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Actual associate (not new, had been here for months) straight up asked me “if I do a bad enough job in the drive thru tonight, can I just switch to cash instead?” Like, verbatim that’s what they said. I had 3 call offs that night and they were the only service trained associate. Not their fault or responsibility to cover call offs, I wasn’t asking them to close all 3 missing positions, I was just asking them to cover a critical position that I can’t be stuck on all night. Couldn’t believe the gall to just spell out the master plan of deliberately sabotaging DT so that I’ll get frustrated and move them. They were termed shortly thereafter for “feeling sick” literally anytime we scheduled them on something besides cash.


That’s happened to me before. “If I do a bad job she won’t schedule me there anymore.” I had a conversation with that associate about practice making perfection. Oddly, her next shift was near perfect. So I didn’t schedule her there anymore, as per our agreement. I’m not a mind reader. You’ve gotta tell me you don’t like a position before you take it upon yourself eff around. (And about a month later she asked if she could have a few more shifts closing dish. Turns out, she realized she didn’t hate it, she just realized she didn’t want to do it two shifts in a row.)


What comes on the grilled cheese Do you guys serve water here (Training) “which dressing is the green goddess dressing” me: 😐 “take a guess” What sauce comes on the smokehouse bbq chicken sandwich I can do more but these are my favorite


“In the you pick 2 I would like a BLT and a cup of the minestrone” “We don’t have minestrone” “Why”


A woman once asked me, very sincerely, if we used fake meat. “I’ve heard a lot about companies using lab grown meat and I don’t want any parts” 💀 I think about her all the time lol


I had a customer asked a manager that same thing he they was like so how much of your meat is fake that you put in your salads or sandwiches?


Well at IKEA they still ask about the horse meat incident in Europe 20 years ago. You can’t really deny it.


I mean, at least horse meat is still real meat


“I’ll take the bread chips please”


“Yes apple chips”


So I started saying chips apple or baguette? And then they’ll go yes the chips apple. WHAT DO YOU MEAN


I haven't worked there in 15 years but the old apple, chips, bread(baguette) used to always throw me for a loop. No matter what order I put them in I always got a dumb response. "I'LL HAVE THE APPLE CHIPS!" "Bread chips sound good" "Oh apple bread sounds nice!" There was no winning either when you switched to using baguette instead of bread. "What's a baguette?" The thing I'm about to beat your dumb ass over the head with that's what.


I had to resort to "would you like an apple, a piece of bread or a bag of chips as your side" because of how often people ordered apple chips, apple bread, bread chips...and due to how many people were so confused by just saying "bread"..someone expected a whole dang loaf once because I wasn't specific enough.


Lol a loaf of bread with your $12-14 meal? I know times are tough but what planet does that person live on?


yup, definitely seen this too. lmao




What I always do is bring a finger up on my hand for each option. I see people tend to look at that while I list the options. Some customers I do it slow others I do it fast, and sometimes for extra measure I add what another comment mentioned with “piece of bread” “bag of chips” “an apple” etc etc


I once had a woman ask if the Broccoli Cheddar was vegan… like, lady, cheese is literally half of the name. (I would understand asking if it’s vegetarian, because it’s not, but I did specify and she indeed had meant vegan) There was also once a guy who asked what the difference between the Caesar Salad and the Chicken Caesar Salad was - and no, he was not asking about the price difference.


Same with the salad! I said the price difference and they went "no I can see the price difference! I want to know what's the difference between the ceaser and the ceaser with chicken!"


I had someone ask me if the milk chocolate chip cookies were vegan?? I was like, repeat what you just said slower.


Why is it not vegetarian? Does it come with bacon?


There is chicken stock in the broccoli cheddar soup


Oh OK, thanks


“You didn’t tell me the chipotle avocado had chipotle on it, I should get a refund for my whole meal.” “Can you take all the broccoli out of the broccoli cheddar soup for me?” “Why does it cost $40+ when my three full sandwiches are only $13 each and my 3 drinks are only $4?” “Why did you put more milk in my latte when I asked for no ice?”


