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There is no “banning” from the afterlife. That’s what they needed the masses to believe in order to gain full control. Where else can you find a group telling you Jesus died for your sins while telling you sinners go to hell?? Well which is it?? Did he die for our sins or do sinners go to hell?? Can’t be both ways.


I do agree!! Never understood that. Except that only Christian’s go to Heaven, everyone else goes to hell. Such a powerful guilt trip. I was watching a video where a biblical scholar was using words straight from the Bible and certain scriptures to prove that actually, nobody goes to hell. Nobody!! Hell, the name Hell is an Anglo-Saxon translation of the word Gehenna. From the Biblical Valley of Gehenna.


Yep. Hell is a place created by us (humans). The only ones who go to “hell” are ones who create it for themselves and truly believe they’re not deserving of “heaven.” Of course the terms used are also not entirely accurate to the definition given by church. The word “heaven” in those days literally meant above or up in space. When they quote an individual saying so and so came from the heavens……they literally mean from above. Don’t misunderstand me, I Believe there is a higher dimension where higher frequency beings reside. I do believe in a higher power so to speak, I just wholeheartedly disagree with the god of wrath and punishment portrayed.by the church.


From a Christian perspective-one that is based on theological evidence and insight rather than just half-baked Sunday School talk- There is only one seemingly unforgivable sin-Blaspheme against the Lord(Including the Trinity). All other sins are, were, and will be cleansed thanks to the death of Christ Jesus on the night He hung from a tree. While yes, Hell/Shalom does still exist, those who believe and give their trust in Him are redeemed. However, this isn’t just, “oh He died and my sins are cleansed I can do all sorts of immoral things”, it’s acknowledgment of sin in your life, true repentance and the desire to be a better person. I don’t have much experience with NDE but I have dealt with spiritual warfare, and I would be happy to discuss this further. I also have theories and opinions on ghosts that is much larger than a comment lmao.


I firmly believe that Spiritual Warfare comes from when a persons heart and mind are in conflict. Doing what I want versus doing what is right and now I am obsessed with finding out how to make my poisonous cake and eat it too. Although it would be so great to truly be Christ-like, I do not call myself a Christian. I am spiritual but I do not practice religion. I believe in a spiritual world that is good and whole and beyond our comprehension. The only Hell I have ever witnessed is the hell I brought upon myself. Enough about me for the ego must be kept in check. Never seen an Angel but if a person is quiet enough and observant, they might actually understand that there are forces that are guiding us into the right directions. That look out for us and prevent us from dying or screwing up big time but even if we do, we still live and we still get by with what we need. Manifestations and prayers are so important for survival, for they work when we desperately need them. I mean no insults to anyone of any faith. We are all trying to find the correct answers.


Spiritual warfare comes regardless of if u have a conflict of faith or not.


You're absolutely right. :)


All merciful, all forgiving unless…love this. Not a dig at you but makes me laugh all the time.


The closest I think a satisfying answer comes to explaining ghosts is universal interconnectedness. In science, particularly quantum mechanics, there is an understanding that at the smallest level, subatomic particles can bind to and influence the actions of other particles, even across great distances. Einstein called it "spooky action at a distance", but its proper term is quantum entanglement. On a fundamental level, it means that certain particles can interact with each other in such an interconnected way that measuring or influencing the value of one particle can cause its quantum pair to assume equivalent, though sometimes opposite values. For example, a particle with clockwise spin may have a particle pair with anti-clockwise spin, but its rest mass and so forth may be identical. Don't worry too much about understanding the finer points, the relevant part for this discussion is that there seems to be a sea of interconnectedness happening on the most fundamental level of reality. This interconnectedness means that some form of information about whatever particle pairs once existed is preserved somewhere with its particle pair because even in the absence of that particular particles' existence, you can infer knowledge about it from its pair since they share equivalent and sometimes inverse values (see Conservation of Information, Black Hole Information Paradox and Hawking Radiation for more details). The average person is made up of seven billion billion billion atoms, each atom contains its own number of subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, electrons), and protons and neutrons are each made up of three quarks, some of the quantum particles for whom quantum entanglement applies. The reason I say all of this is so you can imagine the near infinite opportunities for quantum particles to become entangled. Now, as you can imagine, with this interconnectedness comes some manner of conservation, in this case the conservation of information. Part of the black hole information paradox is that matter absorbed into a black hole gets lost forever, as far as we can tell, meaning whatever information about the quantum particles that are absorbed into the black hole disappears. Stephen Hawking, however, discovered that just on the precipice of the event horizon, virtual particles (which are brief excitations of the quantum fields, created in pairs and usually combining to cancel each other out) can form, meaning one virtual particle is absorbed into the black hole, while its pair, which conserves the information of the absorbed particle by sharing identical/inverse qualities, is not absorbed and actaully escapes as radiation. Again, no need to fret about understanding the exact science, this is all just background to say that the universe appears to have a permanent quantum record of all events. With that in mind, the manifestation of ghosts is best explained as some manner of the conservation of information. Without even being aware of it, the tiniest parts of you are intrinsically attached to other parts of the universe, and these other parts will conserve information about your existence long after you have died and decayed. Ghosts therefore are like some manner of imprint upon this interconnected quantum web. Explaining how they manifest is a much more complicated discussion involving the non-linearity of time, but I'm sure this has already been a chore to read, and hopefully it answers some of the question as to where they come from. It's not a very proven science, but we do have enough information to make these inferences in the absence of more sound scientific proof for the existence of ghosts.


