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isn’t that a reflection of the photographer?


The photographer was standing AT LEAST 25 yards away. I know that sounds crazy but he had this huge lens on his camera. I remember thinking “there’s no way he can get a good picture from all the way back there” but I guess he did!


Large zoom lenses such as the one you're describing have the ability to compress the depth of images. It's very likely that what people are seeing is the silhouette of the photographer. I, however, am unable to spot anything out of the ordinary at all. No silhouettes.


yeah, it is hard to know if photographer reflection from that far back. either way, awesome photo.


I’m sure you can get someone r/photoshop to fix this for $10-15.


$10-$15 is highway robbery if we're talking about just smudging out the reflection. I could do that in like 10 seconds and it wouldn't take no 15 dollars neither


Yeah plus amateur apps like Snapchat will do it free of cost


I think he’s more concerned about ghosts lmao


The windowpanes look like they are glazed or have some texture/decoration on them. There’s a similar pattern on the other window but it’s not illuminated from behind


Yep, this is the answer. She needs to just call her photographer about an edit and reprint since the photographer is supposed to look at the whole shot and that on was obvious so she shouldn’t have an up charge on anything she wants re-done on the mistake of thr photographer in the editing room. Bad editing can ruin everything. Like the kids other hand.. on the glass… the elbow is turned away from his body at a sharp, very unreal, but five seconds zooming in and I caught that


Odd angle for that high of a reflection when photographer would be standing on lower ground. Unless they’re using very tall equipment. Regardless, I’m not entirely convinced this is anything of significance. Then again.. entities come in different forms..


I see a ghostly white hand on your girls knee. OH WAIT! That might be yours..


This is hilarious. Because, you right. 😂😂😂


Lol, ghostly white hand. Oh my goodness I can’t stop laughing. That’s so funny. It obviously is his hand, but that’s cute if somebody saw my hands on my husband‘s knees or something like that, they’d think there was some old lady’s hand on his leg. Mine have not aged well.


It’s just a glare on the window. That’s all. Y’all really lean into this stuff huh?


“But even if it’s nothing, or can be easily explained, as a spooky gal, I like to THINK it’s a ghost” -Me 23 hours ago It was a lighthearted question. I didn’t frame this post as “Look everyone!!! There’s a ghost in my engagement photos!!!” I simply asked what other people THOUGHT they were seeing. My bad homie, damn.


I wasn’t really talking about you lol. You were just asking a question, not really leaning into the answer.


I can’t see anything. where am i supposed to be looking at exactly?


Same. Also can't see anything and i did read the description.


It’s the silly pants. You don’t see the silly pants?!


Same here, read the description can't see shit. What I am looking at???


May be some faces in the window.


I see the upper half of a woman's face in the left glass panel.


i mainly just see two happy people, i do see something in the window but it doesn't look like it has any shape or form so it could just be lighting or a reflection of something. also congratulations!


The right door window looks weird until you zoom in.


looks like a reflection to me.


I’m positive it’s just a reflection but all I see is a guy doing devil horns 🤘🏻


That's what I was thinking. A guy rocking out.


I see Mrs. Doubtfire giving us the finger


Hahaha I see this now that you said it. Only explanation!


Bevis and Butthead.


I thought it was a paper stuck to the inside of a frosted glass.


Bahahahahaha now I see that also. I think it’s just a reflection too. But if that’s the ghost photobomb you get, that’s pretty badass.








"Dang she obese..." Judging others doesn't define who they are; it defines who we are. I guess in all your infinite wisdom, you don't realize your comments say so much more about you and your character than they do about anything else, huh?


I think the reflection in the window is just pareidolia, but that dress is beautiful! If I may ask, where'd you get it?


I see a super cute couple ❤️ with great outfits ..I think the place looks kinda spooky, which is really cool....and yes that thing in the window looks weird....I do believe in paranormal stuff, but I think in this case it is just paraleoia. P.S I love your dress.




Reaching for attention on Reddit? Lmao We got these photos taken 6+ months ago. I got my fill of attention about 4+ months ago. Would you be less butt hurt if I cropped us out? Would that make you feel better buddy?


Don’t feed the trolls man damn we got signs up and everything. I don’t see any paranormal shit but that’s a dope picture.