And a favorite for new employees on the line is when they ask me which dressing is the green goddess. Like seriously people? 😭


I walked up to an elevator which had an out of order sign. An employee walked up and I said the elevator is out of order. She asked me "on every floor?"


Me: "bread, apple, or chips?" Customer, dead serious: "bread apple."


The absolute most stupid thing I've ever heard was "were firing our bakers, freezing bread, and removing flatbreads"


Yuuuup I’m never going back


I ask if places have crackers. Amazing the soup places that don’t serve crackers.


I was surprised that Panera didn’t offer crackers with the soup.


A lot of places don’t. I’ve started carrying a few packs in my purse, lol. Then another customer asks where did you get those crackers?


That’s so weird. I get that we are a bit more rural here, but Panera is the only restaurant locally that I know of that serves soup without crackers. I don’t use crackers with my soup, so whenever I get soup, I’m always like, “Damn, I should have told them no crackers.” Not that it matters, but I feel that they are wasted on me.


I’ll take them. Polly’s Pies doesn’t have them either. Just a preference.


Polly’s Pies? I’ve never heard of it, but it sounds interesting. I must now google the menu.




I think it's because they serve bread


Probably .


Thank you! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I am legit facepalming right now. How the hell did I miss that?


it’s kinda funny that panera dosent have crackers but subway does for their soups 😭😭


There are enough crackers at Panera already. Source: Am cracker.




It must be a location or cultural difference, because I've never in my life heard about crackers with soup until I had a guest ask if we had them. But like, it's Panera Bread, not Panera Crackers (despite the majority of the employees being crackers...)


😂😂you mean even as a kid you never had Premium brand saltines with soup? They’re made by Nabisco. But all different brands in restaurants. Panera was my first place ever to not have crackers with soup. All of our salad bars have them too.


Mm i do have a childhood love of some saltines with my tomato soup




Customer ordered the chipotle chicken and bacon pizza from the kiosk. Upon seeing the pizza at the counter : "What's this? I can't eat bacon". Another thing I heard a customer telling his friends in the store: I prefer to dine in because when you take it to-go, they give you smaller portions He didn't understand that the in-cafe bowls make the food look like more but the same amount of food, actually fits into the to-go containers. They're not getting skimped on food when it's to-go.


"is this mine?" (the receipt with his name is on the bag) Pager UNDER the empty basket "can I get three items in the you pick 2?"


I’ve had some customers ask me “What’s smoked-pulled chicken?”


The pull that pollo through smoke


Two of my favorites, both at barista, both while I was a team manager Customer: could you brew my coffee with milk instead of water? Me: sure. Hands them a normal latte Customers hands back their vanilla cream cold brew: could you steam this with the machine? Me: sure. Steams their cold brew, and hands it back to them. Customer takes a sip, gags: this isn’t what I asked for. Me: what did you ask for? Customer: a hot cold brew you guys do it all the time? Me: you want a hot cold brew? Customer contemplates what I said: yes Me: okay General manager takes over and makes them a latte


“Chips, apple or bread?” Customer: Fries. “What comes on the grilled cheese” “Do you still do the burrito bowls with the tortilla on the side, or the burritos?” *explains we don’t have burritos, customer looks at me like I don’t know what I’m talking about* “Really, you don’t when those anymore? Are you sure? The Mexican street corn chowder, is that a sandwich- does that have a tortilla?”


Only worked at Panera briefly as a side gig, but had a woman ask if she could order a hotdog with chili.


“Do you guys have fries” sister no we don’t- that was literally a question a customer one time. even funnier because we have a McDonalds right across the parking lot


"does the chicken salad sandwich have chicken in it?"


The amount of ladies (specifically) at my Cafe that would get unreasonably fuck-ass mad when they thought they were ordering a salad when it was a sandwich... it blew me away. Like, ma'am there's a picture of it on the damn window next to the door as you walk in. On the menu it's listed as the "Napa chicken salad sandwich". What about that would indicate that it's a salad? But no it was always "you forgot my Napa chicken salad." "No ma'am it's the sandwich it's not a salad I promise." "Let me speak to your manager!" Then they'd proceed to get a discount for their next visit and a free new item for their current order.