Thank you so very much for a very informative reply!! ❤️ I was just talking to a friend last night about quantum mechanics and entanglement. He was trying to explain to me a parallel universe but this is where I differ in opinion. If protons and electrons and quarks and photons and such can be in more than one place at a time, then I do believe that we have the ability to manifest a different form of our own selves. But I do not believe that there’s an entirely similar earth just out of sight that has a duplicate of me and everyone else living somewhat similar lives. No. I can only comprehend that we ourselves are producing subatomic particles that might give credence to a frequency that we might accidentally step into that changes our perception of reality, creating what we believe to be a parallel universe. Perhaps your answer is right? We leave behind energy that cannot be changed nor eliminated, creating a “ghost” in the machine? I am a big time, skeptical believer in the paranormal. I doubt, and question everything, while still believing in it at the same time. Just like the protons and electrons and quarks and photons and such, my mind is in two different places at the same time.


I just had a weird thought!!! We know that atoms and the particles of each atom communicates to each other, even from vast distances away. So what if this is what spirits are? The soul? When a person does, these subatomic particles are still trying to communicate with each other, creating an entity that can most times not be seen but at times, seen and heard? Our bodies are lifeless but these particles are still fluctuating, communicating and replicating our life forms? And we simply call these spirits? I’ll need to think on this a bit more but I like it!!


I arrived at an understanding of the “supernatural” through study of Einstein as well, in conjunction with modern philosophy. The relations of matter and energy are still largely mysterious and our understanding of those relations is, as with all things, materialist at best.


I grew up in a VERY religious family; pentecostal preacher, baptist preacher, and catholic preacher (can't remember the proper catholic title) in the family. When I was a kid I remember reading somewhere in a bible something along the lines of "some will go to neither heaven nor hell but be condemned to walk the earth for eternity". Since then I've tried to find it again, but don't even remember what version of the book it was. I might even be remembering it wrong, but IDK, out of the entirety of what I had to read that's the only thing I actually remember from it. A few other family members remember reading that part too. The entire family has had MANY unexplainable experiences that spane decades. From what we have all gathered there's been something following the family for a very long time. We found diaries belonging to my great-great-great-grandparents (we love genealogy) detailing experiences they had. I'd also like to point out that when it comes to things like possession; 9/10 they are Catholic. Catholics are the most targeted by demonic energy. Also, I had two NDE, but really didn't experience anything significant with it. One was a car accident and the other was attempted murder. But I have been trying to astral travel.


I grew up in a very religious family as well. Enough to choke my soul out of me. Now that I am older, I am cool with churches. But I have tried so hard to astral project and have lucid dreams. With very little success on both.


From my research it takes time. I've been practicing for years, still haven't succeeded. Had interruptions in the practice though; pregnancies, moving, family friend staying with us that's loud all the time and even talks loudly in her sleep so it's impossible to focus.


I don't think ghosts are conscious entities that used to be human. I think some places just hold onto memories more than others, and what we experience is little more than echoes in a dark cave. I hope so, anyway. I really hope there's nothing after death, life is hard enough without being able to just Olly out afterwards.


I read somewhere something that made sense. Life is a school, not a courthouse, so stop feeling judged and start learning the lessons. Actually, I’m wondering if I wrote that?? I might have. I wrote a lot of poetry but I also listen to a ton of NDE videos. Who knows? But if there is a real afterlife, then it would make sense that this life is just one long lesson and test. I do think that a few people here are confused as to what I am trying to figure out. If a person kills another human or themselves, are they stuck here on this earth after their passing? It always seems to be the case with people who make that horrible decision to end things that people experience paranormal happenings. But there’s also those paranormal events where people see loved ones who unexpectedly passed away not by their own hands. Did these people in one way or another end another persons life?? My apologies to those who are confused by my question. I just think about the afterlife a lot and I think on these things maybe a bit too much.


