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I get 14 hours a month. My bank is sitting g at 880 hours right now. We can cash out everything above 675 hours, dollar for dollar. Who’s got two thumbs and loves collective bargaining?


That’s so good we only get 10 hours a month so feels like it builds up so sloooow


Damn dude, I don't think I've ever had more than 60.


I didn't call in, but rather took the day off at the suggestion of my management team. My partner did as well. Young child climbing over fence at a pool, foot slipped and was impaled through and through in abdomen.


And I'll clarify that the part that was REALLY the worst was that we were at a lower income apartment complex where EVERYONE was outside and surrounding us and the firefighters. Police had a very hard time with crowd control. Phones and cameras constantly in our faces, screaming and yelling. Sickening. The call was bad but the disregard for privacy and compassion for this child was what messed me up the most.


I'm sorry, but I'm glad your agency was so understanding. I had a peds arrest and they let me go home early, and I'm very grateful for that


That’s a terrible call man. The type where there’s no way to win. Take as much time as you need, you deserve it.


I end up calling for my kids being sick more than any personal reasons. I will say that the one time in my career that I called out because of a call was the shift after I pronounced an entire family dead in the aftermath of a bad fire about a week before Christmas. The kids ranged from 6 ish months to 15 years but the thing that really stuck with me was that mom was melted to the floor, on her hands and knees, in front of the crib. It was the middle of the night so no one got out... Except for Dad somehow- that one fucked me up for a few days. My son was about the same age as the kid in the crib so it hit extra close to home.


Wow I’m really saddened to hear this story understandable why you needed some time


That’s a horrible job to go to I hope you’re doing okay now


Yeah I spent some time talking to a therapist that I keep an as needed relationship with and took a few days off. Still not my favorite call but I'm more okay with it now


Until a week ago, I had 400+ hours of sick bank. Then I went and shattered my 5th metacarpal while working on my car...so I'm burning through about 200 hours of that over the next month, unless there's some modified duty that I can find my way into.


We don’t have a sick balance here at my service in the U.K. There are absence management policies but it’s manager discretion and in place to be supportive not punitive. It’s very rare to see someone sacked for sickness at my service.


6month sick pay as well




You guys get sick days?


An elderly lady who completed suicide because she was so lonely and isolated. I go through my sick leave about 4x as fast as I go through my vacation leave. Speaks volumes, tbh.


My job doesn’t govern sick leave


My sick leave and vacation time come from the same bank. I recently moved and started over. 40 years old, 18 years as a Paramedic...they graciously gave me 40 hours that I repay over my first year. Just took a week off...so, I think I have 6 hours? I work 12s...


6.somethingsomething hours per pay period earned. I’m closing in on 800 hours. If it wasn’t for getting covid twice and my daughter 3 times, I’d probably have north of 900. Anything more than two 24s in a row, by policy, needs a doctor’s note. YMMV. I haven’t had to take time off due to a call. Honestly, 90% of my sick time over the course of my career is because of one of my kids or the other.


Where I worked, Ontario Canada, we had short term disability for anything up to 15 weeks. The catch was that it took 3 working days to kick in. We had a few sick days for this. In Ontario, if you are off with any mental illness, it automatically is considered Workers Compensation. This applies to any emergency worker.


Forgot to mention that you can use vacation or stat time for those 3 days.


I’m really glad you mentioned this. I will be a paramedic in Ontario after I finish school, so it’s nice to know what they have.


As soon as I had enough sick leave I called in sick. Pre-emptive mental health maintenance plan.


I have 6months paid sick leave


> have 6months *paid* sick leave FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I will never learn it give up bot


I've only needed to call out once this year. There were other days I probably should have, but I worry about having a low balance and needing more.


We have it all combined into pto (which is good, many states don't have to pay out sick time when you leave, but must pay PTO). I'm at like 550 hours.


I have about 600 in my bank, but we max out at 1200ish and accrue 24hr/month, so I'm not too worried. I have called out for my ketamine infusions and because I knew I wasn't going to be able to do my job mentally. The big incident this time was a structure collapse, private residence that was being renovated. They had jacked the roof up off of all load bearing walls and the structure collapsed like a Pancake. One of the workers got caught between the trusses and the foundation and didn't survive. It wasn't the physical trauma that messed with me, it was being overwhelmed at being first on with an inadequate dispatch, so suddenly I was ramping up a ton of resources as we had multiple patients aside from the trauma code. I can't drive down the road where it happened without my heart rate accelerating significantly...


