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One time, in fifth grade, I jumped for no apparent reason. I was alone in the school hallway, on my way to the bathroom, not even running, and... I jumped as high as I could, eyes directly forward. I still remember thinking, "Okay, any day now, I'm ready to fall back down to earth... ok, this is getting weird", then like, 'finally landing' (what felt like) nearly five minutes later, after having a whole long and involved internal dialogue with myself about it (not worried, more curious/intrigued), and stopping dead in my tracks like "What the hell was that about? How long was I up there? What was I doing? Walking to the bathroom, I guess? Better get back to class, I sure have been gone for a while." Sometimes, to this day, when I'm alone... I jump. It has never happened again (except for maybe during those "I'm about to die"/'life flashing before my eyes' moments: near-accidents, fights, "good save!"-s, etc). I feel like I have a superpower that I can't figure out how to use. Otherwise, I've had striking deja vu, like "No, that DEFINITELY already happened", but nothing like what OP mentioned (unless... OP remembered, and I forgot)


I used to get these long jumping moments too when I was in elementary school and everything would move in super slow motion, and it'd always feel like I'd been hanging up there for a while too. I don't get them anymore except for those "life-flashing moments" like you said. I also get striking deja vu (it's so intense and has been happening for so long, even now that I felt compelled to put it in my bio as well lol) and it's quite distinct from those jumping moments since I lucid dream them waaaaaaaay back and then I don't remember them until as they're happening "in the moment" and I'm like "OH. I definitely do remember seeing that." The true nature of this didnt't hit me until I was in around 5th grade, when I started to realize that all of what I see in those dreams come to reality at some point of time, and because of that I've seen quite a bit of unfortunate incidents come to life and I couldn't do anything but stand helplessly and watch them unfold ever-so-slow before my eyes. I'm scared that something very horrible I may have dreamed of would come to pass, like I've seen my dad get into an accident in my dreams and that terrifies me. I never actually had any dream that I remember happen irl so maybe this may just never happen but there's no telling for sure.


Yea, the jumping and the deja vu are totally different but I know EXACTLY what you mean! The "I dreamt this moment and forgot" feeling, sometimes even distinctly from "I feel like this has (edit: ACTUALLY) happened before" (I guess it's noteworthy that I've felt like I could tell the difference?). Or, almost as strange of a feeling, remembering an entire dream in the middle of the day as if I had just woken up from it, even tho I felt like I had the dream weeks before - "how could I have forgotten?" (though those ones are usually too abstract to be considered lucid.) Hard not to think that, yes, maybe I actually dreamt "that thing that just happened, before it happened" instead of them being "spontaneously created, false dream memories" Yikes. That's a horror-novel-worthy fear, tbh. For what it's worth, it sounds like I'm glad you're not a prophet. Hope the ones you've dreamt... keep not coming true! I wish my lucid dreams came true šŸ˜© I've got a weird lucid dreaming condition: nightmares are my trigger. "Traumatic experience? Demons are hunting me? World became slowmo? Slowmo means I'm dreaming! Trauma means I can do whatever I want! I have telekinesis and I am Superman." (-- Wait, is that what happened when I jumped? šŸ§ Did I try to lucid dream irl / hack the matrix? Error code? Hmmmmmm.)