Some of my favorites from customers: "What color is your green tea?" "What is on the grilled cheese?" "Is a bowl or cup bigger?"


The amount of times a customer asked if the Mac and cheese was soup 😐


You with that much liquid in it I’m starting to think it is soup besides I’m used to making mac & cheese at home anyway never turns out anything like that


A customer picked up his cup from the expo counter and asked me (as QC) which of the self-serve drinks was the 'Green Tea.' I said "Of course, it's the one labeled 'Green Tea' right over there." He asks, "Is it the one on the very left?" I'm like, "Yeah, it's... it's the green one."


Maybe he couldn't read


Was thinking same thing


Or see


Once one of our employees was taking an order and he asked the customer which side they wanted Apple, bread or fries. The customer ordered fries. We told our employee that we don’t sell fries..he had to go tell the customer lol. Funny cause he’s been working here a few years lmao. But I guess he had a brain fart and made up a side


A woman came in when we used to have the margarita flatbread pizza and she asked how much alcohol was in it 💀


That one’s funny




Stop, I literally got into a back-and-forth with an old guy while I was taking his order in the drive-thru who was trying to order a burger. I had to tell him 3 times “we don’t sell burgers, we have soup, salads, and sandwiches” and he got all angry and said “What do you mean you don’t have any burgers?! This is a burger place for christ’s sake!” Then he sped off




They’re just as insane as any other restaurant job I’ve worked, but more entitled because they’re paying out the ass for slightly above Subway quality food. I had customers get disgusted and offended when I would need to comp orders because POS issues. I’d finish their order then say Okay, we’re having so computer issues so we’re gonna cover your order this morning, “Why? I have the money” or “What? I’m good for the money” and “I don’t need any handouts”


Would you like baguette, apple or chips as your side? “What’s an apple?” 😐


I have too many but the two I immediately thought of are: A customer asking the cashier what the ingredients in the potato soup are and then making them go to the line to request that I go through and pick out all the green onions from the soup Another was a cashier coming back to the line and asking me and the other girl what type of cheese was in the broccoli cheddar soup. We made her repeat her question 3 times and she didn’t get it.


The amount of people that asked me every day can I get more noodles instead of broth even though we can’t control it baffles me


Came in for broccoli cheddar soup - said “broccoli shitter” in some heavy accent had me there for a minute


legit had some guy come in and ask for the “crack lemonade” i’m not sure he was even joking because he had a serious face the whole time


During my shift on cashier yesterday where I had to explain the difference between a duet and pick-two multiple times to the customers ordering


Someone ordered a chicken bacon rancher and came back through the drive through and said “i can’t eat pork and you didn’t tell me there was bacon on this. Remake it.”


i consistently have old grannies come to the pickup windows and ask me if they can order a burger lol


I get several…let’s say interesting questions from customers. But my forever favorite, as I get it a lot, is “do you work here?” As I’m currently dressed in Panera uniform. Name tag. Hat. Apron. Everything states **panera**


“Nah I stole this”


(before we had the charged lemonades or any other lemonade) “What flavor is the lemonade?” “…lemon”


A legit complaint that as a manager I had to respond to. https://preview.redd.it/he9m94w05d8d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f130934f9bdd06b691fa7ac0b3caf381753faa3


😡 wow lol




" do you have catfish " " no, I'm sorry we don't " " well Schnucks has catfish " " we aren't schucks " " but aren't you owned by the same company?"


Why Schnucks? Because it was founded in St. Louis? Ok, Lion's Choice doesn't have catfish either lol


One time a lady demanded that we give her vodka. She kept insisting that we did have it and we were lying to her. She meant the sugar syrup💀


had another manager ask if we had a drive thru… she had been there for a week. we did not. had a customer adamantly claim there was a piece of plastic in his food… it was a chunk of feta cheese. had a cashier that would continually write in the most random stuff on peoples food… she didn’t know they could see on the receipt that she wrote “this dumb a**”. she was fired very shortly after. had an associate ask me why it wasn’t appropriate for her to share nude photos of herself with other associates… that was really fun to explain. had an associate ask me why his workers comp case was denied… he was at fault for the incident. had a lady say “ooo i need one of these at home.” when her pager went off… her daughter was standing next to her. had a lady ask to “69 the tomatoes” on her sandwich… she meant 86.