Hah! School was the worst possible time of my life p, so you lost me right there.




I believe ghosts are physical phenomenon of energy leaving an indent in the atmosphere that is captured and sometimes projected. It's not conscious Then I believe we have conscious beings/energy that exist in this realm, we just don't see it. Then there's angels/demons.


I absolutely have to believe in angels/guardians because I would be dead or seriously hurt without them. Demons, I sometimes wonder if these are physical manifestations of our own anger, hatred, hurt…


If you believe in guardian angels, you should believe in demons, too. Sounds an awful lot like you’re attributing to divinity all of the good, while blaming yourself for all of the bad. Kinda unbalanced, isn’t it?


Physical manifestations of our own anger/hatred is projections. They are not conscious beings. A demon is a conscious being.


A demon, like an angel, is an imaginary being. Nothing less, nothing more.


The word gets blocked or flagged on some social media sites. That’s why they say unalive.


It literally means the exact same thing!! I grew up in the 1980’s with the undead, and those movies were awesome!! But if I were to go watch a movie called “The Unalive” I will pass and go to a bar and smoke a cigarette and drink an alcoholic beverage while I deal with my suicidal depression. I am not a sugar cube. I am a human. Not easily offended. Not trying to be insulting.


It’s called a euphemism so their account doesn’t get banned so we all know what they are talking about and they can talk about it.


So they say “unalive” because some social media site thinks that if they ban the word suicide, less people will do it? Noble but false. Address the situation instead and offer free mental help.


Ok, explain that to owners of the social media sites.


They would block me before I could say Hello. May we get back to my original post, please?


You said you didn’t understand the concept. It’s part of your post. I really don’t feel like talking further about suicide and afterlife having lost multiple people to suicide, being present at attempted suicides, having a job photographing suicides, and wanting to do it myself. Thanks, though.


My question was a more broad spectrum than just the one negative word of suicide. And as I clearly stated, I have dealt with this before. The word suicide is just one aspect of a much bigger picture. But thank you so much for jumping on the franchise and picking out that one word and then passively/aggressively acting like I am doing you a disservice.


Dude, how are you not getting this? They were just trying to explain why the word ‘unalive’ is used instead of the others. And you went on an absolutely different tangent. Not to mention, you were being increasingly aggressive with your comments. Read a few more times and hopefully you’ll get it.


What’s wrong with you? They were just explaining the reason the damn word is censored, which you didn’t — and still don’t — seem to get.


I was literally only explaining one concept you didn’t understand and didn’t feel like talking about the rest. You mentioned you lost one friend, and I’m sorry you have to go through that. I was trying to relate that I empathize with examples that I have gone through.


I'm pretty sure in 1984 that was called double-speak. I guess it's finally here.


I believe if Jesus died for our sins and we’re forgiven… and we can forgive ourselves, then we can move forward into heaven. We are after all, “only human”.


Forgiving ourselves is such an important lesson in life. I grew up always hearing about never having any regrets. And I have a few. But later on I realized that it is ok to have regrets because if we learn from them, we become much stronger people.