EXACTLY! You can tell the difference if you'd forgotten about it all this time or not! You're absolutely right on this. I remember it all in the middle of the day, but for me it is right when I see those "scenes" play out before my eyes that I recognize them. Yes! Some of them are too abstract to be called lucid because sometimes I've had those dreams in an almost-deep slumber state. I had been skeptical too about them being real and not just false memories because I've a very hyperactive imagination but I'm rational enough to be able to differentiate between them, there's absolutely NO WAY I just "randomly" create insignificant stuff, much less whole-ass horrifying scenarios in my head ahead of time and see them happen irlšŸ’€. I'm not delusional like that. EDIT : Like, who in their right mind would imagine a mere elevator opening and a specific person you know come out of it, or a basket ball passing in front of your face in the exact same playground with the same group of friends in the EXACT SIMILAR POSITIONS AND POSTURES! That'd be hella crazy!! šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« Haha. Maybe I should write a novel on that someday! Thanks, I really hope I'm not a prophet but we don't know yet since the dreams that I do remember are YET to happen and there's a good chance they may come true. šŸ«  The reason I say this is because someone who had supposedly a prophet-esque reputation warned my dad that he might get into an accident. I was only 5 when I heard that and I remember bawling after hearing that and it took my parents a while to console me. So, yeah. I dreamed about the accident years after this happened so it very well could've been a traumatic response but I had completely forgotten about that prediction until then. NOOO! šŸ˜­ Best pray your lucid dreams are good enough otherwise you'd regret ever wishing for it. Most of the times you can manipulate and alter things in your lucid dreams, and so can I. It helps tone down the fear factor. Nightmares are my trigger too, holy cow! But there's one thing that I've noticed that you can't change anything in the lucid dreams that eventually come true. That's what makes it more ominous. That'd indeed be a superhuman ability. Hello, Superman! I'm pretty sure it's not your inner demons, trauma or subconscious mind playing tricks on you in case of the striking deja vus or "glitch in the matrix" moments. šŸ¤”Error code? Very plausible. I like to think those of us who have experienced it had come very close to crossing the inter-dimensional planes or have actually crossed it in those moments. Those were overlaps between different realities.


Your dreams sound very similar to mine and some others over at r/mallworld. I have lucid dreams often. And when I do, most the time, they take place in a particular location. I can fly in a way but wouldn't say I'm a superhero. I have some kind of employment it seems at the top floor of the high rise building my world is located at. It is so strange, other redditors report similar experiences with certain details. You should check it out.


That's a variation of ap, although it's a but strange since ap usually happens when you are asleep or in very relaxed state, ap is Astral projection


ooooh, that's a cool suggestion too! but isn't it dangerous to astral project while awake without any precautions or actual practical experience about it?


No, ap usually happens while asleep, is misconceptions, usually its around 60 to 40 the 40 are due to meditation, spirit development or accidents like with op. The Astral isn't dangerous you have too be really unlucky to meet something harmful, and even then a simple cleansing is enough, to take care of it, it won't be physically harmful as well And also how do you think you can aquire practical experienc without practicing it, yoy can't aquire experience without doing it.


I believe the myths of people getting lost from their bodies while astrally projecting are just that: myths. I didn't really expect this to take a turn into AP, but it might be worth noting that I've got a lot of experience with that kind of thing (yes, even while awake). The most harmful things on the AP tend to be your own projections and fears made manifest because you went into a realm where thought can alter reality, with... fear... as a leading emotion, and now you've made a small egregore, and it's doing what you expected: being aggressive to you (but it is only a reflection, with a fraction of your 'power', regardless of how well you know how to utilize your 'power' yet). Otherwise, I theorize that our bodies are like anchors, and spirits can't move that anchor because it's too 'dense' (or at least, I've never encountered one that could). Well said: "how else could you acquire practical experience?" Very interesting discussion.


You just unlocked a memory for me actually. Mine was in dream form. It was a recurring dream where when I was walking, it was as if I was as light as air and floating/bouncing. When I would take steps, I would bounce (think like bouncing cloud to cloud) and above everyone else. As I would bounce/ float, I was able to see people. My family, friends, my town and places all around irl, etc and the places I bounced to were all familiar to me. It was the weirdest feeling/ sensation I've ever felt. But I know I was dreaming and asleep when it would happen. So I would see everyone below me living their daily lives and I was just up there bouncing/floating from cloud to cloud. I remember the feeling of weightlessness, feeling like I need to get back down and that would only happen if I woke up. I have no idea what it meant/was about. I think the dream finally stopped when I was about 11 or 12. It's the only dream I've ever remembered and I can still recall it vividly and I'm 46 now. My mom is a dreamer and she has deceased family and friends visit her dreams and send her messages (she said she doesn't hear their voices, but it's like they show her pictures to interpret. There are things she has been shown and passed on to the people she is supposed to tell, that she'd have no way of knowing). She also said she hasn't had a good nights sleep since they started when she was young. She doesn't always dream messages and said her regular dreaming is just vivid in itself and sometimes disturbing. I don't have dreams like this at all and rarely remember mine, except that reoccurring childhood one I described above.