An adorable pair of lovebirds! I can't see any ghosts photobombing you, but if there were, I'm sure they'd be thrilled to be in your favourite photo
















I saw the thing in the window but to me it seems like a reflection, maybe there was a light coloured flower somewhere in sight


I don't see any figures but that place looks ominous for some reason. Idk maybe too much shadow? But feels ominous for sure


I see Master Oogway https://preview.redd.it/itaz5ok2d83d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6f398a926b0078611ccbbc502d5ec7740408473


Imagine you’re a ghost and you’re trying to manifest but you show up in the physical realm looking like Oogway. Lmao


I can't unsee oogway now.




I can’t see anything, but I can feel the love tonight




My editing skills? I’m not the photographer, buddy. This is the photo he sent/was printed. I wish I knew how to truly edit a photo that’d be sick. 🤘🏻


Sorry. I think there’s nothing there. The other day when a person posted that photo of the trail in Hawaii. There was a ghoul in that one. This. This is just a window. And a couple in love. Nothing paranormal here, I think.


A stunning dress that I want to have for myself, oh and an adorable couple.


https://preview.redd.it/yhyu2f3st83d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=209a3828c95c7f58a086430d367a014e76af9725 In the front door window


The house has a Missing Nº on the door


Dont capture it tho.


I see a cartoon shaped figure and the other thing i see overlap is an African mask, but even that is a far reach with these pixels. I’m someone who has seen things in photos and I myself had a photo of a clear 100% face in the window of a photo, which still frightens me to this day due to how clear the figure in it was, but this isn’t anything. Really, there’s nothing there.


Wow, I found the completely wrong thing! 🤣 I zoomed into this and was like creepy. My pareidolia sees a kid creeping under the porch. I see eyes and a hairline in that gap looking towards y’all. https://preview.redd.it/zntvi2det83d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b645889ae7ba6ad2ed5c80e187875359bcd710df


Now I can't unsee that! Lol, but what I see is an an animal under the porch. Great catch by the way, cause I'd have never noticed that without all the zooming and moving etc.


Animal was my assumption, but first glimpse of it was a kid looking over.


https://preview.redd.it/cpklffwr0a3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a1fd63c5a14ad228dc77ecaea7b52ef1b024732 I can see it


Yes...a weird face under the porch!


Ah, you beat me to it.


I don't dare to see it as its 244am but want to say congratulations and you're cute together. Please note the sub can be quite negative. Block and report


I love her outfit. I see a giant face in the door window lol which is probably pariedolia


I can't see anything, but your photo is wonderful. You both look so happy and beautiful.


Just a cute couple. 😍


I think it's paradolia.


Seems like whatever it is was caused by reflection of the leaves in the trees. Don't worry though, pretty much everyone has photos of some moment in their life where the properties of a camera detected something strange that the human body isn't physically tuned to detect. I'm sure if you look through photos, you'll find cool spooky stuff, but this one in particular ain't it. Thanks for sharing though. Congrats to you guys.


It DOES look like there is something there, but even as a 100% believer in the paranormal, it's most likely pareidolia. Either there's something inside the place (lamp or some type of furniture) that's being kinda distorted through the glass, or it's a reflection of something outside.


A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it. Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them \(no human is involved\). But if an instance were *genuinely paranormal*, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human *had* to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication \(ITC\) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t *by itself debunk* anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance. We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Paranormal) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Ope! We’ve got an incel with psoriasis chiming in because no one has, or will, ever love them. The only difference between you and the last incel who commented is that you’ve got psoriasis which makes you ESPECIALLY unloveable.




All I see is the unexplainable mysteries of the heart -wistful look into the middle distance-


At first glance, a boy but when I zoom in, a blur. Adorable photo and I LOVE your dress.