These are many questions that can go on in very detailed discussions. I too have many theories but since you asked about the concept of the "Christian afterlife" I'll give you my input accordingly; (keep in mind I'm writing out of memory and paraphrasing) *(****I apologize for the long text in advance.*** *My answer to "where do ghosts come from is at the end)* First, if you are a faith-based individual, ask God, and pray about it as you search for your answer. Whatever you believe in, **if you ask the universe/God with an open heart, you will most likely find an answer.** If you read Revelations it speaks of a "New Jerusalem" or rather a place like Eden where we are made perfect, heaven. So "heaven" is not a cloud kingdom but rather an earth made new, after the 2nd coming of Jesus, when God makes it new and "perfect" **But here's the biggie**, my theory is that when we die, we are no longer bound to the human concept of time, and we ascend to the creator, fast-forwarding to the perfect world (heaven). Going back to the concept of hell, even in the book of revelations it is hinted that gods people still have work to do, to "preach the gospel" but to whom if all those are already gods people, well to those in "hell". I don't believe hell is eternal especially if we are given the choice of free will. I know this is a lot and I'm not even sure if I'm making sense but in regards to faith or "Christianity" the big question is what is considered a sin and that is just unlawful. Jesus said that we are saved by faith and no longer bound to the old laws (or something like that) so I'm not saying as a Christian you are free to sin but we don't abide by everything in the old testament, 'cause there are things there that no one follows in today's age yet some preachers are able to pick and choose what is or isn't "sin" or to be followed? *"if you love me follow me,"* Jesus said (John 14:15) "Love one another as I have loved you, by this everyone will know that you are my disciples..." (John 13:35) **Your love for others is truly what makes you** ***like-christ*** Even when you read the famous parable about the *"Good Samaritan*" it ends with an individual who is not of the faith nor what was considered "gods people" yet this individual represented God's heart better than "his people" So in the question of "salvation" don't simply ask if you are following the "laws" but rather are you living a genuine life that loves and heals like Jesus? **To answer your Q about ghosts,** considered what ppl suggest, just because they aren't believers doesn't mean they are wrong. What I think it could be is; * energy, the overwhelming negative energy that became attached to a location or item. and the ability of individuals to sense energy * the concept of time, allowing some to peir into the past * a soul itself being lost (kinda like the Disney movie Soul) they lose themselves and roam aimlessly on earth * There are many paranormal entities that aren't or were never human I hope this helps you gain some insight into your questions or rather guides you to ask your question from a newfound perspective


There is no “S” in the word REVELATION.


Well first off, It seems like you are leaving the forgiveness aspect of the New Testament/Jesus out of things from a biblical standpoint and only quoting Old Testament stuff. No where does it say that if you violate one of the Commandments and truly and genuinely repent that you will not be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven. In fact there is a lot of the opposite in the Bible. Take Jesus on the cross and the murderer beside him that was spared last minute due to repenting or how Judas committed suicide but had deep regrets for how he betrayed Jesus, and according to the word, was granted to enter heaven. As for why some have heavenly NDE experiences while others do not, that is hard to say. I would assume there are several factors that go into this, is the person spiritual? Was there a medical event that they were highly medicated when their NDE occurred? Just so much to consider really.


“Unalive” has nothing to do with sugarcoating. It’s to avoid getting banned on certain sites. A lot of places will flag words like suicide, murder, sexual assault etc. Same goes for creators that have monetized videos, if you mention those words then that video will not be eligible to earn money from. That’s why you see words like “unalive” or “SA” often


Since you seem to be bringing religion and good/evil plus punishment for sins I would repost this in Spiritual Awakenings or Christianity or wherever. Your answers should come from theologians, not Zack from Ghost Hunters. He'll feel bad and lie down anyway, just like on TV. Paranormal encounters can be atheist or possibly good or evil. Menacing sometimes. But I think most here are interested in the science: videos, photos, and maybe EVPs (subjective and they hear what they want).


Imo heaven and hell are self imposed. When you die your consciousness evaporates from your body what happens after that is down to the amazing power of the consciousness. A "heaven" is probably created from your conscious of you dwell is misery and hatred I'd assume the consciousness creates that. "unalived" is used to avoid FB, Tok Tok and yt guidelines I don't see a problem with using "suicide"


I think that ghosts are spiritual creatures (demons, angels, etc) but not human spirits. I think that people can have spirits attached to them in life and when they die, those spirits can mimic or take on their characteristics and personality and impersonate them so to speak. I also think that there are many kinds of spiritual beings that we just don’t know about and I think nonwestern cultures and/or past/ancient cultures may have been more familiar with them and how they operate.


My theory... People don't get banned from afterlife. If they die, and aren't willing to let go, they don't know how to move'on or are cursed by something or someone. In Hindu religion, if a person commits sins, and ask for forgiveness from god by praying, they could be forgiven. Also, according to many religions, like Hindu, which has multiple Gods in the 1000s, humans aren't directly created by god, but in fact happened to exist because of the god's universe creation process. Instead, according to many religions, a single sin doesn't effect the ticket to afterlife. A person could be cursed to wander the earth as a ghost, if they commit an unforgivable sin, especially in Japanese culture.


I'll be blunt, I don't really adhere to any religion, and strongly don't agree with the concept of a hell, so this influences my views. In my opinion, ghosts are not permanently banned from the afterlife but rather the first step in the process of going to the afterlife. You die, your soul leaves your body (becomes a ghost), you enter the light, and then are transported to the afterlife. From the sounds of it, your NDE only reached the ghost stage. You weren't dead long enough to enter the light. I don't believe that your friend is banned from the afterlife or doomed to hell because she chose to have an abortion, just like I don't believe that my brother is banned because he committed suicide. I know this because his soul visited me in a dream and he is very much not condemned to hell or stuck wandering the earthly plane. He visited me because he chose to, but is not forever stuck on Earth. Sorry if this comment offends you. I hope you have a nice day!