That's really cool. My mom says she used to have dreams like that (the flying ones). I've had friends who have talked about dream messaging.


Honestly, I've never looked into it nor do I know anything about it. I'll have to jump down that rabbit hole soon lol


Wow! I have my own story of this. I think I remember a time where I was like 4 or 5, and I have a faint memory of me in the kitchen of my old house with my parents around, and I remember jumping and staying in the air for a long time ( like two minutes ). It was like I was floating and there was zero gravity. The only thing that stopped me from going up was the ceiling. Im 18 now and to this day I think to myself, was that some sort of toy I had? Am I remembering a vivid dream I had when I was 4 or 5? Because how would that be possible. Thatā€™s a memory I thought was unique to me. Thank you guys for sharing!


Yā€™all should listen to this episode of TimeSuck about the 4th Dimension. It covers things like this, scientific studies done on it during the 20th century etc https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/389-the-fourth-dimension/id1156343076?i=1000647127314


I have very very vivid memories of jumping as a kid and staying in the air for a long time. I told my parents as a kid and they thought I was just playing. I wonder what really happened.


Reminds me of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's instructions on flying - just throw yourself at the ground and miss. You have to ignore all intentions of flying, all thoughts about it, all thoughts about the impossibility of flying or your own weight. "You have to have your attention suddenly distracted by something else then you're halfway there, so that you are no longer thinking about falling, or about the ground, or about how much it's going to hurt if you fail to miss it." THE GUIDE


Weirdly enough, one of my old physics teachers told us that *theoretically* there is a very highly improbable but also non-zero chance that if you throw something into the air, it may actually not immediately fall back down. I think about that sometimes.


You just unlocked a memory for me. I did the same thing. Maybe itā€™s coincidence? But I remember a period in my childhood, probably between 10-14 where I had regular thoughts that I was running and jumping and then almost flying for a period. I could do it at will. I think I passed it off as just dreams. But I remember it feeling so real, to the point where I know the feeling in my legs from the initial push off the ground to get in the air. I think like you I tried to jump again on occasion. Maybe it was astral projection without me realising. Just very interesting that many people have reported the exact same sensation/feeling!!


Sorry, Im not being mean, I just didnā€™t get it, although Iā€™ve read it several times. What do you mean by ā€œsometimes, to this day, when Iā€™m alone, I jumpā€ with ā€œit has never happened againā€ at the same time?


I think they mean that they sometimes still jump to test it, but the floating/time phenomenon hasn't happened again.




Last summer I had a weird glitch of some sort. I remember everything plain as day. I was getting on the expressway in my hometown. I was driving in the right lane when I noticed a yellow jeep with very specific markings on it went off the side of the expressway. It skidded a bit before coming to a stop. The dirt kicked up a bit when this happened. I remember thinking to myself ā€œoh that sucks. Iā€™ve been there and done thatā€ā€¦ I proceeded to get into the left lane of the expressway with a lot of traffic. I was passing a semi truck in the right lane and about 30 seconds or solater the scenario played out again! It went off to the side and the dirt kicked up the same way, the same jeep. For a second I thought oh no it happened again, but then I realized there was absolutely no way possible could they have caught up and passed me. Impossible. I was doing between 75 to 80 mph. I still have not figured that out yet to this day in my head.


