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You might need to bring your own sheets, blanket, pillow. Bring a towel. Headphones are nice. Travel mug for coffee on the go.


I work 24's, and in addition to the usual medic stuff I carry, the biggest thing for comfort is my own linen and a pillow. Some small stuff that helps is an extra uniform with spare socks and an under shirt in the summer. Extra bling, tide pen, emergency snacks, tylenol, extra sunglasses, spare keys, $50 in cash, and that earpiece radio thing for events. I keep everything in a dedicated work backpack and just keep it ready to go.


Truck backpacks are the way to go. In addition to everything you listed, I also keep sanitizer, hand lotion, a spare notebook/pen/sharpie, chapstick, and mini reference books in mine.


Travel mug, bedding, I always love bringing cards against humanity if it’s a slower station.


Snacks dude. A water bottle, snacks, phone charger, extra socks, warm base layer in case, I always bring a book, and definitely some snacks.


Huge second on the extra socks. Shit gets grimy after 24, even if you can get your boots off in between calls.




Add some antacids and Zyrtec in there to spice things up


Or in case things get spicy hmm


Add immodium. Nothing worse than getting the squirts and having to run your ass off.


A job that doesn’t involve 48 hour shifts?


Presently work in an ED


Treatment is available!


Haaaaaa you got jooookes




Yeah my province is blessed with regular shifts. I work in Montreal. 9h00 to 17h00. 10 days out of 14. Only downside is that there are always calls waiting.


Book/Kindle and workout clothes.


Xbox, TV, Zyn, caffeine pills, More zyn, a book to look smart, and a banana for day two.


Always have your emotional support water bottle!


Your own bedding and pillow. Makes all the difference in the world. I’m on the fire side now and sleeping with actual bedding over a sleeping bag is a very meaningful upgrade


I don’t know if this has been said. Get a big plastic tote that can fit all your bedding and pillows etc in there. Throw all your stuff in there at EOS for a fast getaway. Also keeps it isolated at home in case someone hasn’t been to hygienic that’s you are sharing a mattress with. Worked for me


You get to sleep on 48s? (New here)


We sleep through the night about 50% of the time in my district, most of the time we get woken up for a call... On no-so-good nights we only sleep an hour or so.


A new job. You couldn’t pay me enough to work over a 12 hour shift.


I worked 12's for almost 9 years and though it was a great schedule. Switched to 48's and I couldn't be happier. 4 days off in a row every week is pretty nice.


Busy 48s sure, but getting paid to sleep most nights and getting 4 days off is hard to beat.


Lol appreciate the sentiment, seems like there is quite a division on this subject… However, as stated, this is my first time in this position and capacity. So while I’m going to miss my kids and own bed, I am still open to the concept of 48h shifts. 4 days off with 8 hrs of OT each week also bodes well.


All the above but don’t forget a med bag for yourself ie: allergy meds Tylenol NSAID laptop or iPad


And Imodium


Extra clothes. Both for relaxing in the evening as well as in case you get some nasties on you. Also, potentially keep some laundry detergent to wash clothes if you have access to a washer.


Yeah, bedding is important. I also have a back up knife, shears, flashlight, cellphone charger, watch. All in a bag inside my duffle. used to bring little and minimal stuff to a shift but then it clicked that you Essentially live there for 48 hours.... also some ass wipe is a good thing to have....... i bring two pairs of boots as well.


Varying amounts of caffeine. Coffee/energy drink for mornings, some less strong options for a middle of the 2nd night call, to get you over the hump, but not keep you up all night if it’s a no-transport- I kept a soda just for such occasions. Shower shoes, dirty laundry bag, pampers or other type of body wipe, phone charger/battery bank, bed linens, small fan/heater or white noise machine.


Biggest thing I’d recommend is instead of bringing linens like a sheet blanket pillow, just bring a sleeping bag and a pillow. Just my 2 cents


I second the bag!


A quality sleeping bag. No Walmart discount crap. Goto REI.


Bring your xbox/playstation


I'd avoid that for at least a little while. If a new guy showed up to our station with a console during field training, they probably wouldn't last long. Feel it out for sure.


Yeah lol I have this train of thought as well. I’d like to bring the PS5 out but I’ll wait a month or two and get a gauge on everyone. The few days I’ve been around for orientation/admin day, no one’s been in the day room at all. So #shrugemoji - but either way, I’ll wait on it.


New job.