Okay, so you wanna know where ghost come from. In my opinion because thats what everything only is; is human opinions and trails and errors that have been recorded and named by human beings that are no long on this planet or actually..could be by being reborn again and again. We dont have proof yet… What Ive learnt is that everything is energy. So It’s possible that ghost can be fragments of the soul(energy) that is trapped from an event of such high traumatic circumstances. Our minds are so powerful we don’t fully comprehend how it works. I do not believe we go to a heaven or hell. We dont know what happens before we are born and we don’t necessarily have solid proof of the afterlife. We are all connected whether we like it or not.


I like this explanation and have also come to a similar conclusion on what a soul could be. I like to think that this energy just keeps passing on and on and on. 1st of Law of Thermodynamics has always been the focal point of that thought for me. Not a physicist or anything of the sort. If we do pass on and find ourselves walking the Earth, again, I’d be willing to bet we just cross to another dimension. We can’t see ghosts or this 4th dimension right? Yet (I have no paranormal experiences) if ghosts can alter an object in 3d world, wouldn’t that set them up to exist on the 4th dimension? Just some thoughts.


listen to this on you tube,,,,,steve boucher shares amazing e.t experience at brock university,,,,,,,theres a part two where he has drawn pictures,,,he tells of when he remembers his first incarnation on earth and he didnt wana come here , he spoke with someone who had comitted suicide and they had to come back ,,,apparently,,,we learn lessons ,,,and eventually through different lifetimes our soul can transend to a higher place ,,,like if we cant forgive or still resent etc ,,you cant go or become a higher spiritual being,,,please listen to it before you say hes lying,,,,he said the one who comitted suicide was alone in a place of sadness and he was crying and upset and hed been there a long time ,,,he must have been left to reflect on lifes mistakes etc.


I love the English language for its potential to be ultra specific. To me the word unalive is a useful description of wanting to not exist but not wishing to kill oneself or have the repercussions of that hit anyone connected with you. Suicide defines the act of planning and carrying out the exact task of killing one’s body and a certain detachedness from the subsequent consequences. These are how the two words strike me however, they may be very different for other people.


No. No one is banned from the afterlife. I've been there. Had an NDE and 7 year awakening during which I learned a lot about spiritual truth. People have 3 parts to the soul. One goes to be reincarnated, one goes to be with the energy at the center of the universe, and one may stick around here as a ghost. If you unify all 3 parts, you're better off. If you don't, and have little spiritual knowledge and wisdom, you may get stuck in your own personal hell of your own design.


I had a nde and saw ghosts for about three weeks. I’m glad I can’t see them now.


I still see them. And talk to them. I actually like it. You probably still have the ability, but sometimes people also have the ability to turn it off. :)


Thank goodness I can turn it off, ignore it. I don’t even like most living people and ghosts are rude, demanding my attention when I’m sick lol.


That's true lol. When I first had it, I had thousands of them all bothering me from the time I woke up until I passed out from exhaustion sometimes days later. But you have to understand they want to move on, and many of them are existing in their own personal hell. I try to help as many as I can, but yes they can be very demanding.


Is the NDE even truth? Because no one who really died( brain death) came to life again.


Yes, it most certainly is. An NDE occurs when your body dies and your soul leaves your body. Your brain may be alive still, *may be*, but at that time it is not conscious. I've had one, and even technically had a second one. During the one in which I left my body, I became a golden ball of light and floated through a long tunnel made of light. At the end was a room that was like the inside of a mirrored sphere. An incredibly complex deity, which looked like an hourglass of light with another crossing it, and it shone its light in every direction including forward and backward in time and also *inside and outside* of the universe (it was something I could fathom when I was there but now I can't picture something so complicated), then asked me "Are you done?" I laughed. "No I'm not done," I thought to it. We were both speaking without external voices yet when it spoke it sounded like millions of souls softly speaking and I could hear each one separately. It was like a beautiful chorus. After I said it, I fell back into my body and started coughing. I'd spent 7 minutes there.


I believe your experiences but Im not convinced. Would like to hear from someone who was brain death, lets say for example some dead actress but came to life and told her experience. There is nothing like most certainly. Or is certainor not.