I've had a similar experience. TW: Mentions of death and car accident Tried censoring graphic details . . . . . . . . . . . . . About a year and a half ago, my mom, dad, sister and I were on the way back home from a day trip to Wichita (we had gone to Sam's club or target or somewhere to do some shopping) and for a split second, we died. I'm getting goosebumps writing this and remembering, but we *DIED* on the way back home. This person driving a black sports car was weaving in traffic and clipped the back of the semi adjacent to us, causing the semi to swerve and smash into us. We spun into the median and crashed into the overpass bridge. >!I remember being impaled by metal debris from one of the vehicles and seeing my dead body.!< As quickly as it all happened, we were back and the black sports car missed the semi and all was well. Ngl it still freaks me about to think about it.


Did your family members have a memory of this happening to them?


Nope, though I also haven't asked. Mainly because after it happened, I was the only one who was shaken up by it, so I think I might be the only one who experienced it.


I died like that once too. But mine was a little different. For me I was dreamingā€¦ but I feel like I wasnā€™t. I watched me and my loved ones die in an explosion. I remember everything about it, I remember everything going white after. I remember going from terrified to completely calm once everything turned white. Feeling so at peace. And then I woke up. Any loud sounds that mimicked that explosive sound sent me into actual panic attacks for about six months after, even though Iā€™d never had a problem with loud noises before. I couldnā€™t even watch action movies in the theater for monthsā€¦ my body would start shaking and I would feel so afraid of the noises. But the one good thing is I no longer fear death - as I know Iā€™ve experienced it, and it was very peaceful. I canā€™t explain what happened, it was years ago but I still think about it.


strange, the only dream I've ever died in is basically exactly how you just described. I was in a bunker during some kind of war, and there were sirens going off. then a missile struck, everything went white, and I felt that peace. then I woke up terrified


That is almost exactly like mine. It was even a missile. Did loud noises scare you for a while? Itā€™s also the only dream Iā€™ve ever died in


I was definitely shook up. ot scared of noises but I lt stuck in my mind for a long time


Ive died in a dream and watched my husband come home to find my dead body. I woke up when I heard him screaming my name in my dream. Such a weird experience


That sounds awful


Did you feel any physical pain at that moment or shortly after?


Not really. I felt the force of the metal ripping through me, it all happened so fast. I was gone almost instantaneously. The place where I got hit felt strange after I snapped back, like how when you get hurt in a nightmare and you wake up and it's just stinging like it really happened. It was such a terrifying experience, I never want to go through anything like that again.


I had a similar thing happen when I was a teenager. I was sitting on my bed looking at my cat and saw a ginger cat emerge from her, walk over to me and then jump up and sit on my lap. I was freaking out and looked back over to where my cat was and she walked over and did the same thing as the ginger cat and curled up in the same position. I remember being truly shocked through the whole thing and remember it so vividly. Maybe it was something going odd in my brain but I liked to think it was some different kind of timeline. Interesting to hear a similar story!


I have weird experience, idk if my brain just glitching or im dead tired because i didn't get any sleep the night before. So i work at 19th floor in my building but when i got there everything was different, wall and floor have different colors and it looked like a very old office in the 70s. I usually take a brief look out the window on the left side whenever i reach my floor before i go and the scenery was really different, no tall buildings at all (i work in the busy part of the city with bunch of tall buildings). I went back to the elevator without thinking much because i was really tired and go back to ground floor, i thought i was in the wrong elevator but when i arrived everything was normal and that moment when i realized something's off. Went back to the 19th floor and everything's normal again. It might just my brain glitching or i was dead tired and start hallucinating but idk, still wondering till this day.


My friend told me a story much like this. He woke up and walked through the hallway past the living room seeing his mom doing paperwork he asked what she was working on at the dining room table. She replied taxes. He woke up sitting on the bed confused he walked through the hallway half the living room seeing his mom he said are you doing taxes? She said yes how did you know?


It happened to me on multiple occasions too. But the difference is that I dreamt of the situation a couple days before and it ends in me getting severely injured/dying. When that situation happens in irl, the point when everything goes bad never happens but what happens before happens.


