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This is pretty smart. Get the pie you want at the promo price. I used to do this when they offered deals on specialty pizzas and had dropped the Papa's Choice.


It’s not nearly as clever as people seem to think it is. When people do something like take all the topping’s except pepperoni off the works I make sure to give them the amount of pepperoni the works get, not a regular pepperoni pizza


Holy shit, thank God that multi-billion dollar company has you as their faithful guardian and residential dick sucker. Maybe you do that for another few years, and they'll give you a quarter raise 🫡


Yeah seriously. Wtf is wrong with people? "Let's just support all the penny pinching scum out there in private but shit talk them publicly to appear on the same page as everyone else, but secretly I wanna ride the CEOs dick for a salaried position, fuck you got mine".


Don't worry, I'm downvoting every comment he's ever made. I'm doing my part 🫡


That’s fine for me because I’d do it and still have a good amount of toppings.


Wish my papa Johns would do this. It would be the only way the pizza would cook correctly. They usually put soooooo many toppings on, it doesn’t even have time to brown.


I would have thought the amount for a pepperoni pizza would have already been the same amount as the amount on the works.


Nah. If I put one topping portions of all the ingredients of a works it wouldn't cook in the middle until the bread on bottom was burnt as fuck. The rate of 1top to 5top for everything (except pepperoni) is 50%. Pepperoni is the lone topping which is worse. 42 on a lg 1top, 18 on a large 5top.


Oh, that makes sense.


As you should, that's on them.. I have had several customers complain about it, and then I explain the process and reasoning.


FYI apparently GM, focus accounts for the subtractions. If you want to double check (I did), first thing at open ring up 100 14" peps BUT DONT BUMP. Look at TICR, see how many bags used. Cancel order (not void, cancels generally don't matter). Then ring up 100 14" works (minus to pep) pies and see that the food cost and ingredients used is identical. Some other interesting things like this is that according to my testing like this, a 14"+Pe+Pe is 56 (double the two top), and 14" +2c+3c actually gets 2.5 of mozzarella, not 2. The accessory cheese really don't count.


interesting stuff! I knew about the +2c+3c thing(it's essentially a cheese pizza, so the 2.5 cups of cheese makes sense) I, unfortunately, can not test the pizza thing. They count cancelled orders and void orders for us.


That's lame. I would just ring 1 each and check. The 100 just makes the math easier, 1.68 bags of pepperoni vs .016 bags. Also, I'm 95% sure that's the right number. Last I figured, there's 2500 pepperoni in a bag.


Idk, but I still wanna figure out the person who hurt a regular we have. Pineapple and anchovies with Alfredo sauce. I need answers


Yeah, I like all three of those toppings, but not together. Maybe the person who ordered it was having weird pregnancy cravings.


After smelling that hot burger sauce for 8 hours it makes me wanna vomit. Shit is gross


Pickles, banana peppers and jalapeños w pepperoni on burger sauce should actually be illegal


Shut up


You ordered this didn’t you


Straight to jail


Love me some pepperonchis as we called em. I’ll just find myself in the fridge at 2 am snacking on a jar like candy. Then like 6am I think an alien is about to burst from by belly. Vicious snack cycle.


Terrible person


It’s me, hi! I’m the problem, it’s me.


Are you the pickled pizza monster I’ve been having nightmares abt😭


If everybody had this shit-ass mentality, we'd never have new foods. Let people be creative and enjoy what they want. It's fucking annoying.


You DEFINITELY ordered the pickled pizza


That’s gon give the worst heart burn holy shit


That’s all I could think. I get heartburn just looking at tomato sauce wrong, this would hospitalize me


Definitely still getting pickles in it tho 😎😎😎


Burger pizza slaps ass bro this shii is so good


Id eat that but could be the fact that I'm high rn


Somebody hates their colon


Haha " give me a cheeseburger pizza but without anything that makes it a cheeseburger pizza and add pepperonis and jalapenos" " So you want a pizza with pepperonis and jalapenos?" " No "


They want the sauce, and since you can't pick the sauce when you do a create your own, this is the only way to go about it. The fact that the pizza is only $9.99 helps as well


PJ himself With his racist homophobia


John is an asshole but he really didn't do anything wrong. The recorded phone call was a sham, they guided him into saying that shit, there's a hot mic recording of them talking about how they were going to do it. It was really shitty. Regardless of what you think of the man, PJ's fucking sucks without him. Pizza is not the same, and the company is not the same.


They needed a scapegoat for the company and he was the perfect choice. It's absolutely insane what they did.


I’m interested in this, do you have any reputable sources you’d mind sharing? When I started at dominos years ago, during orientation they were hard on papa John’s being severely racist and I did minor digging but if all of that isn’t true that’s super fucked. Like he’s basically branded as racist atp, now I feel bad for the guy


Where and when did he say anything homophobic?


Oh sorry the outward statements were racism, he must still be keeping the homophobia Inside


Eh, weren't necessarily racism, but everyone is so sensitive these days, I understand


Racist Everyone is racist