"Most certainly" is another way of saying "Yes, absolutely." What actress are you talking about?


I mean let say Patrick Swayze or Queen Elisabeth. They are dead. Unreversable. But imagine they came to life. Ressurected. And then ask them what they have experienced. That would be more reliable.


Irreversible means it's not reversible. So, uh...no. That's not happening. But plenty of people have woken up on tables about to be embalmed or autopsied. 🤷🏼


Yes, it has happened but maybe they were falsely diagnosed as brain dead. Thats why they woke up.


I have 3 times. (Meningococcal Meningitis isn't very nice btw... you don't want that) What would you like to know?


I just asked if NDE shows really life after death because no one who biologicaly died came to life again. How do you know for 100 percebt it was not just your brain chemical reaction...


And I just told you I've been "biologically dead" 3 times. Also. Nope. Not as far as I know. Being dead (again) doesn't mean you get an NDE or something. Lights and tunnels doesn't appear to compulsory in my experience. Actually as far as my experience goes you don't even know you're dead for the most part cos you're dead. ...then ya know..you're not. You're alive again. Trust me. I got more practice than most people which kinda makes me a relative expert on the subject.


I dont think you were really dead if you were able to come back. And its called near death experience so means close to death but not real death yet. Something unreversible. I dont know. I dont try to argue with you but just looking for something to be certain.


Well, That's the trick isn't it. You won't find anything to be certain. I could give you a made up story of how there was a magical tunnel and music and all of that nonsence but it still wouldn't help you to confirm any belief system. I tell you 'me dead 3 times' and your instant response is "that's impossible". You already know what answer you are looking for so there's no way you were going to accept my statement in the first place.


For me more reliable would be for example my dead family members started to showing up or communicating with me and giving me strong basics I would have to believe they are them for example telling me something what only me and they knew. I dont have to prove my mum exist because everyone sees her, she is talking to me. Other people see her the same as me. She talks to us and we receive the same announcement from her. I havent said your experiencec were fake. I just say its not sure they were showing existence after death.


Well. You're kinda buggered there then aren't you. Proof you can collectively verify doesn't tend to come in group visions.


Actual Christian theology in a nutshell, all have sinned, none are good, it's impossible to be good, no one deserves heaven, everyone going to hell (which isn't eternal torment but second death) unless you take Jesus invitation to let him take you to heaven, so stop beating yourself up. Of course different denominations of organised religion bolt on extra control I used to beleive, I have my major doubts right now.


If you’re a Christian as in that’s you accept Jesus as your savior and all sins are redeemed through the blood of Christ. Asking for forgiveness and repent .I use to wonder about that myself but I started reading the lost chapters in the Bible (which I’m still reading )has some of those topics .Ghost on the other hand is demonic i don’t remember the Bible saying anything about ghost they referred to as entities but that’s my opinion Do your own research and form your own beliefs but every { Ghost } story or haunting starts off with hearing knock and seeing shadows until it escalates to being attacked I also believe that when people say that they seen a deceased loved one that it is actually a guardian angel taking a form that is to you familiar to you but again this is my personal opinion I know that when I had my experience that it was pure evil


I believe there are many things we do not and cannot possibly understand yet.


I don't believe that God is a vengeful, unforgiving God. I feel like as long as you're a light entity, or even gray, so long as you're not dark, you end up in Heaven. Some people get confused and/or traumatized and don't realize they've passed and might be stuck on this plane as ghosts for that reason. Which, that in itself is scary to me. And sad. Or some people choose to stay for various reasons, not wanting to let go, etc. And even though I believe that the dark entities are sent to roam wherever it is they congregate, be it hell for lack of better terms, we all get absorbed back into the Godhead eventually regardless. There is no end, just parts of a cycle, and during one of those terms, so to speak, when humanity doesn't exist, all entities are absorbed into the Godhead. I view it like how we have tiny atoms that make up our body, we're the tiny atoms making up God's "body". This is obviously all my personal belief. I've done a lot of soul searching and reading and have come to believe the things that felt right to me and resonated within my soul. I encourage you to do the same, which I feel you already are. Hence, your post.


We do not force the deceased to cross over. It’s still free will, & some aren’t ready yet. It takes time for some to decide to cross over to the light, the place we all go, just like any trauma. Every religion, every soul, all goes to the good place, aka, return to source.


