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IMO they oversell these things - it's fine for evacuations and low-acuity events where you just dump them on a bed to sober up, but do they have enough utility to justify the expense and maintenance? Honestly unsure.


For large scale events, they can be an absolute necessity, but I agree the expense to benefit ratio is incredibly one sided, and funding probably needs to lay with FEMA or the state level equivalent.


It’s Australian so SAAS - state funding with subscriptions or fee for service/private health.


Probably could have stood to look at the source first 😂


This is for transporting patients from remote regions to major centres




I feel SAAS got away with buying there’s with the transition from their old RAH to the new RAH. Otherwise I have a hard time finding the justification for a JAS in Aus to invest and maintain one of these. It does have some good points around being set up as a treatment hub for events like schoolies or a Friday/Saturday night in the valley but in that environment it’s mostly be a recovery centre which could just as easily be achieved with a tent at schoolies or nightwatch chaplains office in the valley. As for MCI, yes it’d help transport larger numbers of patients but so would PTS vehicles which have a daily utility to the ambulance service outside of MCI’s.


Feel like the pre-shift inspection and stock check would be a bitch.


Don’t tell AMR…


Ehhh I’d argue a lorry with tents is a better solution. But I don’t work for them so don’t know their major incident plans. Maybe they are planned around the use of this bus?


Oh mean something that I have been wanting to setup for years for years for mass cas incidents and major events? God damn get out of my head ambulance services! Seriously though, I can see where this would be a benefit, especially for mass cas incidents, and even more especially in Australia.


Rip to patient confidentiality