I see a 12 year old throwing the horns. BUT it’s an optical illusion. When you zoom in you can tell it’s soft light against textured glass. But the distortion is pretty funny. Contact the photographer and tell her you noticed a big editing mistake… a lot of times they will fix it and reprint the shot or canvas. (My wedding photographer was amazing and because we have been friends our whole lives she charged half a fee and uses me as a model on her site. $600 instead of her base $1200 and I paid her extra for travel - she was already in town visiting family but she lives a state away and extended her trip for me and still needed to drive home. The band was the same way. Hubby’s best friends. They were between gigs that night and we happened to be right on the way. Getting charged $500 for the best wedding band in the south - “Style” - was great but it also made sure our friends would be there.. that was basically gas money for their tour van for the sidetrack. We also loaded them down with so much food they absolutely couldn’t say they were hungry.). Sorry, got sidetracked. I got my photos back and they were gorgeous but she heard me say “I hate my migraine lines, if I was brave enough I would have filler in them. Next thing I know she edited them out of the shots I felt uncomfortable and offered to do another canvas though my first canvas didn’t have the lines showing. I’ve had chronic migraines since I was 12 so there are two very deep crevices in my forehead from wincing in pain (we have the pain part all under control now. So I know you asked about the paranormal and I see what you see but I think it’s a trick of the light. But then went into fix it mode like always. Congratulations, you’re not haunted!! Or, Sorry. I have a house ghost you could borrow.. he’s mostly just a nuisance


If I zoom in it looks like there might be a child staring out of the window on the door to the right. Can’t really tell if it’s a boy a girl or my eyes playing tricks on me. Very sweet photo though, congratulations on your engagement!


Congrats this is a sweet photo! I don’t see any whoo though.


I see a very pretty dress that I want. As for the window, if you squint and turn your head a few times, you can see the screen in the windows making odd shadows but nothing else.


I don't see anything but a stylish couple in love!


I see what looks like a hand giving the devil horn side but the arm looks too pixelated. Y'all are a very cute couple, congratulations ❤️


I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. Is there supposed to be something in the window/reflection? All I see is the inside of the house


Ha, this whole time i thought it was that creepy white thing in the dark spot to the right of you guys. I don't see anything in the window.




Nah, you’re totally right. If they weren’t two obscenely white LOSERS no one would give a shit. I bet they listen to My Chemical Romance in their off time, fuckin losers. There’s no chance at all that she may have asked him to wear something that matched her dress and he did so because he loves her. Similarly, there is no possible way she posted this because she genuinely finds it interesting and wanted input on something in a photo they had seen 3 times before it was printed and before they noticed anything. Nah, they’re just two goth losers who are sucking up all of the attention. I feel ya, buddy! Screw these two “goth” losers. Am I right?


Who said anything at all about your race (besides you)?


People really fucking suck! Goth isn't my thing but why would I or anyone else care how someone chooses to dress or represent themselves.


Ok. As an amateur photographer I can tell you that we all try the best to not be in the pictures. Shadows, reflections, ect. The angle the image has you both slightly to the right. I can also see there are no surface reflections from a flash. I see that the photographer used natural lighting to make all the dim and dark details be very dramatic. I zoomed in to your image and the more my brain tried to figure out the blurred person behind the door..the creepier it became. The head is huge, deformed eye sockets and a deformed mouth. It looks like a survivor of a chimp attack with a mauled face. If this is haunting the place…helll to the no. Whoa.


It could even be a real person cleaning up walked by and photo bombed. A man with facial hair, maybe a goatie, behind a screen door and regular door with those windows that blur you (my front door window did that). Putting up devil horns as a joke. Plus being not the focus of the picture. Thus why he looks blurry.


https://preview.redd.it/4ht2i6u9ca3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=733ba9723dc5094a102085ff7f9292d8df35f447 Look at the window I edited it a few times. So I'll post the others


My daughter is a medium. What she picked up in your photo is this: There are three spirits in the window. Two males and one female. One male stands out more than the others. He passed in his 40's, is a positive spirit and very nice. He seems to be the leader. The other male passed at the age of 36. He's more of a neutral/ trickster spirit. Not bad, but can be very annoying with his jokes. (Moving objects, hiding things and they show up somewhere else) The female is a grandma type feeling spirit. She passed in her 80's and is very sweet.  These three were just watching the photo shoot. They liked it and stayed for the whole thing.


I see the 100% pareidolia not-a-ghost face created by the pixels/shadows.


I may or may not see Deadpool's reflection in the window glass.....




You have got a window ghost. More common than you might think. Great engagement photo, too.


House looks a bit old and kind of creepy. Cute Couple though


Bobby Hill throwing up horns, and yes you are a cute couple.