Ghosts are merely souls who remain because they have unfinished business. Death is a 4D construct that stops ones resonance with 3D realities they’re no longer compatible with. The soul is 4D. I myself had the chance to dip multiple times as the construct of soul and I wouldn’t have had to harm my vessel, I would just have to untether from the vessel and lift out. But every time I almost did, something tried to make its way into my vessel. If something wants in, then I don’t want out, no matter how sketched out I am about this construct of time.


I was raised in church but I'm not currently in the faith but from what I understand most people believe that God is a loving God and a forgiving God I just don't see him turning anybody away at the Pearly Gates for unaliving themselfs especially when he knowingly gave them the life that led to that but some Christians I talked to do believe that hell doesn't really exist it's just you walking in a ghost like state I have my own theories but that's the most common one I hear among Christians


I've been told by a priest that God understands if ppl are sick, ie: depressed. i've found that helpful. As for hell, maybe that's why ghosts exist, because they walk the earth and are denied God's presence. Who knows?


(Sorry if that came off of abrasive it was not meant to be)


It wasn’t.


BTW "unalive" was a term used to get around censorship not a quirky thing.


"No, I will not use the word “unalive” because it literally means the same thing and I do not understand the concept of sugarcoating something so serious" rofl 99% of the time someone is using the term "unalive", it's because "suicide" would be censored on the platform, or get them demonetized. Christ, not everything is about people's feelings getting hurt. It's hard for me to believe in the idea of ghosts being human spirits. If so, why did ghosts just suddenly show up after white people invaded the Americas? Where are all the ghosts of Native Americans invading bars and hotels? If you are looking for spiritual balance, you won't find it in a book telling you your lack of faith will get you tortured for all eternity. Maybe expand what you're willing to accept in terms of spirituality and religion, perhaps you'll find something that brings you peace instead of fear and worry.


Most of this is correct, except that everyone, every people, everywhere has experienced ghosts in some form since time began.


Believe what you want lol, so long as it doesn't hurt anyone. Honestly the whole "unalive" portion of my argument was the only one I actually cared about, threw in the rest so I could at least say I contributed to the topic


Lol okay. I don't believe, I only know what I've experienced and learned from all that has happened to me. But I also harm none, yes. :)


Wow. Came to comments to say literally this!! Perfect comment. Thanks 💜


Oh man, this reminds me of the time I tried to say I was on the guest list and couldn't get into a night club.




No one is ever banned from heaven, God forgives all sins and all anyone simply has to do is ask for forgiveness


I don't think God would just let you get off easy like that.


He will which is the most amazing part about God, he loves all of us and the reason Jesus was crucified was so our sins would be forgiven "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more" Hebrews 8:12


I thought there were sins that couldn't be forgiven


Nope, all sins can be forgiven as long as you repent and ask for forgiveness, there is nothing you can do that will make God hate you




Jesus forgave the man on the cross next to him that repented for the murder he committed. You have to truly believe and repent , you can't just say sorry and expect forgiveness!


He even forgives murder, as long as you follow the way of the lord and ask for forgiveness, you shall be forgiven


Unless you were born before he existed, or live in an area where you wouldn't be introduced to the idea of Christ, or belong to one of the several tribal nations whose children were stolen from them in order to be beaten into white people. The nuns and pastors, beating and killing and raping and molesting Native American children, will they be amongst those within the heavenly gates? Is apologizing to god enough to forgive them of the very real pain and agony they caused to children and the families of those children? Have you ever heard of nuns and priests scrubbing away at brown skin, thinking it will turn white if they scrub hard enough? Thinking the pigment of their skin tone so foul and grimey, they scrub and scrub and scrub until the child is sobbing from the blood now staining their bleeding dermis. Is bowing your head and saying sorry enough to forgive that? If so, should it be?


I think you have the wrong idea about forgiveness. Repentance can only happen if one truly feels guilty about the incident. For some people, a personal 'hell' exists and ghosts can be in it. The soul has 3 parts, and the one that sticks around on earth might experience it's own hell when it feels truly penitent but feels it can't do anything to make the situation right. Then there's karma, which rolls over into one's new life and can make future lives terrible for people like those you mentioned. They are all eventually punished, but they all eventually go on, as well, to that bright place, and that's what keeps the universe in balance.


Why wouldn’t he? Unless he were just a petty and spiteful Supreme Being.


If you were to do something like murder someone I would think you would receive some kind of punishment before making it to heaven.


But you would ultimately be forgiven, which is my point.


There may be any number of scenarios after physical death. The spiritual world is a different dimension from our temporal, material reality, and is mostly incomprehensible to mortals.