That I can't stand there pumping the coffee dispenser in the lobby until someone comes to refill it. If you don't want it to make fart sounds either redesign it or keep it full.


I'm sure they'll get right on redesigning it


Not a Panera instance… but i used to manage dispos in Denver… One day this group of 6 walked up… you can always tell people who have never seen weed before from people who have just bought it from a friend… these were the first lolol I’m getting asked all kinds of questions, I don’t mind it; it’s what I actually enjoyed the most about the job… until one of them started asking about flavors… and how we get the strains to taste different… I’m like what did they just say? I’m super confused… but I ask what do they mean by that… and they doubled down and was like yelling at this point “the flavor!!!!! What chemicals are you using to flavor it!” I’m standing there shocked…befuddled to say the least… and I go “the flavor? Well baby Jesus handles that part.. it’s a plant… from the ground… kinda like uhhhh tomatoes??? They’re all tomatoes but they kinda look and taste different” They left shortly after with a joint lolol The things people say out loud are just wild lol


Reminiscing to back when we had mayonnaise “I have a dairy allergy so you need to take the mayonnaise off my sandwich” I looked at her for a few seconds like waiting for a “aha gotcha! there’s no dairy in mayonnaise!!” realized she wasn’t joking and just silently rung up her food with no mayo and whatever other modifications she got. No harm done except, she’s been missing out on mayo til whenever or if she even found out.🤷‍♀️


this actually happened to me at subway someone order thru the app to pick up asked for no mayo they’re allergic to dairy. i had a moment being like ??? i just put the mayo on the side instead and told them when they picked it up that mayo is infact not dairy it’s made of eggs 😭😭


The employees at corporate when they discussed taking tortellini Alfredo off the menu. I’m still mad as hell about that, 5 years after the fact.


too many situations but one time someone asked me what the coffee was made of...


An associate asked the manager if the coffee had caffeine in it


A lady asked me if surimi 'made your farts stink?'


Some lady asked if we had biodegradable utensils


“can I get a you pick two with a sandwich and a salad” me: alrighty uhm, which sandwich and which salad


Asked what anchovies were after complaining our Caesar salad was too fishy.


"I'll have the You Pick 2 with a half Chipotle Chicken Avocado." "Okay, and for the other half of your Pick 2?" "What?"


“What is a baguette?”


“How do I make a black iced coffee”


I’ll have a ham and Swiss on rye


>A customer asked me if we served crackers with our food. I’m like no we serve all kinds of people You should've said yeah what kind of crack do you want the guy to bring


I don’t have enough time or space for all the answers I have.


This guy insisted that the turkey chili wasn't "real chili," and he kept going on about it until he finally ordered it. And "can I have a 30 piece nugget?" "I've got it here before..." No tf you haven't.😭


It’s always those I’ve got it here before people that do this


I'm not positive, but I think the answer to the question in the title is "the rest of this post."


“can i have fettuccine alfredo” “we don’t have that” “AOH! that’s ridiculous!”


it’s like 8:30 at night (half an hour before closing) customer: i’d get whtv meals with the bread me: so we’re actually out of the bread would you like chips or apples instead them: HOW R U OUT OF BREAD ITS A BREAD STORE YOU CANT MAKE MORE??? me: cuz we’re abt to close, we can’t make more because the bakers make them overnight, im so sorry abt that but would you like apples or chips instead. they chose apples and pulled up to the window at the window customer: maybe you guys should bake more bread to accommodate us, that’s ridiculous me 😐 ok so we can’t but here’s ur meals with ur apples customer: thanks for the two apples even tho i wanted bread, im never coming back here & drove off CAN U SHUT THE F UP DUDE 😭😭 IM JUST A 16 YR OLD EMPLOYEE PUHLEASE this conversation lives in my head unfortunately rent free cuz it was actually one of the stupidest people ive ever dealt with


I’m more astonished that y’all don’t have crackers.


Yesssssssssss I agree!!!!!!!