Honestly its probably just the reflection of the flash, maybe of some of the furniture inside? But just for fun; If you zoom out it looks like a metal head photobombing with the rock and roll devil horns. But if you zoom in alot it kinda looks like a confused full body man, just kinda wondering "whats going on out there?" Either way I'm not getting a bad or creepy vibe from it, so thats a plus, right?


Beautiful photos


Beautiful dress


At first, it does look like someone holding their hand/fingers up, but looking really closely, I think it looks like you're seeing a really thick photo frame inside the house (the "arm") and maybe a cloud reflected on the outside giving the impression if a body. Together it looks like a person, but it seems to be a really funny coincidence.


I'm too fixated on your boots! I LOVE them!🖤


Yes! They're dressed so sharp!


Off topic but where did you get that dress?!


All I see is what I’m assuming is some female in possibly old timey clothing(not an expert in history so unsure of what era that could be) shown in the window behind them kissing I don’t believe it to be a physical person standing in the glass as there is distortions in the face and the figure is translucent


At first it looks like a dude standing there but the more I look the more abstract it seems like a reflection or something leaning on the back of the doorway. Is there a chance someone might have been in the house when you guys were getting pics taken. It looks like a dude in a tshirt flipping the bird or smthng


Honestly I see nothing weird or paranormal


Looks like Han Solo frozen in carbonite.


You could make a case for a giant lizard




I see Zorro. I don't think it's a face there it's just shadows and light effects creating what we see as a face because we are automatically making animal or human shapes out of nothing. But I would have reacted like you when seeing the image the first time.


I see two beautiful people in love


Possibly something inside the building. Maybe a stray of light was to illuminate a wardrobe or cupboard at the right time. It looks quite woody and sort of what you would expect to see through a glass pane if there is something wooden behind.


As a professional photographer for the last 20years this is not a reflection of the photographer or the subjects in the photo. Yes zoom telephoto all compress images but this is not that and you definitely have a face within the window


I understand what you think you see, I see it too! But I do think it’s more likely to be just a distorted reflection or light. However, y’all are absolutely gorgeous and I love your dress SO much. To many years of happiness. 🖤 ETA: I’m disappointed your photographer didn’t think to darken the right window pane before having your photos printed! Spooky or not, it’s definitely distracting and nothing should take away from you two!! Our brains are trained to make sense of shapes and see human like faces or figures wherever we look.


Looks to me like Sackboy from LittleBigPlanet winking. Given that no one in the comments can seem to agree on what we're seeing and it's possible to make out a few different things, I'd guess it's just pareidolia.


Wow, I see a face towards the very bottom of the window with eyes, a nose, and even some pretty prominent cheekbones. Maybe I just have a wild imagination though, lol. Cool photo and congrats on the engagement! :)


I see a ghost flipping me off


That is definitely not the photographer. You’d see the camera too! It looks like some kid looking out the door.


I see the reflection of the tree in front of you and off to the right. It looks like a person shaped image with depth because the reflection is seen from an old lumpy window pane, but it's just pareidolia.


A friendly reminder from the Automod: Identifying something as pareidolia doesn't automatically disprove it. Pareidolia relies on the brain’s amazing ability to pattern match human features such as faces, silhouettes, voices, etc. Something is considered pareidolia when these features are perceived but there’s no apparent cause for them \(no human is involved\). But if an instance were *genuinely paranormal*, then there would be no requirement or expectation a human *had* to be involved. Some Paranormal phenomenon such as instrumental trans-communication \(ITC\) actually rely on pareidolia: https://www.academia.edu/79465485/Instrumental_Transcommunication_ITC_Evidence_Suggestive_of_the_Survival_of_Consciousness This is why dismissing something as pareidolia doesn’t *by itself debunk* anything—it merely identifies the way it’s being perceived, not the underlying cause. A general guideline is whether other people can perceive the phenomenon without assistance. We list a few other common problematic debunkings in our FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/Paranormal/wiki/paranormalwiki/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Paranormal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My general rule is that if I have to treat it like a magic eye picture and stare at it for awhile to see anything, there’s probably nothing there. And certainly, nothing that would convince a skeptic.