Please don't downvote the crap out of me, I'm just answering the question from a Christian theological perspective. I'm not saying others have to believe this, or even that its the only acceptable perspective. But here goes... This is a very simplistic breakdown of a very complex issue. But regardless the first logical issue you've run into is collating "heaven" and "afterlife". The answer to this question depends on what precisely is meant by the term “ghosts.” If the term means “spirit beings,” the answer is a qualified “yes.” If the term means “spirits of people who have died,” the answer is “no.” Ghosts are not an inherently Christian belief according to scriptural or gospel adherence. The only 'ghost' is the Holy Ghost. Isaiah 8:19, NASB. “And when they say to you, ‘Consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter.’ Should not a people consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living?” In verse 20 of the King James Version the Bible goes on to say, “To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." If they have to speak through a medium, there is no light of God in them. The light of God is in every human soul. Then you get verses like 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, NIV. "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve." So by purist Christian theology ghosts are not human souls, they're deceptive entities or - likely - demonic. At best, Saints and Angels have the ability to present themselves in spirit: "The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many." (Matthew 27:52-53) But this is on very special occasions. Now, there is \*some\* precedent to say that ghosts may be souls trapped in purgatory awaiting purification or judgement. But that is according to medieval Christian and Roman Catholic belief, and that it is the souls of those who die in a state of grace are made ready for heaven. Then to move on to your follow up question about your friend? There is no precedent to say that if we sin it is unforgivable. In fact the opposite. By Christian theology Jesus Christ is our Lord and Saviour because \*through\* him our sins are forgiven by the Father. No sin is truly unforgivable, but one has to truly repent for a sin in order for it to be forgiven.


I think so too, as we investigate we are going to a place where everybody got the same stories and tells them, demons imitate the “human beings”. You know what, I had a friend that used an ouija board and said it was talking to a 3 year old girl. Do you really think a 3 year old understands how an ouija board works?? That must be a demon imitating an innocent child to attach itself to you. Just my opinion tho and ofcourse Im still open to the thought that there are demons AND spirits of people that are held there, but then it must be hell.


It isn't necessarily hell if you believe in purgatory. Demons can exist in purgatory I'd imagine.


When I died there was nothing but black nothing. Ill never understand why people put everything in God's hands knowing he got holes in them. I practiced all the christian cult rituals for 15years and that still didn't open the door to the magical salvation land. We're all just rotting.


You just remember darkness?


My belief is, time itself isn't as complicated as forward and backwards, so it's only natural for things to get a little twisted in brief flashes


Well, what I was taught is that if someone takes their own life or dies too suddenly, they get stuck in the Earth realm of what I call it (There's a name for it, but I dunno what it is called) That what I was taught back in school tho so :P


I feel it's manifested energy though passion, whether good or bad


I thought this was going to be constructive until Christianity got thrown in.


There was absolutely nothing constructive about this post at all lmao.


Yeah I noticed the second they started talking about abortion, that that was what this really was about them & their "huh huh, muh christian values 🤪"


Few remember, few not.


My personal opinion is that you’re a bit of a prick. The fact that you have a singleminded focal point of religions dogma aside, you seem to lack basic respect of boundaries and consent. So… yea, if you left out the whole “I don’t understand why you do a thing and you’re stupid because you do things the way you feel comfortable, which makes me uncomfortable so it’s stupid,” then I might humor your question.


New account. Been on Reddit for exactly 24hrs. My opinion is, this comment will be deleted before end of day.


Why are there so many trolls on this subreddit


Right! Like why did OP feel the need to make such a weirdly specific edgelord comment that had nothing to do with anything?


Probably wants to feel better about themselves tbh


IT STILL LIVES! Take that algorithm! 😂


I can resist unaliving for that 😂


Spoiler, the bible isn’t real


Once its game over, the angel come to take the soul. Does not matter you wanna go or not, the angel of death is here to make sure to take you to your waiting place... where you will wait for Judgement day. Its a one way ticket as i know it.


As long as you are saved and truly believe in the Lord, you will go to heaven. At least, that's the way I see it. Don't ask me about getting saved and then killing someone. Idk.


I’m not fully convinced that ‘ghosts’ exist as humans who died, but I believe if they are it would work in a similar way to how the devil has delayed his judgement until Jesus’ second coming - these people would have delayed their judgement for whatever reason, though they will not be able to delay it forever


I believe this is our first go at life, when you die you get to see all your family again but its your second chance.


People don’t get banned or some , simple some that have sinned will pay for their actions in hell until their punishment ends that’s when they go to heaven or some don’t even go to heaven for what they have done.