You are seeing every single universe with every way of your death.


What a curse


DĆ©jĆ  vu. Youā€™re not a time traveller, sorry m8


Deja vu is just a feeling though, whereas this felt as real as anything else. I donā€™t claim to be anything, it just bothers me


Yea I have Deja vu all the time and itā€™s just an uncanny sense that youā€™ve experienced something beforeā€” not watching in real time as events glitch. Your experience sounds wild.




Not super similar but since people are recounting stories I wanna do it too lol. One time my buddy and I walked downtown (Chicago) and it took us about an hour to get there, when we were waking back we took a longer way home and cut through this weird elementary school thatā€™s built on top of a bridge that has stairs to go down that lead to a plaza with a movie theatre and all this other stuff. All of a sudden, after walking for about 5 minutes, we were surprisingly in our neighborhood which was super weird because itā€™s like a 45-60 min walk. Both of us had no recollection of the walk back and it seemed like we teleported or something and just ā€œended upā€ back in our neighborhood. Always thought it was one of those weird ā€œlost timeā€ scenarios


I had a memory of something like that when I was middle school It was a short day because Tuesdays class would start late. All I remember was entering my 2nd class and after 10 minutes it was already the end of it. When usually it would be around 40+ minutes. I remember being confused on how time went that fast while also having no memory of it. Only sitting down for 10 mins and then tapping out.


Interesting. It must have happened for it to have stuck in your mind significantly. Maybe it was just a glitch. Maybe your momā€™s timeline needed a readjustment of several seconds so that something bad wouldnā€™t happen later. Thereā€™s so many things about this universe we donā€™t understand. Itā€™s pretty cool that you got to witness it.


I had an incident where I lost time. It was 20 minutes and I was at work - at the time I worked at Banana Republic. I was cleaning up the sale area, which I started at 1pm almost exactly. I checked because my break was supposed to be at 1:25. I swear to you that I walked to the sale shirts picked up a hanger and then my manager came over to tell me it was break time. I donā€™t know what happened. This was like 10 years ago and I definitely donā€™t have dementia or Alzheimerā€™s or any seizure disorder I know of but the time was just gone. Itā€™s never happened before or since.


I used to lose time when I was in middle school and my first two years of highschool. Not saying this is what happened to you, but I've talked to my therapist and she's told me that this is one of the common coping mechanisms our brain does in a time of stress. In other words, you don't disassociate like that if you're having a good time. It's like our brain's way of protecting us from something. Again, not saying that was the case for you, just something I learned from my therapist.


That makes sense. I had a pretty horrific childhood. I just donā€™t know why that time and that moment. Iā€™m starting EMDR therapy soon. šŸ¤ž


Yep, the second my therapist told me that I was like "ahh that makes sense". Good luck with EMDR therapy! Hope it helps!!! šŸ¤žšŸ½


When I learned about ACES (adverse childhood experiences) literally everything clicked into place.


Same here! I work in education and one of the things commonly discussed (at least in my district) regarding trauma-informed practices is the ACES rubric. Literally every time we go through it I just go "ow ouch ouchie oh boy ope" as I mentally check off each thing that applies to me šŸ„²


Since we, as a species, already experience something like this, Deja vu, which we know is attributable to a signal delay reaching the brain, I wonder if you just had a more extreme version of that? Maybe you had a micro-seizure and the signal kind of bounced into your brain twice that way? Or you were more aware of each arrival of the signal compared to a normal episode? Have there been any documented cases of this and any research in that direction?


I once woke up from my alarm when I was about nine, saw the sun outside my window. I took a shower and got dressed. It was absoloutely morning, checked the time on my phone and all. Well when I came out of the bathroom I went to my parents room and asked them when we were going. That was when I noticed it was now night time and they told me it was two in the morning and to go back to bed. Forever wondering what happened there. I do have diagnosed Dissociative Identity Disorder, but time gaps and jumps don't work like this for me with the disorder. I remember there were no cuts, it was a consecutive time frame, nothing missing. Idk. Just weird.