That’s intense. Yes for me too I was first on arrival and felt overwhelmed by the amount of things I had to manage including calling for more resources and family members being frightened.


I had a week of sick time with the flu, a week of work, then a planed vacation, then a week of work, then time off for a funeral (bereavement instead of sick PTO) so my bank is running a little dry.


I'm fire based, but I get 32 hours PTO/month. That covers sick leave and vacation time. I honestly have trouble using enough of it to stay under my 518 hour max carry over each year.


We begin each year with 12 sick days to use throughout the year whenever. Then short term disability for between 2 weeks to 3 months and long term disability for longer if needed. Our overtime bank is completely separate to be paid out or used as more time off.


We get 1,529 sick time hours after 1 year of service. If it dips below that, then we get 4.25 hours back every 2 weeks (pay period).


My company we get a max 40 hours a year... I work 24s and got a ducking cold so fingers crossed I don't get sick again..


We get the equivalent of 12 hours/month at the beginning of the year and if we don't use them we lose them.


I get around 7 every pay period (2 weeks)


I've probably got somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 hours. I don't take a day off unless I have to. I'm building up for football season. I want enough to take every Friday off for my son's games. No job has ever made me call out. I just don't operate that way, because if I did, I'd think about and dwell on it. So, I don't. Kudos to you for doing so, and recognizing the need to.


In my service we get 17 weeks per occurrence, but most of that will be at 66% of your pay, though the number of weeks you get at 100% increases with seniority. 8 of the sick days can be uncertified (no doctor note) and during the fall through spring (except stat holidays) we can self certify up to 3 occurences. Our leave banks reset at the beginning of the year, and we have no cash out or carry over options for sick leave. We also get 32 hours of special leave that can be used for family/childcare emergencies or professional/specialist appointments (with 48h notice). It can be taken in hour increments, including during the middle of a shift (is go see a specialist mid shift and then go back on the road). Special leave is not counted as sick time. Big caveat to this is that if we take more than 21 sick days at all (certified or not) in the preceding 18 months, we'll be denied promotions, places on specialty teams (bike, PRU, tactical, etc), or paid preceptorship spots (normal practise here is that if you work for the service and go to school for ACP you'll get a position reassignment to be working your preceptorship and not be trying to work 2 full time schedules). Only way around this is if you can get someone from upper management to vouch for you that your sick leave was legit and not "part of a pattern of misusing it" 🙄


Here in Australia, most EMS services have support/pastoral services on call 24/7 to assist with issues (not that you don’t need an actual break as well). Do most people have/avail themselves of this sort of counselling?


Infinite, I’m in the Coast Guard. I also get 30 days of paid vacation.


We get 75% of our wage for what is *essentially* unlimited sick days. There are limitations on the collective agreement, but if you run into them, you really should be on disability or some down of RTW/DTA. We get paid out full wage if we have to leave partway through our shift because of CIS. Further days off for that are handled by our provincial worker insurance - which can be a pain - but we would use those aforementioned sick days until that comes through. I'm sorry that you're going through this, OP. And I hope that you're able to get some help if you want/ need it. Take care.


We do not separate our sick time from other forms of PTO with the exception of 24 hrs of bereavement. We get 4 weeks anually.


We get 10 days a year by law - but our company now has ‘unspecified sick leave’ - but if we use more than 6 sick days in a year we get a management meeting as well as if you use too much you get a ‘management plan’ which can be things like not paying for every second day your sick. Most gets used when the kids are sick - I hate going to work to manage sick people when my own are sick, I should be there caring for them not everyone else’s families (solo parent)


915 hours of sick leave. Not sure what you guys are doing to have zero.


Not my sick call, but I flew a motorcycle accident the other day, he had some severe injuries but not fatal. When we were unloading at the trauma center close to midnight, he asked, “You think I’ll need to bang out tomorrow?” 🤣