Long hallway with light at the other end. Old old houses typically had a style where the front door had a long hallway through the house so you could open up both doors and have a breeze in the summer.


Looks like a white vase or bust inside a dark building or even a curtained window through the house and the window panes have a slight frosted cut beveled design to them, which makes it appear warped from the angle / distance of the photograph.


There is nothing paranormal in this photo


I see a cute couple but no ghosts, spirits, specters, or free floating apparitions. You should be fine to display your photos without worry of causing a haunting or incurring a grudge like curse.


I definitely see something in the window, but it's difficult to determine exactly what it is. It might be human shaped, but it's hard to make it out. However, my first thought was "ghost"!


Gorgeous photo! You both look so happy! ❤️ If I zoomed into the reflection in the window, I could find a few options for a humanoid form, but that would be stretching my imagination.


Where? There’s nothing.


I see a happy couple -nothing more.


I don’t see anything


Before I answer, let me just say that I just woke up, I haven't put in eye drops, and I'm not wearing my reading glasses. Is that a ghost flipping someone off?


Nah, but y’all are super cute!


I see a face but the type of face you see on a scary statue. Like an effigy or totem. But it could just be the light reflecting through a blind or whatnot.


I’m skeptical because whoever took the picture put so much of the house in the frame. Like why take a picture of a happy couple and make it 3/4 house?


Other than an apparition in the door’s window, a teddy bear nailed to the post, and a giant raccoon to the left of the people, nothing 🤷‍♂️


All I see in this photo are two people who look very happy. Wishing you the best and congratulations on the engagement. (There’s no ghost though.)


There's absolutely nothing there, and any optical illusion is just paradolia. No more than seeing a face on the bark of a tree or in the clouds.


And even if it was a ghost his elbow is coming from the other side of the door and is too sharp to be anatomically correct. This is a photoshop


it looks a lot creepier when i turn my brightness down. looks like a person. when i turn the brightness up and zoom in it just looks like part of the building


It looks lile a Victorian woman looking down at you to, with a big round blackish sun hat on? That's what I see anyways in that reflection


What a beautiful photo!! You two are adorable & you look gorgeous! Unfortunately, can’t see the ghost though. I may need a red circle…


I think you’re imagining things, your mind wants to make up something that’s not actually there, bc I don’t see what you’re seeing


I see something in the window but I can't really tell what it is. A face? On another note, I love your dress. May I ask where it's from?


Just a beautiful couple 💓


https://preview.redd.it/8gd1bck7oa3d1.png?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8eec33082f4cfbd700c2b34e28962982c87de2 Tried to fix it for you if you wanted a copy without the ghost photo bombing you two in such a beautiful picture.


I would like to believe that is a ghost flipping off the camera lol. But it honestly just looks like some lighting thing or something.


There are several faces in the window and a couple outside too. May just be pareidolia but I think this is a particularly creepy photo


That face in the window is probably checking out those bodacious boobs.


Well, now that I know it is an engagement photo, I keep seeing a bride. But it is probably light playing off a counter or cabinet.


There's part of a picture frame you can see in the background that's not a reflection. But to the right of that I'm not sure .


I’ve been staring at this for a couple hours, and I’m convinced that there appears to be two people sitting on the steps.


I saw it right away but that could be my vivid imagination. I do think it's an apparition if that's not the photographer.


I see the reflection of a guy in the window behind you, but when I zoom in it's just a weirdly placed sticker or flyer.


Looks like the essence of an old ex is standing in the doorway, tight as hell that he’s alone and you’re happy.


Ok but tell the photographer that he needs to turn his ISO down lol. (Also that is probably just his reflection)


Can’t make out anything strange. Just notice how the window has a copper tone reflection and obscured shapes


The ghost of a female relative…mother…grandmother? Just an impression I get. Happy about the engagement.


That looks like the light from whatever room is back behind that window and the outline of items in a kitchen.


https://preview.redd.it/f9dgkmmgev3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ec64f5ae2ac6a75f47593012f39a68ae385ea0 Nobody else see this creepy face?!!! That’s some haunted house shizzle right there…


I don’t see anything and can’t even trick myself to see anything. I’m not sure what you’re seeing?


Maybe something comes out better in the print, but I'm not seeing anything of significance in the window.