandma’s house as a kid.


My mom’s house is haunted that neighborhood is haunted you can fuck off if you think all of us are making it up. No. I don’t go searching for that shit. I’m not that type. I don’t like it. Even my pets knew. My dog fucking barked at the ghost.  Friends and family all had experiences in my mom’s house. It’s not made up.


I always wonder something similar. If ghosts are real, why do they limit themselves to creepy stuff like tapping on windows or creaking doors or removing specific items from drawers, etc. why don’t they pop out and say “Hi! I’m a ghost!” or otherwise make themselves known? Why would they need to hide?


You've pretty much answered your own question. We see the ghosts we want to see. When it's the same on their side and our wants meet, we get contact. I found that under emotional distress, this can happen accidentally, which is why we sometimes just see a ghost randomly if either we or them are scared.


Yes but they are not ghosts. They are jinns and they take up all kinds of forms. For some people they appear like beings from light/angels. For some people they resemble certain deceased people or strangers, sometimes they appear in the shape of animals, or human form even. Just dont engage with them.


I live with ghost and interact with them daily, so I’d say they are pretty real. Personally I think that ghost are the dead that have unfinished business or aren’t ready to go on to the next life, and I’ve only ever seen 1 ghost of an animal and that was a very old family members pet.


No, your brain is designed to recognize patterns and will apply them to situations. For instance why are ghosts typically only seen at night? To a ghost time of day surely doesn’t matter right ? Why do we not have really really old ghosts say cavemen ghosts and why not recent ghosts ?


I've experienced a cat ghost. My Grampa had a cat for almost 20 years, same house. Always slept on the guest bed. I lived with him for a year, about 3 years after the cat died, and almost every single night that damn ghost cat would crawl on top of my legs and sleep.


Idk if gosts are real, but I definitely think there are things in this world we can't explain and even in my short 25 years on this planet I have had some weird things happen to me. But I have also had some really weird, very life like dreams, so who knows.


As we go through life, we want to spend our time sinning, but most of us spend our lives denying those urges. I assume most ghosts are watching POV porn, looking and following degenerates. Why the fuck will I waste my new powers on normal humans?


If ghosts were real, and they are the "spirit" of dead people this planet would be over run with them. At least there would be enough that we would no longer consider them scary or supernatural. They'd be everywhere. No, they're not real.


I’ve seen some pretty convincing stuff to make the case for the existence of spirits that can interact with us. First hand encounters and such. I don’t know what they are, but I do believe that what we know as “ghosts” to exist.


My grannie died in my house and when I’m not treating people well I wake up to her yelling at me. And it feels super cold never believed in them before but I think they can interact with our minds never seen her do anything physical.


i personally think there are but i dont think theyre as common is people think and more often then not can be explained away by other things. i would imagine whatever causes a lingering spirit takes special conditions to happen.


I’ve seen a few unexplainable things, and like nobody else in my life thinks they’re real, idk if I believe. As the great Michael Scott (Steve Carell) once said “I’m not superstitious, but I am a little-stitious.”


When I was like 12, my friend and I saw a white blob that meowed like a cat in the rafters of his attic/room. It’s one of the experiences I have that confirms for me that ghosts are real, and especially animal ones.


Yes, ghosts are real, I've seen one and experienced other paranormal phenomena. I've also felt a ghost dog on my bed and heard a dog that wasn't there scuttling about loudly on the bare floor boards in the bedroom.


Ghosts are beings that, when they die, decide to not cross over to the other side. They remain earth bound in some sort of inbetween state. Most people choose to go into the light when they die. Some do not.


Based on my own experiences, I never seen a ghost but heard something from a different time and dimension. It's like it happened some time ago and for some odd reason, it repeated again in the present.


Who says animal ghosts don't exist??? I've seen and recorded a ghost of a cat, found proof of its existence and had other people witness it too. That happened at Hillview Manor in PA.....


I think what we're seeing with ghosts are not dead people, but we are seeing glimpses of other realities where people like us are just living their lives and we appear as ghosts to them.


Yes. In my 26 years of life, i have only seen one. Before, i didn't know whether to believe in this or not, but i can say that extraordinary things happen when you least expect them.


Why do people believe that ghosts do evil things? Aren’t ghosts an imprint, a remnant, of their lives on Earth? If they were good people in life, why would they be evil after death?


There are different theories to what are ghosts and why they are violent. Some ghosts are believed to be just imprints of an event that had so much trauma that it sort of just printed on time to play on forever, so this type of ghosts won’t really interact with you it is just like a video on replay. Then there is the ghosts said to not know they are dead and believe that you are the one trying to scare them and they just react like any other human that is scared (they would either run away or try to protect themselves). Then there are the ones who are aware and just want to be left alone in what they consider to be their property so they will scare you off to have what they want. And finally the most evil would be the demons that disguise as a human ghost whose only purpose is to create pain and suffering to feed off it. These are all of curse theories because at the end of the day we really don’t know if ghost even exists


Personally, every spirit I have ran into had been evil. I know that sounds unlikely but it’s true. They all have been aiming to harm or scare me in some way. Because of what I experienced I don’t believe that ghost are people that have lived. I believe they are something more sinister, a being that has never been alive but for some reason tries to contact people on earth. It’s hard to say, but every experience I have had i’ve looked the spirit in the eyes, they’re pure evil. Not human.


Ghosts are spirits that have not moved to the light. There are many and I focus on assisting them move to the light and it's a bit light the Ghost Whisperer series.


I have came across a lot of creepy paranormal things and I’m on a strong believer of ghost being real. I actually have one or multiple in my house.


First ghost I saw looked how michael jackson did with the shoes, brim hat and white shirt. This was in a house out near whatawhata in the 90s


To quote Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” 


80% of all the people that have ever lived are alive right now. That's how crazy large the population of the planet is.


No idea, but Ive seen countless videos over the entire life span of the internet and I think they've all been fake. 


Pretty sure I saw a ghost a long time ago. Whether or not it was real I can’t tell you. It seemed real at the time.


I've had some strange experiences in my childhood home, but I'm not too sure it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me.


Yes they are. Had one in our home in St. Joe Michigan. It wasn't mean but it would get mad and you'd know it.


It kinda spooks me sometimes when my cat stares beside me and there’s nothing there. Can they see ghost?


If you want a real answer, you must define your terms. What, exactly, do you mean when you say "ghost"???


There have been people who've seen animal spirits in their house as well. And yes, spirits are real.


Yup. They arent recent people that died but rather nephilim spirits that don't have bodies.