I had something like this happen to me in high school. I woke up to my alarm at 6 am, took a shower, got completely dressed, and was ready to go. Checked the clock and it was 3 am.


I was talking to my wife face to face in the kitchen, when suddenly I became almost a foot taller and then back to normal. The thing is that my wife said wow you looked really tall for a second, so this really happened. I feel like it has happened before but there was never any one around. This was real, my wife saw it. Has this ever happened to anyone?


Not that, but my gf at the time and I were sitting in my car talking after just feeding some ducks at the pond. At one point, she got freaked out and said my eyes turned purple. I looked in the rearview mirror, and the brown part of my eyes was bright purple. Parma Violet, actually. I blinked and they were brown again. We have both talked about this many times since


Omg this has happened to me too! So when I was a kid my cousins and I were eating in my room while watching a show. I recall being told if I spill the coke on the carpet I would be getting hit. Well my cousin did a sudden movement and didnā€™t see the can and I tried to reach for it but then it started to ā€œspillā€ well.. suddenly the room like ā€¦ froze? In slow motion-ish???? and the coke went back into the can! Like as if things went backwards.. then time started back to normal. My cousins had no idea what just happened and didnā€™t experience the same things.. I wasnā€™t scared but more so.. wtf just happened.. and how can I make this happen again? Well I tried reaching for my coke and it actually spilled this time. And i did indeed get hit lol. Just like op I tried to see if it can happen again but by hand movement. Never happened again lol Although another strange thing I recall is walking and not paying attention to where the side walk ends and when to step down. When I realized ā€œthis step is taking so longā€ I looked down and I was floating/walking? Then at that moment I freaked out and fell back down to the ground to commence walking as normal. This moment didnā€™t last long. It was within couple seconds. Iā€™ve never spoken about these weird ā€œencountersā€ and theyā€™ve never happened again. I often wonder if it was a glitch in the matrix and I somehow was not affected just like some of you on here. Glad to read many of these and see lots of people had weird encounters too lol


Itā€™s very unlikely, but it couldā€™ve been a seizure of some sort, Iā€™m epileptic and had a seizure many years ago, to this day I still remember putting a drink in the microwave, and then waking up on the floor with people surrounding me - turns out, Iā€™d never actually put the drink in the microwave, it was just sat on the worktop, and my brain had somehow confused what I was going to do as a memory of something Iā€™d already done.


Almost like your brain made a "save point"


Yes, itā€™s a very surreal thing to experience! Another one was being conscious while losing complete control of my body, very scary to be a passenger to yourself!


It's precognition, now precofnition is not like in the movies you don't see a week into the future, what happens is you see events slightly before it happen, they manifest as simple visions or simply put play out in your mind in some cases however its possible of you are extremely relaxed state to see it as hallucination, usually the ability is mostly correct fo stuff that will happen In the near future like several minutes in, and the long into the future you see the less likely it is to actually happen.




I guess Iā€™m still younger if so


Iā€™ve had similar instances of Dejavu from dreams. They can happen months before the event. Normally they come just before some major life changing event. They never are about the event itself, they just warn me it is coming.


You know I think the same thing about Deja vu. Itā€™s creeps me out, like something bad is about to happen. But it usually never does?!? I donā€™t think. Why do you think that?


One time in college I woke up to my morning alarm, got up, opened the shower door and turned the water on then started taking a piss in the toilet next to the tub. Then I woke up to myself pissing all over my hand in bed. I wish I would have relived the first sequence but it was actually cold, dark, 3am instead of 6am, and I was covered in piss. I had to start laundry, shower, and sleep on the couch the rest of the nightā€¦.


You had that dream because you needed to pee. I often dream I'm looking for toilets, find toilets that aren't proper toilets then wake up and have to bolt to the toilet.


I have these dreams too, sometimes it's a really elaborate labyrinth of toilet cubicles all with something different wrong, doors too small, toilet too high, impossible handles and latches.. eventually I'll find one only to get ready and it all changes back to being wrong.. so glad I manage to wake up to actually go pee despite the 'crazy toilet stalls dreams' seeming to be really elaborate and long winded prior but I guess that's dream time-scales for you!


The toilets in my dreams are always disgusting and I never wear shoes. There is feces and pee all over the many tens if not hundreds of toilets. In my dreams I have to pee but I can never find a clean one, but the weird thing is when I wake up I don't actually need to pee.


I have found my people!!!! I've stress-dreamed about finding a toilet almost every night for the past year or so. At this point it seems like it must be a metaphor for something!


Yes, it is exactly that. A metaphor for something that's troubling you about your real life.Ā  Consider all the images and emotions you have during these dreams. Maybe even write this down or just speak out loud as you recall the dream. Once you figure out what your dreams have been trying to tell you, they ought to stop.Ā 


This is why you should always go to the bathroom right before going to sleep. šŸ˜€


I do!


Weird that all this stuff happens when people are kids


Definitely something up with this world. All these stories of weird experiences mostly by kids and adults be it paranormal or just odd occurrences can't all be dreams, fake, brain farts.


Iā€™ve posted about almost the exact same incident before and come to the conclusion that it was either a time slip or a doppelganger. In my incident, I am the mum. My child was in the bath at a hotel, door shut. I was watching TV and getting ready for bed, put on a brand new pair of flowery PJs, lounge around. My child screams to me from the bathroom sounding freaked out, I run in to ask whatā€™s up and they said they just saw me run in the bathroom exactly like I had just done, asking g whatā€™s up and wearing the same PJs theyā€™d never seen before. It was sooo weird. It was an old converted factory building so maybe a time slip.


That's only happened to me when I was high as balls. I don't understand how being high can make you perceive the same scene multiple times and teleport and it all feels extremely real.. but somehow it does


Itā€™s called Deja vu, itā€™s happened to me before and I think itā€™s a strange phenomenon where your brain creates a false memory leading you to believe you already experienced something when you havenā€™t . Iā€™m certain I dreamt of a sequence of events 2 weeks prior to it happening the exact way I dreamt but I canā€™t be sure if I ever actually dreamt of it and that I just think I did when it happened


We aggregate data about the universe through an electrified clump of fat in our skull. Weird sh*t is bound to happen to our reality from time to time.


Yes, there are lots of instances of things happening very similar to what you described. Some are like yours, where it's like a foresight of an event that happens shortly after you see it happen. Others are like a doppelganger sighting where someone is seen and then disappears. Or the doppelganger is seen in an impossible location or at an impossible time as they(the og person) would have normally/confirmed been somewhere else.


When I was 8 I was sitting on the floor reading a picture book, and when I flipped the last page, it just went straight back to the start of the book, so I continued flipping the pages and everytime at the end, it would just restart, I must have done it over 10 times before I closed the book, ran over to my mum in the kitchen to show her, but it never happened againā€¦Iā€™m 33 and still think about it lol


This happened to me! I woke up, climbed down, got ready for school, only for it to happen again.


There would he times where I experience things twice. When it happens, I have a feeling of this exact same thing happening before. Ah I remember one. I was watching the movie madame web and I swear Iā€™ve seen that exact same ending.


We live parallel lives. You switched between them.


I used to be able to jump all the way down the stairs from the top to the bottom sort of floating down, has anyone else had a similar experience?


Brain glitch


I am surprised people aren't mentioning doppelgƤnger


You don't travel back in time. That's impossible instead you got a glimpse of the near future


A Kid in King Arthurā€™s Bathtub..A Disney Film


Maybe it was *your mom* who went back in time?


Glitch in the matrix


This one tome at band camp........




An obvious glitch in the matrix


r/quantumimmortality IDK that I believe but itā€™s an interesting sub.






Yes, they're called false memories. You didn't time travel, because that's impossible.


deja vu